Lesson on the Social Cognitive Method of Teaching Skills Course: Educational Psychology FOED 2110 Topic: Using Observational Theory (Social Cognitive) in Teaching Lessons – where skills are involved Text pages: p. 159-160; 241-244 Homework: Write a lesson plan using the Observational/Social Cognitive Approach to teach a skill you might have to teach your students. Use all the components of a lesson plan AND show how your students will be involved in the steps of the method. OBJECTIVES: TSW practically apply theory in their plans for teaching. TSW apply the steps of the Behavioristic Observational Theory to teach a skill. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: PowerPoint slides/transparencies, newsprint and markers, hats (cowboy, mortar board, hard hat, star hat, wizard hat) Instruction: Set * Identify topic and write objectives on the board * Review theory and classical experiment of Bandura and Walters – ask students to summarize this information from previous lesson * You can use this theoretical approach when teaching skills: developing film, teaching a syncopated rhythm, creating note cards, preparing slides to be used under a microscope, writing a haiku poem, solving math problems, creating a debit/credit sheet, creating a three point perspective picture, You can practically apply this theory and tie it to our lesson on “task analysis” Tell about Kara and calculus class problems Body of lesson As we go through the steps of the Social Cognitive Approach in creating a hat, please be thinking about a skill you might teach and how you would use the four steps + transfer! 1. Attention – Put on large cowboy hat (Visual learners and auditory learners, and field dependent learners, Overview, Cues) Demonstrate how to fold paper into a hat giving each of the steps – students watch and listen (Could be any skill) 2. Retention – Put on mortar board hat (A, V, and Talking) Demonstrate folding again as students tell how to do it! – Key: explaining 3. Reproduction – Put on hard hat - LEARN HOW TO! (A, V, and K learners) Describe how to fold the hat AND students do it. Note: Advantage of catching difficulties as they occur 4. 5. Reinforcement - Put on star hat (Kinesthetic learners) Students create hats on their own; provides practice; lets teacher monitor for errors. Transfer – Put on wizard hat {This is NOT part of the Social Cognitive Theory but connects with the importance of higher order thinking – Bloom’s Cognitive Domain} With a partner, tell how YOU can teach a specific skill using these steps – in writing. Monitor what the students design and make note of good examples to share. Closure Students share how they can apply the theory in teaching skills in their own specialties. Summarize the steps – get from students – Pull rabbits out of the hat for students who respond correctly. Reminder of homework for next class – turn in complete lesson plan showing how to teach a skill in specialty area. Lesson plan must include all the parts of a lesson plan AND correctly apply the Social Cognitive Theory. Next lesson will cover Behavior Modification Theory and Techniques – use your Schedule for Reading. BACK UP PLAN If extra time is available Contrast the Social Cognitive approach with the typical demonstration approach by having the students fold hats into boat and then a t-shirt without the benefit of the Soc. Cogn. application. REFLECTION How well did students accomplish the goals? What needs to be altered or changed? Does any reteaching need to occur? What individuals need extra assistance on this technique?