Semester Vocab Words and Homework Schedule

Keep this packet in the vocabulary section of your notebook. Page 1
Mrs. Bishop’s Weekly Vocabulary Homework Schedule
*All vocabulary homework is due ONE minute after the tardy bell rings. After the one minute alarm is sounded, I will not accept
homework for that day.
*Vocabulary work will only be accepted within two days if it is an excused absence. I make no exceptions.
MON: Definitions. I will give you the definition for each word. You only have to write them down and
turn them in the next day for 33 points toward that week’s homework grade. (The first one is usually
the most widely used definition.) You may not photocopy or type definitions. All entries must be
numbered. (5 points will be taken off if directions are not followed.) If you are absent on a Monday, you
must look up the definition. Write the first definition given.
TUES: You must write a sentence with the first five vocabulary words. The sentences must contain
context clues, part of speech of the vocab work, and a dependent/independent clause or phrase
highlighted appropriately. I will tell you each week what type of clause/phrase you will need to use in
your sentences. You will turn these sentences in Wednesday. I will randomly check one of the five
sentences for errors. You must correct any errors I find and turn in the following day or you will not
receive your 33 points for Tuesday night’s homework.
WED: You must write a sentence with the last five vocabulary words. The sentences must contain
context clues, part of speech of the vocab work, and a dependent/independent clause or phrase
highlighted appropriately. I will tell you each week what type of clause/phrase you will need to use in
your sentences. I will randomly check one of the five sentences for errors. You must correct any
errors I find and turn in the following day or you will not receive your 33 points for Wednesday night’s
*Do not plagiarize! Copying sentences from someone else, from the internet, or from books is cheating!
(I will google your sentences to check! You will not receive your 33 points for that day if ONE sentence
is plagiarized.
THURS: Study for the vocabulary quiz Friday.
FRI: Vocabulary Quiz. You will be required to write five sentences using five of the vocabulary words.
I will tell you which vocabulary words on quiz day—this ensures that you will study all of your
vocabulary. Do not just memorize the definitions! You must learn how to use these words! You must
understand the words and definitions. The sentences must contain context clues, part of speech of the
vocab word, and a dependent/independent clause or phrase highlighted appropriately. I will tell you
each week what type of clause/phrase you will need to use in your sentences.
Keep this packet in the vocabulary section of your notebook. Page 2
Here is an example of a weekly vocabulary quiz:
On this paper, write 5 sentences using these vocabulary words: (Teacher will chose 5 out of the
10 words.)
Follow all of the following directions:
1. Every sentence must contain a subordinate clause highlighted pink. (Use different
subordinating conjunctions)
2. Every vocabulary word must have a part of speech above it. (5 points each.)
3. Every sentence must contain context clues for the vocabulary word. You will not receive credit
for the sentence if it does not contain context clues.
4. Grammar will also be graded= comma usage, spelling, etc. (grammatical errors: 2 points each)
Remember: no you’s, no contractions, no form of “got,” and no slang! PROOFREAD THREE
Complex sentence: at least one subordinate/dependent clause and only one independent clause.
Subordinate clauses begin with subordinate conjunctions: after, as, as soon as, although, that, in
order, though, since, because, so that, until, if, in order that, as far as, even if, even though,
wherever, as long as, than, unless, while, as if, before, where, as far as.
*make sure there is a subject and verb following the sub conj.
2. The subordinating conjunction and the words that go with it are called a SUBORDINATE CLAUSE.
3. Highlight the subordinate clause pink.
4. Highlight the independent clause yellow.
5. Compound sentence: two or more independent clauses joined by a comma and a coordinating
6. Coordinating conjunctions: FOR
Keep this packet in the vocabulary section of your notebook. Page 3
7. Don’t use the same coordinating conjunction over and over again. (Every conjunction must be used
at least once).
8. Put a comma before the cc and make sure there is a sentence before and after the comma and cc.
I love to read
, and I love to write.
9. Highlight the independent clauses yellow. The independent clauses are the sentences before and
after the comma and cc. Do not highlight the comma or the cc!
Mrs. Bishop’s English 2 Vocabulary
Voc 1
1. Delineate
2. nefarious
3. vernacular
4. brawn
5. tout
6. enhance
7. hindrance
8. efface
9. glutton
10. hiatus
Voc 2
1. querulous
2. engender
3. obliterate
4. copious
5. obscure
6. extol
7. pugnacious
8. quell
9. artisan
10. kindle
Voc 3
1. corroborate
2. amorous
3. decorous
4. expedite
5. idyllic
6. juxtapose
7. incandescent
8. exasperate
9. discordant
10. volatile
Voc 4
1. distend
2. fecund
3. sage
4. vacuous
5. deride
6. assail
7. benevolent
8. scrutinize
9. histrionic
10. didactic
Voc 5
1. bucolic
2. pretentious
3. gullible
4. convivial
5. discrete
6. discreet
7. fabricate
8. gesticulate
9. laud
10. belabor
Voc 6
1. reiterate
2. conflagration
3. induce
4. soporific
5. anarchy
6. strident
7. nonchalant
8. malleable
9. ludicrous
10. abridge
Voc 7
1. lethargy
2. recondite
3. conspicuous
4. archaic
5. imminent
6. predator
7. coalesce
8. exult
9. exalt
10. extraneous
Voc 8
1. incantation
2. assuage
3. insuperable
4. assiduous
5. indulgent
6. avarice
7. squander
8. penurious
9. debunk
10. eccentric
Voc 9
1. desiccate
2. diverse
3. loquacious
4. maudlin
5. farcical
6. vibrant
7. virulent
8. contemptuous
9. enigma
10. labyrinth
Voc 10
1. lucid
2. repudiate
3. superficial
4. primordial
5. mellifluous
6. provincial
7. contrite
8. incessant
Voc 11
1. foible
2. lacerate
3. harangue
4. exact
5. abash
6. tact
7. uncouth
8. fetish
9. phobia
10. masticate
Voc 12
1. laconic
2. malevolent
3. meander
4. apex
5. nadir
6. disseminate
7. emaciated
8. puissant
9. citadel
10. atrophy
Voc 13
1. ornate
2. austere
3. cerebral
4. incommodious
5. noisome
Keep this packet in the vocabulary section of your notebook. Page 4
6. cacophony
7. veritable
8. verbatim
9. concurrent
10. evade
Voc 14
1. impede
2. askew
3. queue
4. accolade
5. torrid
6. trepidation
7. fraught
8. wane
9. oust
10. temerity
Voc 15
1. connoisseur
2. asunder
3. raze
4. blighted
5. aghast
6. milieu
7. arduous
8. coterie
9. awry
10. table
Voc 16
1. harried
2. irascible
3. congenial
4. boisterous
5. chimerical
6. vertigo
7. fallacious
8. impasse
9. zeal
10. berate
Voc 17
1. vacillate
2. lassitude
3. garrulous
4. myriad
5. noxious
6. accost
7. beatific
8. nuance
9. quagmire
10. somber
Voc 18
1. unawares
2. suffrage
3. cloister
4. docile
5. surfeit
6. incongruous
7. aloof
8. harrowing
9. chronic
10. accentuate
Voc 19
1. truncate
2. baneful
3. circumspect
4. admonish
5. tantamount
6. neologism
7. respite
8. capitulate
9. aphorism
10. confute
Voc 20