TRAINING COURSE “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” BAKURIANI, GEORGIA 05.11 – 12.11.2011 PRACTICAL INFORMATION; Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia COURSE DESCRIPTION: General description: Nowadays PR of the organisation, cooperation between NGOs and media and exploitation of tools of new media are significant according to effectivness of youth work. Unfortunately very often members of youth organiasations are afraid of using new technologies or talk with journalists or they do not know how to deal with them. They face with a problem how to reach potencial volunteers for their projects, partner organisations to work with and sponsors. They also think that PR is effective only for comercial structures and needs a huge financial support, which is major mistake. The training course will take place in order to tackle media as a topic of its own and to provide an opportunity for those involved in youth work to improve their knowledge how to promote volunteering and particularly “Youth in Action” EVS projects in media effectively and how to build the strategy of PR for NGOs. This training course is designed for youth organisations, which are involved in EVS or volunteering projects, interested in developing effective communication means and particulary – in “new media”. The project involves participants -youth workers from Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine (total – 30 persons), who are in charge or involved in EVS projects. For seven days in Bakuriani, Georgia (with plenary sessions, discussions, workshops, open space, simulations, intercultural and interactivity games and using other non-formal education methods) young leaders will discus about the significant role of the mass media and new tools and opportunities, which are given by new media, as well as will exchange best practices and will try to prepare messages for different types of media in order to achieve their target audiences. Participants will discus about necessity of PR tactics nowadays in NGO field and how can it be useful for propagating voluntarism. They will also focus on dissemination and visibility of projects connected with voluntarism. Objectives: To strengthen awareness and understanding among young leaders from different countries on significant role of media; To discuss issues on media coverage related to EVS and “Youth in Action” programme in general; To improve and give a space to participants to obtaine competences in how to work with media successfully; To share information and exchange best practices among participants, how to promote volunteering and “Youth in Action” programme; To inform participants, how to produce effective internet productsbloogs, youtube, facebook and other social networks, as well as how to prepare press releases and organise Press conferences successfully; To equip participats with the different types communication tools; introduce them to the diverse types of media and its specific requirements (how journalists work and what they need). TARGET GROUP: Page 2of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia The participants of the meeting will be youth leaders, youth workers and NGO activists; beginners and willing to take part in the process of EVS as hosting or/and sending org. having possibility to multiply gained knowledge in their organisations and make EVS projects; having great motivation and enthusiasm; experience in NGO field, volunteering, management, managing initiative groups; very good English language skills. TIME: Arrival: 5.11.2011 before 10 a.m. Departure: 12.11.2011 after 2 p.m. All participants will be met at the airport and will be taken to Bakuriani by Bus. THE VENUE: Bakuriani, Georgia: Information about Bakuriani: Information about Georgia: ACCOMMODATION: You will be sharing a room with another person of the same sex, each room has one bathroom. There are towels and bed lines. At the hotel there is available billiard. We suggest you to bring warm cloth, as Bakuriani is mountain region and it can be very cold. ! Note: Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation for your extra stay in Georgia, those who wants to arrive a few days earlier or to departure few days later should inform us in advance and we will help you to book the hotel. ! Note: Organisers will not provide any accommodation for eventual extra stayings in Poland. If you plan to arrive a few days earlier or depart a few days later you are kindly requested to inform us and we will be glad to assist you with booking a hotel. !! Note: If you plan to stay longer in Georgia or come earlier please write us in advance before booking tickets as we have to consult it with Polish National Agency to make sure that we can reimburse your tavel expanses. TRAVELLING TO GEORGIA: Participants from the Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia are allowed to travel by plane to Tbilisi. Participants from Arzebaijan and Armenia are requested to travel by train or bus. Page 3of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia The best and cheapest flight connections to Tbilisi are via Riga (Air Baltic), Istanbul (Turkish Airlines), Kiev (Georgian and Ukrainian airlines), Warsaw (Polish Airlines LOT) or Prague (Czech Airlines). You can also find connections through Munich or Frankfurt (Lufthansa) and Vienna (Austrian Airlines or Georgian AIRZENA). TRANSPORT TO THE HOTEL AND FROM THE HOTEL: You will be picked up from the airport, train or bus station as well as we will provide you with transportation to the airport, train or bus station after the course. Please look at the airport, train or bus Station for the volunteer with a paper with the title of the PROJECT “EuroTube”. (Details will be sent, after there will be made a selection) TRAVEL COSTS: The organisers will reimburse 70% of participants' travel costs from your home city to Bakuriani, Georgia. Use of the cheapest means and fares (2nd class tickets) is eligible. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation of all (including return) original tickets, receipt/invoices and boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. Please DO RESERVE the tickets, but DO NOT BUY them before 10th of September and before our final confirmation Please keep the boarding passes from your airport check in as well. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice. !!! Please NOTE: if you bought your ticket in your local currency which might be different than EURO, we will calculate your travel costs according to the exchange rates from official European Commission website for the month of ticket purchase that the minibuses from Tbilisi to Bakuriani and back will be provided by the organizers, you will be charged for 30% of the travel cost Tbilisi-Bakuriani-Tbilisi. Tbilisi-Bakuriani-Tbilisi route will not cost more than 10 EUR (return). Please see the Annex 1 for the travel budget limits at the end of this document. If your travel costs exceed the amount budgeted in the project, we will be able to reimburse you 70% of the travel costs indicated in the travel budget. Please make the copies (better scan or take photographs) of your tickets and invoices before you will come to the training. Email those to Marzena Ples as soon as you buy them. If you have tickets and invoice, make sure that you e-mailed copies of both. Page 4of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia VISA ARRANGEMENTS: Bad news – Georgia is not in the EU yet, however there is no need for visa for EU citizens, as well as for the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova. However you have to have valid passports! (Only ID is not valid). LANGUAGE: Working language of the Training course is English. All participants should be able to communicate in english. PARTICIPATION FEE: There is no participation fee for this training course. HEALTH INSURANCE: The health insurance is not provided and will not be reimbursed by the organizers. All participants are strongly advised to purchase private travel insurance, as the costs of private health care in Georgia are high. WEATHER: In November Georgia is usually warm, but the mountain area can be cold. Average temperature will be around 7-15 degree Celsius. However be prepared for the rains and cold weather as in Bakuriani there might be some rain and snow. PREPARATION: Please be prepared to present your organisation during the TC. Bring some information materials about your organisation, photos and report from former projects and other things which will help you to present your organisation. And do not forget to bring some traditional music and national drinks, some food for the intercultural evenings! In the ICL evening, please prepare some presentation of your country in a creative way. PRACTICALITIES: Please note that internet access at the hotel is limited. Euros and US dollars can easily be exchanged across Georgia. The type of the plugs in Georgia is European. Make sure that you have adaptors for your electrical devises. PARTICIPANTS: Page 5of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia Our group of participants is composed of: Country of residence Number of participants Promoter Poland Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju I Integracji Młodzieży STRIM 3 Latvia Association Youth for Society 3 Italy CESIE 3 Spain KAEBNAI 3 Romania A.R.T Fusion Association 3 Armenia MEDIA DEVELOPMENT CENTRE “DIALOGUE” 3 Azerbaijan Bridge to the future 3 Moldova Community Association for Children and Youth ”Faclia” 3 Ukraine Youth for Exchanage and Understanding 3 Georgia Youth Association DRONI 3 Subtotal 30 TRAINERS: Our team is composed of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lorenzo Nava - Italy –trainer Monika Bieda – Poland - trainer Giorgi Kikalishvili – Georgia – facilitatior, hosting organisation Marzena Ples – Poland – facilitatior, sending organisation CONTACT: If you need help, have questions or need further information please contact us: For questions related to Logistics, practical issues in Georgia please contact the Host organisation (Youth Association DRONI): Giorgi Kikalishvili Mobile Phone: +995 (8) 99 229472 E-mail: Skype ID: jegunia For questions related to finances, international travel and applications, please contact to Marzena Ples Page 6of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia Mobile Phone: +48508312555 E-mail: Skype ID: elmmma For questions related to Programme Content and educational issues, please contact directly to Lorenzo Nava Please send travel sheet /don’t forget to indicate travel amount/ and scanned or photographed invoices and tickets on above mentioned address. HOW TO APPLY: Which form to use? You are requested to use the standard application form that follows in attachment. Which language to use? You are requested to write your application in English. How to name the e-mail and the application file? When naming the subject of your e-mail, as well as naming your attached application file, please use the following format: “your country_your name_EuroTube” as in the following example: Subject: “PL_Marzena_Ples _ EuroTube” WHERE TO APPLY: After naming your application as stated above, please submit your application to our project address: Please feel free to fill in the attached application form and send us before 1st of Septeber of 2010 ANNEX 1: TRAVEL BUDGET Page 7of 6 Info Pack: “EuroTube - the power of new media to empower youth volunteering” Bakuriani,Georgia Promoter Number of persons/including team members From To Means of transport Limit Per person Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Integracji Młodzieży STRIM 3 Krakow, Poland Tbilisi, Georgia plane 400 Association Youth for Society 3 Riga, Latvia Tbilisi, Georgia plane 330 CESIE 3 Palermo, Italy Tbilisi, Georgia plane 625 KAEBNAI 3 San Sebastian, Spain Tbilisi, Georgia plane 600 A.R.T Fusion Association 3 Bucharest, Romania Tbilisi, Georgia plane 360 MEDIA DEVELOPMENT CENTRE “DIALOGUE” 3 Luhansk, Ukraine Tbilisi, Georgia plane 360 Bridge to the future 3 Ganja, Azerbaijan Tbilisi, Georgia Bus/train 60 3 Ungheni, Moldova Tbilisi, Georgia plane 360 3 Yerevan, Armenia Tbilisi, Georgia bus 30 Community Association for Children and Youth ”Faclia” Youth for Exchanage and Understanding ! Note: As previously mentioned, the amounts in the last column represent 100% of costs allowed; you will be reimbursed 70% of it (upon evidence of original receipts and tickets). Please try to fit into the budget, and before buying the tickets, please consult with us. Page 8of 6