Six Thinking Hats From the part to the whole From the different/unique to the common From analysis to synthesis Six Thinking Hats Parallel thinking mastermind Six Thinking Hats “The six thinking hats allow us to conduct our thinking as a conductor might lead an orchestra.” -- Edward de Bono TEACHING THINKING SKILLS To be used with 3 year olds All ages All business people To involve communities in projects The tool to Go beyond confusion Help gifted children become brighter Help not that gifted children improve and fly FROM SOCRATES: DIALECT PLATO: TRUTH ARISTOTLE: ARGUMENT TO CREATIVE PARALLEL THINKING Co-operation Blue Hat Think Blue Sky The conductor of the orchestra The big organizer Blue Hat – Organizing the Thinking Process When you wear the blue hat, your task is to define the situation, set the parameters, decide how you will proceed with the other hats (which ones to wear, and in which order), and control the process until a satisfactory resolution is reached. Thus, the blue hat is generally the first and the last to be worn. FOCUS + PURPOSE What are we here for? What are we thinking about? What is the end goal? What sequence of hats are we going to use? What have we achieved? White Hat INFORMATION in parallel White Hat – Objective Facts and Figures What do we know? What do we need to know? What is missing? What questions do we need to know How might we get the information we need? If information conflicts… All information is put alongside, then gets checked RED HAT: Fire and warm EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, INTUITION I do not like this idea at all My feeling is that this simply will not work My intuition is that it will be disastrous I feel it is a waste of time + ^ - Not obliged to say why you feel what you feel BLACK HAT CRITICAL THINKING careful! Risk assessment BLACK HAT: It points out: dangers, faults, problems Does this fit our values? Does this fit our resources? Does this fit our strategy and objectives? Does this fit our abilities? To indicate a fault in logic To point out incorrect information To point out faults and weaknesses To point out why something does not fit To point out the “downside” To point out potential problems NOT OVERUSE YELLOW HAT: VALUE SENSITIVITY THE LOGICAL POSITIVE Values, Benefits, That’s why it should work! Optimism The glass is half full! see the unseen beauty! YELLOW HAT: VALUE SENSITIVITY: GREEN HAT: THE INVITATION TO CREATIVITY Be Creative or Be Quiet NEW IDEAS, ALTERNATIVES, POSSIBILITIES, DESIGNS, HYPOTHESIS (PRESOCRATICS) VISIONS The balance of neurotransmitters from ego behavior to a co-operative, constructive thinker Easy to teach- easy to learn A symbology for swift in thinking Impersonal Strong fast All wear the same hat Everyone is looking at the same direction We do not change the person/ behavior USE: occasional use of a hat for a specific subject Systematic: all hats in sequence (Time management if needed) When using the hats systematically: Pre-set approach of sequence Evolving: you choose the next hat after you have finished with the previous one START with the BLUE HAT THE DECISION has been made by itself It is self-evident In assessment Yellow> Black> Green