Livros com aplicações de Matemática, Probabilidade e Estatística à

Livros com aplicações de Matemática,
Probabilidade e Estatística à Biologia e Medicina
1) Essential Mathematical Biology,
Nicholas F. Britton, springer
2) Mathematical Biology I and II, J.D. Murray,
3) Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology
D. S. Jones, B. D. Sleeman Chapman & Hall
4) Evolution and the Theory of Games,
John Maynard Smith, cambridge
5) Mathematical Models in Biology : An Introduction,
Elizabeth S. Allman and John A. Rhodes, cambridge
6) Biostatistical Analysis
Jerrold H. Zar Prentice Hall
7) Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
Warren J. Ewens, Gregory R. Grant, springer
8) Molecular Biophysics: Structures in Motion
by Michel Daune, Oxford University Press
9) Fundamentals of Clinical Trials
by Lawrence M. Friedman, Curt Furberg, David L. Demets,
10) Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics,
Josef Hofbauer, Karl Sigmund, cambridge
11) Modeling and Simulation in Medicine and the Life Sciences
Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Charles S. Peskin, springer
12) Virus Dynamics: Mathematical Principles of Immunology and Virology,
Martin A. Nowak and Robert M. May, Oxford University Press
13) Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis, Kenneth Lange,
14) Statistics in Drug Research: Methodologies and Recent Developments
Shein-Chung Chow, Jun Shao Marcel Dekker
15) Mathematics of Genome Analysis, Jerome K. Percus, Cambridge
16) Fractal Physiology and Chaos in Medicine
Bruce J. West World Scientific
17) Biological Sequence Analysis : Probabilistic Models of Proteins and
Nucleic Acids
Richard Durbin, Sean R. Eddy, Anders Krogh, Graeme Mitchison
18) Biostatistics : A Bayesian Introduction
George G. Woodworth wiley
19) Probability Models for DNA Sequence Evolution,
Richard Durrett, springer
20) Introduction to
and Breach
statistical methods in modern genetics, M. Yang, Gordon
21) Stochastic Models with Applications to Genetics, Cancers, AIDS and Other
Biomedical Systems, Tan Wai-Yuan, World Scientific
22) Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments, Joseph L. Fleiss,
23) Foundations of cellular neurophysiology. D. Johnston, Cambridge,
24) An introduction to the mathematics of
F. C. Hoppensteadt, Cambridge
Mathematical physiology, J. Keener, springer
26) Foundations of Mathematical Biology, Robert Rosen
Academic Press
27) Introduction to neural dynamics and signal transmission delay.
ed Walter de Gruyter
J. Wu,
28) Physiological Control Systems : Analysis, Simulation, and Estimation
Michael C. K. Khoo, wiley
29) Probability models and
Regina C. John Wiley
statistical methods in genetics, Elandt-Johnson,
30) Brain Dynamics, H. Haken,
31) Hidden
T. Koski
Markov Models of Bioinformatics
32) Modeling Dynamic Phenomena in Molecular and
Cellular Biology, Lee Segel, Cambridge University Press
33) Regression Methods in Biostatistics : Linear, Logistic,
Survival, and Repeated Measures Models,
Eric Vittinghoff, David V. Glidden, Stephen C. Shiboski,
Charles E. McCulloch , Springer