Land at 93 Castle Avenue, Ewell, Surrey

15 APRIL 2004
Land at 93 Castle Avenue, Ewell, Surrey.
Detached house (amended plans received 31 March 2004)
PERMIT subject to the following conditions:
P03 Standard Duration (Other than Outline);
The external materials used on the development hereby permitted shall
match in colour, type and texture those materials used on the external
faces of the original building unless otherwise agreed in writing with the
Local Planning Authority;
Reason. In order to ensure a satisfactory development that does not contrast
harshly with the original building in accordance with the requirements of
policies BE1 and DC1 of the Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 29000.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A of Schedule 2 of the Town and
Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any
Order re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no further
windows or other openings shall be placed or formed in either flank wall
of the development hereby permitted.
Reason. In order to ensure the continued privacy from direct overlooking of that
property from the application site in accordance with the provisions of policy
DC1 of the Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000.
The garage hereby permitted shall be used for the parking of domestic
vehicles only and shall not be used for any other purpose whatsoever
without the prior permission of the Local Planning Authority in writing;
Reason. In order to ensure that the garage is used only for parking purposes in
association with the main dwelling in the interests of the residential character of
the neighbourhood and to restrict the possibility of parking on the highway at
this dangerous bend to the minimum in accordance with policies DC1 and MV8
of the Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000.
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Before any of the development permitted is occupied, the proposed
vehicular access to Castle Avenue shall be constructed to a width of 3.00m
and provided with vehicular/pedestrian inter visibility zones of 2m from
the back of the footway by 2m from the sides of the access in accordance
with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA, all
to be permanently maintained to a specification to be agreed in writing
with the LPA, and the vehicle/pedestrian inter visibility zones shall be kept
permanently clear of any obstruction above 600m in height;
Reason. In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety, nor
cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with policy MV8 of
the Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000.
The first floor window(s) in the flank wall(s) shall be permanently obscure
glazed and fixed;
Reason. In order to prevent any privacy loss through overlooking to the
neighbouring property, in accordance with policy DC1 of the Epsom and Ewell
District Wide Local Plan 2000.
No part of the dwelling hereby permitted shall be closer to the north
east flank boundary of the site, common to the footway to Nonsuch
Park, than 2m;
Reason. In order to ensure the provision of an adequate space between the
footway and the building in the interests of visual amenity in accordance
with the provisions of policy DC1 of the Epsom and Ewell District Wide
Local Plan 2000.
P19 Tree protection;
P20 Trees to be retained;
(10) P22
No Felling / Lopping;
(11) Prior to the occupation of the dwelling hereby permitted a 1.8m high
close boarded fence shall be erected along the rear boundary of the
site and along the north east boundary except where the existing wall
is located, which shall be retained;
Reason. In order to ensure the privacy of the occupants of the dwelling
from overlooking from public areas in the interests of privacy, in
accordance with the provisions of policy DC1 of the Epsom and Ewell
District Wide Local Plan 2000.
The vehicular access to the site shall be relocated to the south west
end of the frontage and the existing access at the north east end of the
frontage shall be closed off by the extension of the existing front
garden wall across the opening before the occupation of the
development hereby permitted;
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Reason. In order to reduce the conflict between vehicles entering and
exiting the site and pedestrians using the park entrance.
The applicant is advised that a licence must be obtained from the Highway
Authority before any works are carried out on any footway, footpath,
carriageway, verge or land forming part of the highway;
When a temporary access is approved or an access is to be closed as a
condition of planning permission an agreement with, or licence issued by,
the Highway Authority will require that the redundant dropped kerb be
raised and any verge or footway crossing be reinstated to conform with the
existing adjoining surfaces at the developer's expense;
The developer is reminded that it is an offence to allow materials to be
carried from the site and deposited on or damage the highway from
uncleaned wheels or badly loaded vehicles. The Highway Authority will
seek, wherever possible, to recover any expenses incurred in clearing,
cleaning or repairing highway surfaces and prosecutes persistent offenders
(Highways Act 1980 Sections 131, 148 and 149);
There is a 'Castle Avenue' street sign in the location for the new access,
which may have to be relocated.
The application is reported to Committee at the request of Cllr. Danbury.
This is an application for full planning permission for a detached house. In effect, it
seeks to amend the reserved matters pursuant to the outline permission 01/01178 for
one detached house that were approved at 11 September 2003 meeting.
The principle of development for a detached house is well established by extant
permissions. Following the receipt of amended plans, officers are satisfied that the
scheme will not cause harm to neighbouring amenities or the general streetscene.
Site and Surroundings
The application site measures approximately 0.012 hectare in area and is located on
the northern side of Castle Avenue in the corner where Castle Avenue meets
Castlemaine Avenue. Castle Avenue is within a residential area.
The site has an existing hard surfaced vehicular access at present at the eastern end of
its frontage beneath the canopy of a protected tree on the road frontage. This is an
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authorised access. It is possible to gain access to No. 93 via this access although the
house has another access at the other end of the frontage leading to a pair of garages.
The land behind the application site and the rear gardens of other houses in Castle
Avenue is heavily tree planted and views of the rear gardens from the footpath
running through the land would be well obscured in the late spring through to early
Properties in Castle Avenue and in the vicinity of the application site comprise a mix
of two storey dwellings of varied design.
Relevant Planning History
2-storey dwelling
Granted 14.2.02
and double garage (outline)
2-storey side and rear
extension to existing house
Granted 24.6.03
Reserved matters for
one detached house
pursuant to 01/01178
Granted 11.9.03
This application is for full permission for a detached house. The proposal, in effect,
seeks to amend the house approved under outline permission (01/01178) and reserved
matters (03/00321).
The principal amendments are:
Reduction in overall width of dwelling and minor increase in depth;
Integral garage relocated to other side of dwelling in single garage form only
and associated changes to drive and manoeuvring area (Castle Avenue access
remains as per previous approval);
Provision of accommodation within roofspace;
6 no. rooflights replaced by 2 no. dormer windows in rear elevation;
Minor alterations to window and door positions;
Planning Policy
Epsom & Ewell Local Plan (May 2000)
General Policy on the Built Environment
Design and Layout of New Dwellings
General Policy
Residential Infilling and Backland Development
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Planning Considerations
The main issues relate to (i) the impact on the character and appearance of the area,
(ii) the impact on residential amenity of neighbouring properties, in light of the extant
permission for a detached house.
Impact on character
The application site lies within a predominantly residential area with Nonsuch Park to
the north of the application site. This part of Castle Avenue comprises mainly
detached two storey dwellings of varied design.
The amended design will result in a better proportioned and visually pleasing
development. The double gable fronted dwelling will appear symmetrical. It also
includes additional design features to add visual interest.
The height of the proposed house will be marginally higher than the extant
permission. However, the position of the dwelling in this spacious ‘corner’ plot
should sit comfortably with its surroundings. This will not be the highest house in the
Officers are therefore satisfied that the amended house design will not detract from
the surrounding area.
Impact on Neighbour Amenity
Officers have negotiated further amendments to the current scheme to secure the
deletion of a front dormer window, alterations to the first floor front central window
and roof under and the realignment of the rear dormer windows and first floor
windows. A condition is recommended to deal with the obscure glazing of first floor
flank windows.
In the circumstances, it is considered that the impact of the amended house design
will be minimal compared to the extant permission.
The application has been advertised by means of a site notice and letters to 8
neighbouring properties. 2 letters of objection received regarding: design not in
keeping with area, visual dominance of front dormer (now deleted), 3-storey house
would be out of character, access and relocated garage are better and need to
safeguard protected tree.
These matters have either been dealt with above or by planning condition.
The County Council, as highway authority, raise no objections subject to conditions.
J. A. Gibbs.
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