1 Supplementary material 2 3 Appendix S1: Distribution of sampling effort among countries across time. 4 5 Appendix S2: Listing of EUNIS habitat codes used in the EUNIS bird database. 6 7 Appendix S3: Species Specialization Index of birds calculated from EUNIS habitat 8 classification. 9 10 Appendix S4: Methodological aspects of the Species Specialization Index (SSI) 11 calculation from expert knowledge. 12 13 Appendix S5: Significant decrease of CSI at the European scale whatever the weight 14 used. 15 16 Appendix S6: Trend in species richness and Simpson diversity index at the European 17 scale. 18 19 20 Appendix S7: Trends in CSI within the six countries surveyed. 21 1 22 Appendix S1: Distribution of sampling effort among countries across time. 23 Accounting for the datasets of the six countries, more than 13.9 million birds have 24 been detected across the 10 100 surveyed sites between 1990 and 2008. This 25 number corresponds to the total abundance of detected birds in the database, which 26 is distributed across times among the 6 countries such as shown in the following 27 table (CATAL.: Catalonia, CZECH: Czech Republic, Neth: The Netherlands, UK: 28 United Kingdom). 29 YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total CATAL. CZECH FRANCE NETH. SWEDEN UK Total 17992 13070 129195 56540 216797 14794 14080 111383 53330 193587 22237 15144 132486 63748 233615 20819 14525 136354 67507 239205 15355 14698 143680 72805 291814 538352 19595 18167 141599 66357 328067 573785 9564 23370 151310 72280 355160 611684 9786 24275 152454 77861 399829 664205 8084 19694 168833 79937 424951 701499 9938 18548 164026 81197 459723 733432 11675 15761 165154 76883 449114 718587 14513 69238 112084 86289 129882 412006 38220 13099 198875 156623 81018 421444 909279 48289 10469 260047 155113 79828 448471 1002217 58693 11680 305731 145329 77438 482033 1080904 64833 26441 327268 138673 72687 565329 1195231 67519 36613 320493 131745 71889 644066 1272325 81101 44066 322397 131230 78783 697690 1355267 76496 36752 364336 95845 74506 633037 1280972 435151 353472 2359717 2663116 1390883 6730610 13932949 30 31 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Appendix S2: Listing of EUNIS habitat codes used in the EUNIS bird database A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 FX F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB GX G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Littoral rock and other hard substrata Littoral sediments Sublittoral rock and other hard substrata Sublittoral sediments Deep-sea bed Isolated 'oceanic' features: seamounts, ridges and the submerged flanks of oceanic islands Pelagic water column Ice-associated marine habitats Coastal dune and sand habitats Coastal shingle habitats Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral Surface standing waters Surface running waters Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies Raised and blanket bogs Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires Aapa, palsa and polygon mires Base-rich fens Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds Dry grasslands Mesic grasslands Seasonally wet and wet grasslands Alpine and subalpine grasslands Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb habitats Inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats Sparsely wooded grasslands Shrub Tundra Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub habitats Temperate and mediterraneo-montane scrub habitats Temperate shrub heathland Maquis, matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes Garrigue Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic habitats Riverine and fen scrubs Hedgerows Shrub plantations Forest Broadleaved deciduous woodland Broadleaved evergreen woodland Coniferous woodland Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice 3 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 H1 Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies H2 Screes H3 Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops H4 Snow or ice-dominated habitats H5 Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation H6 Recent volcanic features I1 Arable land and market gardens I2 Cultivated areas of gardens and parks J1 Buildings of cities, towns and villages J2 Low density buildings J3 Extractive industrial sites J4 Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas J5 Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures J6 Waste deposits X01 Estuaries X02 Saline coastal lagoons X03 Brackish coastal lagoons X04 Raised bog complexes X05 Snow patch habitats X06 Crops shaded by trees X07 Intensively-farmed crops interspersed with strips of spontaneous vegetation X08 Rural mosaics, consisting of woods, hedges, pastures and crops X09 Pasture woods (with a tree layer overlying pasture) X10 Mixed landscapes with a woodland element (bocages) X11 Large parks X13 Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved deciduous trees X14 Land sparsely wooded with broadleaved evergreen trees X15 Land sparsely wooded with coniferous trees X16 Land sparsely wooded with mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees X18 Wooded steppe X19 Wooded tundra X20 Treeline ecotones X21 Archaeological sites X22 Small city centre non-domestic gardens X23 Large non-domestic gardens X24 Domestic gardens of city and town centres X25 Domestic gardens of villages and urban peripheries X26 Baltic glo-lakes X27 Machair complexes X28 Blanket bog complexes X29 Salt lake islands X30 Bentho-pelagic habitats G3.D-Ebog conifer woodland B1.5-7Coastal dune heath,scrub and wood A2.6 Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds G2.9 Evergreen orchards and groves G1.D Fruit and nut tree orchards of deciduous trees I1.4 Inundatable croplands, including ricefields D1-4 mires, fens and bogs G4.1 Mixed swamp woodland 4 132 133 134 G1.1-5 C3.5-7 C3.1-4 Riparian, alluvial or waterlogged woodland Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shore of inlanf surface waterbodies Well vegetated littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies 5 135 Appendix S3: Species specialization Index of birds calculated from EUNIS habitat 136 classification. Species Accipiter gentilis Accipiter nisus Acrocephalus arundinaceus Acrocephalus palustris Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Acrocephalus scirpaceus Actitis hypoleucos Aegithalos caudatus Alauda arvensis Alcedo atthis Alectoris rufa Anas clypeata Anas crecca Anas platyrhynchos Anas querquedula Anas strepera Anser anser Anthus campestris Anthus pratensis Anthus spinoletta Anthus trivialis Apus apus Apus melba Apus pallidus Aquila chrysaetos Ardea cinerea Ardea purpurea Arenaria interpres Asio flammeus Asio otus Athene noctua Aythya ferina Aythya fuligula Bonasia bonasia Bubulcus ibis Bucephala clangula Burhinus oedicnemus Buteo lagopus Calandrella brachydactyla Calidris alpina Carduelis cannabina Carduelis carduelis Carduelis chloris Carduelis flammea Carduelis spinus Carpodacus erythrinus Certhia brachydactyla Certhia familiaris SSI 3.006 2.556 4.913 3.638 3.658 6.892 3.684 2.663 3.314 5.687 6.892 3.349 4.909 3.591 3.997 4.392 2.574 2.824 2.665 6.855 2.544 3.893 5.622 5.537 2.840 2.435 3.864 3.532 2.998 2.133 2.897 3.761 4.857 5.471 3.234 5.626 3.196 2.999 4.170 3.544 2.587 3.221 3.221 2.813 9.849 2.443 2.917 2.854 Cettia cetti Charadrius dubius Charadrius hiaticula Chlidonias hybridus Ciconia ciconia Ciconia nigra Cinclus cinclus Circaetus gallicus Circus aeruginosus Circus cyaneus Circus pygargus Cisticola juncidis Clamator glandarius Coccothraustes coccothraustes Columba livia Columba oenas Columba palumbus Coracias garrulus Corvus corax Corvus corone Corvus frugilegus Corvus monedula Coturnix coturnix Crex crex Cuculus canorus Cygnus cygnus Cygnus olor Delichon urbica Dendrocopos major Dendrocopos medius Dendrocopos minor Dryocopus martius Egretta garzetta Emberiza cia Emberiza cirlus Emberiza citrinella Emberiza hortulana Emberiza rustica Emberiza schoeniclus Erithacus rubecula Falco columbarius Falco naumanni Falco peregrinus Falco subbuteo Falco tinnunculus Ficedula albicollis Ficedula hypoleuca Fringilla coelebs Fringilla montifringilla 3.933 3.656 2.981 5.595 3.064 3.110 9.849 2.050 2.600 3.929 2.788 3.078 3.999 2.908 6.892 2.052 2.626 2.617 3.979 2.938 3.334 2.975 4.220 4.913 1.833 3.073 2.691 4.358 2.940 4.363 4.382 5.114 2.900 2.989 2.807 3.300 2.024 5.032 4.582 2.477 3.886 4.215 2.364 2.736 2.418 3.595 4.358 2.770 4.769 6 Fulica atra Galerida cristata Galerida theklae Gallinago gallinago Gallinula chloropus Garrulus glandarius Gavia stellata Gyps fulvus Haematopus ostralegus Himantopus himantopus Hippolais icterina Hippolais polyglotta Hirundo rustica Jynx torquilla Lagopus lagopus Lanius collurio Lanius excubitor Lanius meridionalis Lanius senator Larus argentatus Larus canus Larus fuscus Larus marinus Larus melanocephalus Larus michahellis Larus ridibundus Limosa limosa Locustella fluviatilis Locustella luscinioides Locustella naevia Loxia curvirostra Loxia pytyopsittacus Lullula arborea Luscinia luscinia Luscinia megarhynchos Luscinia svecica Melanocorypha calandra Mergus merganser Mergus serrator Merops apiaster Milvus migrans Milvus milvus Monticola saxatilis Monticola solitarius Motacilla alba Motacilla cinerea Motacilla flava Muscicapa striata Nucifraga caryocatactes Numenius arquata Numenius phaeopus Nycticorax nycticorax 5.151 2.717 3.661 5.627 4.909 3.550 2.896 5.415 2.577 3.351 3.226 3.172 3.286 3.903 3.573 3.414 3.870 2.984 2.584 2.501 2.714 3.258 3.106 3.486 3.018 2.345 4.804 4.166 6.892 3.907 7.031 9.487 2.540 2.959 2.575 3.377 4.499 4.287 3.368 3.315 2.574 2.660 3.617 4.358 2.487 9.849 3.704 2.303 6.881 3.395 3.713 3.892 Oenanthe oenanthe Oriolus oriolus Pandion haliaetus Panurus biarmicus Parus ater Parus cristatus Parus major Parus montanus Parus palustris Passer domesticus Passer montanus Perdix perdix Pernis apivorus Petronia petronia Phalacrocorax carbo Philomachus pugnax Phoenicopterus ruber Phoenicurus ochruros Phoenicurus phoenicurus Phylloscopus bonelli Phylloscopus collybita Phylloscopus sibilatrix Phylloscopus trochilus Pica pica Picus canus Picus viridis Platalea leucorodia Pluvialis apricaria Podiceps cristatus Podiceps nigricollis Prunella modularis Ptyonoprogne rupestris Pyrrhocorax graculus Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Pyrrhula pyrrhula Rallus aquaticus Recurvirostra avosetta Regulus ignicapillus Regulus regulus Remiz pendulinus Riparia riparia Saxicola rubetra Saxicola torquata Scolopax rusticola Serinus citrinella Serinus serinus Sitta europaea Somateria mollissima Sterna albifrons Sterna hirundo Sterna paradisaea Sterna sandvicensis 2.487 2.514 3.951 6.892 3.604 6.892 2.436 3.143 3.720 2.302 3.338 3.571 5.597 4.368 3.633 4.830 3.688 3.395 2.385 3.082 2.892 2.905 3.740 2.611 4.339 2.364 3.864 4.242 4.382 6.892 2.069 5.622 4.804 3.584 3.684 7.031 3.013 3.263 4.795 6.892 3.676 3.700 2.824 4.381 5.507 2.419 3.220 3.146 3.379 2.592 3.296 3.638 7 Streptopelia decaocto Streptopelia turtur Strix aluco Sturnus unicolor Sturnus vulgaris Sylvia atricapilla Sylvia borin Sylvia cantillans Sylvia communis Sylvia conspicillata Sylvia curruca Sylvia hortensis Sylvia melanocephala Sylvia nisoria Sylvia undata Tachybaptus ruficollis Tadorna tadorna Tetrao tetrix Tetrax tetrax Tringa glareola Tringa nebularia Tringa ochropus Tringa totanus Troglodytes troglodytes Turdus iliacus Turdus merula Turdus philomelos Turdus pilaris Turdus torquatus Turdus viscivorus Tyto alba Upupa epops Vanellus vanellus 2.686 2.473 2.722 3.055 3.100 2.641 2.931 5.533 3.999 4.024 2.472 3.456 2.871 2.685 4.344 6.892 3.633 3.544 5.595 4.867 3.544 4.289 2.914 2.155 3.291 2.234 2.511 4.847 3.182 3.143 2.665 2.555 4.847 8 137 Appendix S4: Methodological aspects of the SSI calculation from expert knowledge. 138 139 We calculated the Species Specialization Index (SSI) for each bird species using the 140 method proposed by Julliard [12]. This method estimates the distribution of species 141 preference per habitat across a given range of habitat classes. This affinity was 142 provided by the expert knowledge “Bird EUNIS database” (available at the ETC-DB, 143 see [17]), which describes for each bird species its affinity level for nesting and 144 foraging per EUNIS habitat (n = 98, EUNIS level 2 and 3 classification) per 145 biogeographical region (n =11). Thus, we calculated for each species i) a SSI_EUNIS 146 across habitats that are only present in the geographical regions and in addition, ii) a 147 SSI_EUNIS_rgeo per biogeographical region. 148 The use of a species specialization index per species for the entire European 149 scale calculated from expert knowledge raises some questions. Indeed, expert 150 knowledge includes uncertainties such as the definition of habitat classes, the nature 151 of data (affinity degree), and the choice to consider the same species affinity for one 152 particular habitat all over its distribution range. Ideally, SSI should be calculated 153 using quantitative estimate of variations in abundance of species across habitat 154 classes instead of using expert judgment [12,18]. This finer estimate can be derived 155 from data provided by monitoring programs [4,12]. However, contrary to the SSI 156 based on EUNIS classification, this SSI requires information on habitat type for each 157 monitored sites which are often difficult to obtain. 158 To check the relevance of using the EUNIS database, we thus examined the 159 relationships between the SSI calculated from EUNIS versus those calculated from 160 the French monitoring program for which habitat data were available. We used the 161 SSI_monitoring (n species = 176) calculated from the French breeding Bird survey as 162 the coefficient of variation of species abundance across 18 habitat classes [4,12] and 163 examined 164 calculated for France as the average of SSI_EUNIS-rgeo across the 4 biogeographic 165 regions present (Atlantic, Alpine, Continental, Mediterranean). In addition, we 166 examined correlations among SSI calculated from different numbers of habitat 167 classes, using the 10 higher class of EUNIS habitats (level 1, SSI_EUNIS-grouped 168 habitats) and the 98 habitats classes available in the database (level 2 and 3, 169 SSI_EUNIS). correlations between this SSI_monitoring and SSI_EUNIS-rgeo4 9 170 We found significant correlations among SSI calculated from standardized 171 collected monitoring program versus EUNIS expert database (n species = 176, p < 172 0.001, R²=0.20) and among SSI calculated from a different number of habitat classes 173 (n species = 493, p < 0.001, R² = 0.73 (fig.3)). 174 175 Figure 3. Evidence of strong correlations among SSI calculated from different 176 numbers of habitat classes. (n species = 493, p < 0.001, SSI_EUNIS – grouped 177 habitats : SSI calculated from the 10 higher class of EUNIS habitats (level 1) and 178 SSI_EUNIS_ all habitats calculated from the 98 habitats classes available (level 2 179 and 3). 180 10 SSI_Eunis - all habitats 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R² = 0,73 0 0 1 2 3 4 SSI_Eunis - grouped habitats 181 182 We show that using different number of habitat classes (strong correlations among 183 SSI calculated on 10 versus 98 habitats), and different data sources provided 184 comparable SSIs. 185 In conclusion, due to the strong correlations between SSI calculated from expert 186 knowledge versus standardized monitoring schemes (our results, [19]), we are 187 confident that our results are not biased by the SSI calculation. 188 189 190 1 0 Appendix S5: Significant decrease of CSI at the European scale whatever the weight used (no weight: b=-0.0020 0.0006, p=0.003; area of country: b=-0.0023 0.0006, p<0.001; number of sites divided by area: b=-0.0034 0.0009, p=0.002; area divided by the number of sites per country: b=-0.0023 0.0005, p<0.001; number of birds counted per country: b=-0.002 0.0004, p<0.001; breeding bird population size per country – for the 234 species surveyed: b=-0.0018 0.0006, p=0.005). Area 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0 0 -0,01 -0,01 CSI CSI No weight -0,02 -0,03 -0,04 -0,04 -0,05 R2 = 0,40 -0,06 1990 1995 2000 2005 R²= 0,44 -0,06 1990 1995 2010 2000 2005 Year Year Area divided by number of sites Number of sites divided by area 0,03 0,06 0,02 0,04 0,01 0,02 0 2010 0 -0,01 CSI CSI -0,02 -0,03 -0,05 -0,02 -0,02 -0,04 -0,03 -0,06 -0,04 -0,08 -0,05 R2 = 0,44 -0,1 1990 1995 R2 = 0,40 -0,06 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year 2000 2005 2010 Year Breeding bird population size Number of counted birds 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,01 0 0 -0,01 -0,01 CSI CSI 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 -0,02 -0,02 -0,03 -0,03 -0,04 -0,04 -0,05 -0,05 R2 = 0,51 -0,06 1990 1995 2000 Year 2005 2010 R2 = 0,28 -0,06 1990 1995 2000 Year 2005 2010 1 1 200 Appendix S6: Trend in species richness and Simpson diversity index at the 201 European scale (six countries). 202 203 0,8 204 0,6 206 0,4 Species richness 205 0,2 0 -0,2 -0,4 -0,6 R2 = 0,01 -0,8 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2005 2010 Year 0,008 Simpson diversity index 0,006 0,004 0,002 0 -0,002 -0,004 R² = 0,78 -0,006 1990 1995 2000 Year 1 2 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 Appendix S7: Trends in CSI within the six countries surveyed: significant decrease in Sweden (b=-0.0075 0.0008; p<0.001, n=5239), in France (b=-0.0021 0.0007; p=0.002, n=7530) and in United Kingdom (b=-0.0030 0.0003; p<0.001, n=33937); non-significant trend in Czech Republic (b=-0.0011 0.001; p=0.29, n=801), in the Netherlands (b=-0.0007 0.0006, p=0.29, n=15002) and in Catalonia (b=0.0040 0.0024; p=0.08, n=1499). Sweden 0,11 0,06 United Kingdom 0,04 0,06 0,02 0,01 CSI CSI 0 -0,04 -0,02 -0,04 -0,09 -0,06 -0,14 -0,08 R² = 0,47 -0,19 1990 1995 2000 2005 R² = 0,71 -0,1 1990 1995 2010 year The Netherlands 0,02 2000 2005 2010 2005 2010 2005 2010 year 0,06 Czech Republic 0,04 0 0,02 0 CSI CSI -0,02 -0,04 -0,02 -0,04 -0,06 -0,06 -0,08 -0,08 R² = 0,07 -0,1 1990 1995 2000 2005 R² = 0,15 -0,1 1990 1995 2010 France 0,04 2000 year year 0,06 Cataluna 0,04 0,02 0,02 0 0 CSI CSI -0,02 -0,02 -0,04 -0,04 -0,06 -0,06 -0,08 -0,08 R² = 0,08 -0,1 1990 214 1995 2000 year 2005 2010 R² = 0,20 -0,1 1990 1995 2000 year 1 3