Workshop on Reflective Middleware 7th - 8th April, 2000 Proceedings IBM Palisades Executive Conference Centre, New York, USA Gordon Blair and Roy Campbell (Co-Chairs) Held in Conjunction with the IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware’2000) Sponsors: Workshop on Reflective Middleware 7th - 8th April, 2000 Proceedings IBM Palisades Executive Conference Centre, New York, USA Gordon Blair and Roy Campbell (Co-Chairs) Held in Conjunction with the IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware’2000) Fabio Kon and Katia Barbosa Saikoski (Editors) Sponsors: Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware ii Welcome Welcome to the first Workshop on Reflective Middleware, taking place in conjunction with the IFIP/ ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing (Middleware'2000). We have been quite overwhelmed by the response to this event. When we first discussed the event, we anticipated a small workshop with perhaps 25-30 people. Instead, we have reached our maximum capacity of 50 researchers from 13 different countries. This is very gratifying given the specialist nature of the event. It is also clear from the response that a large number of researchers worldwide are identifying similar problems with existing middleware technology, and see reflection as the most promising approach to offering more configurable and reconfigurable next generation platforms. We have arranged a format to encourage plenty of interactions. In particular, 50% of time in each session is devoted to discussion. In addition, we are experimenting with a new format whereby a named "devil's advocate" will attempt to stir up controversy and spark off debate! Note also that there will be a permanent record of the event made, and placed at our web site: This will include a complete transcription of all discussions, and also a list of all attendees with e-mail addresses. Finally, we would like to thank a number of people who contributed significantly to the organisation of the event: Fabio Costa, Barbara Hickson, Lee Johnston, Fabio Kon, Tom Kristensen and Katia Saikoski. A special mention to Fabio Costa, who worked tirelessly on publicising this event, and yet who cannot attend due to the birth of his first son, Felipe. Our best wishes go to Fabio and his new family! We hope that you all have an enjoyable and stimulating workshop, and that this is the start of many more initiatives in the area of reflective middleware. Gordon Blair and Roy Campbell (RM'2000 Co-Chairs) IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware iii Contents Welcome .......................................................................................................... iii Contents .......................................................................................................... iv Organisation ...................................................................................................... v Participants ....................................................................................................... vi Technical Program - Friday 7th April ................................................................... vii Technical Program - Saturday 8th April ............................................................... viii Resource Page .................................................................................................. ix List of Papers .................................................................................................... xi Presented Papers LegORB and Ubiquitous CORBA .......................................................................... 1 On the Design of Reflective Middleware Platforms ................................................ 3 Applying Component Frameworks to Develop Flexible Middleware .......................... 6 Reflective and Middleware Features of the VVM .................................................... 8 Building a Dynamically Reconfigurable minimumCORBA Platform with Components, Connectors and Language-Level Support ................................................... 10 In Support of Generic Proxies .......................................................................... 12 Monitoring of Distributed Component Interactions .............................................. 14 Towards a Reflective Middleware Framework for QoS-enabled CORBA Component Model Applications .................................................................................. 16 Wrapping Class Libraries for Migration-Transparent Resource Access by Using Compile-Time Reflection .......................................................................... 19 Towards a Modular Substrate for Reliable Mobile Agent Systems .......................... 21 Aspects & Crosscutting in Layered Middleware Systems ...................................... 23 Reflection in the R-RIO Configuration Programming Environment ......................... 26 The Quality Objects (QuO) Middleware Framework ............................................. 28 A Reflective Framework for Providing Safe QoS-enabled Customizable Middleware . 30 Towards Validating Reflective Architectures: Formalisation of a Metaobject Protocol 33 Automatic Coordination and Configuration of Net Data Management Applications ... 36 Toward Reflective Network Architectures ........................................................... 38 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware iv Organisation Workshop Co-Chairs Gordon Blair (, Lancaster University, UK Roy Campbell (, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Publicity Co-Chairs Fabio Costa (, Lancaster University, UK Fabio Kon (, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Program Committee Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS, France Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia, Canada Rodger Lea, Sony, USA Jeff McAffer, OTI, Canada Frank Manola, Independent Consultant, USA Thomas Plagemann, UNIK, Norway Jean-Bernard Stefani, CNET, France Robert Stroud, University of Newcastle, UK Jerome Tassel, BT Labs, UK Jonathan Walpole, Oregon Graduate Institute, USA John Zinky, BBN Technologies, US IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware v Participants Aksit, Mehmet (University of Twente, CTIT & Computer Science, The Netherlands) Amano, Noriki (Graduate School of Information Science, JAIST, Japan) Bacon, Jean (University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, UK) Blair, Gordon (Lancaster University, UK) Bruneton, Eric (Projet Sirac INRIA, France) Campbell, Roy (Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science, USA) Cerqueira, Renato (Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil) Coulson, Geoff (Lancaster University, England) deMeer, Jan (GMD-FOKUS, Germany) Diakov, Nikolay (CTIT / Twente University, Netherlands) Dowling, Jim (DSG, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) Efstratiou, Christos (Computing Department, United Kingdom) Eliassen, Frank (Univ of Oslo, Dept of Informatics, Norway) Fabre, Jean-Charles (LAAS-CNRS, France) Fuggetta, Alfonso (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Fujieda, Kazuhiro (JAIST, Hokuriku, Japan) Gutierrez-Nolasco, Sebastian (University of California, Irvine, USA) Indulska, Jadwiga (The University of Queensland, Australia) Kircher, Michael (Siemens AG, Germany) Kon, Fabio (Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science, USA) Kounavis, Michael (Columbia University, Dept. of Electrical Eng., USA) Ledoux, Thomas (Ecole des Mines de Nantes, FRANCE) Maier, David (Oregon Graduate Institute, CSE, USA) Majumdar, Shikharesh (Carleton University, Canada) Marsden, Eric (LAAS-CNRS, France) Masuhara, Hidehiko (Grad.School of Arts&Scis., University of Tokyo, Japan) Matthijs, Frank (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) Moody, Ken (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) Okamura, Hideaki (University of Illinois/Sony CSL, USA) Ole Rafaelsen, Hans (University of Tromso, Norway) Parameswaran, Kirthika (Department of Computer Science, Washington University in St.Louis, USA) Pawlak, Renaud (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM, France) Piumarta, Ian (INRIA, France) Plagemann, Thomas (University of Oslo, UnK, Norway) Pruyne, Jim (Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA) Román, Manuel (Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Computer Science, USA) Schmidt, Douglas (Univ. of California, Irvine, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, USA) Stroud, Robert (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, UK) Sztajnberg, Alexandre (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil) Talcott, Carolyn (Stanford University, USA) Truyen, Eddy (KULeuven, Dept. Computer science, Belgium) van Halteren, Aart (KPN Research, The Netherlands) Venkatasubramanian, Nalini (University of California, Irvine, USA) Wang, Nanbor (Dept. of Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.A.) Watanabe, Takuo (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) Wegdam, Maarten (Lucent Technologies - Bell Labs Twente, The Netherlands) Yamauchi, Hiroshi (Yonezawa Laboratory, Dept. of Information Science, University of Tokyo, Japan) Yu, Weihai (University of Tromsø, Norway) Zandelt, Hans (Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands) Zinky, John (BBN Technologies, USA) IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware vi Technical Program - Friday 7th April Welcome (1.45-2.00pm) By Gordon Blair and Roy Campbell (Cochairs) Session 1: Reflective Middleware Architectures (2.00-3.30pm) Chair: Douglas Schmidt Devil’s advocate: Renato Cerqueira LegORB and Ubiquitous CORBA, Manuel Román, M. Dennis Mickunas, Fabio Kon, Roy Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. On the Design of Reflective Middleware Platforms, Gordon Blair, Geoff Coulson, Fabio Costa/ Applying Component Frameworks to Develop Flexible Middleware, Nikos Parlavantzas, Geoff Coulson, Gordon Blair, Lancaster University, UK (joint presentation) Reflective and Middleware Features of the VVM, Bertil Folliot, Ian Piumarta, Lionel Seinturier, University of Paris 6, France. Building a Dynamically Reconfigurable minimumCORBA Platform with Components, Connectors and Language-Level Support, Jim Dowling, Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Coffee Session 2: Alternative Techniques (4.00-5.30pm) Chair: Jean-Charles Fabre Devil’s advocate: Thomas Plagemann In Support of Generic Proxies, Svend Frolund, Jim Pruyne, HewlettPackard Labs, Palo Alto, USA. Monitoring of Distributed Component Interactions, Nikolay Diakov, Harold Batteram, Hans Zandbelt, Marten van Sinderen, CTIT/ Lucent Technologies/ Telematica Insituut, The Netherlands. Towards a Reflective Middleware Framework for QoS-enabled CORBA Component Model Applications, Nanbor Wang, Michael Kircher, Douglas C. Schmidt, Kirthika Parameswaran, Washington University/ University of California irvine, USA, Siemens ZT, Germany. Wrapping Class Libraries for Migration-Transparent Resource Access by Using Compile-Time Reflection, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Hidehiko Masuhara, Daisuke Hoshina, Tatsurou Sekiguchi, Akironi Yonezawa, University of Tokyo, Japan. Drinks Reception (6.00-7.00pm) (3.30-4.00pm) IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware vii Technical Program - Saturday 8th April Session 3: Reflection and Software Development Session 4: Applications and Formalism (9.00-10.30am) (11.00-12.30pm) Chair: Fabio Kon Devil’s advocate: Eddy Truyen Chair: Robert Stroud Devil’s advocate: Jadwiga Indulska Towards a Modular Substrate for Reliable Mobile Agent Systems, Takuo Watanabe, Noriki Amano, Kenji Shinbori, JAIST, Japan. A Reflective Framework for Providing Safe QoS-enabled Customizable Middleware, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Carolyn Talcott, University of California Irvine/ Stanford University, USA. Aspects & Crosscutting in Layered Middleware Systems, Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Reflection in the R-RIO Configuration Programming Environment, Alexandre Sztajnberg, Orlando Loques, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil. The Quality Objects (QuO) Middleware Framework, John Zinky, Richard Schantz, Joe Loyall, Ken Anderson, James Megquier, BBN, USA. Coffee Towards Validating Reflective Architectures: Formalisation of a Metaobject Protocol, Eric Marsden, Juan Carlos Ruiz Garcia, Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS-CNRS, France. Automatic Coordination and Configuration of Net Data Management Applications, David Maier, Oregon Graduate Institute, USA. Toward Reflective Network Architectures, Andrew T. Campbell, Michael E. Kounavis, Columbia University, USA. (10.30-11.00am) Summary and Closing Remarks (12.30-1.00pm) Chair: Gordon Blair and Roy Campbell Lunch (1.00-2.00pm) Close of Workshop IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware viii Resource Page Adaptable Applications Alfonso Fuggetta AMIDST Project - Application of Middleware in Services for Telematics AMO Project: Exploiting Autonomous Mobile Objects Component Architecture for Dynamic Configuration Management in Middleware Correlate Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance Research Group Dynamic Configuration in the 2K operating system dynamicTAO reflective ORB, The Eric Bruneton Friends - Framework for Integrated Engineering and Deployment of Services Genesis Project, The IMAG, France JAIST, Japan Jan de Meer John Zinky Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems LegORB LuaOrb Object-Oriented Systems and Languages Group IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware ix Resource Page (cont.) Open Distributed Systems Group, The Opera Group, The QuO Reflection for Adaptable Mobility (RAM) Reflection for Dependable Systems at Newcastle University Reflection in Open Distributed Systems Reflective Approach to Adaptable Distributed & Mobile Systems R-RIO Reflective, Reconfigurable Interconnectable Objects SIRAC project Thomas Ledoux TOS Project, The Twente Research and Education on Software Engineering (TRESE) IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware x List of Papers All accepted position papers are available for download from the workshop web site. A Composable Reflective Venkatasubramanian. Communication Framework, Sebastian Gutierrez-Nolasco, Nalini A CORBA-based platform for the Enhancement and Interoperability of Networked Distance Learning Systems, Luis Anido, Martin Llamas, Manuel J. Fernandez, Manuel Caeiro, Juan Santos. A Reflective Framework for Providing Safe QoS-enabled Customizable Middleware, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Carolyn Talcott. A reflective QoS provisioning service for object middleware, Aart van Halteren. Achieving High Performance Through Middleware Reconfiguration, Shikharesh Majumdar, Imran Ahmad, E-Kai Shen, Istabrak Abdul-Fatah. Active Metadata Management, Ken Moody. Adaptability in Mobile Agent Systems using Reflection, Thomas Ledoux, Noury M. N. BouraqadiSaadani. Adaptive Enterprise Architecture for Mobile Computation, J. Indulska, S.W. Loke, A. Rakotonirainy, A. Zaslavsky. Applying Component Frameworks to Develop Flexible Middleware, Nikos Parlavantzas, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair. Aspects and Crosscutting in Layered Middleware Systems, L. Bergmans, M. Aksit. Automatic Coordination and Configuration of Net Data Management Applications, David Maier. Building a Dynamically Reconfigurable minimumCORBA Platform with Components, Connectors and Language-Level Support, Jim Dowling, Vinny Cahill. Component Architecture for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Object Request Brokers, Eddy Truyen, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen, Frank Matthijs, Wouter Joosen, Pierre Verbaeten. Customizing the behavior of middleware: the PIE approach, G. Cugola, P.Y. Cunin, S. Dami, J. Estublier, A. Fuggetta, F. Pacull. Experiences with CORBA interceptors, Maarten Wegdam, Aart van Halteren. In Support of Generic Proxies, Svend Frolund, Jim Pruyne. JavaPod: an Adaptable and Extensible Component Platform, Eric Bruneton, Michel Riveill. LEAD: A Reflective Glue Language System for Constructing Software Systems with Dynamic Adaptability, Noriki Amano, Takuo Watanabe. LegORB and Ubiquitous CORBA, Manuel Roman, M. Dennis Mickunas, Fabio Kon, Roy Campbell. LuaOrb: A Programming Tool for Reflective Middleware Systems, Renato Cerqueira, Ana Moura, Noemi Rodriguez. Monitoring of Distributed Component Interactions, Diakov, N.K., Batteram, H. J., Zandbelt, H., Sinderen, M. J. IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware xi List of Papers (cont.) MULTE-ORB: Adaptive QoS Aware Binding, Frank Eliassen, Tom Kristensen, Thomas Plagemann, Hans Ole Raffaelsen. On The Construction of Reflective System Architectures, Jan de Meer. On the Design of Reflective Middleware Platforms, G.S. Blair, G. Coulson, F. Costa. Private LAN Architecture: Reflective Architecture for Home LAN Systems, Hideaki Okamura. Reflection in the R-RIO Configuration Programming Environment, Alexandre Sztajnberg, Orlando Loques. Reflection: A Solution for Highly Adaptive Mobile Systems, Christos Efstratiou, Keith Cheverst. Reflective and Middleware Features of the VVM, Bertil Folliot, Ian Piumarta, Lionel Seinturier. Reflective Transaction Service, Weihai Yu, Randi Karlsen. The Quality Objects (QuO) Middleware Framework, John Zinky, Richard Schantz, Joe Loyall, Ken Anderson, James Megquier. Toward Reflective Network Architectures, Andrew T. Campbell, Michael E. Kounavis. Towards a Language for Groups of Distributed Objects, Renaud Pawlak, Lionel Seinturier, Laurence Duchien, Gérard Florin, Laurent Martelli. Towards a Modular Substrate for Reliable Mobile Agent Systems, Takuo Watanabe, Noriki Amano, Kenji Shinbori. Towards a Reflective Middleware Framework for QoS-enabled CORBA Component Model Applications, Nanbor Wang, Michael Kircher, Douglas C. Schmidt, Kirthika Parameswaran. Towards Validating Reflective Architectures: formalisation of a metaobject protocol, Eric Marsden, Juan Carlos Ruiz Garcia, Jean-Charles Fabre. Use of ODMG Schema in Middleware, Jean Bacon. Use of Reflective Programming Language on Developing CORBA Applications, Kazuhiro Fujieda, Takuo Watanabe, Koichiro Ochimizu. Wrapping Class Libraries for Migration-Transparent Resource Access by Using Compile-Time Reflection, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Hidehiko Masuhara, Daisuke Hoshina, Tatsurou Sekiguchi, Akironi Yonezawa. IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware xii Presented Papers IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware xiii LegORB and Ubiquitous CORBA IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 1 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 2 On the Design of Reflective Middleware Platforms IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 3 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 4 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 5 Applying Component Frameworks to Develop Flexible Middleware IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 6 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 7 Reflective and Middleware Features of the VVM IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 8 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 9 Building a Dynamically Reconfigurable minimumCORBA Platform with Components, Connectors and Language-Level Support IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 10 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 11 In Support of Generic Proxies IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 12 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 13 Monitoring of Distributed Component Interactions IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 14 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 15 Towards a Reflective Middleware Framework for QoS-enabled CORBA Component Model Applications IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 16 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 17 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 18 Wrapping Class Libraries for Migration-Transparent Resource Access by Using Compile-Time Reflection IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 19 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 20 Towards a Modular Substrate for Reliable Mobile Agent Systems IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 21 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 22 Aspects & Crosscutting in Layered Middleware Systems IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 23 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 24 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 25 Reflection in the R-RIO Configuration Programming Environment IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 26 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 27 The Quality Objects (QuO) Middleware Framework IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 28 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 29 A Reflective Framework for Providing Safe QoS-enabled Customizable Middleware IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 30 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 31 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 32 Towards Validating Reflective Architectures: Formalisation of a Metaobject Protocol IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 33 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 34 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 35 Automatic Coordination and Configuration of Net Data Management Applications IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 36 IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 37 Toward Reflective Network Architectures IFIP/ACM Middleware'2000 Workshop on Reflective Middleware 38