Equality Delivery System (EDS)

Equality Delivery System (EDS)
Report to Barnet LINks
Background to EDS
The EDS was designed to support NHS commissioners to deliver better outcomes
for patients and communities and to ensure better working environments for staff,
which are personal, fair and diverse. It will help NHS North Central London to
achieve compliance with the public sector Equality Duty in a way that also helps to
deliver the NHS Outcomes Framework, the NHS Constitution and the Human
Resources Transition Framework.
The joint Boards of NHS North Central London demonstrated their commitment
through their leadership by approving the use of the EDS framework in their
meeting of 19th May 2011.
The EDS has become part of the system architecture of the NHS North Central
London and contains a set of Equality Outcomes, against which NHS North Central
London will analyse the evidence for each outcome and our performance graded in
the form of Red, Amber, Green and Purple rating, in collaboration with Local
Involvement Networks (LINks).
There are 18 Outcomes in total, grouped under four Objectives:
1. Better health outcomes for all
2. Improved patient access and experience
3. Empowered, engaged and inclusive staff
4. Inclusive leadership
However, LINks were asked not to consider the objective on ‘Empowered, engaged
and inclusive staff’ as this was an internal objective that Human resource and the
staff side union representatives will grade the performance.
Our intention
As a result of this analysis, NHS North Central London, again in discussion with
local interests (LINks), will confirm our Equality Objectives for the coming business
planning period (by 6th April 2012, as required by the Equality Act). The Quality &
Safety Committee of NHS North Central London will receive an update report by
October 2012 on performance to deliver our Equality Objectives. Performance
against the selected equality objectives will be annually reviewed within our Annual
Equality report.
Our method
NHS North Central London in collaboration with Barnet PCT arranged a meeting with
Barnet LINks. CommUNITY Barnet kindly hosted the local EDS grading event on 13th
February 2012 at CommUNITY Barnet headquarter at 52 Moxon Street, High Barnet with
Jenny Singleton, the Patient Experience Manager and Dipen Rajyaguru, the Equality &
Diversity Specialist from NHS North Central London. The Barnet LINks representative
was Sue Blain.
and deliver the
right services
that are
useful, useable
and used in
order to
1.1 Services are commissioned, designed
and procured to meet the health needs of
local communities, promote well-being, and
reduce health inequalities
1.2 Patients’ health needs are assessed, and
resulting services provided, in appropriate
and effective ways
1.3 Changes across services are discussed
with patients, and transitions are made
1.4 The safety of patients is prioritised and
1.5 Public health, vaccination and screening
programmes reach and benefit all local
communities and groups
2.1 Patients, carers and communities can
readily access services, and should not be
denied access on unreasonable grounds
2.2 Patients are informed and supported so
that they can understand their diagnoses,
consent to their treatments, and choose their
places of treatment
2.3 Patients and carers report positive
experiences of the NHS, where they are
listened to and respected and their privacy
and dignity is prioritised
2.4 Patients’ and carers’ complaints about
services, and subsequent claims for redress,
should be handled respectfully and
should achieve
in patient
health, public
health and
patient safety
for all, based
evidence of
needs and
How we were graded – LINKS grades
4.1 Boards and senior leaders conduct and
plan their business so that equality is
advanced, and good relations fostered,
within their organisations and beyond
4.2 Middle managers and other line
managers support and motivate their staff to
work in culturally competent ways within a
work environment free from discrimination
4.3 The organisation uses the NHS Equality
& Diversity Competency Framework to
recruit, develop and support strategic leaders
to advance equality outcomes
should ensure
that equality is
business, and
everyone is
expected to
take an active
part, supported
by the work of
leaders and
This grading and concern will be fed back to each of the Borough Directors,
Director for Public Health and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for Barnet
Borough. Their response and actions will be reviewed within the Annual Equality
NHS North Central London’s proposed Equality Objectives
The Equality Act (2010) requires public sector organisations to, prepare and
publish one or more “Equality Objectives” by 6th April 2012. The objectives will run
from this date, for a period of one year. Although the statute states that these
objectives should be over a four year period, as a transitional organisation it is
proposed that NHS North Central London’s objectives should cover the period April
2012 to March 2013.
It is therefore proposed that our objectives are strategic, specific and can be
achieved within a 12 month period:
1. Equality Impact Analysis (EQIA) - (a) review the quality of EQIA’s and make
recommendations for improvement by setting up an external review group
made up of community groups with an interest in one or more of the equality
strands, (b) audit a percentage of the papers that go to Board for approval to
see if EQIA’s have been appropriately completed, (c) audit EQIA’s and
make recommendations for improvements, and (d) provide further training
on EQIA’s to improve their quality.
2. Improve access to healthcare for people with a learning disability and on the
autism spectrum – using the NHS North Central London Commissioning for
Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) for vulnerable adults. This CQUIN is being
proposed for all the acute and specialist hospitals in north central London
and will be reported on quarterly by the Trusts that adopt it. Failure to
achieve it will mean loss of income.
3. Improve the data about our staff to identify patterns of potential
discrimination and publish this data in the next annual Equality Report.
The EDS has provided us with an opportunity to engage with LINKS to grade our
equality performance and provide a legacy for future organisations to consider and
improve upon (including the Clinical Commissioning Group). The three proposed
equality objectives are specific, measureable and achievable and have been
welcomed by the five LINKS across NHS North Central London. These objectives
will be published on our website by April 6 th 2012. The Quality and Safety
Committee will receive a report on progress by October 2012 on our Equality
Objectives performance.