Grant Opportunity The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) will be accepting grant proposals through November 1, 2012 for funding projects on TPWD's WMAs, other public lands, cooperative habitat projects on Wildlife Cooperatives and Wildlife Management Associations, prescribed burn associations, youth outdoor education events, and upland game bird research projects. NWTF has a very simple application process and they are no longer focused solely on wild turkeys. Any project with a focus on upland game birds and habitat management qualify. Proposals will be reviewed/ranked at the January 2013 Texas State NWTF Board meeting and funds will be allocated soon after. If you are interested in applying please complete the proposal form and submit it to either Jason Hardin or Gene Miller. Jason Hardin Gene Miller THE NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION SUPER FUND PROPOSAL FORM Date Submitted _____________________ Project Title ____________________________________________________________ Location _______________________________________________________________ State _______________ County _______________ Agency _________________ Township-Range-Section(s) _______________________________________________ Submitted by _______________________ Submitter’s Title ___________________ Address ______________________ City ____________ State _____ Zip _______ Telephone #(s) __________________________________________________________ Fax # ________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________ Project Type ___________________________________________________________ Size of Treatment or Project Area _________________________________________ Implementation Schedule _________________________________________________ Total Project Cost Proposed NWTF Funds Matching/ Partner Funds Page 1 Cooperators (Agency/Organization/etc.) HABITAT TYPE & AREA DESCRIPTION (attach map with project site clearly marked) PROJECT OBJECTIVES PROJECT STRATEGIES PROJECT ANALYSIS Page 2 PROJECT MONITORING PLAN BENEFITS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Page 3 Instructions for Completing NWTF Habitat Enhancement and Wildlife Management Project Proposal Forms 1. Project Title: A brief, but thorough description. Include local names in title rather than generic terms. 2. Location: List general project location. All proposals should include drainage and other local names that will help identify the area. County and legal descriptions are very important in helping with mapping and monitoring efforts. 3. Submitted by: Identify the specific contact person. Include address, phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses. This information is needed to schedule site visits and continued correspondence. 4. Project Type: Examples: Prescribed burning / burn equipment, water development, timber stand improvement, wildlife openings, tree plantings, invasive plant removal, road closures, riparian fencing, riparian plantings, wildlife water source development, land purchases, matching funds for other grants, research, publications, etc. 5. Size of Treatment or Project Area: The size of the area to be developed, enhanced, reclaimed, restored or maintained in acres, miles, etc. Example: 5,000 acre prescribed burn with construction of 4 miles of new firebreaks, 2 miles of roadbed reseeding, 5 wildlife openings constructed approximately 2 acres each. 6. Implementation Schedule: List month and year when the project is expected to be initiated. 7. Total Project Cost: Should include NWTF and all matching / partner funds. 8. Proposed NWTF Funds: List amount of funds requested from NWTF. 9. Matching / Cooperator Funds: The NWTF prefers a good match fund ratio for projects. List all matching funds and their source. Example: RMEF $8,000, Quail Unlimited $1,500, Local Sportsman Club $1,000. Note: Volunteer groups contributing time and/or labor should be listed for recognition but with no dollar value attached to the services rendered. It is important to include all cooperators as NWTF recognizes all partners and partnerships by various means. 10. Habitat Type and Area Description: Is the project area considered a tall grass prairie ecosystem, closed canopy forested ecosystem, oak/hickory savannah ecosystem, woodland or bottomland type ecosystem, short grass prairie ecosystem, pinion/juniper type ecosystem, etc. Attach a map detailing project location, along with locator map for state or region orientation. Lack of map often leads to unnecessary questions. 11. Project Objectives: a. b. c. d. e. List specific objectives. Examples: Remove eastern red cedar from turkey roost site. Plant trees for future roost site enhancement. Create openings for turkey brooding and feeding areas. Prescribe burn to reduce woody structure height for improved turkey nesting structure. Use of herbicide for brush control and/or mechanical method (roller chopper). 12. Project Strategies: List specific actions that will be taken to achieve the project objective. Examples: a. Prescribe burn 2,500 acres with aerial ignition system to reduce the time that heavy smoke is present in the area, regulate the intensity of the burn, release nutrients back into the soil and control second growth hardwoods. b. Patch burn six different units which will total approximately 6,000 acres for moderately stocked rotational grazing and enhancement of native forbs and legumes. c. Use a roller chopper to lay down strips of eastern red cedar and as the fine fuels increase to a suitable level; use prescribed fire to reduce the woody slash on approximately 700 acres. 13. Project Analysis: a. b. c. d. What limiting factors will be resolved by this project? What are the anticipated benefits to the wild turkey? What are the anticipated benefits to other species of wildlife? Is this project part of a larger more comprehensive wildlife management plan? 14. Project monitoring plan: Identify what monitoring program is in place or will be initiated to assess and quantify the results achieved by the project. Include short term and long term monitoring. 15. Benefits: a. b. c. d. Do you anticipate the project to increase carrying capacity? Will it eventually increase hunter opportunity? Will the project serve as a future demonstration area? Will the project address the greatest limiting factor to improve turkey habitat? 16. Additional Comments: Please include any additional information you feel would be helpful in the evaluation of this proposed project.