2006-07 WASFAA Committee Chair/Officer Year-End Report Committee Name/Officer: Graduate Professional Issues Committee Committee Chair/Co-Chair/Officer (Name/Place of Employment/Address/Phone/Email): Colleen MacDonald, (Chair) Name Colleen R MacDonald Title Director Institution Stanford University - Graduate School of Business Financial Aid Office Address 518 Memorial Way Stanford, CA 94305 Phone (650) 736-1758 Fax (650) 725-3328 Email macdonald_colleen@gsb.stanford.edu Committee Members (Name/Place of Employment) Jerome Thurman (Member), NextStudent Name Jerome Thurman Title School Relations Director Institution NextStudent 216 E. Olive Ave Address Ste 205 Burbank, CA 91502 Phone (213) 393-1950 Fax (818) 972-2150 1 Email jthurman@nextstudent.com Lindsay Ritchie (Member), California State University - San Marcos Name Lindsay B Ritchie Title Financial Aid Advisor Institution CSU - San Marcos Financial Aid and Scholarships Address 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 Phone (760) 750-4853 Ext: 4853 Fax (760) 750-3047 Email lritchie@csusm.edu Tyese Dunn (Member), Nevada State College Name Tyese F Dunn Title Financial Aid Advisor Institution Nevada State College Address 1125 Nevada State Drive Henderson, NV 89015 Phone (702) 992-2152 Fax (702) 992-2151 Email Tyese_Dunn@nsc.nevada.edu Goals: WASFAA Graduate Professional Issues Committee Goals for 2006-07 1. Bring issues of relevance to graduate and professional aid administrators and students to the attention of the Association and the Executive Council. 2 2. Respond with endorsement of the Executive Council, to any State or Federal Issues with a Graduate and Professional perspective. 3. Advise other committees when Graduate and Professional concerns need to be addressed and ensure Graduate and Professional representation on all appropriate committees. 4. Work with the Conference Committee to ensure interest sessions are presented with graduate and professional aid administrators' needs in mind. 5. Explore improvements to Membership Committee to collect better data about the membership serving the graduate and professional community. These goals align with Strategic Plan goals #1, to collaborate and coordinate with conference committee in order to serve our members more applicable training and professional development opportunities; #2, to communicate the public policy decisions; and #7, to improve the methods of communication with membership. In support of GPIC Goal #5, our Committee sent suggestions to Wendy Olson, the Membership Committee Chair additional categories of questions to ask when collecting membership information in order to further distinguish the membership. Responsible for Grad/Professional Students • Not Specified • Yes (Frequent or Significant) • No -(Neither Frequent nor Significant) Responsible for Health Professional Students • Not Specified • Yes (Frequent or Significant) • No -(Neither Frequent nor Significant) Activities: 3 Articles in every WASFAA Newsletter: o GP Update o Reflecting on Implementing the Grad PLUS o And You Thought Consolidation Was Over o uivalent Educational Finance at All Levels Implementation of additional categories of questions to ask when collecting membership information in order to further distinguish the graduate and professional membership Approved Budget Breakdown and Actual Expenditures to Date: Approved Budget $200 For conference calls Actual Expenditures $0 Absorbed by member’s institution Progress Toward Strategic Plan Goals/Activities: 1. Bring issues of relevance to graduate and professional aid administrators and students to the attention of the Association and the Executive Council. Provided updates to relevant GP related research and issues, such as "Financing the Future: Responses to the Rising Debt of Law Students" article from Equal Justice Works 2. Respond with endorsement of the Executive Council, to any State or Federal Issues with a Graduate and Professional perspective. Suggested letter regarding WASFAA support and advocate for a reduction in interest rates for graduate and professional students, which parallel College Student Relief Act of 2007 (H.R. 5). Also, to encourage Congress support loan programs with reasonable interest rates and repayment terms that will allow for success in our students chosen graduate or professional careers. Recommended that WASFAA Federal Issues Committee advocating for the following: o Grad PLUS having a six-month grace period with in-school status, o Support efforts to achieve the parity between the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) and William Ford Direct Loan (DL) Programs by equalizing the terms and conditions of student loans so that all borrowers 4 no matter what loan delivery system (FFEL & DL) have the same loan terms and conditions 3. Advise other committees when Graduate and Professional concerns need to be addressed and ensure Graduate and Professional representation on all appropriate committees. Discussed at Executive Council meetings concerns regarding difficulty capturing who has GP related work. 4. Work with the Conference Committee to ensure interest sessions are presented with graduate and professional aid administrators' needs in mind. Reviewed Conference Committee interest sessions which include the following sessions that keep the graduate and professional aid administrators' needs in mind o Working with Lenders/Lender Relations: Serving on Advisory Boards, Building lender lists (why they make the grade), Working Relationships, Etc. o Loan Options: Alternative vs. PLUS, training the consumer o Default management/Default Aversion/Intervention/Debt Management/FICA Scores: Training Students 5. Explore improvements to Membership Committee to collect better data about the membership serving the graduate and professional community. Suggested that the Membership Committee Chair additional categories of questions to ask when collecting membership information in order to further distinguish the graduate and professional membership. – This was adopted for the 2007-08 year. Responsible for Grad/Professional Students • Not Specified • Yes (Frequent or Significant) • No -(Neither Frequent nor Significant) Responsible for Health Professional Students • Not Specified • Yes (Frequent or Significant) • No -(Neither Frequent nor Significant) 5 Suggestions for Committee Chair/Co-Chair or Officer Successor: Since the WASFAA GPIC is a relatively new committee, I would scale back suggestion for participation from each state and all the different segments such as Medical, Law, Divinity, Business, Other Graduate, and an office which serves all students (from undergraduate to PhDs). The new membership information should be useful to try to search for volunteers. More needs to be done to communicate with the membership. The new membership information should be useful to try to target communications to relevant GP related administrators. Early in the WASFAA year, send recommended sessions for Conference Committee to review. Also, request that Summer Institute faculty promote graduate and professional or at least independent student examples. 6