Sensory Processing in Adult Mental Health

Sensory Processing in Adult Mental Health
AOTI are pleased to announce a two day course in Sensory Processing
in Mental Health. This workshop is HSE funded.
Occupational Therapists working in Adult Mental Health, Psychiatry of
Later life and Adolescent Mental Health are welcome
The course will be offered in two locations – Cork and Dublin
Course Facilitated by Tina Champagne OTD, OTR/L,
Who can apply?
This course is geared specifically towards Occupational Therapists working with
clients who experience Psychosis, Anxiety disorders, Depression, PTSD, Bipolar
affective disorder and Axis II disorders such as Borderline Personality disorder.
Course Instructor:
Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L, CCAP
Bio of Tina Champagne:
Dr. Tina Champagne is an international consultant, the owner of Champagne
Conferences & Consultation, and the director of occupational therapy for Cutchins
Programs for Children and Families in Northampton MA, USA. She is an expert in
sensory processing, trauma and attachment informed care, and works with a variety
of mental health, professional, and educational organizations on state, national and
international scales. Dr. Champagne has numerous publications, has participated in
published research related to the topics covered in this course, and has received a
variety of awards for her work. She is certified in sensory processing and a variety of
therapeutic modalities.
(For more please link to
Course Introduction:
Sensory processing disorders in adults can result from difficulties in how the nervous
system receives, organizes and uses sensory information. This sensory information
may be experienced from within the body itself, from the person’s physical
environment, or the combination. These difficulties can impact on emotional
regulation, attention, problem solving, behaviour control, skill performance, the
capacity to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships and occupational
participation. In adults, sensory processing difficulties can impact on the capacity to
parent, work, take care of the home and engage in social and leisure activities
(AOTA, 2012).
Sensory processing problems may occur in isolation or contribute to or be co-morbid
with conditions such as schizophrenia, anxiety and panic disorders (Pfeiffer &
Kennedy 2003), depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, bipolar affective disorder
or borderline personality disorder (Champagne, 2011) (Moro, 2007) (Moore, 2002,
2005, 2008).
In the area of Sensory Processing, the training to date has been primarily related to
children with sensory processing disorders. There is a need for sensory processing
training for therapists working with an adult population particularly those working with
adolescents or adults with mental health issues (AOTA, 2012).
Attendance at this course aims to provide Occupational Therapists with:
Introduction to Sensory Modulation Theory and Practice.
Understanding the role of sensory processing in enhancing wellbeing and
participation – making links to existing models or approaches being used
Identifying Sensory Preferences to understand sensory patterns/styles and
impact on emotions, relationships, performance and participation of clients.
Explore tools used to evaluate the care environment, for example; inpatient,
the home and work/study environment and the community environment.
Explore tools used to support the client in becoming more self-aware and to
set goals and implement personalized self-regulation strategies. Examples of
these skills or strategies include - Skills to help clients manage anxiety
(sensory defensiveness and avoidance), reduce self harm, skills to help
clients who dissociate with reality to become more grounded, skills to help
clients with schizophrenia manage sensory and motor difficulties, skills to help
manage the symptoms of PTSD, such as, sensory diets and sensory
supportive physical environments.
Participants will consider their practice and develop a plan of action for
introducing sensory approaches into their setting.
Course Requirements:
Course participants will be required to complete an application form and the
recommended preparatory reading. Details of pre-reading will be provided if you are
allocated a place in the workshop
Closing date for applications:
The closing date for completed applications – 11th of NOVEMBER 2014 by 5pm
Course Dates and Locations:
Thu 4th and Fri 5Th
December 2014 (2 days)
Brookfield 102, Brookfield
Health complex, UCC, Cork.
Mon 8th and Tues 9th
December 2014 (2 days)
Medical teaching Centre, St
Patricks Hospital, Dublin 8
Please note that parking is very limited and paid at both venues. Use of public
transport is encouraged.
How to Apply
Procedure for application
In order to apply for the Sensory Processing
course –
1.Please complete and e-mail the application
below to mark
subject ‘Sensory’ and location
If you have any queries contact
Sarah Lee
Phone: 085-7133333
2. Send your booking fee of €20 to the AOTI
office. Payment must be received before 11th
November, 2014 by 5pm. Make this payment out
to AOTI and attach a note with your name and
course name. If the course does not go ahead or
if you do not secure a place at the workshop, you
will be provided with a full refund. Please send
cheque or money order.
Suite 2.20
Smithfield Business Centre,
Distiller’s Building,
Dublin 7.
Please note;
*Priority will be given to Occupational Therapists working in Adult Mental health, Psychiatry of
Later life and Adolescent care.
Applications are open to AOTI members and non members
**Please also note that the focus of this particular course will not be on conditions such as
Autistic Spectrum, Dyspraxia or ADHD which is more commonly seen in CAMHs, however
Occupational Therapists working with adolescents who experience early psychosis, anxiety
disorders and who self harm are welcome.
***Tea and coffee will be provided on the day, however lunch is not included.
Restaurant and Coffee shop facilities will be at both venues.
Sensory Processing in Adult Mental Health
Area of
Community Mental Health Team (Adult)_______________
Adult Inpatient Unit_______________________________
Psychiatry of Later life ____________________________
Day Hospital ____________________________________
Day Centre ______________________________________
Child and Adolescent _____________________________
Do you work in
a HSE funded
work setting?
Phone Number
Please provide
work and
private email
address so you
can be sent pre
Work Email –
Dublin __________________________________________
If you are
waitlisted and a
place arises,
would you be
interested to
attend in either
Private Email -
1) Have you previously completed training in this area? If yes please provide
details and year completed
2) Why would you like to attend this workshop?