Text S1 2012JG001985 The INCA model: structure, input data and calibration procedures 1. Model structure. The Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N, v1.11.10) is a process-based model that integrates hydrology and catchment/river N processes and simulates daily discharge and NO3 and NH4 concentrations [Whitehead et al., 1998; Wade et al., 2002]. The model structure accounts for four ecosystem compartments: plant, soil, groundwater and stream. Sources of N include atmospheric deposition, N fixation and anthropogenic inputs (fertilizer application and direct discharges). Internal cycling of N includes biological uptake, mineralization and nitrification. Outputs of N consider denitrification and hydrological export. The stream compartment operates as a multi-reach system where equations are solved to maintain a mass balance along the river. For the present study, we used the INCA-N version 1.11 that is available at http://www.reading.ac.uk/INCA/. 2. Input data and model calibration. The INCA model requires daily measurements of precipitation, air temperature, soil moisture deficit (SMD), and hydrologically effective rainfall (HER). To derive input data for the Santa Fe (subhumid) and Fuirosos (semiarid) catchments during the period 2004–2006, we used climatic data provided by the Montnegre-Corredor and the Montseny Natural Protected Areas from two meteorological stations located nearby our study sites (the Can Lleonart station for the subhumid catchment; the Dos Rius station for the semiarid catchment). We calculated SMD and HER as described by Bernal et al. [2004]. In the model, the HER drives the water flow and N flux through the soil compartment. For the semiarid catchment, where unsaturated flow paths often occur due to low water availability [Medici et al., 2008], we adjusted the HER initially calculated with standard methods to get the best fit between observed and simulated stream discharge. We used field measurements to estimate the a and b parameters from the velocity/discharge relationship V=aQb from which the model derives the residence time of water. Land uses, catchment area and reach length for each study site were derived from a digital land use/land cover and a river network LandSat maps 1:50000 (BT-50M v.3.0) provided by the Catalan Government (http://www.aca-web.gencat.cat) and the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) (http://www.creaf.uab.es/mcsc/esp/descriptiu.htm). For atmospheric N inputs, we used the long-term average of N deposition in the study area that is 18.6 kg N/ha/year (60% and 40% as dry as wet N deposition, respectively) [Àvila et al., 2010]. We followed the calibration procedure proposed by Butterfield et al., [2006]. First, we calibrated the hydrological component of the INCA model until we got a good fit between simulated and observed values. Then, we adjusted the terrestrial component, that is the soil N processes (nitrification, denitrification, mineralization) and those parameters related with tree physiology (growth period, uptake rates). During this setting-up process, we kept the in-stream model parameters inactive (i.e, in-stream denitrification, in-stream nitrification, stream length). To fit the plant/soil N parameters, we used either, field or published data, if available. Otherwise, we used “soft-data” (based on the experimental knowledge of N processes) provided by Butterfield et al. [2006] following recommendations from Rankinen et al. [2006]. Parameters were adjusted to the peaks of the NO3 and NH4 chemographs to obtain: (i) the best match between simulated and measured stream inorganic N concentrations, and (ii) simulated N annual rates and N fluxes similar to those reported in the literature [Bernal et al., 2004; Butterfield et al., 2006]. Due to the inherent difficulty of measuring hydrological and soil processes in the field at the same scale as conceptualized in model structures, all the calibrated parameters have limited physical meaning [Oreskes et al., 1994]. Futhermore, several sets of parameters may give a good fit (or even, a better fit) between simulated and measured values, a problem known as equifinality (the impossibility to find an optimal parameter set in hydrological modelling) [Beven, 2006]. Despite these unavoidable limitations when dealing with complex distributed models, the application of the INCA model in our study was useful because, once set-up and calibrated, it allowed for running in-stream scenarios to test the functioning of this model compartment. For each sub-catchment, we estimated the goodness of fit for both, discharge and stream water dissolved inorganic N concentration (DIN-N = NO3−N + NH4−N) with the coefficient of determination (r2) between simulated and measured data. Moreover, we quantified differences between water outputs and N loads estimated from observed and simulated data. 3. Model simulations. The INCA model was able to successfully recreate the variability of stream discharge for both, the subhumid (r2 = 0.88, p < 0.01, n = 50) and the semiarid (r2 = 0.95, p < 0.01, n = 46) catchments. However, the model tended to overestimate stream discharge, in particular for the subhumid catchment (Table A1). Regarding DIN, the model matched the magnitude as well as the seasonality of stream water concentrations, though the explained variability was lower than for stream discharge (r2 = 0.61, n = 50 for the subhumid catchment; r2 = 0.46, n = 38 for the semiarid catchments; p < 0.01 in both cases). Simulated and empirically estimated annual stream N fluxes differed by < 40% (Table S1). Table S1. Annual discharge and catchment DIN export measured empirically and simulated with the INCA model for the subhumid and semiarid catchments during two consecutive water yearsa. Catchment Subhumid Water Year 2004-2005 2005-2006 Water Flux (mm) Observed Simulated 94.1 102.8 (+9.2 %) 229.4 381.6 (+66.3 %) Semiarid 2004-2005 2005-2006 24.8 76.9 21.6 (-12.9 %) 48.8 (-36.5 %) 2 DIN (kg N/km /year) Observed Simulated 9.5 10 (+5.2 %) 39.4 33.5 (-14.9 %) 12.6 31.4 11.1 (-11.9 %) 43.5 (+38.5 %) a The relative difference between observed and simulated values is shown in parenthesis. The plus sign (+) indicates that simulated values were above empirical values. The minus sign (–) indicates the opposite. References Àvila, A., R. Molowny-Horas , B.S. Gimeno, and J. Peñuelas (2010), Analysis of decadal time series in wet N concentrations at five rural sites in NE Spain, Water Air Soil Pollut., 207(1–4), 123–138, doi:10.1007/s11270-009-0124-7. Bernal, S., A. Butturini, J.L. Riera, E. Vázquez, and F. Sabater (2004), Calibration of the INCA model in a Mediterranean forested catchment: the effect of hydrological inter-annual variability in an intermittent stream, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 8(4), 729–741. Beven, K (2006), A manifesto for the equifinality thesis, J. Hydrol., 320:18–36. Butterfield, D., A.J. Wade, and P.G. (2006), INCA-N v 1.9 user guide, Univ. of Reading, UK, pp 106. Medici, C., A. Butturini, S. Bernal, E. Vázquez, F. Sabater, J.I. Vélez, and F. Francés (2008), Modelling the non-linear hydrological behaviour of small Mediterranean forested catchment, Hydrol. Process., 22, 3814–3828. Oreskes, N., K. Shrader-Frechette, and K. Belitz K (1994), Verification, validation and confirmation of numerical models in earth sciences, Science, 263, 641–646. Rankinen, K., T. Karvonen, and D. Butterfield (2006), An application of the GLUE methodology for estimating the parameters of the INCA-N model, Sci. Total Environ., 365, 123–139. Wade, A.J., P. Durand, V. Beaujouan, W.W. Wessel, K.J. Raat, P.G. Whitehead; D. Butterfield, K. Rankinen, and A. Lepisto (2002), A nitrogen model for European catchments: INCA, new model structure and equations, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 6(3), 559–582. Whitehead, P.G., E.J. Wilson, and D. Butterfield (1998), A semidistributed Nitrogen Model for Multiple Source Assessments in Catchments (INCA): Part 1 – Model Structure and Process Equations, Sci. Total Environ., 210/211, 547–558.