Algonquin College 1385 Woodroffe Ave Ottawa, Ontario K2G-1V8 (613)727-4723 ext.5138 MAT1L/2L, Grade 9 and 10 Locally Developed Math Provided by Renfrew County Catholic District School Board Last updated: June 27, 2007 All pictures, maps and graphics associated with lesson plans are the property of Algonquin College, unless otherwise noted or linked. Statistical data and background information has been collected from the CIA World Factbook, public domain reference materials, and (where identified) external resources. Curriculum and Lesson Plans have been created by partner School Boards [as identified]. These lesson plans and associated resources (photo, video, audio, etc.) are free for use to all teachers within the partner Boards in the delivery of the Ontario K-12 Curriculum. While every effort has been made to maintain the accuracy of the information provided, Algonquin College is not responsible for unintentional data entry errors or omissions. If you would like to report any errors or corrections for lesson plans, or use copyrighted materials for purposes other than the Ontario Curriculum please contact: Expedition Africa at (613)727-4723 ext. 5138 or email Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................... 2 Summary of Lesson Plan ................... 2 Locally Developed Compulsory Credits ................................................. 3 Catholic Graduate Expectations ....... 3 Program Planning Considerations ... 3 Assessment and Evaluation .............. 4 LESSON ONE, MAT 1L, THE GREAT PYRAMID ............................................. 5 Country of Interest ...................... 5 Description ................................. 5 Expectations ............................... 5 Teacher Preparation ................... 5 Resources Included .................... 5 Lesson ........................................ 5 Possible Extension Activities ...... 6 Lesson One – Worksheets................. 7 LESSON TWO, MAT 2L, THE GREAT PYRAMID PART II ............................. 11 Country of Interest .................... 11 Description ............................... 11 Expectations ............................. 11 Teacher Preparation ................. 11 Resources Included .................. 11 Lesson ...................................... 11 Possible Extension Activities .... 12 Lesson Two – Worksheets .............. 13 LESSON THREE, MAT 1L, VACATIONING IN AFRICA ............... 16 Country of Interest .................... 16 Description ............................... 16 Expectations ............................. 16 Teacher Preparation ................. 16 Resources Included .................. 16 Lesson ...................................... 16 Possible Extension Activities .... 17 Teacher Preparation ................. 28 Resources Included .................. 28 Lesson...................................... 28 Possible Extension Activities .... 28 Lesson 4 - Worksheets .................... 29 LESSON FIVE, MAT 1L, FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTS ................... 32 Country of Interest .................... 32 Description ............................... 32 Expectations ............................. 32 Teacher Preparation ................. 32 Resources Included .................. 32 Lesson...................................... 32 Possible Extension Activities .... 32 Lesson Five – Worksheets .............. 33 Feedback Page ................................. 38 Summary of Lesson Plan The aim of these curricular materials is to encourage and empower students to make meaningful connections between what they know about their own lives in Canada and what they can learn about the lives of peoples in the Continent of Africa. Students will be encouraged to expand critical thinking skills, literacy skills and Mathematical reasoning skills by engaging in meaningful dialogue about their world. This lesson plan may identify specific resources to support certain activities. While the expedition team will attempt to gather all the required resources, we cannot guarantee that all photo, audio, video will be captured as listed. Lesson 3 – Worksheets .................... 18 LESSON FOUR, MAT1L, WORKING WITH NUMBERS ............................... 28 Country of Interest .................... 28 Description ............................... 28 Expectations ............................. 28 Locally Developed Math Page 2 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Locally Developed Compulsory Credits Locally Developed Compulsory Credit courses were developed by the LDCC Project coordinated by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) in liaison with the Institute for Catholic Education (ICE), through a Consortium led by the Peel District School Board. LDCC courses are intended to meet the education and career preparation needs of students that cannot be me by the courses authorized by the provincial curriculum policy documents. Funding for the development of these courses was provided by the Ministry of Education. For further information see: Guide to Locally Developed Courses, Grades 9-12, Development and Approval Procedures, 2004 Catholic Graduate Expectations These curricular materials support the following Catholic Graduate Expectations: An Effective Communicator: -listens actively and critically to understand and learn in light of gospel values -reads, understands and uses written materials effectively -presents information and ideas clearly and honestly and with sensitivity to others A Reflective and Creative Thinker: -creates, adapts, evaluates new ideas in light of the common good. -Adopts a holistic approach to life by integrating learning from various subject areas and experience A Self-directed, Responsible, Life Long Learner: -sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life -applies effective communication, decision-making, problem solving, time and resource management skills A Collaborative Contributor: -works effectively as an interdependent team member -respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others A Responsible Citizen: -respects and affirms the diversity and interdependence of the world’s peoples and cultures. -respects and understands the history, cultural heritage and pluralism of today’s contemporary society Program Planning Considerations - Some students will require accommodation and modification of materials. As much as possible, focus should be put on building student confidence In order to engage in a number of the activities, student will need skill working in small groups. Whenever possible, connections should be made to the world of work. Locally Developed Math Page 3 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 - The learning activities should strengthen students’ abilities to recognize bias and discrimination in viewpoints Many of these activities can be adapted for use in Applied level classes at the grades 9 and 10 level and in classrooms grade 6-9 Assessment and Evaluation While any of these activities can be extended to act as assessment or evaluation vehicles for student progress, the intention is that they be used throughout the semester in conjunction with regular discussion about the continent of Africa and regular monitoring of Algonquin’s African Expedition (SWPB), through media outlets and web connections. Student should collect materials from the lessons they complete in a portfolio to be viewed throughout the course for reflection on their own personal and academic growth. Locally Developed Math Page 4 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 LESSON ONE (MAT 1L) - THE GREAT PYRAMID Country of Interest Egypt Description Students will access a Picture Tour of the Great Pyramid in Egypt to visually experience the vastness of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, read about how it was constructed and view schematic diagrams of pyramid design. Using the given base and height measurements, students will calculate the perimeter of the pyramid and compare personal reference points to support their understanding of measurement relationships as a specific expectation for the course. Expectations DCMV.03 Solve problems, carry out investigations, estimate, and measure using metric units, to consolidate understanding of perimeter, area and volume; DCMV.04 Communicate information about measurement concepts; DCMV.05 Use literacy skills, (reading, writing, listening and speaking) to obtain and communicate information about measurement concepts Teacher Preparation The teacher should visit the website below to ensure that it is accessible, up to date and appropriate; Introduce topic of Pyramids; history of, structural greatness; Teacher should photocopy the provided work sheet and prepare student for its use; Teacher should photocopy Metric Measurements conversion chart Resources Included Work sheet Metric Measurements Conversion Lesson Activate prior knowledge about Egypt and pyramids using the Picture Tour of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Visit Picture Tour website: Read along with the students as they follow the Picture Tour; Ask questions to verify understanding; Encourage students to ask questions about material they are not familiar with; Generate a list of why pyramids are not prevalent in North American society Using the given base and height measurements, students will calculate the perimeter of the pyramid and compare personal reference points to support their understanding of measurement relationships Students may access the following websites for further information: Locally Developed Math Page 5 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Possible Extension Activities Build a pyramid using manipulatives or nets; Determine the Volume and Surface Area using Formulas Locally Developed Math Page 6 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:_____________________________ Lesson One – Worksheet THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA The Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt is composed of four triangular sides and a square base. It covered an area of 13 acres and was originally constructed with a smooth limestone surface. Over the ages this limestone was removed and used on other buildings. Each face of the Great Pyramid is a triangle with a base of 229 m and height of 185 m. Calculate the perimeter of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ = _______ m Our school soccer field has the following measurements: Length 100 m Width 60 m 100 m 60 m Calculate the perimeter of our soccer field: _______ + _______ + _______ + _______ = _______ m Approximately how much more land does the base of the Great Pyramid cover compared to the soccer field? Show your calculations. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Locally Developed Math Page 7 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Choose two personal references previously measured in this course (your outstretched hand, length of your foot, length of your arm, length of your text book, your height, etc) and compare the perimeter of the Great Pyramid with your measurement. Personal Reference #1 __________________What is its measurement? ______________ Remember to convert to m ___________________ How many times larger is the Perimeter of the Great Pyramid? Show your calculations. Personal Reference #2 __________________What is its measurement? ______________ Remember to convert to m ___________________ How many times larger is the Perimeter of the Great Pyramid? Show your calculations. The height of the Great Pyramid is 185 m. If the height of the classroom door is 2 m, how many doors would you link together to reach the top of the Pyramid? _______ / _______ = _______ doors Would you be able to see the top of the Pyramid or would you need binoculars? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ A pencil measures 13.4 cm in length. What is the length in m? ____________________ How many pencils stacked one on top of each other would be needed to reach the top of the Great Pyramid? Locally Developed Math Page 8 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 A compact disc has a thickness of 2 mm. What is the thickness of the CD in centimeters? Show your calculations. How many CDs would be needed to reach the top of the Great Pyramid? Show your calculations. Remember to convert to cm to m. The length of a car is approximately 3 m. If your uncle’s junkyard had 57 cars and you could stack them end-to-end, would you reach the top of the Great Pyramid? Explain. Locally Developed Math Page 9 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 THE METRIC STEPS Kilo To the Left (Divide) Point one Place Move the Decimal Up the Ladder… ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Hecto Deka Base unit (metre, litre, gram) ↓ When moving moving ↓ Deci When Down the ladder… ↓ Move the Decimal Point Centi ↓ ↓ One Place to the Right Milli Locally Developed Math ↓ (multiply) Page 10 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 LESSON TWO (MAT 2L) - THE GREAT PYRAMID PART II Country of Interest Egypt Description Students will access a Picture Tour of the Great Pyramid in Egypt to visually experience the vastness of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, read about how it was constructed and view schematic diagrams of pyramid design. Using the given base and height measurements, students will calculate the area and volume of the pyramid and solve additional problems to support their understanding of measurement relationships as a specific expectation for the course. Expectations EUMV.02 solve problems involving measurements of circles, rectangles, cylinders, and rectangular prisms, using metric units in applications drawn from everyday life and the work place; EUMV.04 communicate information about measurement concepts; Teacher Preparation The teacher should visit the website below to ensure that it is accessible, up to date and appropriate; Introduce topic of Pyramids; history of, structural greatness; Teacher should photocopy the provided work sheet and prepare student for its use; Resources Included Work sheet Lesson Activate prior knowledge about Egypt and pyramids using the Picture Tour of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Visit Picture Tour website: Read along with the students as they follow the Picture Tour; Ask questions to verify understanding; Encourage students to ask questions about material they are not familiar with; Generate a list of why pyramids are not prevalent in North American society Using the given base and height measurements, students will calculate the area and volume of the pyramid and solve additional problems to support their understanding of measurement relationships Students may access the following websites for further information: Locally Developed Math Page 11 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Possible Extension Activities Build a pyramid using manipulatives or nets; Students are to asked to determine the quantity of sand required to fill 10 pyramids (dimensions to be decided upon) constructed as decorations for a School Dance, Egyptian theme. Amount of sand/ Cost of sand/bag/alternate fillings, etc. Locally Developed Math Page 12 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:_____________________________ Lesson Two – Worksheet THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA The Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt is composed of four triangular sides and a square base. It covers an area of 13 acres and was originally constructed with a smooth limestone surface. Over the ages this limestone was removed and used on other buildings. Each face of the Great Pyramid is a triangle with a base of 229 m and height of 185 m. 1. Calculate the surface area of the Great Pyramid using the following formula Determine the area of ONE of the four triangular faces of the pyramid base x height = 2 _______________ = ______ m2 x 4 = ________ m2 Determine the area of the base of the Great Pyramid LxW = _______________ = Add the areas for the triangular faces + the base together Locally Developed Math ________ m2 ________ m2 Page 13 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 2. Determine the surface area of the pyramid given the following dimensions Square base 2.2 m by 3.6 m Height 1.5 m Determine the area of ONE of the four triangular faces of the pyramid base x height = 2 _______________ = ______ m2 x 4 = ________ m2 Determine the area of the base of the Pyramid LxW = ________ m2 _______________ = Add the areas for the triangular faces + the base together 3. ________ m2 Determine the surface area of the pyramid given the following dimensions Square base 3.2 m by 4.6 m Height 2.4 m Determine the area of ONE of the four triangular faces of the pyramid base x height = 2 _______________ = ______ m2 x 4 = ________ m2 Determine the area of the base of the Pyramid LxW = _______________ = ________ m2 Add the areas for the triangular faces + the base together ________ m2 CALCULATING VOLUME OF A PYRAMID Locally Developed Math Page 14 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 length x width 3 x height 4. Determine the volume of the Great Pyramid using the formula given above. answer should be recorded as ___________ m3 The The volume of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is _______ m3 5. CALCULATE THE VOLUME OF THE FOLLOWING PYRAMIDS Height 10 m Base Dimensions (l and w) 12 m by 15 m 12 cm 8 cm by 10 cm 10.2 m 7m by 3m Locally Developed Math Calculations Volume (units)3 Page 15 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 LESSON THREE (MAT 1L) - VACATIONING IN AFRICA Countries of Interest Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania Description Maps of each of the counties involved in the Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa have been provided. The maps show the major cities/towns, capital city, surrounding countries and associated water systems. Students can follow the route of the Expedition through each country and determine distances between cities/towns using the scale given on each map. Calculating the distance and the time required to travel between two distances based on kilometres per hour or miles per hour will support the student in comprehending measurement and rates using both the Imperial and Metric system. As well, comparing distances in African countries to similar distances in Canada provides a reference base. Expectations DCMV.01 estimate and measure length, capacity, and mass, in order to consolidate understanding of the Metric system; DCMV.02 estimate and measure length, using the Imperial system; DCMV.04 communicate information about measurement concepts; DPRV.02 solve problems drawn from everyday situations involving percent, ratio, rate, and fractions; DPRV.03 communicate information about proportional reasoning Teacher Preparation Teacher should photocopy the provided work sheets and prepare students for its use; Collect tool(s) to use for measuring/duplicating map scale (rulers, string, etc) Review how to determine how long the journey will take based on rate of km/hr or miles/hr and distance to be traveled. Resources Included Work sheets for the following countries: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania Maps for Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho All maps were retrieved from on August 9, 2006. Lesson Introduce the activity with a map of Africa showing all of the countries included in the African Expedition. Indicate that today’s lesson will concentrate on five of the nine countries. Students must list one international development site within each of your five countries Make reference to the fact that prior to internet sites such as Map Quest, maps and atlases were used to determine distances between cities/towns. Have students make replicas of the scale for kilometer and mile as indicated on each map. Some may have similar scales. Locally Developed Math Page 16 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Review how to determine how long the journey will take based on rate of km/hr or miles/hr and distance to be traveled. Using the maps of the countries chosen for this activity, measure the distance between the cities listed on Work Sheet. Having students round to the nearest 100 provides uniformity in responses. Respond to the questions as outlined on the work sheet. Compare distances to Canadian cities for reference points. Possible Extension Activities Use the maps of the countries not covered in the work sheets to determine distances between countries; Using gas prices and a pre determined km obtained per litre of gas, determine costs; Car rental costs per km or mi; Measure distances between other towns/cities; Estimate the distances; then measure. Locally Developed Math Page 17 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:_____________________________ Lesson Three – Worksheets Egypt 1. Using the scale given on the map, determine the distance in kilometres from Damietta to Aswan. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 km would be rounded to 200 km) The distance between Damietta and Aswan in Egypt is _________________ km. 2. Using the scale given on the map, determine the distance in miles from Damietta to Aswan. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 mi would be rounded to 200 mi) The distance between Damietta and Aswan in Egypt is _________________ mi 3. If you were traveling at a rate of 80 km/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Damietta to Aswan, Egypt? Show your calculations. 4. If you were traveling at a rate of 60 mi/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Damietta to Aswan, Egypt? Show your calculations 5. What is the capital city of Egypt? Locally Developed Math Page 18 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Sudan 1. Using the scale given on the map, determine the distance in kilometres from Wadi Halfa to Nimule. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 km would be rounded to 200 km) The distance between Wadi Halfa and Nimule in Sudan is _______________km. 2. Using the scale given on the map, determine the distance in miles from Wadi Halfa to Nimule. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 mi would be rounded to 200 mi) The distance between is Wadi Halfa and Nimule in Sudan _________________mi 3. If you were traveling at a rate of 40 km/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Wadi Halfa to Nimule in Sudan? Show your calculations. 4. If you were traveling at a rate of 50 mi/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Wadi Halfa to Nimule in Sudan? Show your calculations 5. What is the capital city of Sudan? Locally Developed Math Page 19 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Ethiopia 1. Using the scale given on the map of Ethiopia, determine the distance in kilometres from Jima to Dolo Odo. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 km would be rounded to 200 km) The distance between Jima and Dolo Odo in Ethiopia is ________________km. 2. Using the scale given on the map, determine the distance in miles from Jima to Dolo Odo. Be sure to round to the nearest 100. (i.e. 180 mi would be rounded to 200 mi) The distance between is Jima and Dolo Odo, Ethiopia is ._________________mi 3. If you were traveling at a rate of 90 km/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Jima to Dolo Odo? Show your calculations. 4. If you were traveling at a rate of 55 mi/hr, how long would it take you to travel from Jima to Dolo Odo? Show your calculations 5. What is the capital city of Ethiopia? Locally Developed Math Page 20 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Kenya 1. Determine the distance, in kilometres, from Lodwar to Kisumu. Add the distance from Kisumu to Nairobi. Add the distance from Nairobi to Malindi Add the distance from Malindi to Mombasa TOTAL ______________km ______________km ______________km ______________km ______________km 2. If you left Lodwar on a Monday at 6:00 a.m. and had to be in Mombasa at 9:00 a.m on Tuesday, how many km per hour must you maintain to reach your destination on time? 3. What is the distance between Garissa and Lamu, Kenya? ______________ km 4. If the camel you were traveling on covered a distance of 30 km/hr, how long would your journey between Garissa and Lamu, Kenya last? 5. What is the capital city of Kenya? Locally Developed Math Page 21 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Tanzania 1. You have been asked to follow the following route through the country of Tanzania: Bukoba to Kigoma; Kigoma to Tabora; Tabora to Tanga; Tanga to Mbeya; Mbeya to Songea. Using the scale given on the map, determine the total number of miles this trip would cover. 2. If you were traveling at a rate of 30 mi/hr, how long would this journey last? 3. If you were traveling at a rate of 50 mi/hr, how long would this journey last? 4. If you were traveling at a rate of 60 mi/hr, how long would this journey last? 5. What is the capital city of Tanzania? Locally Developed Math Page 22 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 1. Refer back to the map of Egypt. The distance between Damietta and Aswan is ________ km Using the scale given on the map of Canada located above, find two Candian cities that are approximately the same distance apart as Damietta and Aswan in Egypt. 2. Refer back to the map of Sudan. The distance between Wadi Halfa and Nimule is ______km. Using the scale given on the map of Canada located above, find two Canadian cities that are Approximately the same distance apart as Wadi Halfa and Nimule in Sudan. 3. Measure the distance between Vancouver and Halifax in km. Measure the distance between Kisumu and Garissa in Kenya ___________ km ___________ km Approximately how many times larger (coast to coast) is Canada than Kenya? 4. Choose two other countries and compare their distance from East to West with Canada. Country ______________ Distance between ____________ and _____________ is _______ km Canada is _________ times larger from East to West than ____________ (name of Country) Country ______________ Distance between ____________ and _____________ is _______ km Canada is _________ times larger from East to West than ____________ (name of Country) Locally Developed Math Page 23 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Zambia Locally Developed Math Page 24 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Botswana Locally Developed Math Page 25 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 South Africa Locally Developed Math Page 26 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Lesotho Locally Developed Math Page 27 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 LESSON FOUR (MAT1L) - WORKING WITH NUMBERS Country of Interest Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho Description A variety of statistics from the nine countries of the African Expedition have been collected for analysis and comparison purposes. Students will use the statistics to complete work sheets where addition, subtraction, rounding numbers, and determining percentages, is practiced. Associated questions follow the worksheet so that the student can analyze, interpret and make comparisons to the Canadian statistics for the same categories thereby expanding their learning of the African countries chosen. Expectations DPRV.02 solve problems drawn from everyday situations involving percent, ratio, rate, and fractions; DPRV.03 communicate information about proportional reasoning; Teacher Preparation Review converting from fraction, to decimal, to percents; Review rounding up; Preview maps of the countries (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Botswana, South Africa) making reference to the total population life expectancy and land area for each; Discuss the implications of life expectancy for a country. Photocopy work sheets and fact sheets; prepare students for its use; Resources Included Small World Big Picture African Expedition Fact Sheet #1 Work Sheets All information was retrieved from on August 10, 2006. Lesson Students will use the statistics to complete work sheets where addition, subtraction, rounding numbers, and determining percentages is practised. Associated questions follow the worksheet so that the student can analyze, interpret and make comparisons. Discuss the implications of life expectancy for a country; Make reference to the total population in comparison to the land area per country Possible Extension Activities Using the website,, find other statistics such as the number of males/females per age group 0-15; 16-64; 65+; Locally Developed Math Page 28 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Lesson Four - Worksheets FACT SHEET #1 Country Land Area (km2) Population Life Expectancy Egypt 77 505 756 71 years 1 001 450 Sudan 40 187 486 58 2 505 810 Ethiopia 73 053 286 48 1 127 127 Kenya 33 829 590 47 582 650 Tanzania 36 766 356 45 945 087 Zambia 11 261 795 39 952 614 1 640 115 33 600 370 44 344 136 43 1 219 912 Lesotho 1 867 035 34 30 355 CANADA 32 805 041 80 9 984 670 Botswana South Africa All information was retrieved from on August 10, 2006. Locally Developed Math Page 29 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:________________________ 1. What is the total population of the 9 African countries involved in the Small World Big Picture learning project? Egypt + Sudan + Ethiopia = ____________________ Kenya + Tanzania + Zambia = ____________________ Botswana + South Africa + Lesotho= ____________________ TOTAL: ____________________ 2. Compare the total population of the 9 countries to Canada’s population. How many more people are there living in these countries than in Canada? African Countries _____________________ Canada ________________________ There are _____________________ more people living in the nine African countries than in Canada. 3. In Canada, the life expectancy is 80 years. Which African country has the highest life expectancy rate? ______________________ at _________ years Which African country has the lowest life expectancy rate? ________________ at ________ yrs Which African country has HALF (approx) the life expectancy rate of Canadians? ____________ Using fractions and percentages, prove that your answer is correct. Locally Developed Math Page 30 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 ROUNDING NUMBERS Round the following African countries’ population to the nearest million Egypt 77 505 756 Nearest Million ________________________ Kenya 33 829 590 ________________________ Zambia 11 261 795 ________________________ Lesotho 1 867 035 ________________________ Round the following African countries’ population to the nearest hundred. Sudan 40 187 486 Nearest Hundred ________________________ Kenya 33 829 590 ________________________ Tanzania 36 766 356 ________________________ Botswana 1 640 115 ________________________ 73 053 286 ________________________ Ethiopia Comparing Land Area Which of the African countries has the smallest land area? ___________________ Which of the African countries has the largest land area? ____________________ How many of the African countries could fit within Canada’s land area? Show your calculations. Approximately how many times larger is Canada than Egypt in terms of land area? __________________________________. Locally Developed Math Page 31 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 LESSON FIVE (MAT 1L) - FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTS Country of Interest Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Botswana, South Africa Description A variety of statistics from five of the nine countries of the African Expedition have been collected for analysis and comparison purposes. Students will use the statistics to complete work sheets where converting from fractions, to decimals and finally percents is practiced. Associated questions follow the worksheet so that the student can analyze, interpret and make comparisons to the Canadian statistics for the same categories thereby expanding their learning of the African countries chosen. Expectations DPRV.01 determine relationships among fractions, percentages, ratios, and rates by constructing diagrams, building models, and estimating measurements; DPRV.02 solve problems drawn from everyday situations involving percent, ratio, rate; and fractions; DPRV.03 communicate information about proportional reasoning Teacher Preparation Review converting from fraction, to decimal, to percents; Review rounding up; Preview maps of the countries (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Botswana, South Africa) making reference to the total population and literacy rates. Discuss the general economic conditions of said countries. Photocopy work sheets and fact sheets; prepare students for its use; Resources Included Small World Big Picture African Expedition Fact Sheet #2 Work Sheets (4) All information was retrieved from on August 10, 2006. Lesson Review converting from fraction, to decimal, to percents; Review rounding up; Encourage students to discuss the possible reasons behind the statistics Possible Extension Activities Using the internet site find similar statistics for the remaining countries involved in the African Expedition for further comparison; Estimate the total dollar amount for cell phone usage per month; based on a flat rate; Estimate the total dollar amount for internet fees per month; based on a flat rate; Locally Developed Math Page 32 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Lesson Five – Worksheets FACT SHEET #2 Country Highways Internet Users # of TVs # Phones Currency (Mobile/Cell) Egypt 64 000 km of which 49 998 km are paved 4.2 million (2005) 7.7 million (1997) 8 583 940 (2005) Sudan 11 900 km of which 4 320 km are paved 300 000 (2003) 2.38 million 1997 650 000 2003 Ethiopia 33 297 km of which 3 996 km are paved 75 000 (2003) 682 000 (2002) 97 800 (2003) Botswana 10 217 km of which 5 619 km are paved 60 000 31 000 (1997) 435 000 (2002) Pula BWP 4.6929 per US $ South Africa 275 971 km of which 57 568 km are paved 3.1 million (2002) 6 million (2000) 16.86 million (2003) Rand ZAR 6.4597 per US $ Canada 1 408 800 21.5 million (1997) 13 221 800 (2003) Canadian Dollar CAD 1.301 per US $ (2004) km 16.11 of which million 497 306 km (2002) are paved Literacy Rates (Age 15+ can read/write) Total Pop. Is 77 505 756 Male: 68.3% Female: 46.9% (2003 est) Total Pop is 40 187 486 Male 71.8% Female 50.5% (2003 est) Total Pop. is 73 053 286 Male: 50.3% Female 35.1% (2003 est) Total Pop. is 1 640 115 Male: 76.9% Female 82.4% (2003 est) Total 44 344 136 Male 87% Female: 85.7% (2003 est) Egyptian Pound EGP 6.1963 per US $ Sudanese dinar SDD 257.91 per US $ Birr ETB 8.68 per US $ Total Pop is 32 805 041 97% of total pop is literate Male: N/A Female: N/A (2003 est) Data Retrieved from on August 10, 2006 Locally Developed Math Page 33 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:__________________________ FRACTION, PERCENTS, AND DECIMALS Using the information from the Fact Sheet #2 African Expedition, complete the table below to practice converting between percents, decimals, and fractions Kilometres of Paved Highway Compared to Total Highway Per Country COUNTRY Egypt FRACTION DECIMAL PERCENT Ethiopia South Africa Canada Which of the above countries has the LEAST percentage of paved highways? ___________________ In comparison, Canada has approximately ______________ more paved highways than _____________________. Provide one possible explanation as to why this would be. ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Locally Developed Math Page 34 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:__________________________ FRACTION, PERCENTS, AND DECIMALS Using the information from the Fact Sheet #2 African Expedition, complete the table below to practice converting between percents, decimals, and fractions INTERNET USERS COMPARED TO TOTAL POPULATION COUNTRY Sudan FRACTION DECIMAL PERCENT Botswana Ethiopia Canada Which of the above countries has the GREATEST percentage of Internet Uses per population? ___________________ In comparison, Canada has approximately _______________ more internet users than _____________________. Provide one possible explanation as to why this would be. ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Locally Developed Math Page 35 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:__________________________ FRACTION, PERCENTS, AND DECIMALS Using the information from the Fact Sheet #2 African Expedition, complete the table below to practice converting between percents, decimals, and fractions # of TELEVISIONS COMPARED TO TOTAL POPULATION COUNTRY Sudan FRACTION DECIMAL PERCENT Botswana Ethiopia Canada Which of the above countries has the SMALLEST percentage of Televisions per population? ___________________ In comparison, Canada has approximately ___________ more televisions per population than _____________________. Provide one possible explanation as to why this would be. ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Locally Developed Math Page 36 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 NAME:__________________________ FRACTION, PERCENTS, AND DECIMALS Using the information from the Fact Sheet #2 African Expedition, complete the table below to practice converting between percents, decimals, and fractions PHONES (MOBILE/CELL) COMPARED TO TOTAL POPULATION COUNTRY Egypt FRACTION DECIMAL PERCENT Sudan South Africa Canada Which of the above countries has the GREATEST percentage of mobile/cell phones per population? ___________________ In comparison, Canada has approximately ___________ less mobile/cell phones users than _____________________. Provide one possible explanation as to why this would be. ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Locally Developed Math Page 37 of 38 Small World Big Picture, Expedition Africa 2006 Feedback Page Please provide us with your feedback on this lesson and/or its available resources. We welcome suggestions for improvements, additional methodologies, and/or new resources you may have found to support the lesson(s). If you would like to submit your own lesson plan(s) or curriculum idea(s) please contact your school board representative listed at Last Name First Name M.I. School Board Address Apt./Unit City Phone Province ( ) Postal Code E-Mail Lesson Plan Title: Locally Developed Math Page 38 of 38