GEOL 2920 Baker, 4/27/09 Summary of: Segura, T.L. B. Toon, and A. Colaprete (2008), Modeling the environmental effects of moderate-sized impacts on Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 113, E11007, doi:10.1029/2008JE003147. Goal of Paper: To simulate the climatic environment after moderate-sized impact events on Mars “…we envision a cold and dry planet, an almost endless winter broken by episodes of scalding rains followed by flash floods.” [Segura et al., 2002] Initial Conditions: Impact and water sources An impact ejecta produces pulverized, melted and vaporized target material (including volatiles). The melt and vaporized material are very hot (1000-3000 K) and are distributed globally. The melted and vaporized ejecta radiates energy while in the atmosphere (thus heating exposed surface ice) and is still hot (~1600 K) when it precipitates onto the surface. Water vapor remaining in the atmosphere is precipitated later and is maintained by a brief hydrologic cycle. Three sources of injected water (i.e. water directly vaporized by impact): 1) The impactor, 2) target crater material, 3) Exposed ice (i.e. polar caps) Also have water source from melted subsurface ice due to propagation of the thermal wave; assumed that all melted ice could potentially be evaporated Model: Used a 1-D radiative convective model coupled to a 1-D finite difference sub-surface model; Surface pressures, gas amounts, temperature were updated at every time step. Latent heat release with water phase change, and hydrologic cycle with evaporation of water from surface. Looked at effects of 30 km, 50 km, and 100 km impacts at 9 km/s (smaller diameters than the Segura et al., 2002 Science paper) Two sets of runs: 1) radiative effects of water clouds are not considered, 2) radiative effects (due to optical properties) of water clouds are considered. Kept track of: 1) Quantities of water precipitated, 2) Water evaporated from the ground, 3) Water collected on the surface as a function of time Assumptions: Early Mars conditions: Sun is at 75% luminosity and ambient atmospheric CO2 pressure at 150 mbar (also model higher values of 1 to 2 bars) Globally emplaced ejecta blanket T = 0 is when all rock vapor has rained out but injected water remains in the hot atmosphere Sub-micron dust in atmosphere not considered Water contents: Asteroid water content 5% by mass; average regolith water content is 20% by mass under a 40-cm dry cap. Energy sinks in models: 1) latent heat from injected water, 2) energy associated with heating the atmosphere, 3) energy heating the debris layer to 1600 K. Altogether, these energies account for less than ~15% of the total kinetic energy of the impactor. Only means of energy loss at the top of the model (i.e. atm/space interface) GEOL 2920 Baker, 4/27/09 Results: Precipitation and temperatures >273 K may be sustained for many months or years in the early Martian CO2 climate as a result of impactors >30 km A 30 km object impacting under current Mars conditions (6.1 mbar CO2 pressure with no cloud radiative effects) produces above freezing temperatures for only 1-2 days. Estimates on total precipitation for all impactors: Fit a power law curve to the global precipitation totals of the modeled impacts to estimate the precipitation totals for impactors > 10 km in diameter. Somehow derived impactor diameters >10 km from craters on Mars, and used these to integrate the total rainfall caused by all impact events. Get about 650 m of precipitation. Estimates on erosion rates: Used the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), which was developed to estimate terrestrial topsoil erosion: A = R K LS C P (where A=annual soil loss, R=erosivity index, K=soil erodibility factor, LS=topographic factor (depends on slope), C=cropping factor, P=conservation factor) Assumed USLE can be applied to Mars, and C=P=1, K=0.12(bedrock) to 0.48(silt), LS=2.0-6.0 (for large basins), soil density of 2200 kg/m3 Total Erosion per Event = (Calculated Annual Erosion Rate from USLE) x (Time of Precipitation for the Impact Event) Total erosion from all impactors >10 km diameter = 2.6-46 m (depending on values for LS and K; for 1 bar CO2) Suggest that these erosion estimates are minima GEOL 2920 Baker, 4/27/09 Implications: Geologically short hydrologic systems from impact events with brief but intense episodes of precipitation. Enough precipitation appears to result to account for the erosion observed without forming mature, well-developed fluvial systems. Brevity of precipitation events may also account for the lack of ubiquitous presence of clays and carbonates. Channels need not to form near the impact site because the impactor ejecta is distributed globally. Questions: How global are the warming events? How global are the precipitation totals? Effects of topography and atmospheric circulation? How useful is the USLE for use in Martian erosion estimates? Issues with gravity scaling, slope estimates (especially considering crater slopes), soil properties and heterogeneities, magnitude of precipitation events, etc. How does this scenario fit in with the flow regimes, locations, and episodicity of water as implied by the morphological evidence for water on Mars (e.g. fans/deltas, open/closed basin lakes, channel morphologies, etc.)? Class Notes: Water erosion is not a dominant process in the evolution of the Martian surface, therefore the total amount of erosions implied by these models may be too great given the timescales It may be useful to consider the effect of varying the initial water content of the ground from 20% down to 5% to see effects on total precipitation and erosion rates Questions on applying this 1-D model to a 3-D view. How global, or, alternatively, how local are these effects being felt?