Please describe your background (academic and extracurricular) and

Please describe your background (academic and extracurricular) and experience, including
research, teaching, industry, and other relevant information. Your space is limited to 2000
这部分挺好的呢,用 facts 展示了作为“人”的背景和在专业上的能力,形象挺完整的哦~水平越来越高
I am an undergraduate student majoring Information Security in Fudan University, where I
have equipped myself with powerful knowledge and abilities.
The undergraduate education in Fudan broadened my perspective on wide range of subjects.
German Idealism flowed through my mind, while I developed a model for Perturbation in the
Solar System with Matlab. My best course thesis discussed NGOs role in International
Relations while I follow the latest technology like HTML5. I can memorize Chapter One of The
Art of War by Sun Tzu as well as Red-black Tree algorithms. Among my favorite books are
Proofs from THE BOOK, which includes the most elegant proofs of mathematical theorems, as
well as Critique of Pure Reason by German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
In my studying Information Security, I have also instilled a strong foundation in programming,
which helped me grasp the opportunity to work for Microsoft. In Microsoft, I was responsible
for developing a tool which executes PowerShell Actions on remote servers according to the
server role. In this task, my ability in writing codes with objective-oriented features was
tested and improved. My proper use of Design Patterns made it easier to extend the tool.
Though I got stuck due to the incompatibility of the old environment and the current
physical1box environment, I found solutions through reusing the source code of other tools.
Although I am more gifted in programming, I am more enticed by Mathematics and
Cryptography. For nearly a year, I devoted myself to be a researcher of Cryptography.
Through my studies, I realized the core of Cryptography is One-way Functions. Symmetric
Cryptosystem uses One-way Functions to generate pseudo-randomness, while Asymmetric
Cryptosystem uses One-way Functions to generate pseudo-irrelevant keys. I joined Prof.
Kan’s research on Algebra Immunity, to find Boolean Functions that is immune to both Linear
Attack and Algebra Attack.
Please give a Statement of Purpose detailing your academic and research goals as well as
career plans. Include your reasons for choosing the Computational Science and Engineering
Program as opposed to other programs and/or other universities. Your space is limited to
4000 characters.
但从题目看,如果上一篇是针对你的过去,这一篇则是针对未来,所以这篇就应该更多地讲未来的 plan
和 goal,对吗?所以对于过去的经历可以压缩一下(或者放到前面一题去),而未来你准备成为什么样的
Hacker,在项目里积累什么,毕业之后 3-5 年的计划是什么,除了要积累专业知识,还准备积累什么,
锻炼哪些 skill 帮助自己实现 goal,这些可以再充实一下哦。
另外,期末结束了,好好利用寒假继续给自己充充电,即时把专业的进步再 update 给学校,也会有意想
My pursuit in Information Security began in high school. In high school, I was a lover of computer
games. Discussing with Geek Gamers on the forums was a part of my daily routine. These Geeks
taught Newbies like me graphic technologies such as Deferred Shading, and they wrote tutorials
on how to modify the source codes for games. It was the first time I felt a sense of
accomplishment in writing codes. I really appreciated their enlightenment.
However, the Geeks always justified their use of pirates and I could not understand why they
were so stingy with their favorite games. In order to protect my favorite games, I began my
journey in Information Security. And I also devoted myself to be a researcher of Cryptography.
At first, I tried to figure out how they cracked games. Although I was only a high school student
then, I began to read Assembly codes of the EXE files with Ultra Edit. Even though I did not
successfully crack a game, the process itself was enthralling.
My early exploration made me choose Information Security as my major in Fudan University. In
Fudan University, I have instilled a strong foundation in programming, which helped me grasp the
opportunity to work for Microsoft. I also joined Prof. Kan’s research on Algebra Immunity, to find
Boolean Functions that is immune to both Linear Attack and Algebra Attack. In my studying
Information Security through internship and research, I found a career in the industry rather than
in the college is more consistent with what I want to do in Information Security.
What I want to do is be a real Hacker, that is, to invent tools and protocols solving real Security
problems. I want to lead the Cloud Computing team in Google to make SaaS a good solution to
Copyright Protection. I want to lead the Hypervisor team in VMware to implement a security
layer in virtual machines. My career goal is to apply the most sophisticated technology to the
business use of Information Security.
Although I already attained proficient programming skills and acquired a deep understanding of
cryptography, I need more knowledge in Security Policies in order to realize my goal of becoming
a real hacker. As my study and work are getting closer to practical IT business, I gradually realize
the importance of designing good policies, especially when I witnessed Microsoft protecting her
precious Windows 8 through strict authentications and copy tracking instead of complex
As a result, I choose the Policy Track to learn more on Security Policies, the last void in my
abilities of Information Security. Courses like Security and Privacy of Information and Information
Systems will provide me with more knowledge on Security Management, while Business Process
Analysis & Design will allow me to apply what I learn in practice addressing real Security
In addition, the excellent location of Georgia Institute of Technology will provide me with more
opportunities to enter top firms such as Bellsouth, where I can gain insight on cutting-edge
technologies related with Computer Security.
After all, Information Security is a systematic discipline and I love its perfection. There is no other
discipline that combines my abilities and curiosity more perfectly, and there are no other jobs
more exciting than being a Hacker. Information Security is and will always be a world where I
pursue stronger abilities and my self-worth.