An Application of Neural Network to Service Quality King-Jang Yang(楊錦章)1, Chin-Chow Yang(楊錦洲)2 and Bai-Sheng Chen(陳百盛)2 1 Department of Applied Mathematics, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec. 2, Wufu Rd., Hsinchu, 30012, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 03-518-6388, Fax: 03-518-6435 Email: 2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University No. 200, Chung Pei Rd., Chung Li, 32023, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 03-265-4405, Fax: 03-265-4499 Email: Abstract In this paper, we present a classification model of neural network to measure the performance of service quality for a system and service certification provider. In order to demonstrate the validity of our model, we also use the case study to build a neural network model using the backpropagation learning algorithm, and compare its classification performance against the linear discriminant analysis. The result shows that backpropagation neural network model is superior to linear discriminant analysis model. Keywords: neural network, service quality, linear discriminant analysis. 1. Introduction attributes for customers as they assess the quality of When many organizations try to find the ways to service. In this study, we find out the perspective of increase the customers’ satisfaction and loyalty, importance and satisfaction using questionnaire service quality management has become one of the survey to represent the expectations and perceptions most critical aspects in organizational control. respectively for customers in performance of service As a result, managers have faced deep pressure to measure quality. the performance of service quality. However, service This research constructs a measurement model quality is an abstract and elusive thing in construct of importance and satisfaction in service quality from because of its three particular features in service the view of customers. delivery, including intangibility, heterogeneity and data mining technology to discover the business inseparability. problems is another topic we concern. Hence, it is difficult to assess the Moreover, how to utilize the Using the service quality objectively. Basically, the service technique of neural network to solve these problems quality measurement depends on the customers’ is more popular than traditional methods. perceptions of the performance on service process. difference between neural networks and other There always exists some gap or difference between statistical methods is that neural networks have no the actual assumptions about the statistical distribution or perceptions in service quality. The key point is to properties of the data, and therefore tend to be more understand useful in practical situations [5]. The classification customers’ the expectations importance and their of various quality The main characteristic of neural network was used to be the to [1]. More recent applications of SERVQUAL can data mining tool to fulfill the measurement model of be found in [4, 8]. service quality. In this study, we use a practical In order to improve and maintain the example of a system and service certification relationship between organization and customer, how provider to demonstrate the advantage of neural to discover the special patterns or attributes from the network approach for service quality measurement. customers’ database is the key, and data mining plays First of all, we integrate some important the important role customer mining, also relationship attributes of service quality from the viewpoint of management. customers to understand their expectations. “knowledge discovery in database”, is the process of The Data in objective of first stage is to extract several critical discovering criteria of service quality. databases that is useful for decision making. Overall survey is the meaningful pattern known as from customer Berry second stage. According to the results of first stage, and Linoff [7] define data mining as the exploration 29 criteria are divided into six dominant dimensions and analysis, by automatic or semiautomatic means, by using factor analysis. of large quantities of data in order to discover Accordingly, these six factors fed as the input variables to build a meaningful patterns and rules. backpropagation neural network (BPN) model. To of data mining in practical applications include evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the marker basket analysis, memory based reasoning, proposal neural network classification model, it is cluster detection, link analysis, decision tree, rule compared with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) induction, neural network, and genetic algorithms, etc. with respect to six key factors. [9]. The result shows that the classification performance of neural network Specific techniques In these methods, neural network approaches are can appropriately discriminate customer categories becoming increasingly popular in business. A on the basis of those six factors. Besides, on the survey of journal articles on business applications accuracy of classification, the BPN model is superior published between 1988 and 1995 indicates that an to LDA model. Finally on the considerations of increasing amount of neural network research is balancing customers’ perceptions and expectations, being conducted for a diverse range of business the neural network model can provide information to activities [2]. take decision for improvement. solutions for business problems using the techniques Many organizations are going to find of neural network and data mining, those tasks are 2. Literature Review typically being the domain of the operations Service quality is often difficult to assess because of its subjective nature from customers. The measurement model of the service quality construct has been dominated by the use of the SERVQUAL scale developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988). This measurement model proposes a five gap-based comparison between the expectations performance perceptions of customers. and For more information on SERVQUAL approaches please refer researcher, like forecasting, modeling, clustering, and classification [5]. According to the widely applications of neural network, we present a classification model to evaluate the performance of service quality for a system and service certification provider. We furthermore build a similar model using the backpropagation learning algorithm and compare its classification performance against the linear dscriminant analysis. performance through the pretest questionnaire, and 3. Research Methodology revised the unclear and uncertain expressions of There are five major steps for the proposed neural network approach as shown in Figure 1. measurement items. In the following section, we use the sample data set of (3) Importance and satisfaction survey: In this step, surveillance audit process for a system and service we design a concise multiple item scales that contain certification provider as the empirical illustration. 29 pairs of Likert-type items, where each item is recast into two statements. External customers Internal customers One half of these items are intended to measure the important degree of customers’ expectations about the service categories being investigated, and the other 27 matching items Critical to service quality attributes are intended to measure the satisfactory degree of their preceptions about the service performance. The items are presented in a five-point response Importance survey Satisfaction survey Factor analysis format with the degrees from strongly important (satisfactory) to strongly unimportant (dissatisfactory). Service quality is measured by calculating the ”difference scores” between these corresponding items, that is the difference between Neural network modeling customers’ expectative importance and perceptive Service quality classfication model Figure 1 Implementation process of proposed model satisfaction on the quality attributes. (4) Factor analysis: In order to reduce the numbers of items (variables) , we used the principal (1) Interview of external and internal customers: How the customers feel on the important quality attributes is to be considered as the dimensions of the auditors’ capability, organizational policies, administration, and certificate issuance when the certification company processes surveillance audit. During the research period, we had interviewed twenty important customers, and had conducted two panel discussions by using nominal group technology with the front-line servers, in order to determine the important quality attributes and to design the valid questionnaire . (2) Critical to service quality attributes: We selected the variable which were identified to have more than 80 % of significant influence on service component analysis of principal axes method with the varimax criterion of orthogonal rotation to perform a factor analysis. Besides, there is no theoretical method to determine the best-input variables of the designed neural network model. Hence, this procedure can be performed as a generally method to determine the number of a good subset of input variables. In this procedure, we select the variables which factor loading is greater than 0.45, and discover linearly related variables and regroup them into a compound factor. These compound factors will be the input nodes in the next step of neural network modeling . (5) Neural network modeling: A supervised learning algorithm of backpropagation is utilized to establish the neural network modeling. A normal scores” was used to perform the factor analysis with backpropagation neural (BPN) model consists of an the principal component estimation method and the input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output varimax layer. There are two parameters including learning Furthermore, the original set of 29 variables was rate 0 1 and momentum ( 0 1 ) required reduced to 6 principal compounded factors, where the to define by the user. The theoretical results showed 55.25% of variance was explained. The regrouping that one hidden layer is sufficient for a BP network to measurement variables can be set into six different approximate any continuous mapping from the input dimensions included responsiveness ( x1 ), assurance patterns to the output patterns to an arbitrary degree ( x2 ), reliability ( x3 ), empathy ( x4 ), value-added freedom[6]. The selections and combinations of service ( x5 ), and tangibility ( x6 ) included 7,5,5,4,3 learning rate, momentum and the nodes of hidden and 3 items respectively. The next step was to assess layers primarily affect the classification performance. the performance of the services provider, which was rotation with Kaiser normalization. to be explained by these six critical factors. 4. Empirical Illustration Also, these six factors were used to be the input variables in 4.1 Purpose of study: The objective of this study is the next step of neural network modeling . to classify the performance of service quality on the considerations of auditors’ capability, organizational 4.4 Neural network modeling: The 467 respondent policies, administration, and certificate issuance for a firms were randomly separated into two groups, system and service certification provider located in namely, 75% for training patterns and 25% for testing Taipei, Taiwan. We furthermore make the comparison patterns. of classification performance between the BPN momentum and the number of nodes in the hidden model and LDA model. layer should be defined for backpropagation network The three parameters of learning rate, modeling. In the training model, the six factors were 4.2 Sample: The data for this study were collected fed as input nodes as discussed in section 4.3. from 529 firms that responded to a mailed survey. the output nodes decision, we then divided the The responding firms were primarily involved 110 sample into three categories of high, medium and low firms of High-tech industry, 51 firms of traditional service quality for services provider’s performance manufacturing, 54 firms of construction industry, 116 based on customers’ judgments. firms of machinery and equipment, 73 firms of range of 0.6-0.9 and 0.1-0.4 to be the decisions of chemical and plastic products, 88 firms of service learning rate and momentum [3]. industry, 26 firms of others and 11 firms missed. rule-of-thumb for number of hidden nodes defined as The response rate based on 529 returns was 25.68 %. h 5 m n , where h , m , and n represent the There were 467 valid samples to perform the number of training patterns, output nodes and input following analysis, and the valid rate of samples was nodes respectively. Then the root-mean-square error 22.67%. (RMSE) and classification rate are the measurement For the reliability test, the alpha values of importance, satisfaction and difference scores evaluation are all greater than 0.92. For We adopted the A very rough indictors to validate the performance of the training model. Through several trial-and-error experiments, the structure of 6-9-3 model had the best performance. 4.3 Factor analysis: In this step, the “difference Furthermore, five nodes for the second hidden layer had validated to be the highest classification rate and F 0.645 , it is ranked to be medium, and if lowest RMSE. In order to obtain the optimal F 0.645 , it is ranked to be low. combination of learning rate and momentum, it then model classifies correctly in 71.73% of the sample. used sixteen combinations settings as: (0.6, 0.1), (0.6, The classification rate of low service quality is only 0.2), (0.6, 0.3), (0.6, 0.4),…, (0.9, 0.4). 43.80%, it is clear that the LDA model is not good In terms of The LDA learning rate and momentum, the best setup is (0.6, enough for classification. 0.3) on the considerations of classification rate and the classification rates of training and testing are RMSE. 94.40% and 87.71% separately. The relationship between the RMSE and For the best BPN model, And the RMSEs of the numbers of learning iterations for the selected training and testing are 0.1174 and 0.1516 separately. 6-9-5-3 model is in Figure 2. The BPN model has 85.86% network accuracy in classifying service quality categories. From the classification results of accuracy, the BPN model is 0.24 0.22 superior to LDA model on all three categories and RMSE 0.2 total accuracy is shown in Table 1. 0.18 0.16 Therefore, the backpropagation neural network model has been 0.14 demonstrated as a good method because it predict 0.12 5000 15000 30000 50000 70000 90000 Iterations Figure 2 RMSE versus numbers of learning iterations 4.5 Neural network and linear discriminant analysis: To validate the efficiency of the proposed BPN model for the practical application, it is compared with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) well in classification problem. Table 1 Classification results of the two models BPN LDA High service quality 88.09% 66.67% Medium service quality 84.21% 82.31% Low service quality 85.29% 43.80% Total accuracy 85.86% 71.73% Choosing one specific improvement strategy with respect to six critical factors to obtain a linear over another is difficult for managers. model. the obligation for managers to do that, since This model is a linear combination of responsiveness, assurance, reliability, But it is also empathy, improvement strategy can make the allocation of value-added service and tangibility factors to separate resources more effective under organizational limited the service quality into three groups. resources. The linear To obtain further improvement discriminant functions by using stepwise regression information, we suggest using statistical analysis to method for the high ( F1 ), medium ( F2 ) and low ( F3 ) extract the data from the low service category. service quality are as following: study of this category should provide some insight A F1 4.616 4.073x1 2.785x3 2.814 x4 1.11x6 for managers to make decision about improvement F2 1.487+0.457x1 +1.144x3 +0.343x4 1.331x6 strategy. F3 3.471 1.393x1 2.553x3 1.289 x4 0.359 x6 The threshold value is 5.563 , meaning that if 5. Conclusion the discriminant function F 5.563 , then the The main result of this research are twofold. service level on the service performance of the The first is that we illustrate the procedures of service customer perceived is ranked to be high. If quality measurement from the customers’ perspective. Our proposal model could be used to predict service quality classifications by applying neural network reasonably well. 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