The IBTS-TCD DNA Collection Background The TCD Biobank initiated a collection of control DNA accessible by researchers in the Dublin Molecular Medicine Centre as part of its remit to enhance the level of research activity and to synergise molecular medicine research among the Dublin universities. The buffy coat collection has been made possible with the cooperation of the IBTS. An important requirement of the collection is that the use of the samples relates only to ethically-approved research and to specifically-nominated research projects. Furthermore, we request the deposition of genotypic data from the samples (eg post-publication) to enhance the value of the collection for future research. The IBTS-TCD DNA consists of high quality human genomic DNA purified by Autopure automation using Puregene chemistry. Each of the available 1000 samples is from a single individual, providing a healthy control population of Irish blood donors. Each sample comes with the age and gender data of the donor. The buffy coat sample is derived from the total white cell compliment (50mL buffy coat) of a blood donation (c 400mL). We will endeavour to fulfil samples number requests based on age and gender as best as possible. This DNA source avoids the inconvenience of preparing one’s own controls. Sourcing samples from colleagues can be prone to limitations with regard to ethical approval, administration, quality control, repeat access and sample sizes. The benefits of the IBTS-TCD DNA collection include reproducibility, high quality, and cost effectiveness. In addition, as genotypic data is returned to the Biobank, researchers may also request particular sub-populations when such data becomes available. This collection of control DNA samples may be used in a range of applications that include: population studies, mutation analysis, SNP genotyping, validation of technology, assay development and validation, association analysis, comparative genomic hybridization. How Do I Avail of the DNA? 1. Apply to the TCD Biobank Scientific Oversight Board c/o Dr J McPartlin 2. Provide copy of ethics approval for your study or project including a one-page description of your study, grant source, and particularly the reasons why you require control DNA. 3. Complete the application form in which you agree to the conditions to access the collection, chiefly that under no circumstances may the DNA be passed on to third parties, and that genotypic data be returned to the TCD Biobank post-publication. How is the DNA presented? The DNA comes available as a 100ng/uL solution in amounts up to 5ug depending on user specified requirements (eg a limited no of SNPs or whole genome scan) in TE buffer in a separate screw-cap ampoule. The ampoules are shipped in 100-tube boxes (Sarstedt). Is there a Cost? Because these samples are derived from voluntary donations they cannot be charged for. However there is a cost of €5.00 per sample plus VAT where applicable incurred in the processing, purification, storage and distribution of the material. There will be a negotiabe refund on deposition of the genotypic data derived from the samples to the TCD Biobank. Trinity Biobank September 2006