SEVEN GENERATIONS CHARTER SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Our board operates on a consensus basis in all matters, employing the group process methodology of Formal Consensus. We do so because we believe that equality of contribution to decisions greatly increases our ability to find the best and most creative outcomes aligned with our mission, vision and values. We also believe it imperative to engage in the most committed form of democracy possible to model our core value of Mutual Respect for our students and community. In our deliberations, we recognize and remember that all participants in the process always share responsibility for the quality of our experience. Participants place ultimate reliance on the founding ideas of our school-- its vision, mission, and values- rather than any personal agenda. The group’s highest intention is to guide the school toward the most profound and creative realizations of those ideas. WORKING MEETING AGENDA Starting At 5:45 PM (1 ¼ hours) 1. Introduction to Meeting (structure, roles, bells, etc.) 2. Executive session on a. Personnel The Board met in executive session to discuss personnel issues. b. Legal matters BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA Starting at 7:40 PM (3 hours) 1. Agenda Review and Reading of Mission and Values 2. Reading 3. Check in 4. Call to Order -- Roll call all present Pia Allport, Ann DeLazaro, Mike Gibson, Mike Gill, Camilla Greene, Dee Lewis, Jim Moreno, Andy Rowan, Christopher Sten 5. Swearing in of Mike Gill and Jim Moreno as new Board of Trustee board members. 6. Public Comment A representative from the Emmaus Public Library Children’s Wing talked about forming a partnership with Seven Generations regarding grants and school programs. Phil Arnold, 1835 W Congress St, Allentown, asked the board is there a plan in place to train the new board members in Formal Consensus. Melissa Plesh, 251 Cherokee St, Emmaus, inquired about the use of the space for a fundraiser for the playground committee. Dr. Grande stated that staff members are part of the committee, so use of the space should be scheduled with the office. 7. Approval of Minutes from September 14, 2010. Approved 8. Dr. Grande’s Report a. Approval of new substitute teachers Katie Davis, Zach Snell, Jerline Strickland b. Discussion of 2011-2012 Budgeting Timeline - The following points were made with regards to the 2011-2012 budget process. i. Staff involvement would take place, with teachers asked to give a detailed account of supplies, consumables, books, etc. ii. The staff budget will be due before the holiday break. iii. There is a need to look at expansion for 6th Grade. Mike Gibson stated that a draft will be completed for the February Board Meeting for approval. Tom Taylor from Charter School Choice stated that assumptions of school district’s payment will not be available at that time. c. Approval of SEER Contract – Grace Lieberman will be visiting November 2 – 4. One of the three days parents will be invited to attend a session with Grace. Proposal: The Board approved the revised SEER contract. Approved by Consensus. d. Parent Conferences – The P/T conferences are scheduled Oct 21 -24. Christine Koman, 8078 Heritage Dr, Alburtis, PA asked why the conferences are so early this year. Pia stated that this gives teachers more time to touch base with parents. 9. Financial Report – Tom Taylor reviewed the Financial Report for September 2009. The unqualified audit from Buckno Lisicky & Co. was also reviewed. There were no findings. The AFR is complete and ready for signature by Dee, the Board Secretary. The report needs to be sent by the end of October. 10. Community Circle Report – Courtney Kennedy gave the following report. a. Grant Writing Committee will be working with the staff, community and BOT to research and apply for grants. b. Playground committee met and flyers were sent to parents explaining the program. c. The CC surveyed the BOT, staff and parents regarding having the Board Meetings and CC Meeting on the same night. The survey results – half would come and half would not. d. Community Circle’s next meeting will change to Tuesday, Oct 26. e. Adding a new feature to the meeting and asking teachers to attend one meeting and talk about events in their classrooms. Niki and Edit will be attending the next meeting. f. Ann would like CC to survey the teachers. Melissa stated that the teachers were surveyed. 11. Committee Reports: a. Facilities – Mike Gibson – i. Music Room foam arrived and the work will begin shortly. The permit expires March 2011 so work will be completed by then. ii. Additional repairs are being done to the roof. iii. Acre of Diamonds is researching solar panels for the roof and selling the power to Seven Generations. iv. Cost projections for the 6 and 7 grades are being discussed. Questions: Courtney asked about the current heating for the school. Mike explained that HVAC for the building was not designed for this building and options are being reviewed. b. Search Committee – The committee meets every 2-3 weeks. The marketing scripts are ready and will be posted Oct 8. See Pia for a copy of the job description. The next meeting will be held Oct 19. The deadline for resumés is Nov 15. c. Governance – The committee is researching the following issues: i. School governance ii. Charter school law iii. How meetings are run iv. Combining governance with other overlapping committees. v. Next meeting Oct 21. vi. Formal Consensus training will be in partnership with the Allentown CS. d. Agenda Planner List i. Agenda planning responsibilities are being reviewed and updated. ii. A revised BOT planning schedule to add new members. iii. Governance developing a text to be read when BOT goes into executive session. iv. Communication Procedures also where discussed. 12. Old Business a. Cleanliness Standard - What do the schools cleaning standards look like? Courtney commented that Brandon is working on a list of items needed for cleaning the school. Classroom Coordinators have sign-up sheets for each week. Mike Gibson asked if supplies have been purchased. The cleaning supplies have been ordered but not the Shop-Vacs. Mike also stated that Brandon has a set schedule for cleaning the school. Cleaning Standards will be added to Feb 2011 agenda for check-in. b. Strategic Plan report – Andy gave an update: There is a rough draft of the plan. There are 3 staff members on the committee, but looking for BOT members. Also have a parent. Camilla and Jim expressed interest. Mike Gill would like Community Circle and Strategic Planning Committee to meet together. c. ALC Keys & Space – The school has keys to ALC and is using the space. d. Bus Issues – Dr Grande stated that the school is still working with Allentown and East Penn parents and school districts to resolve the ongoing bussing issues. Christine Koman would like to attend the East Penn School Board meeting and is looking for other parents’ support. Ann suggested that Christine post that request on the Seven Gen Facebook page. 13. New Business: a. Proposal: The Board of Trustees approves the September Bill List. Chris (15) In BoT package Approved by Consensus, roll call b. Proposal: The Board of Trustees approves the Teacher Induction Plan and the Staff Handbook. Dr. Grande (5) Sent to BoT, Approved by Consensus c. Proposal: The Board of Trustees approves Meeting time limits proposal Governance (10) i. The Board of Trustee business meeting will never extend beyond 11:00pm. ii. If an executive session becomes necessary during a business meeting, this executive session cannot start later than 9:30pm. Discussion around time limits for Board Meeting was discussed at a Level 1. No consensus. d. Proposal: Use of Space Agreement - Andy presented an agreement for the use of school space. No consensus was reached. Andy would like input for the next meeting regarding the Use of Space Agreement. e. Proposal: To accept the resignation of Theresa Zataveski, the acceptance of which is recommended by Dr. Grande. A resignation carrier with an obligation to remain on staff for 30 days. The board will consider releasing Theresa Zataveski, before 30 days, as per her request, if a suitable replacement is found prior to the end of the 30 day period. The Board accepted the resignation of Theresa Zataveski. Approved by Consensus 14. Discussion: a. Update on federally required clearances for volunteers and possible policy if needed. Andy stated that federal law states that charter school volunteers are required to obtain fingerprint background checks. b. Update on enrollment policy for Founding Members. The Enrollment Policy is available for review in the School Office. Letters will go out to Founding Members regarding enrollment. c. Community Circle and BoT meetings – was discussed earlier 15. Public Comments on any item relating to the school a. Christine Koman – Holiday Market and Bake Sale will be November 6; looking for vendors and volunteers for that day. Blood Drive will be held that day as well. b. Ann – Would like to take a look at the Student Handbook and Staff Handbook and would like to see a crisis response plan for staff, and when a parent is called. c. Kimberly Adams – Seven Generations should have a regular presence at the East Penn School District. Enrollment Policy regarding the Lottery would good. d. Courtney Kennedy – would be great to invite the EP Board to the school. Also stated, she was sorry to see Ms. Z. leave but looks forward to her replacement. e. Dr. Grande – If you know anyone that is interested in the open position, please send resumés to the school. f. Camilla – Is the school looking for diversity among the teachers? g. Ann – Working with 2 women from the NAACP to help with teacher placement. 16. Evaluation of Process a. Liz Wheeler – If the meeting is going to start late can the Board let the facilitator know when the meeting will start so that the community can informed? The stretch break was good. Hot in the room. Can there be written notes on how to start the meeting, formal consensus and the mission statement? b. Mike Gill – Can the agenda items have clarification as to what is the expected outcome? c. Pia - Thank you. d. Andy – Thank you. e. Naomi – Looking at the time. 17. Check Out 18. Adjournment meeting ended at 10:16