LAND CENTRE APPLICATION FORM Join the permaculture learning and demonstration network and be part of an exciting and inspiring network of groups and projects all showing that permaculture works! About You. Please tell us how we can contact your project, how we can contact you and your current relationship with us, at the Permaculture Association. Your Name: Project Name: Address: Postcode: Tel: Email: Web: Contact Details for main contact person (if different): Address: Postcode: Tel: Email: Web: Please tell us the name and number that your Permaculture Association membership is under Name: Number: The Permaculture Association, supporting ecological design and sustainable living through education, research and networking. Charity No: 1116699, Company No: 0590819 Address: BCM Permaculture Association, London, WC1N 3XX. Tel: (0)845 4581805 /(0)113 2307461 Web: Email: About your Project. Please tell us a bit about your project. Please summarise your project in 20 words Please briefly describe your project What short snappy phrase best describes your project? E.g. “Community Forest Garden”, “Urban Food Project”, “Community Allotment Project”... Please indicate which areas apply to your project. yes / no Advice & information yes / no Appropriate technology yes / no Aquaculture yes / no Biodiversity promotion yes / no Composting yes / no Disability issues Training yes / no Energy production yes / no Finance production yes / no Forestry/woodlands yes / no Housing economies yes / no Manufacturing yes / no Recycling/Reduce/reuse yes / no Animal husbandry yes / no Arts & crafts yes / no Architecture yes / no Community development yes / no Design consultancy yes / no Education & yes / no Energy conservation yes / no Food yes / no Health & welfare yes / no Local yes / no Media and publishing yes / no Research yes / no Site design development yes / no Strategic development yes / no Wildlife conservation When did your project begin? yes / no Site yes / no Water conservation / / How much space do you own/manage? Is the land: owned by you/ rented/ council owned/ not applicable/ other please specify. LAND Centre Criteria. We would really like for LAND centres to be examples of Permaculture in practice around England, so when someone says ‘Permaculture what’s that?’ or ‘Surely it can’t compare to conventional methods of food production’, you can prove by being part of the LAND project and demonstrating permaculture in practice to visitors and volunteers that permaculture actually does work! In order to find exemplar permaculture projects the existing permaculture network has come up with a set of essential and desirable criteria which act as benchmarks for LAND centres to work towards (please see supporting documents for a copy of the criteria). These questions refer to the criteria which the existing permaculture network thought were essential. DESIGN Does your project have a design that uses the principles and methods of permaculture to grow food? yes / no If yes please briefly describe and explain how the design for your project uses permaculture principles and methods Is your design developing using permaculture ethics and principles? yes / no NETWORK Would you use the Permaculture Association’s website to promote your project? yes/ no DEMONSTRATE Do the key members of your project have a good understanding of Permaculture? yes/ no Please use five words or pictures to describe/show how you will demonstrate permaculture in practice to visitors and volunteers. WORKING WITH VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS How many visitors could your projects receive at any one time? What facilities do you have available for receiving visitors and volunteers? Would you be willing to keep records of the number of visitors and volunteers that come to your site? yes/ no Does your project have public liability insurance? yes/ no If you don’t have it or you’re not sure what it is, would you like the LAND project team to recommend an insurer for you and discuss how it would be applicable for your project? yes/ no Does your project have Health and safety procedures in place? yes/ no LAND IDENTIFICATION As a project would you agree to display membership to the LAND project on your project website and include links to the Permaculture Association’s website? yes/ no These questions refer to the criteria which the existing permaculture network thought would be desirable. The desirable criteria are not mandatory but it would be great if your project was willing to work towards them! ORGANISATION There will be a space on the Permaculture Association’s website for you to show and tell your project to potential visitors and volunteers. Would you use this space to post news about your project and any visitor and volunteer opportunities available at your project? yes/ no Please summarise in less than 20 words how you organise your project. RESEARCH Does your project conduct research? yes/ no LAND IDENTIFICATION Would you be willing to promote the LAND project and how you are part of this exciting network to visitors and volunteers at your project? yes/ no EDUCATION & LEARNING Does your project offer courses? yes/ no Does your project have training and education resources available? yes/ no SKILL SHARING OPPORTUNITIES The LAND project will be organising regional skill sharing and training events Would you like to attend the various skill sharing and training events? yes/ no Would you like to act as host for the regional skill sharing and training events yes /no THE SUPPORT YOU NEED & HOW THE LAND PROJECT CAN HELP YOU. The LAND project team would really like to help and support your project in any way possible, by answering the following questions this is your opportunity to let us know how we can support you. What skills and resources does your project need? What skills and resources does your project offer? Do you have any developments planned? Can you offer any skills and/or resources to visitors and volunteers? PROJECT DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY PROJECT LEADERS This part of the form needs to be signed by the main contact person and another key person involved in your project. Please can you send this part of the form to: The Network Coordinator, BCM Permaculture Association, London, WC1N 3XX and email the rest to Louise at We need to receive a paper copy of this part of the form to process your application. Please make sure that everyone involved in the running and planning of your project has read through the essential and desirable LAND criteria, this way everyone in your project will have a shared understanding of what a LAND demonstration project is. Please don't hesitate to contact the office and the network coordinator if there is anything that is not clear to you, or you feel needs to be explained in more detail. What we will do for you: Process your application promptly. Visit your project and provide one to one support on site where we will discuss together how to support your project. Help identify specific support based on your project's development needs. Provide ongoing support via the Permaculture Association's office, which can help with day to day issues, and put you in touch with other support that we cannot provide. Provide information and networking facilities. Reserve space in the newsletter to promote your project, find allies and further support. Add information to your individual project web page if your project has limited access to the internet. (If possible please send information via email or post a CD-ROM.) Help your project to disseminate research findings, which may include publishing. Help your project integrate into the network as a whole by identifying individual support needs and opportunities to share skills and knowledge. We, the project applying to be a LAND centre agree that we: Fulfil the majority of the essential criteria and are working towards achieving the desirable criteria. Run our project using permaculture ethics and principles. Will participate in monitoring and evaluation procedures for as long as the LAND project is funded by 'The Local Food Fund'. Obtain appropriate insurance for the project. The responsibility of insuring our project, remains with us and not the Permaculture Association. You may be asked for a copy of your insurance certificate. Will inform the Permaculture Association of any change of address, phone or email details. Include LAND branding and logos on our project website and publicity documents: Refer to the LAND project and the Permaculture Association in media coverage of our project. (If there is limited space we will try to include the Permaculture Association's website details.) Use our individual project web page to record information about the events that we our holding and the number of visitors/volunteers that have been to our project. Will tell the Permaculture Association about case studies and project successes so that the association can include them in the quarterly newsletter. Will tell the Permaculture Association if our project runs into difficulties so that they can provide extra support. Agree to the information on this application being stored electronically, available to other members of the public via the office, on the Permaculture association’s website and in the Permaculture association’s newsletter ‘Permaculture Works’. 1. Print Name: Date: / / 2. Print Name: Date: / / Signed: Signed: