Name: Adel Abd El-Hameed Siam Date and place of birth: 8 10 1957, El Sharkia. Home address: 2, Anadool st.; Ismailia, Egypt. Present professional position: Prof. of Physiology. Tel. No. : 0020643327052 Home: 0020643343462 Marital status: Married. Institution: Dept. of Phys. Fac. Of Vet. Med. Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. Qualifications: B.V Sc May, 1981, Zagazig Univ. M. V. Sc, 1986, Cairo Univ. Ph.D., April, 1991, Suez Canal Univ. Language ability: Arabic, mother tongue English, good Field specialization: Physiology. Previous posts: Demonstrator, Phys. & Biochem. Dept. from 1983 to 1986. Assistant lecturer of Phys. From 1986 to 1991. Lecturer of phys. From 1991 to 1995. Assistant professor from 1995 to 2000. Professor of Phys. Dept. from 2002 to 2004. Experiences: 1. Teaching lectures and practical courses for the second year students at the faculty of Vet. Med. 2. Supervision of post graduate students at the faculty of Vet. Med. And agriculture. 3. Arranging and assisting the summer training programs for final year students. List of publication: 1- Siam, A. A. (1992) Effect of injection of different pituitary suspensions on luteinizing hormone and spawning in catfish, Clarias lazera. Egypt. J. appi. Sci., 7 (1). 2- El-Sayed, R. F. and - Siam, A. A. (1992). Clinical and biochemical aspects associated with rickets in young goats. Assuit Vet. Med. J. vol (54). 3- El-Nahla, A. Aly, O. Siam, A. Ismail, A. (1992). Effect of dehydration on some hematological parameters in camel. Bench Vet. Med. J. vol (3) No. (1). 4- Gammaz, H. El-Nahla, a. and Siam, A. (1993). Effect of α adrenergic blocker (phentolamine) on propionyl promazine induced hyperglycemia in rats. The new Egyptian. J. of medicine. Vol (8) NO. (4). 5- Siam, A., Mona, M. A., Wafaa, E. and Ismail, A. (1993). Plasma levels of glucose and insulin in camels during dehydration. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol (9) No. (3). 6- El-Nahla, A., Gammaz, H. and Siam, A. (1993). Effect of short term administration of H2 receptor antagonist "Cimetidine and Rantidine" on gonadotrophine and testosterone in male rats. Zag. Vet. J, Vol (21) No. (4). 7- El-sayed, R. F and Siam, A. (1994). Pregnancy toxemia in ewes:- parable alteration in same serum constituents and a trial of treatment. Alex. J. Vet. Sci. Vol (10) No. (1). 8- Gammaz, H., Salah, N. H. Abd-Allah, O., Ibrahim, M. T. and Siam, A. (1994). Clinical and biochemical evaluation of a herbal preparation (Reproton) for treatment of anestrum in buffaloes. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., Vol (9) No. (2). 9- El-Nahla, A., Siam, A. and Abd-Allah, O. (1994). Effect of treatment with opoid agonist on some biochemical parameters in the blood serum of albino rats. Egypt. J. Copm. Pathol. Clin. Pathol. Vol (7) No. (1). 10- Gamaz, H., El-Ashmawy, I. M. and Siam, A. (1994). Effect of some fasciolicidal drugs on bile flow with reference to some of its constituents. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci., Vol (9) No. (3). 11- El-Nahla, A., Siam, A. Gamaz, H. and Zaki, A. (1994). The validity of amantadine Hcl as a hypoprolactinaemic agent in cycling hypoprolactinaemic and lactating rats. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass Vol (54) No. (3). 12- Siam, A., Radwan, M., El- Anwar. And Ismail, A., (1994). Some endocrine responses and adaptations to acute exercise in a basketball players. Sport education research magazine. Vol (6) No. (31-32). August. 13-El-Darawany, A. and Siam, A., (1995). Biological control of luteinizing hormone surge and reproductive performance relationships in doe rabbits. Der Tropenlandwrit. Beitrage. 96 Jahrgang. IN 0041- 3186. 14- El-Touny AH, ahmed IH and Siam, A., (1995). Effect of adrenaline on cardiac, respiratory and central nervous systems toxicity of bupivaine awake goat. Egyptyan journal of anaethesia, volum 11, number 2 July. 15- A. A. Ismail, A.A. Siam, Amal El-Nahla and S. M. M. Abuzead, (1998). Synchronization of estrus in the she camel. Third annual meeting for animal production under arid conditions. Fac. Of Agric. Sci. United Arab Emirates University, May 2-3, 1998 AlAin. 16-Siam A.A. and El-Darawany, A. A., (1998). Effect of exogenous melatonin on the physiological performance of doe rabbit and growth rate and onset of puberty of their offspring. First international conference on animal's production and health in semi arid areas 1-3 September, 1998. 17- Siam, A.A.; Nabil, A. Heakal, S. A.; Ismail A. A. and ElSeady, Y., (1999). Bone formation markers, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase in newly born calves and their dams. BeniSuef Vet. Med. J. Volum (9) No. 3-B, 1999. 18- Siam, A.A.; Saadia A. Ali; s. M. M. Abuzead and s. A. Mahmoud. Melatonin alters basal testosterone and modulates the response of the testes to the hypothalamic and pituitary hormones in rates. BeniSuef Vet. Med. J. Volum (9) No. 3-B, 1999. 19- N. A. Heakal S. A.; Siam, A.A.; Ismail A. A. and El-Seady, Y., (2000). Parathyroid hormone, calcium and phosphorus relationship pre and post partum in cows and their calves in post natal period. Fac. Of Vet. Med. Mansoura University. Vol. ΙΙ, No. 1. 20- - Siam, A.A., (2000). Effect of melatonin on plasma coticosterone and ACTH- induced stimulation of adrenal gland in rates. Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., Vol (2). 21- Siam, A.A. and Ahmed, I.H, (2000). Electrocardiogram in relation to respiration and blood oxygen saturation during anesthesia in dogs. Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., Vol (2). 22- S.M. Hassan, A. Siam, M. E. Mady and A. L. Cartwright., (2004). Incubation temperature for ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs. Poultry science, 83: 495. 23- Abuzead, SMM; Ismail, AA; Siam, AA and Magd-Eldin,S, (2003). Phereomones mdul; ate reproductive performance in male and female Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., Vol VI (2) December 2003. 24- Abuzead,SMM; Ismail,AA; Siam, AA and Magd-Eldin,S, (2005). Effects of environmental temperature and photoperiod on reproductive performance in male and female Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., Vol VI (2) December 2005. 25- A. A. Ismail, A.A. Siam, Amal El-Nahla(2006) Effect of dehydration on physiological parameters in one humped camel. Al-Kassim, Saudia Arabia, May 2006.Scientific International conference for camels. 26- A. A. Ismail, A.A. Siam, Amal El-Nahla and S. M. M. Abuzead, Nozaki M, Magdoline S. (2006) Impacts of salinity changes on gene expression and release of insulinlike growth factor 1 in juvenile eurehaline tilapia, Oreochroms mossambicus. Suez Canal univ. Feb.2006. 27- Siam, A.A.; Nabil, A. Heakal, S. A.; Ismail A. A. and ElSeady, Y., (2005). Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropine on the ovarian activities of dairy cows during estrus cycle, ultasonographic and hormonal study. 4th Int.Sci.Conf.Mansura April 2005. 28- .M. Hassan, A. Siam, M. E. Mady and A. L. Cartwright., (2003). Factors impacting fertility and hatchability of ostrich eggs. Processding of American ostrich association fourth worth Texas USA.Jun.2003 Supervision of thesis : 1. Mode of actions of the growth hormone/insulin like growth factor I axis and prolactin in somatotrophic and osmoregulatory ability in juvenile tilapia. Ph.D 2007, Fac. Vet. Med., Suez Canal University, Egypt. 2. Effect of exogenous somatotropin on the reproductive and metabolic performance of dairy cows. Ph.D 2003, Fac. Vet. Med., Suez Canal University, Egypt. 3. Some environmental and physiological factors regulating gonadal development in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). MVSc. 2003, Fac. Vet. Med., Suez Canal University, Egypt. 4. Relationship of parathyroid gland activity with some bone forming elements in calves. Ph.D 1999, Fac. art., Mansoura University, Egypt. Scientific conventions: 1. Convention in wildlife between past and present. Faculty of vet. Med. Suez Canal University Dec. 1997. 2. 1st annual convention about future of ostrich industry in Egypt. fac. Of Agriculture, Suez canal university, feb.1999. 3. Water pollution convention and its effect on fish with relation to human health. Fac. Of Agriculture, Suez canal university, April 1999. 4. Modern techniques in biotechnology and it’s applications in the scientific fields. Fac. Of Vet. Med. Suez canal univ. Feb. 2000. 5. 2nd annual convention about future of ostrich industry in Egypt. fac. Of Agriculture, Suez canal university, feb.2000. Scientific conferences: 1. 3rd Scientific conference of faculty of veterinary medicine Zagzig University from 8-10 October 1996. 2. 1st international conference for Animal health and production in semi-dry areas from 1-3 September 1998. 3. 11th annual conference of Egyptian veterinary medical society for Pathology and Clinical Pathology in Ismailia from 28-29 October 1998. 4. 2nd Scientific conference for Anastheia and Intensive care in faculty of medicine Suez Canal University from 7-8 November 1998. 5. 1st Scientific conference to faculty of Vetrinary Medicine Cairo University (Bani sweaf branch) in September 1999. Training courses: 1. Training course in Embryo Transfer and Laboratory Insemination, Sakha, Kafer El-Sheikh. 2. Participate in Training course organized by international office Thermo Quest on HPLC in Helton Ramses hotel from 9-10 October 1999.