5.18.15 committee reports

Please fill in the appropriate information below for your committee and submit (electronically) to the board
President by Monday prior to each board meeting.
Committee Name:
Chair Name:
Communications & Marketing Committee
Carol Lauvray & Carla Marsh
Committee Members: Carol Lauvray & Carla Marsh
Report Date: May 5, 2015
Press Releases distributed to BHM’s proprietary local and regional media list:
1. Victorian Tea Press Release (4/9/2015)
2. Victorian Clothing Exhibit and Opening Event (4/13/2015)
Taste of Beaufort BHM Table—Saturday, May 2nd, Lauvray staffed a table with the Holloways to
promote BHM in general and the Victorian Clothing Exhibit and Tea specifically to the community.
Victorian Clothing Exhibit Opening Event—Sunday, May 3rd: Lauvray and Marsh planned, organized,
and coordinated the exhibit opening event with Katherine Lang, Kim Poovey, Libby Holloway, and Norm
Victorian Tea Event—Marsh and Lauvray are planning, organizing and coordinating the upcoming event
with Katherine Lang, Kim Poovey, Anna Schaffer and Norm Campbell.
Event Publicity—Victorian Clothing Exhibit & Victorian Tea
1. Low Country Weekly (4/22/2015, page 12)
2. Beaufort Gazette (4/30/2015, page 2C)
3. Beaufort Gazette (5/4/2015, front page feature article)
Victorian Clothing Exhibit Opening Event Sunday, May 3rd:
The event was a resounding success! The exhibit and museum halls were packed with visitors anxious to
see the new exhibit, and we were happy that so many of BHM's volunteers were on hand to help with the
day's festivities.
Historic re-enactors dressed in period garb strolled in the Arsenal courtyard, while a string quartet played
and volunteers served cookies and beverages to visitors. A Tin Typist from Charleston took old-time
photos. Upstairs, historic re-enactor and Victorian-period expert Kim Poovey described the exhibit's
fabulous clothing and articles to visitors.
Thanks for the success of the exhibit opening go to all of BHM's volunteers who helped with exhibit
opening event:
• Kim Poovey, Katherine Lang, and Libby Holloway, who created and prepared the temporary Victorian
and Edwardian clothing exhibit and displays.
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• Stuart Heath (BHM member) and Kim Poovey, who loaned treasured items from their personal
collections for the temporary exhibit.
• Norm Campbell, Julie Michau, hanna hauser, Jan and Don Donavan, Chris Allen, Carla and Alex
Marsh, Katherine Lang, and Carol Lauvray who greeted visitors, served refreshments, sold BHM
memberships and books, and conducted museum tours.
• Anna and Brooks Schaffer, Donnie Beer, Lorrie and Aiden Burleyknoles, Libby and Jay Holloway, and
Helena Bennett who were on hand for the opening event.
• Historic re-enactors Kim and Darryl Poovey, Lynn Bristow Cook, Dianne Gibb, and Alyssa Krob for
bringing BHM's Victorian Clothing exhibit to life!
• Carla Marsh and Carol Lauvray for their pre-exhibit event planning, coordination and publicity.
• Photographer and webmaster Richard Darby for capturing the exhibit opening event in photos and for
posting pre-exhibit promotions about the event on BHM's website.
We continue to have issues with the BHM website and its software WordPress, the BHM PayPal account
working on the website, and most recently with the software Constant Contact. We have learned that it
has not been delivering communications to BHM members, which means that members did not receive
the electronic communication to the Victorian Tea and affected the number of potential reservations
Financial Impact:
1. Music for Clothing Exhibit opening: $40.00
2. Music for Victorian Tea (cost of two tea reservations) $40.00
The board should consider alternatives to the current BHM website software and to ensure that BHM’s
electronic communication infrastructure is effective. Lauvray and Marsh will initiate a discussion about
these issues at the May 8 board meeting.
Suggestions/Requests: (use this area to present motions to the board)
Please fill in the appropriate information below for your committee and submit (electronically) to the board
President by Monday prior to each board meeting.
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Committee Name: Volunteer/Docent
Chair Name:
Lorrie Burleyknoles
Committee Members:
Norm Campbell, Jan Donovan
Report Date: May 3, 2015
Activities: The spring Docent social was a successful event that included board members, trainees and
Docent Prospects. Docent training classes will continue throughout May. New Docents have been
encouraged to work more shifts and/or shifts that are more often visited by patrons. The committee
continues to wait for a response from the Chamber in regards to changing the operational hours.
Outcomes/Action: 3 ppl have completed training. 4ppl are expected to begin/continue training and some
of these have chosen to join us on the schedule this month.
Challenges: As the other committees develop their programs and establish events several of the
Docents have become involved in these. This has negatively affected the schedule because these
Docents are giving their designated time to that committee/event and scheduling themselves for less
shifts. The schedule reflects this; 4 new Docents are on the schedule however the schedule is no more
filled than it normally is at this point of the month. Continual recruitment of new Volunteers and Docents
will be essential if the pace of events stays continually busy.
Financial Impact:
The Docents are enthralled to see the changes in the exhibits and the addition of the temporary exhibit.
These activities keep them interested and invested in the Museum.
Suggestions/Requests: (use this area to present motions to the board)
Committee Name: Education
Chair Name: Mary Lou Brewton
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Committee Members: Mary Lou Brewton, Jeff Kidd, Debi Kidd, Anna Schaffer, Paul Keyserling.
Date: 5/5/15
Activities: Either Mary Lou or Anna were to pick up the “Uniforms of BHM” booklets Thursday.
Anna and Libby Ricardo are going to start our Beaufort Library Home School Readers program.
Outcomes/Action: We have at least two confirmed programs for summer camp programs, and possibly a third:
July 7th- Camp Dig It 11:15 a.m. to about 12.30 p.m.
July 14th-Eliza L Pinckney-indigo and tie-dyed T-shirts, 10 a.m. to about noon.
July 21
Challenges: n/a
Financial Impact: n/a
Suggestions/Requests: (use this area to present motions to the board)
No board motions necessary
Please fill in the appropriate information below for your committee and submit (electronically) to the board
Secretary by Wednesday morning prior to each board meeting.
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Committee Name: Operations and Development Committee: Fund Raising
Chair Name:
D. C. Gilley
Committee Members:
Report for Meeting: May 8, 2015
-- On May 2nd, Jay and Libby Holloway, Carol Lauvray and Andy
Holloway manned a “Mini-Museum” at the park during the Taste of Beaufort Festival. The space
allotted us was not perfect (behind the pavilion) but was free. The exhibit was the Oyster Factory
exhibit borrowed from our main gallery. We also featured museum brochures, tea invitations, a
sign up sheet for people interested in volunteering and reminders to check Facebook and the web
site for information on our upcoming children’s programs. There were many visitors with about
15-20 stopping to read and ask questions. There was lots of interest in the children’s
programming, especially from home schooling parents. We recruited two potential docents.
Those manning the booth felt this was a positive exposure of the museum and would like to
continue the practice of attending local festivals.
Outcomes/Action: The experiment was successful and we would recommend attending other festivals.
Challenges: Drawing people into the non-profit section of the park.
Financial Impact: None at this time.
Comments: It was helpful having Andy walking around the park in his Union uniform handing out
Suggestions/Requests: (use this area to present motions to the Board). None at this time.
Committee Name: Finance Committee
Chair Name: Donnie Beer
Committee Members: Donnie Beer, Anna Schaffer
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Date: 5/6/15
Activities: Deposited All Checks, Submitted payments with new signatures
Challenges: Increase income of the museum
Financial Impact:
Suggestions/Requests: The Finance Committee is beginning the budget process, using the worksheet attached,
please begin to compile information and some preliminary numbers so that we can begin to plan for next year as
soon as possible
Preliminary Budget Planning – DUE May 4th 2015
Committee Name:
Committee Members:
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Plans for Upcoming Year:
Budget Estimates:
Expected Quarter
Museum Impact
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