Revised Transition Protocols March 2013

Norfolk’s Transition Protocol
For Young People with Disabilities and Special
Education Needs
(Revised March 2013)
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Children’s Services:
Education Funding Agency (EFA)
Children with Disabilities Teams
Statutory Assessment & Annual Review Service
Corporate Parenting Teams.
Children in Need Teams
Safeguarding Teams
Diverse Communities Team
Sensory Support Team
Access and Services Team
Common Assessment Framework Strategy Team
EET Participation Strategy Team
EET 11-19 Commissioning Team
Virtual School for Children In Care
Norfolk Parent Partnership
Adult Social Care:
Learning Disabilities (Health & Social Care)
Physical Disabilities
Sensory Support
Mental Health
Further Education Colleges:
Easton College
City College Norwich
College of West Anglia
Great Yarmouth College
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Mainstream Schools
Norfolk PCT (Children’s Services)
TITAN – Travel Independence Training Across the Nation
Travel and Transport Unit (TTU)
Complex Needs Schools:
Chapel Road School
Churchill Park School
Clare School
Fred Nicholson School
Hall School
Harford Manor School
John Grant School
Parkside School
Sidestrand School
Sheringham Woodfields School
This mapping document outlines the roles and tasks for each
agency at the different stages of a young person’s journey
through the Transition process from aged 13 years up to 24
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Year 8-9 (Age 13/14)
The Agencies
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The young person is encouraged to
participate as fully as possible in their
reviews. Support person for young
person is identified if needed.
Accessible information made available
to young person.
Parent(s)/carer(s) receive information
from School/Children’s Services about
the process of transition planning,
clarifying the role of all involved, and
about future options.
Special Educational Needs Partnerships at area level will
have previously identified all young people with Special
Educational Needs including those with School Action and
School Action Plus.
Children’s Services, Statutory Assessment and Annual
Review Team initiates review process by writing to schools,
and Children With Disabilities Teams and any other relevant Young person to consider what it is
agencies engaged with the young person and family important to them in the future and what
through the CAF process if applicable.
they would like to do. Young Person’s
Transition Guide
School set review date and invite young person, parents
and relevant professionals including Guidance Advisers for Link to Norfolk Learning Difficulties
information on post 16 options.
Services ‘Transition – moving more
easily into adult life.’ Service users
Schools should inform parents of impartial advice and
guide (page 34).
support available from Norfolk Parent Partnership. The
SENCO will take responsibility for disseminating the
Choices @ 14 Information & Advice area
Guidance Adviser liaises with young person’s social worker
if young person ‘Looked After’ for more than 120 days a
year regarding meeting young person (and family/carer if
Professionals working with a young person share
information to ensure planning is coherent.
If a CAF exists an outcome is recorded to include transition
Post 16 providers offer access to post school opportunities
through a series of forums, this is an annual process.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Parents/Carers to receive information
about their forthcoming Transition
review. Thought should be given to
who should attend the review who
could offer support post school.
Parents/Carers to begin the look at
further education options if young
person leaving in year 11.
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Targets and Individual
Education Plans (IEPs)
are used in schools that
help develop the skills for
decision making.
School prospectuses of
14-16 options available if
TITAN to be used if
appropriate and to be
included in the curriculum
Parents and Carers have received
information about the role of Norfolk
Parent Partnership and contact details:
01603 704070
Titan needs to be explained Travel independence training (TITAN)
is available in nearly all secondary
schools and colleges to equip students
with learning difficulties or disabilities
to travel independently to and from
school or college.
Students will be expected to undertake
travel independence training under the
County Council’s TITAN programme
unless they are assessed, by
The Agencies
Virtual School of Sensory Support (VSSS) shares
information with EET 11-19 Commissioning Team about the
sensory impaired young people that they are working with.
1.10 EET 11-19 Commissioning Team updates the Connex
records of young people identified as having learning
difficulties and/or disabilities from information received from
other Children’s services departments.
1.11 Any young person who is transported to their education
placement by Norfolk County Council or who is considered
to be vulnerable is expected to be offered TITAN training
by the educational establishment.
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
professional advisers, as being unlikely
to benefit from this training.
The County Council will reserve the
right to withdraw any special transport
provision for students who choose not
to take part in the travel training
programme. The training programme
will only be offered to those students
being professionally assessed as being
suitable to take part.
1.12 During the Spring term the Transition Team send out
Transition information (Transition Pathway and website
leaflet) to parents/carers to introduce transition and signpost
to further information on the transition website
1.13 Children’s Services provide Transition team with data for all
young people with SEN in years 8-14 which is shared with
Guidance Advisers and Transition Workers in Children’s
and Adult services to highlight numbers and needs of
young people in transition.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Year 9
The Agencies
Early identification meetings are held by the end of the
summer term or September between Guidance Advisers
and the schools to identify targeted young people who may
need additional support during Transition.
Partnership Agreement between the school and the
Children In Need Team is completed.
Where a Common Assessment Framework exists this
should be updated.
The annual review is school generated and includes the
drawing up of the Person Centred Transition Plan.
School set review date (or during previous review in
accordance with the SEN Guidance) and invites are sent to
parents/carers and relevant professionals including
Guidance Advisers who can supply support and
information on post 16 options in education, training and
employment .
Schools should inform parents of impartial advice and
support available from Norfolk Parent Partnership. The
SENCO will take responsibility for disseminating the
Children Education Services to explain to parents/carers of
any young person leaving school at year 11 that the
Statement of Educational Needs will cease.
Professional clarifies their role in the transition planning
process and ensures all agencies’ plans supporting the
young person are coherent.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The young person is encouraged to
participate as fully as possible in their
reviews and/or to take the lead in his/her
annual review and ownership of the
Transition Plan as is highlighted in the
SEN review guidance. Support person
for young person is identified if needed.
Accessible information is made available
for the young person and
encouragement to attend or to produce
something for staff to show during the
review is actively promoted.
Parents/Carers to be made aware of the
importance of attending their young
persons Transition Review.
Parents/Carers to have discussed the
future with their young person, prior to
the review.
Parents/Carers to ensure that the
Transition Plan is completed to its best
ability and includes comprehensive
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Goals established for the
Transition Plan are
reflected in Individual
Education Plans. Career
Education and Guidance
(CEG), Personal Health
and Social Education
(PHSE) and other
curriculum areas.
Delivery of a broad but
personalised and
balanced curriculum and
The young person is encouraged to
Parents/Carers to be made aware of any learning strategies
express their feelings and be made
needed referrals to other services and to Opportunities to develop
aware that any choice and decision
ensure they keep informed on updates.
work related learning,
made can be amended in the future
independence and
should they change their mind.
Parents/Carers to consent to the sharing communication skills.
Young Person’s Transition Guide
of information with other relevant
support agencies needed in the future.
Transitions work started in
Choices @ 14 Information & Advice area
year 9 looking at future
Parent(s)/Carer(s) are clear about their
choices and introducing
role in transition planning and agree to
the pupils to the
undertake actions as recorded on the
possibilities. This should
be reflected within the
Transition Plan.
Parents/Carers receive information
about transition and the transition
College workshop
opportunities are
accessed if appropriate
Parents to be made aware of the
impartial advice and support available
Delivery of PHSE
from Norfolk Parent Partnership.
modules on work related
learning which also
supports the
The Agencies
If the young person is a Looked after Child/ Care Leaver,
an annual statutory review will be carried out and the
Personal Education Plan will be updated or amended.
Where a Common Assessment Framework exists the Adult
Care Link Worker could be invited to attend the Team
around the Child meetings provided the young
person/family have given their explicit consent.
If the young person is placed out of county please refer to
‘Out of County Protocols’ (awaiting publication).
If the young person is held by the Access and Services
Team, team to flag up young person as having reached
age for Transition planning to start.
Access and Services Team to check agreement from
parents /carers that consent to share information with
possible future agencies has been granted re: Transition
planning. If no consent, Access and Services Team to
request this when service renewed annually.
Access and Services Team to discuss young people in
Transition who may need specific Transition planning with
Transition worker.
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Where a Common Assessment
Framework exists, the process should
be used to support the transition
arrangements at every stage. A CAF
can be initiated where a child – i) has
the support of more than one additional
agency, ii) does not have the support of
an appointed social worker iii) where the
holistic needs of the child, young person
and family are not fully supported by a
statement of special educational needs.
This must be with the child/young
person and family’s clear and explicit
Where a CAF exists the Adult Care Link
Worker could be invited to attend the
Team around the Child meetings
provided the young person /family have
given their explicit consent.
If the young person is Looked after or
Leaving Care, links to Adult Care may
be made.
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
understanding of the local
and wider community.
Personalised timetables
used as and when
appropriate to support
individual targets.
Opportunity for pupil to
attend and input into the
Annual Review and
Transition meeting.
Identification in Annual
Review of other services
that could be accessed to
extend experiences or
provide support, including
All discussed and actions
agreed during the review
TITAN used if appropriate
and to be included in the
Access and Services Team to inform families of short
breaks suitable for a YP approaching transition
If appropriate, a Transition worker may attend the year 9
For young people accessing short
breaks, parents to be asked specific
School prospectuses of
questions regarding Transition during
14-16 options introduced
the renewal of their service at age 14 or if appropriate.
at referral stage should the service begin
at 13/14 years of age.
Sensory Support Advisor Teacher to submit a report and, if
possible, attends the Transition review of young people
who are linked to the Virtual School of Sensory Support.
Parents to receive information via the
Access and Services Team, signpost
information on Transition to young
people highlighted as Green or Blue
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Agencies
Health representation at Year 9 review, either by report or
attendance, if the young person has health needs.
All ensure the review provides a relaxed and comfortable
forum to support the young person and parents to develop
the Transition Plan and that a Person Centred Review
approach is used as standard practice.
The Transition Plan is drawn up by the school in
partnership with other services and professionals.
where a Common Assessment Framework exists the
delivery plan and review is updated to reflect this.
The Transition Plan is agreed by all partners with.
clear actions and timescales for individuals
A copy of the Annual Review and Transition Plan are sent
to the Local Authority to inform others and for tracking
The Transition Plan identifies appropriate actions to be
carried out by relevant professionals.
Adult Care Social Services start financial planning for
young person if relevant and add to Financial Awareness
During the Autumn term the Transition Team send out
Transition information to parents/carers and signpost to the
transition website .
Children’s Services send Transition team data for all young
people with SEN in years 8-14 which is shared with GAs
and Transition Workers in Children’s and Adult services to
highlight numbers and needs of young people in transition.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
cases. See supporting documentation.
Travel independence training (TITAN) is
available in nearly all secondary schools
and colleges to equip students with
learning difficulties or disabilities to
travel independently to and from school
or college.
Students will be expected to undertake
travel independence training under the
County Council’s TITAN programme
unless they are assessed, by
professional advisers, as being unlikely
to benefit from this training. The County
Council will reserve the right to withdraw
any special transport provision for
students who choose not to take part in
the travel training programme. The
training programme will only be offered
to those students being professionally
assessed as being suitable to take part.
Parents/carers to consider the option of
a long term 'circle of support' around the
young person and second, a link to the
guidance 'getting a good life' for young
people and 'Person Centred Planning in
Norfolk' for professionals. Both of these
to be found in the Making Choices
section of
Parents/Carers receive information
about transition and the transition
Year 10
The Agencies
Agencies ensure all practitioners have up to date
information about the young people they are working with.
Professionals contribute to transition planning and annual
review where they have a contribution to make.
CAF process can be used to support the transition process
Sensory Support Advisory Teacher submits report and, if
possible, attends the Annual Review of young people who
are linked to Virtual School of Sensory Support.
The school continues to monitor the Transition Plan and
updated copies sent to Local Authority for informing others
and for tracking purposes. . If the young person is a
Looked after Child, an annual statutory review will be
carried out and the Personal Education Plan will be
updated or amended
Schools should inform parents of impartial advice and
support available from Norfolk Parent Partnership. The
SENCO will take responsibility for disseminating the
Early identification lists are reviewed and amended
between the school and the Guidance Adviser.
The Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) is instigated for
identified school leavers in partnership between the school
and the Guidance Adviser.
Access and Services Team to screen all new referrals for
any young people in Transition – see year 9
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The young person has the opportunity at
the annual review to review the
Transition Plan and update goals.
Parents have the opportunity to feed
back on progress in achieving goals
established in the Transition Plan and
contribute to ongoing planning.
Colleges offer information, transition
programme or other relevant links to the
young person.
Choices @16 Booklet available for all
Year 10’s in the summer term (June)
TITAN needs to be explained Travel independence training (TITAN) is
available in nearly all secondary schools
and colleges to equip students with
learning difficulties or disabilities to
travel independently to and from school
or college.
Students will be expected to undertake
travel independence training under the
County Council’s TITAN programme
unless they are assessed, by
professional advisers, as being unlikely
to benefit from this training.
TITAN DVD – ‘Think Ahead’ – to be
shown to parents, if possible, to illustrate
what is available to their children if they
are moving on to further education
The training programme will only be
offered to those students being
professionally assessed as being
suitable to take part.
The County Council will reserve the right
to withdraw any special transport
provision for students who choose not to
take part in the travel training
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Curriculum continues to
support delivery of
Transition Plan.
Delivery of a broad but
personalised and
balanced curriculum and
learning strategies
Opportunities to develop
work related learning,
independence and
communication skills
In PSHE/Citizenship the
pupils begin to look at
road safety and being
safe in the when out in the
Access to community and
inclusion projects.
Introduction of options
covering range of subject
Detailed Individual
Education Plans which
may include targets linked
to the Transition Plan.
Personalised timetables
used as and when
appropriate to support
individual targets.
Opportunity for pupil to
The Agencies
If mental health services are involved the keyworker should
begin to consider whether the young person is likely to
require continued follow up beyond 18, This would only be
recognised at this stage if there has been a substantive
and lengthy intervention up to this point.
Adult Care Social Services start financial planning for
young person if relevant and add to Financial Awareness
During the Autumn term the Transition Team send out
Transition information to parents/carers and signpost to the
transition website .
Children’s Services send Transition team data for all young
people with SEN in years 8-14 which is shared with GAs
and Transition Workers in Children’s and Adult services to
highlight numbers and needs of young people in transition.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Parents to be made aware of the
impartial advice and support available
from Norfolk Parent Partnership.
Parents/Carers receive information
about transition and the transition
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
attend and input into the
Annual Review and
Transition meeting.
Transition Plan amended
and built upon to reflect
the pupil’s future needs
and aspirations.
Identification in Annual
Review of other services
that could be accessed to
extend experiences or
provide support, including
signposting. All discussed
and actions agreed during
the review process
TITAN to be included in
the curriculum where
appropriate. . TITAN DVD
– ‘Think Ahead’ – to be
shown to students to
illustrate what is available
to them if they are moving
on to further education
Year 10 - 11
The Agencies
The Young Person
The young person logs onto to create ‘My
Account’ and answer questions about
their Intended Destinations and Consent.
Guidance Adviser offers information, advice and guidance
about post-school opportunities, seeks to address barriers
to achieving goals, liaising with other services as
appropriate. To include discussion of any/all strands of
Learner Support that may be relevant for the Young
Person e.g. 16-19 Bursary, Care to Learn, Residential
Support Scheme or Residential Bursary Fund.
Common Assessment Framework process can used to
support the transition process
Applications for options post Year 11 are made and time
to meet deadlines.
Social worker completes assessment of needs, including
Transition Plan and sends to relevant Adult Social Care
Services for future financial planning and for allocation
information. Young person remains with Sensory Support
Team if known.
Guidance Adviser or school staff to send a notification
form to adult care if social worker not involved.
If mental health services are involved the Key Worker
should begin to consider whether the young person is
likely to require continued follow up beyond 18
If the young person is not considered to be independent
by the end of year 11 they will be expected to take part in
the TITAN 'Buddy' programme until they have been
assessed as always needing transport or otherwise. If
they are transported to their further education placement
they are expected to continue TITAN training if
appropriate. The TITAN team assess this and monitors
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The young person uses to explore
options post Year 11 and make their post16 applications.
Colleges offer information, transition
programme or other relevant links to the
young person.
Choices @16 Booklet available for all
Year 10’s
For information on the 16-19 Bursary
Fund go to 16-19 Bursary Fund or
Student Finance
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Parent(s)/carer(s) visit options under
As stated in year 10
consideration and feed back views if they section.
are participating in the planning process.
Schools provide access
Guide to Post-16 Options
to work related
opportunities as
- Information & Advice area
- Choices @ 16
- Opportunities data base and CAP
Work experience helps
- College/6th Form/Training provider
young people leaving at
the end of Year 11 and
- HE/FE College; Employer
others, where
prospectuses/ websites
appropriate, to achieve
their goals.
Parents to be made aware of the
impartial advice and support available
from Norfolk Parent Partnership.
TITAN needs to be explained - see
previous years. TITAN DVD – ‘Think
Ahead’ – to be shown to parents/carers,
if possible, to illustrate what is available
to their children if they are moving on to
further education transition.
Parents/Carers are to be made aware
they need, if relevant, to seek advice on
any potential impact on benefits from
their child accessing Learner Support.
Benefit Enquiry Line on 0800 0882200
Parents/Carers receive information about
transition and the transition website.
Year 11 (Age 16)
The Agencies
The Young Person
Agencies ensure all practitioners receive updated
The young person understands that the
Raising of the Participation Age requires
young people who will complete Year 11
The Transition Plan is updated and completed if leaving
in 2014 to continue in some form of
year. A copy of the Annual Review and Transition Plan are accredited learning until at least their 18th
sent to the Local Authority to inform others and for
tracking purposes
The young person finalises choices of
Where a Common Assessment Framework exists this
options post Year 11.
could be undertaken as part of a Common Assessment
Framework review meeting. Provided the young
The young person is clear as to the
person/family have given their explicit consent. any new
changes that will be happening and
agencies including any Further Education provision could remains involved.
be invited to attend the final meeting before transition
The young person has been in receipt of
Some schools may offer Leavers events in addition to the information on all options available and
Transition planning process and annual reviews.
are able to make, or be supported to
make, an informed choice.
Schools should inform parents of impartial advice and
support available from Norfolk Parent Partnership. The
The young person ensures he/she is
SENCO will take responsibility for disseminating the
clear about how to access support in next
placement if leaving school.
Sensory Support Advisory Teacher submits a report and,
if possible, attends the Annual Review of young people
who are linked to Virtual School of Sensory Support.
Colleges offer information or transition
programme or other relevant links to
young person.
If leaving year, the Guidance Adviser finalises the
Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) with young people
likely to leave school at the end of year 11 for Further
Education and training and shares with the local authority
and relevant providers.
Young person is supported to complete
an application for college or training
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Parents/Carers to be aware of updates
made to the Transition Plan and the
importance that a copy is sent on to the
next provider.
Parents/Carers to be aware that the
Learning Difficulty Assessment should be
completed if young person leaving in
year 11.
Parents/Carers to be made aware of any
updates regarding other involved
Parents/Carers to receive confirmation of
sixth form placements, college course
placements and any other provision
needed for following year.
Parent(s)/Carer(s) who are participating
in the planning process ensure they are
clear about how options post Year 11 will
be put in place and how to access
ongoing support.
Parents to be made aware of the
impartial advice and support available
from Norfolk Parent Partnership.
Travel arrangements for young person
going into sixth form will continue (with
cost implications).
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Curriculum continues to
support delivery of
Transition Plan.
Delivery of a broad but
personalised and
balanced curriculum and
learning strategies.
Opportunities to develop
work related learning,
independence and
communication skills
Access to community and
inclusion projects.
Introduction of options
covering range of subject
Detailed Individual
Education Plans which
may include targets
linked to the Transition
Personalised timetables
used as and when
appropriate to support
individual targets.
Opportunity for pupil to
attend and input into the
Annual Review and
The Agencies
If appropriate, the Sensory Support Adviser Teacher to set
up a Service Level Agreement between the Virtual School
of Sensory Support and the future provider if a young
person has significant sensory learning support needs.
Any referrals needing to be made should be included on
the Transition Plan and instigated by a relevant
professional if appropriate using the Transition Notification
and Information Form.
For notification form, process and eligibility Criteria see
(address to go here when finalised)
Social worker and Guidance Adviser liaise with colleges
and other social workers if applicable to ensure support is
Full information on progress and support strategies is
shared upon request by providers.
Guidance Adviser liaises with colleges to ensure support if
Guidance Adviser refers young person to the Travel and
Transport Unit if going to college.
If leaving school, the Guidance Adviser ensures young
person knows how to access ongoing support.
If the young person is leaving school and requires High
Needs Funding (HNF) for a specialist bespoke placement,
or a placement at an Independent Specialist Provider
(ISP) the Guidance Adviser completes the paperwork and
attends the funding panel. Refer to: Norfolk County
Council Post 16 High Needs Funding Panel Terms of
Reference and Procedure
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Transition meeting.
For new post 16 provisions, transport
application to be completed on line by
Transition Plan revisited and amended to reflect
the pupil’s future needs
TITAN needs to be explained. Travel
and aspirations. .
independence training (TITAN) is
available in nearly all secondary schools Identification in Annual
and colleges to equip students with
Review of other services
learning difficulties or disabilities to travel that could be accessed to
independently to and from school or
extend experiences or
provide support, including
TITAN DVD – ‘Think Ahead’ – to be
All discussed and actions
shown to parents/carers, if possible, to
agreed during the review
illustrate what is available to their
children if they are moving on to further
education transition.
Transition Plan
completed jointly with
Students will be expected to undertake
Guidance Adviser if
travel independence training under the
pupils leaving year.
County Council’s TITAN programme
unless they are assessed, by
The post 16 teachers
professional advisers, as being unlikely
meet with the
to benefit from this training. The training parents/carers and pupils
programme will only be offered to those
of the pupils moving to
students being professionally assessed
FE in the new academic
as being suitable to take part.
Parents/Carers receive information about
transition and the transition website.
TITAN to be included in
the curriculum if
The Agencies
Children Education services notify parents/carers of any
young person leaving school at year 11 that the current
Statement of Educational Needs will cease.
If the young person is Looked After/is a Care Leaver the
social worker liaises with the Guidance Adviser for
relevant advice and information sharing. If the young
person is eligible benefits needs to be claimed. Statutory
Reviews continue if the young person remains in the care
of the Local Authority
A Needs Assessment and Initial Pathway Plan is
undertaken and completed by the time a Looked After
Child reaches 16 years and three months
Transition Social Worker consults with Adult Care Teams
regarding future needs and updates. Continues to offer
If mental health services are involved the Key Worker
should begin to consider whether the young person is
likely to require continued follow up beyond 18.
Access and Services Team to screen all new referrals for
young people in Transition – see year 9 for process and
notification made to Adult Care if requested
The Virtual School of Sensory Support and the
Participation Strategy Team share information on intended
destinations and offers made to young people with
sensory impairments.
During the Autumn term the Transition Team send out
Transition information to parents/carers and signpost to
the transition website .
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Student to be included on
TITAN Summer Buddy
programme if
TITAN DVD – ‘Think
Ahead’ – to be shown to
students to illustrate what
is available to them if
they are moving on to
further education
The Agencies
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Children’s Services send Transition team data for all
young people with SEN in years 8-14 which is shared
with GAs and Transition Workers in Children’s and Adult
services to highlight numbers and needs of young people
in transition.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
Year 12 - 14
The Agencies
Early identification list is reviewed and amended.
Transition Plan updated and copy sent to Local Authority to
inform others and for tracking purposes.
If leaving year, the Guidance Advisers, Social workers and
Sensory Support Advisory Teachers carry out the same
procedures that were noted under year 11 to ensure
coherent planning and the identification of disabled young
Where a Common Assessment Framework exists,
provided the young person/family have given their explicit
consent. any new agencies including any Further
Education provision (if not already included) are invited to
become part of the team around the family
Lead professional may attend final review of young person
placed out of county if the young person is receiving a
service from that agency.
If the young person is a Looked after Child / care leaver, an
annual statutory review will be carried out and the Personal
Education Plan will be updated or amended.
Any referrals needing to be made should be included on
the Transition Plan and instigated by a relevant
professional if appropriate. For Transition Notification and
Information Form, process and eligibility criteria see
Children's Services Procedures
Social worker ensures process for transfer to Adult
Services is in motion if appropriate.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Young person continues to take lead
role in reviews and transition planning
Parent(s)/Carer(s) who are participating
in the transition process continue to
support transition planning and explore
future options.
Advice from Corporate Parenting team
available if required for Looked After
young person /Care Leaver.
Young person continues to explore
future options and visit possible future
Young person makes applications in
accordance with necessary timescales.
If young person Looked After continuing
supports available post 18 up to 21 if
Choices at 18 booklet is available for
Year 12s on Level 3 courses
Parents/Carers to keep abreast of
updates regarding planning and agency
Parents/Carers to be input into the
amended Transition Plan is applicable.
Parents to be made aware of the
impartial advice and support available
from Norfolk Parent Partnership.
Parents/Carers to be made aware of
Personal Budgets if applicable.
- Choices at 17/18 + HE section
- HE/FE College
- Employer prospectuses/websites
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
As stated in Year 10
plus ASDAN Towards
Independence acts as
main framework for Sixth
Form curriculum – broad
and balanced coverage of
all ASDAN themes
Links made to areas such
as Enterprise and TITAN
Access to community and
inclusion projects
Increased access to
community facilities.
Curriculum activities
including work experience
and other activities are
provided in accordance
with individual needs and
Detailed Individual
Education Plans which
may include targets linked
to the Transition Plan. - Young people or
parents sections. There is mostly
national information and out links
regarding careers, money, learning etc. New College workshop
For use by all ages from Year 8 upwards opportunities from 2012 –
programme of sessions - national website over half term
for young people with LDD and their
Opportunities to visit other
local colleges and
The Agencies
If mental health services are involved the Key Worker
should begin to consider whether the young person is likely
to require continued follow up beyond 18 or if the young
person is likely to be discharged from the mental health
services before approaching their 18th birthday.
Transfer to Adult Mental Health Service should be through
a formal referral letter addressed to the Consultant Adult
Psychiatrist and/or Key Worker covering the locality area
where the patient resides. The letter should be copied to
the General Practitioner. Should the referral not meet the
criteria for involvement of the Adult Mental Health Service,
a member of that team should contact the GP and the
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Social Worker to
discuss the case and the reasons for not accepting the
referral. The patient would then be discharged to the care
of the General Practitioner on reaching the 18th birthday.
Following the acceptance of the referral there should be
discussion between the allocated worker from the Adult
Mental Health Service and the Keyworker from the Child
and Adolescent Mental Health Service. This may take
place as part of a joint appointment.
For full details please see document: Transfer – Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult
Mental Health Services (AMHS)
Schools to ensure Adult Transition link worker is invited to
Year 12 review and to include information on Personal
Budgets if applicable.
Adult Care to include any new notifications onto their
system for financial planning and case management. .
Schools should inform parents of impartial advice and
support available from Norfolk Parent Partnership. The
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s) - national
apprenticeships site - HE website for all.
Where a Common Assessment
Framework exists, any new agencies
invited to be involved; the young
person/family must give their explicit
TITAN needs to be explained if
Travel independence training (TITAN) is
available in nearly all secondary schools
and colleges to equip students with
learning difficulties or disabilities to
travel independently to and from school
or college.
Students will be expected to undertake
travel independence training under the
County Council’s TITAN programme
unless they are assessed, by
professional advisers, as being unlikely
to benefit from this training
The training programme will only be
offered to those students being
professionally assessed as being
suitable to take part.
Parents/Carers receive information
about transition and the transition
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Some shared working with
cluster complex needs
schools and local schools.
Opportunity for pupil to
attend and input into the
Annual Review and
Transition meeting.
Identification in Annual
Review of other services
that could be accessed to
extend experiences or
provide support, including
Transition Plan completed
jointly with Guidance
Some taster visits and
assessment visits
arranged for pupils in Year
Transition visits arranged
for individual pupils in
Year 14 once provision
identified. Additional
Transition Meetings
planned in Year 14.
The students have
opportunities to visit
The Agencies
SENCO will take responsibility for disseminating the
Guidance Advisers to oversee application for Post 16 High
Needs Funding if applicable. Education Funding Agency
and partner agencies include information from Learning
Difficulty Assessment (LDA) to identify any gaps in
The Local Authority and partner agencies use information
from the Transition Plan and the Learning Difficulties
Assessment to identify any gaps in provision.
Guidance Adviser supports young person applying to
Further Education and liaises with social worker over care
Access and Services Team to screen all new referrals for
any young people in Transition- see year 9 for process and
notification made to Adult Care if requested.
Access and Services Team will notify the parents/carers to
notify that support from Children's Services will cease on
18th birthday.
The Children With Disabilities Register to contact the family
when the young person reaches 18th birthday and ask if the
young person still wishes to remain registered or to transfer
onto the Norfolk Disability Information Service database for
Adult Social Care continues financial planning for young
person if relevant. Transfer from Children’s Services to
Adult Social Care Services if appropriate.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
places linked to their
modules and identify the
work which is carried out
In year 13/14 the students
have the opportunities to
do a work experience
placement if appropriate
or an in school work
opportunity if more
The students may work on
the TITAN road safety
scheme, from Pre-Red to
Green book level if
The students support with
delivering of some clubs
and working with the
younger pupils throughout
The Agencies
During the Autumn term the Transition Team send out
Transition information to parents/carers and signpost to the
transition website .
Children’s Services send Transition team data for all young
people with SEN in years 8-14 which is shared with GAs
and Transition Workers in Children’s and Adult services to
highlight numbers and needs of young people in transition.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
College Students
The Agencies
College staff takes on responsibility for ongoing reviews
and progression planning and updating appropriate
Transition Plan.
This should include being part of the team around the child
where a Common Assessment Framework exists.
Guidance Adviser ensures that future providers are
included in the ongoing transition planning process to aid
appropriate Care Planning; this should include Adult Care
Services and Job Centre Plus where appropriate.
Adult Care workers to remain engaged if appropriate.
Guidance Adviser, where appropriate, continues to offer
advice and guidance (about education, training and
employment) up to 24, and refers on to adult provision.
If the young person is a Care Leaver, Children’s Services
to continue support until the age of 24 (or beyond) if young
person remains in education.
sfradley/Transition Protocols Revised March 2013
The Young Person
The Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Young person ensures college staff are
aware of goals in the Transition Plan
and continues to take lead role in
ongoing transition planning process.
Parent(s)/carer(s) continue to support
transition planning.
Attend introductory meetings and plan
induction with college staff.
Parents/Carers to keep abreast of any
updates regarding future planning.
Parents/Carers to continue to attend
reviews where appropriate.
Parents/ Carers to be proactive in
looking for other opportunities for when
the young person finishes college.
TITAN needs to be explained if
The Curriculum &
Outside Activities
Young person’s goals for
adult life are reflected in
learning plans and
supported by curriculum
activities and outside
Student to be included on
TITAN Summer Buddy
programme if appropriate
TITAN needs to be
included in the curriculum
if appropriate.