N A V I G A T GRADE: 9 I O N 1 0 1 TM LESSON: 8 THEME: PLANNING FOR NEXT YE AR TM LESSON GO ALS: Discuss coursework needs (for graduation and college admission). Introduce the Four-Year Plan. Prepare students for the course registration process for next year. ESSENTI AL QUESTIONS: What courses do I need to reach my goals? What should I do next year? MATERI ALS NEEDED: High School Graduation Requirements (one per student) College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs) Handout (one per student) Listing of Vancouver Public Schools’ HS Courses (one per student) Four-Year Plan Worksheet (one per student) 2010-2011 Curriculum Guide (have one or two available, if possible) CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: 1. Discuss coursework needs. Research shows that taking rigorous courses in high school is key to student success in postsecondary – more important than grades or socioeconomic status. Distribute the High School Graduation Requirements and CADR handouts and explain the difference between the minimum course requirements to graduate and to be admitted to college. Have students refer to the Graduation Checklist on the back of their CAP Documentation form for additional information. 2. Introduce the Four-Year Plan. Distribute a copy of the Listing of Available Courses and Four-Year Plan Worksheet to each student. Then, using the list of courses, help students plan for their remaining three years of high school. You might want to focus on the courses that are needed to meet the CADRs or students’ career goals, including advanced, CTE, and dual-credit courses. Remind them that the course listings document is a sampling of courses offered across the district. Not all courses may be available in all schools. If students have a Program of Study specific to a career pathway of interest (from the Career Center), they can use it as a resource at this time. 3. Introduce the course registration process. Students’ Four-Year Plans will be the first step in the course registration process. Explain how the course registration process will work and how students and their families will be involved. STUDENT PRODUCTS: Four-Year Plan. Each student should complete a Four-Year Plan. TM Navigation 101 is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. For more information, please visit our web site at www.k12.wa.us/navigation101 Rev 4/09 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS TM WHAT IS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL ? The State of Washington requires students to fulfill four tasks to graduate from high school. These are: 1. Complete a High School & Beyond Plan. Students in Navigation 101 work on High School & Beyond Plan worksheets each year and complete a final plan during senior year to meet this requirement. 2. Meet minimum course credit requirements. The State of Washington currently requires 19 credits in the subjects listed below. Individual districts may have more rigorous requirements. The course requirements to qualify for admission to college (the CADRs) are more rigorous than these graduation requirements (see the College Academic Distribution Requirements handout), and the requirements for individual colleges and universities may be even more rigorous still. SUBJECT AREA English MINIMUM STATE REQUIREMENT YOUR DISTRICT’S REQUIREMENT 3 credits 4 credits 2 credits (through class of 2012) 3 credits (beginning with class of 2013) 2 credits (through class of 2012) 3 credits (beginning with class of 2013) 2 credits (1 must be a lab) 2 credits (1 must be a lab) 2.5 credits 3 credits World Language 0 credits 0 credits Visual or performing arts 1 credit 1 credit Health & fitness 2 credits 2 credits Occupational education 1 credit 1 credit 5.5 credits 7.5 credits 0 credits 0.5 credit 19 credits (through class of 2012) 20 (beginning with class of 2013) 23 credits (through class of 2012) 24 (beginning with class of 2013) Mathematics Science Social Studies Electives Culminating Project TOTAL Remember that these minimum requirements are truly the minimum students must do to graduate. Students are strongly encouraged to take more courses in mathematics, science, social studies, English, and world languages, and to take the most challenging courses possible. 3. Receive a Certificate of Academic/Individual Achievement. Your school counselor will give you information on this requirement; most students do this by meeting standard on an assessment exam. 4. Complete a Culminating Project. Navigation 101 students prepare a senior presentation using their portfolios. This senior presentation will meet the Culminating Project requirement. TM Navigation 101 is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. For more information, please visit our web site at www.k12.wa.us/navigation101 Rev 4/09 COLLEGE ACADEMIC DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS TM The College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs) are the minimum college admission standards for Washington State. These CADRs may be higher than what your high school requires to graduate but may not be high enough to meet the standards of some colleges or universities. Please check with the postsecondary institution of your choice to verify admission requirements. SUBJECT AREA THROUGH 2011 BEGINNING IN 2012 TOTAL CREDITS 15 Student must obtain at least 15 credits in the subjects listed below. English 4 Must include 3 credits of literature and composition. 4 Must include 3 credits of college preparatory composition or literature. Passage of 10th grade WASL is equivalent to earning the first 2 credits of high school English. Mathematics 3 Must include Algebra, Geometry, and an advanced math. 3 Must include Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or Integrated Math I, II, and II. Passage of 10th grade WASL is equivalent to earning the first 2 credits of high school math. One credit must be earned during senior year in a math-based quantitative course or algebra-based science course.* Science 2 Through 2009, must include 1 credit of laboratory science. Beginning in 2010, must include 2 credits of laboratory science, including 1 credit of algebra-based biology, chemistry, or physics. 15 Student must obtain at least 15 credits in the subjects listed below. 2 Must include 2 credits of laboratory science, including 1 credit of algebra-based biology, chemistry, or physics. (Note that WWU specifies that the algebra-based course be chemistry or physics.) World Language 2 Must be earned for the same world language, Native American Language, or American Sign Language. 2 Must be earned for the same world language, Native American Language, or American Sign Language. Social Science 3 3 History or other social sciences Arts 1 Can be earned for fine, visual, or performing arts, or electives from any of the other required subjects. 1 Can be earned as 1 credit of fine, visual, or performing arts or 1 additional credit in other CADR subject areas. (Note that UW and WWU specify at least 0.5 credit in fine, visual, or performing arts) This is a summary from the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board CADRs, May 2007 For more information, please see http://www.hecb.wa.gov/research/issues/documents/MCASOverviewstudents.pdf. *Students who take math through Pre-Calculus are exempt from the senior year math requirement. TM Navigation 101 is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. For more information, please visit our web site at www.k12.wa.us/navigation101 Rev 4/09 Vancouver Public Schools’ H S COURSES Note: Not all cou rses listed are available at all schools. CTE Course Equivalencies: Washington state law allows students to earn equivalency credit in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses that have been approved for equivalency credit by the district. Equivalency credit is defined as credit earned in a course in one subject area that satisfies an academic requirement in a different subject area. CTE courses that offer equivalency credit are denoted by the symbol in the Curriculum Guide. English Language Learner FVHS Only Advanced ELL Literacy Block Basic ELL Literacy Block ELL Basic Math Skills ELL Basic Skills with Science Focus ELL Contemporary World Problems ELL Foundations of Algebra & Geometry ELL Integrated Math I ELL Integrated Math II ELL Senior English ELL U.S. History ELL Washington State History/World Studies Intermediate ELL Literacy Block English/Literacy Academic Literacy Block Academic Literacy I (L&C and VSAA only) Academic Literacy II Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Composition Advanced Placement (AP) Literature and Composition Comprehensive Literacy Creative Writing English 9 English 10 English 11 English 11/COE Linguistics II Pre-AP English 9 Pre-AP English 10 Skills Center Composition Senior Composition/British Literature Senior Composition/Creative Writing Senior Composition/English Success Senior Composition/Literary Perspectives in Media Senior Composition/Mythology Senior Composition/Science Fiction Senior Composition/Shakespeare Senior Composition/Speech Communication/ Debate Senior Composition/Sports Literature Fitness & Health Advanced Weight Training Aerobic Fitness Circuit Training Dance Conditioning Food and Fitness Health Sciences and Careers Health Wellness Physical Education Weight Training International Baccalaureate (IB) CRHS Only International Baccalaureate (IB) Art International Baccalaureate (IB) Art International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology 2 International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology 3 International Baccalaureate (IB) Calculus Studies International Baccalaureate (IB) Calculus Methods International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry 2 International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry 3 International Baccalaureate (IB) English 11 International Baccalaureate (IB) English Seminar International Baccalaureate (IB) French 4, German 4, Spanish 4 International Baccalaureate (IB) French 5, German 5, Spanish 5 International Baccalaureate (IB) German 3 International Baccalaureate (IB) History of the Americas International Baccalaureate (IB) Modern World History International Baccalaureate (IB) Music Theory International Baccalaureate (IB) Physics International Baccalaureate (IB) Precalculus/Trigonometry/Statistics International Baccalaureate (IB) Psychology International Baccalaureate (IB) Theory of Knowledge PB Biology PB Chemistry PB English 9 PB English 10 PB Integrated Advanced Algebra PB Integrated Math II PB Psychology PB World Studies and Washington State History Mathematics Advanced Mathematics with Applications Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Applied Math Applied Math II Calculus 2 Foundations of Algebra and Geometry Integrated Math I Integrated Math II Integrated Math III Integrated Math IV Introduction to Engineering Design (SHS Only) Math Lab I Math Lab II Money and Math Pre-AP Integrated Math II Pre-AP Integrated Math III Pre-AP Integrated Math IV Principles of Engineering (SHS Only) Miscellaneous Electives Leadership/Peer Mentoring Library Experience Occupational Education Accounting Advanced Accounting Advanced Business Law Advanced Computer Applications Advanced Culinary Arts Advanced Design Technology Advanced Marketing – Fashion Advanced Marketing – Sports Advanced Marketing Seminar Advanced Marketing Advanced Welding/Machine Technology Business Law Career Choices – Food Court Career Choices Careers in Education Child Development/Tutoring Communication Skills Using Digital Photography Computer Applications Culinary Arts – Café Culinary Arts – Food Court Culinary Arts – Special Projects Culinary Arts Design Technology – Special Projects Design Technology Desktop Publishing Entrepreneurship Exploring Childhood Exploring Culinary Arts Family Psychology Occupational Education (continued) GRADS Lab GRADS Horticulture – Special Projects Intro to Machine Technology Journalism Marketing – Fashion Marketing – Sports Marketing Medical Magnet Exploration/Athletic Medicine Medical Terminology & Practice Personal Nutrition School Newspaper Technology Tools Web Publishing Welding/Machine Technology – Special Projects Welding/Machine Technology Work Co-op Science Advanced Biology (CRHS Only) Advanced Horticulture Advanced Natural Resources and Conservation (HBHS Only) Advanced Placement (AP) Biology Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science Advanced Placement (AP) Physics Astronomy Biology Chemistry Ecology Forensic Biology (FVHS Only) Horticulture Science Human Anatomy and Physiology Integrated Science Natural Resources and Conservation (HBHS Only) Oceanography Physics Pre-AP Biology Pre-AP Chemistry Principles of Engineering (SHS Only) Science Special Projects SMT Research Project (SHS Only) Zoology Skills Center (Open to Grades 11 and 12) Applied Medical Sciences Automotive Technology Construction Technology Cosmetology Criminal Justice Dental Assisting Diesel Technology Electro-Digital Technologies Skills Center (continued) Financial Customer Services Fire Science Legal/Medical Office Applications Pre-Engineering Design Technology Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts Travel and Hotel Management Social Studies Academic World Studies/Washington State History Advanced Placement (AP) Comparative Government Advanced Placement (AP) Economics Advanced Placement (AP) Psychology Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History Advanced Placement (AP) World History Constitutional Law Contemporary World Problems Criminal Law Economics Law and Justice Mock Trial and Mock Legislature Pre-AP World Studies and Washington State History Psychology and Health Issues Psychology Sociology Street Law (Citizens Rights and Responsibilities) U.S. History Washington State History and Government Washington State History World Studies Visual & Performing Arts Acappella Choir Advanced Graphic Design Advanced Guitar Advanced Placement (AP) Art History Advanced Placement (AP) Studio Art Advanced Video Production Art for Learning Art Studio Beginning Choir Beginning Guitar Calligraphy I Calligraphy II Chorus Concert Band Concert Choir Concert/Marching Band Visual & Performing Arts (continued) Drawing & Painting Drawing I Drawing II Graphic Design Introduction to Photography Introduction to Visual Art Jazz Ensemble Movie Making Multimedia Technology Orchestra Percussion Photography I Photography II Pottery I Pottery II Special Art Symphonic Band Theatre I Theatre II Theatre Special Projects Video Production – Special Projects Video Production Visual Art Vocal Jazz Wind Ensemble Yearbook World Language Advanced Placement (AP) French 4, German 4, Spanish 4 Advanced Placement (AP) French 5, German 5, Spanish 5 Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish 4 Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish 5 American Sign Language 1 American Sign Language 2 American Sign Language 3 American Sign Language 4 French 1, German 1, Spanish 1 French 2, German 2, Spanish 2 French 3, German 3, Spanish 3 Russian 4 Russian 5 PLEASE FILE THIS IN THE ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT SECTION OF YOUR PORTFOLIO FOUR-YEAR PLAN – Gr 9 TM Name: Grade: Advisor: Career Cluster: FR E SHM AN Y E AR First Semester Second Semester Freshman English:_________________________________ Freshman English: _________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Social Studies: ____________________________________ Social Studies: ____________________________________ Elective: _________________________________________ Elective:__________________________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ SO P HO M O RE Y E AR First Semester Second Semester Sophomore English: ________________________________ Sophomore English: _______________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Social Studies: ____________________________________ Social Studies:_____________________________________ Elective (CTE?):___________________________________ Elective (Fine Art?):_________________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ JU NIO R Y E AR First Semester Second Semester Junior English: ____________________________________ Junior English: ____________________________________ Social Studies:____________________________________ Social Studies: ____________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective (Fine Art):__________________________________ Elective (CTE?): ___________________________________ S EN IO R Y E AR First Semester Second Semester Senior English:____________________________________ Senior English: ___________________________________ Social Studies: ____________________________________ Social Studies: ___________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Mathematics: _____________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Science: _________________________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective (Language?):_______________________________ Elective:__________________________________________ Elective:__________________________________________ Credits needed: _____ Credits this plan provides: _____ TM Navigation 101 is sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. For more information, please visit our web site at www.k12.wa.us/navigation101 Rev 4/09