Get me out of here

Get Me Out of here
By Jessica Lacey
Chapter one
OH NO!!!
It was the second month of
summer holidays and I was out
playing tennis. I was hitting the
ball off the side of the house. I
leaned over to get the ball and I fell
over, I got back up and continued to
play my game of tennis. When I
reached down to get my ball again I fell and went into a
deep sleep. When I woke up and opened my eyes there
was a large branch over my head. I didn’t remember
seeing that before in my garden and when I leaned up
nothing seemed familiar. I peeped my head around the
corner of the house and I saw a woman with a man and
two children. I walked over and the woman said to me
“come here darling and grab a sandwich”. I asked her
where I was and how did I get here, the woman said with
an American accent, “well, you are at your house and
why do you ask”. Then I said, “What is my name?”,
“Sarah Brown” she replied. “What? My name is Rebecca
Halaway! What age am I?” 13 she answered. “Well at
least my age is the same! I’m from Oslo, Norway so how
can I be in America? I told the woman that I wanted to
go home to my family. The woman said that’s enough
fooling around and I was grounded for two days. As she
walked me to my room she stopped and told a girl
around my age to mind me in her room. Stay here and
Sophie will mind you until I check on you in about half
an hour. “Hi!” I said, she answered
“hello” in a soft voice. “Am I really in
America?” I know you were an
orphan and all that, but you think you’re in America.
What’s that all about? Dah where do you think you are?
said Sophie. “Hold on a minute I was an orphan in an
orphanage, what do you mean? I’m from Norway,” a
puzzled Sarah asked. “Yes you’re from the orphanage in
Norway,” said Sophie. “No! No! NO! I have a mother, a
father and a baby brother so this must be a dream!”
“Well as far as I know you’re wide awake and hurry up
and get ready for your training!” “What training? “Your
tennis training, silly.” Ok this is too much to take in. “I
want to go home”. “Well you have to go training to
prepare for your big match.” “You and your family really
do take care of me,” shrieked Sarah. “I better go down
and apologise to your mum.” “Yes that’s a good idea.”
“Right then I’ll be back in a minute.” I walked through
the house and went outside, my so-called mum was
standing talking to the dog. I walked over to her and said
that I was really sorry; I told her I didn’t know what got
into me. I thought if I play along with it, my dream
would soon be over. Then she told me that since I
apologised I wasn’t going to get punished but I had to
wash the dishes. So I was ok with that and when I was
finished I went back to Sophie.
I wish I was home I said to myself so many
times. I couldn’t sleep one bit. I thought
maybe I will never be home again,
aaaah help me. Well thank god I
missed tennis training yesterday I
would have been rubbish. Then Sophie
jumped out of bed and said get up sleepy head and get
ready for training. I said, “What?.” “Get
ready for training you missed it yesterday
so you have to go today” answered Sophie.
“Listen to me Sophie” I said. “I don’t
know what happened. One minute I’m
playing tennis in my garden and the
next minute I’m here, please believe me”. “Sarah I can’t,
I just don’t know where this has all come from your just
gonna have to get over this or mum will be so angry”
said Sophie. “Fine then, but will they notice if I’m really
bad at tennis,” asked Sarah. “YEAH”
replied Sophie “you’re the best player
the team now hurry up and get ready.” I got
ready really slowly but I didn’t have to be
slow on purpose because I didn’t know
where anything was, so I waited about 15
minutes until I got Sophie to help me.
When I got there some girls walked
up to me and started talking to me.
Of course I didn’t have a clue who
they were and told them if I was playing really
badly today it was because I
wasn’t feeling too well. A tall man walked over to me
and said, “Get your tennis racket ready and get on the
court”. Now it may sound as if he said it mean and
angrily but he was quite nice. I was really nervous about
the game we were going to have but when it came I was
actually pretty good. I had a real good time and even the
coach said that I had improved.
As I was getting into the car I noticed that I
was wearing a necklace that had a key
on it. I recognised it, oh yes it was the
chain that my mum and dad gave me
for my sixth birthday. So how come I
still had it here. It puzzled me the whole way home about
how I still had my necklace. When I told Sophie about it
she said I was crazy and I shouldn’t tell Carol, Sophie’s
mum. I asked Sophie when hadshe first seen the
necklace. She told me I had it since the first time she saw
me. When it was dinner time I had lots of things on my
mind like how did I get here, was I really adopted, why
was I at an orphanage and how on earth do I still have
my necklace. Carol knew something was wrong but I
kept insisting that everything was fine. As I was getting
into bed I asked Sophie when I moved here. She
answered, “well, one summer we were on holiday, and
our hotel was near an orphanage so we went in to give
them some toys I didn’t really use anymore.” I went over
to you to give you some toys and you just sat there, I
asked you what was wrong and you kept saying you
wanted to go home. “When did this happen?” I
interrupted, “last summer, which was 11 months ago”
Sophie whispered sadly. “The reason I didn’t tell you
sooner was because I begged if we could adopt you, and
I really have got to love you like a sister.” “I can’t let
mum find out I’m telling you this because she might put
you back in the orphanage when we go to Norway this
summer.” “Why?” “Is there something you’re not telling
me?” I asked anxiously. “Listen we have to go asleep but
one day you’ll find out” she answered. “Please! Please!
Please! Tell me I need to know?” I begged. “Fine then
but be quite,” Sophie whispered nervously. “Well you
were going to have to go to this really rich horrible
family in…. I don’t know where but I couldn’t let you go
to them.” “Yeah, yeah but do you know why I was in the
orphanage?” I questioned Sophie. “Well that’s the part I
don’t really know how to tell you,” she answered. Sophie
asked me what was the last thing I remembered or if I
could remember anything at all. I told her that I was
playing tennis and I went to pick up the ball and I was
here, I also remember strong lights coming closer and
closer to me but I told her maybe that was me being a bit
crazy. “Well the thing is Sarah you’re not hallucinating
when you think you saw lights, because you did see
lights,” “you see the thing is that day a truck crashed into
your house and hit you. You were rushed into hospital
straight away but unfortunately you hurt your head so
that is why you remember very few things about your
real family.” I was in tears because I knew that it was all
true. Sophie came over and gave me hug. She asked me
if I wanted to hear the rest of the story. “Yes” I answered
sadly. “Then you couldn’t get treatment in Oslo so you
had to be flown over here by plane.” “When you came
home to the hospital they didn’t have a record of your
home or who your parents were so you had to be put in
the nearest orphanage.” I was too sad to say anything and
I knew I had heard the entire story, so I said goodnight to
Sophie and pretended to go to sleep knowing there would
be no sleep for my tormented mind tonight.
Chapter four
I remembered how Sophie said we
were going to Norway on
holiday, so maybe I
could find my
family when we
got there. The next
eating my breakfast and Carol
asked me to get my bags ready for tomorrow, when we
would be going to Norway. I asked her what part of
Norway where we going to. “Well we were thinking of
going to the usual place Oslo” Carol answered. “Great I
just can’t wait, oh and Carol do you think we could stop
by the orphanage while we’re there?” I asked hopefully.
“Sure ” she said, “we could go anywhere.” We went to
Oslo by aeroplane so it took us ages but I didn’t really
mind. When we finally got there I was so excited
because I was dying to see my family. I asked Carol if
we could walk around all the houses just to look at the
difference between American houses and Norwegian
houses. Of course I just wanted to look for my old house.
She said we might have time after we unpack. I
unpacked my bag really fast and then helped everyone
else with there’s. We walked around for about 15
minutes when there was a house with a big red door the
number on the door said 1740. The door seemed very
familiar and I thought maybe it was my old home. I rang
the doorbell and a little boy answered I asked him was
his mother or father there. He shook his head and ran to a
woman. She looked at me as if I looked familiar to her,
then she ran into a room and brought a
man out. The two of them looked at me
and then asked me what my name was.
I answered “Rebecca Halaway.” Then I
asked what their names were. “Laura
and Tom Halaway,” they replied. I
walked up another step and asked was I
their daughter, as I said it a picture flashed in my head of
the man, woman and the little boy. There was someone
else in the picture it looked just like me. They are my
family. I ran up the rest of the steps and gave them a hug.
As I was hugging them Carol walked up behind me and
said “get down here now Sarah.” I shouted I’ve found
my family Carol. She walked up and looked at them she
saw the resemblance between my parents and me, and
she froze. Laura and Tom invited us in and we all sat
down and decided what we would do. The end result was
that I would stay with my parents and visit Sophie and
her mum and dad over the summer holidays. Well that’s
how my life is so extreme. But things are just perfect
now that Sophie and her family have moved in next door
so it is a happy ending!