
Activity Afternoon
June 15, 2010
 3rd Period- Review all expectations for all areas
 4th Period- PBS Lesson, commons & movie room
 5th Period- PBS Lesson, electronics & backpacks
 6th Period- Show students the list of activities and
locations. Remind students about anything that
might be an issue and answer questions.
3rd Period
Review All Expectations for All Areas
Expectations for All Areas
o Show Respectful, Responsible and Safe behavior in all areas of the
school as usual.
o Electronics and backpacks will not be allowed during activity afternoon.
This includes; purses, backpacks, athletic bags, Ipods, MP3 players
and cell phones. Students should go to their lockers and drop off their
bags before 6th period.
o Food and drinks will only be allowed in the commons
o Comply with adult requests (there will be parent volunteers and
teachers you don’t know supervising)
o Doorways are to walk through, not stand in.
o Keep moving safely from one activity to the next.
o Socialize off to the side of the hall so people can still walk through
Commons Expectations
The commons is for ping pong, snacking, and socializing
o Food and drink will be consumed in the Commons only, so make plans
with friends before buying something if you will want to leave again
o If you leave the commons you must properly dispose of food and
drinks, so allow yourself and friends time to finish eating and drinking
to prevent waste.
o Be aware of others around you and clean up after yourself if there are
any accidents or spills.
o Recycle plastic bottles that are empty and have lids removed.
o Put food wrappers, napkins, bottle lids and other non-recyclable items
in the trashcan.
Basketball, Ping Pong, & Frisbee Expectations
o Take turns & share
o Be a good sport
o Play by the rules of the game
o Include others
o Treat equipment respectfully
o Put games or equipment away when finished
Dance Expectations
o Remain front to front
o Leave space between you and your partner (no grinding or
o Leave 5 feet of space between yourself and the DJ unless you are
requesting a song.
Movie Expectations
The movie room is for watching movies quietly
o Feel free to come in late and leave early to movies
o Remain quiet during the movie
o Close the door slowly when entering or exiting.
4th Period
PBS Lesson, Commons & Movie Room Expectations
Lesson Overview:
Teachers will explain expectations for student behavior in the Commons and
Movie room. Students will reflect on reasons for rules and demonstrate
understanding of rules and specific ways in which they apply by answering
Materials Needed:
List of Expectations (provided)
Review Method (“musical numbers” game OR use your own method)
Review Questions (provided)
Expectations for Commons and Movie Room:
The Commons Area will be used for ping pong, snacking, and socializing
The Movie room is for watching movies quietly.
o Show Respectful, Responsible and Safe behavior in the Commons and in
any area of the school.
o Food and drink will be consumed in the Commons only, so make plans
with friends before buying something if you will want to leave again
o If you leave the commons you must properly dispose of food and
drinks, so allow yourself and friends time to finish eating and drinking
to prevent waste.
o Be aware of others around you and clean up after yourself if there are
any accidents or spills.
o Recycle plastic bottles that are empty and have lids removed.
o Put food wrappers, napkins, bottle lids and other non-recyclable items
in the trashcan.
o Movie room- TBA D-1
o Feel free to come in late and leave early to movie. When entering and
leaving movie room, show respect by remaining quiet and closing the
door slowly.
Directions for “Musical Numbers” Review Game:
1. Cut out small numbers and place in a jar.
2. Place large numbers on the floor around the room (35 total).
3. Play song on your computer. (~ 6 min. total time)
and have students dance or do a cool walk around room stepping from
number to number while the music plays.
4. Stop music at random intervals and have students “FREEZE” in a funny
pose on the nearest number.
5. Reward Sunbursts to students with coolest dance moves or funniest
frozen pose (if desired).
6. Draw a number and ask student standing on that number a question
from below, reward with a Sunburst for correct answer.
7. Start up music again and repeat the process.
1. Explain why all food and drinks should stay in the commons?
2. You see another student about to throw a half-full water bottle in the
trash. What do you say?
3. Your friend just bought donuts for you and others and is holding them
all, the area is very crowded around you. What might you do?
4. What are two good reasons students should choose to recycle?
5. You just purchased a drink. Your entire group of friends suddenly
decides to go see a movie. What do you do?
6. How do you feel when others are talking loudly during a movie you are
trying to watch? What could you do?
7. Give an example of Safe behavior in the hallway.
8. If you want to move around and talk, and your friend wants to eat
something where do you go?
9. Describe an example of responsible behavior in the commons.
10. Explain how you can respect others when planning to see part of a
movie with some friends.
5th Period
PBS Lesson, Electronics & Backpacks Expectations
Please explain to your students that electronics and backpacks will not be allowed
during activity afternoon. This includes; purses, backpacks, athletic bags, Ipods, MP3
players and cell phones. Also, please mention that food/drinks will not be allowed
outside of the commons.
Activity with students: Thumbs Up / Thumbs down
You have the following things with you during sixth period, which items CAN you have
with you during activity afternoon?
dental floss - thumbs up
lip gloss - thumbs up
love note - thumbs up
cell phone - thumbs down
mp3 player - thumbs down
gameboy - thumbs down
cassette player - thumbs down
sunbursts - thumbs up
purse - thumbs down
backpack - thumbs down
athletic bag - thumbs down
kleenex - thumbs down
food outside of the commons - thumbs down
What should you do with things you CAN’T have with you? __________
6th Period
Show students the list of activities and locations.
Remind students about anything that might be an
issue and answer questions.
Video Games
Ping Pong & Snacks/Drinks
Gym 1
Gym 2
Frisbee Court/Hula Hoops