ASWA – CV/Consultant Profile PETER RANDOLPH TC, BSc(Hons), Grad Cert(PSM), MAIATSIS, MASWA. QUALIFICATIONS: 1965 Teacher’s Certificate – Claremont Teachers College 1972 BSc (Hons) – Anthropology – UWA 1997 Draduate Certificate (Public Sector Management) PROFESSIONAL BODIES: Member Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Professional Member of the Anthropological Society of Western Australia Research Associate – Anthropology Department, Western Australian Museum Corresponding Member of Australian Rock Art Research EMPLOYMENT: 1973 – 1994 Department of Aboriginal Sites, Western Australian Museum Roles included Graduate Assistant, Training Officer, Research Officer, Acting Registrar, Assistant Registrar 1994 – 2009 Department of Indigenous Affairs Roles included Senior Heritage Officer, Principal Policy Officer, Guest Lecturer CLIENT SERVICES: 1. Interpretation and advice on the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (AHA). 2. Ethnographic and archaeological site recognition, recording and assessment. 3. Consultation with Aboriginal representatives. 4. Preparation of AHA section 18 Notices. 5. Preparation of Aboriginal Heritage Study reports in accordance with Department of Indigenous Affairs guidelines and standards. EXPERIENCE: A career spanning four decades in the administration of the Aboriginal Heritage Act. ROLES: Acting Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Principal Policy Officer, Senior Heritage Officer, Guest Lecturer, Training Officer. FIELDWORK: Throughout Western Australia – Kimberley, Western Desert, Pilbara, Murchison, Goldfields, South West and Metropolitan Area. SELECTED RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS & PAPERS: Randolph P 2011 "Some Indigenous stone arrangements in the south of Western Australia” in Bird C & RE Webb [Eds] ‘Fire and Hearth’ Forty Years On: Essays in Honour of Sylvia Hallam, Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 79, Perth. Randolph P 2008 “An Anthropologist in Government Service – Some anecdotal reminiscences”, a paper presented at the 2008 Symposium to acknowledge the 50th Anniversary of the Anthropological Society of Western Australia, University of WA, Nedlands. Randolph P 2004 "Lake Richmond ‘fish traps’?” in World Archaeology Vol 36(4) 502-506, Routledge, London. Randolph P 2002 "The Indigenous People of North West Cape (Yinigudira, Talandji & Baijungu): A picture drawing on the perceptions of Miho Baccich, castaway from the wreck Stefano in 1875 and my limited knowledge”, paper presented to the Stefano Symposium/Video Presentation, Fremantle Maritime Museum, December 2002, Maritime Museum, Fremantle. Randolph P, V Wilson, C Frampton & G Merritt 1994 "Rottnest Island Aboriginal Prisoners Cemetery: Delineation of extent – using Ground Penetrating Radar", in Archaeology in the North: Proceedings of the 1993 Australian Archaeological Association Conference, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, Darwin. Randolph P 1991 "Cultural Continuity: One response by Indigenous people to heritage legislation", paper presented to Aboriginal Youth Issues Conference, September 1991, Edith-Cowan University, Perth. Randolph P & J Wallam 1988 "Padjari Manu (formerly Bunbury Cave) North- west Cape, Western Australia: Consulting with the Aboriginal Community", in AURA Proceedings of Inaugural Australian Rock Art Research Congress - August 1988 -Darwin, AURA, Melbourne. Clarke J & P Randolph 1988 "Repainting of Kimberley Wandjina Rock Art Sites", in AURA Proceedings of Inaugural Australian Rock Art Research Congress –August 1988 -Darwin, AURA, Melbourne. Randolph P 1988 "Management of rock art locations in Western Australia", in ICCM Bulletin, Vol. 14, Nos. 1 & 2, International Council for the Conservation of Monuments. Randolph P 1987 "Aboriginal Sites as part of the Perth Urban/Rural Fringe", in The Journal of the Geographical Association of Western Australia, May 1987, Perth. Randolph P 1984 "Sites and resources: a brief statement in favour of cultural resource management", in Collection of essays on Aboriginal land rights for the guidance of the Government of Western Australia Aboriginal Land Inquiry 1983 -1984, Anthropological Forum, Vol. V, No 3, University of Western Australia, Perth. Blurton B & P Randolph 1975 "Some aspects of Aboriginal Occupation Sites in the Perth Metropolitan Area", in The Western Australian Naturalist Vol. 3, No 4 November, Perth. SELECTED RELEVANT REPORTS: Randolph P & E M McDonald 2011 Ethnographic Consultations with Banyjima and Nyiyaparli Heritage Sub-group Representatives of the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation on Proposed Mine Expansion Plans at Yandicoogina into Junction South West (JSW) and Oxbow, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P & E M McDonald 2011 Hope Downs 4 Rail Route and Mine Infrastructure Survey: Infill Ethnographic Survey and Section 18 Consultation for Archaeological Sites, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Ethnographic Consultations with Gumala Aboriginal Corporation Representatives on Proposed Mine Expansion Plans at Yandicoogina into Junction South West (JSW) and Oxbow Preliminary Advice, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Ethnographic Work Area Clearance for the 2010 Evaluation RC Drilling Program (AR-09-04846) including Camp and Bore Locations: Hope 5 Kalgan East Project Area, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Ethnographic Assessment of the Newman to BHPIO Railway Fibre Optic Cable Route, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Ethnographic survey of the portion of Montezuma Mining Company tenement E52/2350 within the Nyiyaparli Native Title Claim Area, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Review of Aboriginal Sites: DIA 9493, DIA 11290, DIA 11802, DIA 11805, DIA 11807, DIA 12006 and DIA 17391 located in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia – Internal report prepared for Ethnosciences with the approval of the Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation, Red-P Surveys, Inglewood. Randolph P 2010 Addendum Ethnographic Survey of the Myara and O’Neil Mining Regions: Focussing on Aboriginal Site DIA 3582 (Serpentine River), Red-P Surveys, Indlewood. Randolph P & E M McDonald 2010 Ethnographic Survey of the Myara and O’Neil Mining Regions: Focussing on Aboriginal Site DIA 3582 (Serpentine River), Red-P Surveys, Indlewood. Randolph P, B Cuthbert, C Rodriguez & S Hayden Randolph P & C Rodriguez 2006 Inspection of DIA 4379 BGC Brickworks lease Precinct 3A Perth Airport, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. 2006 Land Clearing for proposed BGC Brickworks Precinct 3A Perth Airport – Inspection 5 October 2006, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. Randolph P & L Dan 2004 Alleged disturbance of DIA 16802 (Gnangara Site 5) and DIA 16803 (Gnangara Site 4): Inspection 15 November 2004, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. Randolph P 2004 Proposal to Exclude Protected Areas from Pastoral Leases – A report recommending the discontinuation of the process of exclusion and substituting it by an appropriate memorial/registration of interest, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. Randolph P 2004 Repatriation of Cultural Items Stage 1 – Bob Mitchell Collection – Callawa Station, Pilbara [Indigenous viewing of this report is Restricted to MALE ONLY] Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. Randolph P 2003 A review of Under a Bilari Tree I Born, Alice Bilari Smith with A Vitenbergs & L Brehaut, Fremantle Arts Press, Fremantle 2002. Randolph P & D Callaghan Randolph P 2003 A women’s site, Kings Park WA, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. 2001 Lake Monger – Site 3788: Inspection of alleged site disturbance, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Perth. Randolph P 2000 Investigation of former site 3549 (S02431) – Shenton Park Scarred Tree, Underwood Avenue/Selby Street, Shenton Park, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Randolph P 1999 Redefinition of extent of Aboriginal site 4005 (formerly S01439) at Lot 61 Bushmead Road, Hazelmere, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Randolph P 1999 Buller River Burials site 15858: Investigation and management suggestions regarding exposed remains, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Randolph P 1999 Shell Depot Wilson Street, Port Hedland WA: Investigation and assessment of Aboriginal heritage, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Randolph P 1997 Inquiry Regarding the Skeletal Material Located at Sam’s Creek Midden (P06118), Point Samson, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Randolph P 1997 Randolph P 1994 Relocation of the Rottnest Island Aboriginal Prisoners Cemetery, April 1994, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1993 Rottnest Island Aboriginal Prisoners Cemetery: Delineation of Extent Using Ground Probing Radar, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1990 Atkins l & P Randolph 1989 Inspection of Development by Mr P Callo in relation to Aboriginal Site S01439 at Lot 61 Bushmead Road, Hazelmere, Aboriginal Affairs Department, Perth. Woodstock/ Abydos: Transfer of Reserves to Mumbultjari Society -Report of meeting at Warralong 30 May 1990, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Conservation Project: Ngarla and Njamal Burials: De Grey River, Northwest Western Australia (Final report to Australian Heritage Commission), Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & A Kalotas 1989 Evaluation of Malawon, January 1989, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1989 Randolph P & P Vinnicombe 1989 Vinnicombe P & P Randolph 1989 Randolph P & J Wallam 1987 Bunbury Cave, NW Cape W A: The task of consulting with Aboriginal people, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1987 Bungle Bungles -Bunalula: Investigation of reported theft of skeletal material and the issue of future management, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & J Clarke 1987 Wanang-Ngari CEP Project Assessment: Investigation of complaint that re-painting of Ngarinyin rock art sites is an act of desecration, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Vinnicombe P, R Reynolds & P Randolph Randolph P 1987 Success Hill Reserve: Site investigation, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. 1986 Ngarla and Njamal Burial Grounds De Grey Station: Revised proposals for protection (Addendum to the report of September 1985), Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & V Novak 1986 Marmion Avenue extension -West Coast Highway to Karrinyup Road: Assessment of reported sites 3/6/1986, and Addendum 6/6/1986, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & D Oxenham 1986 Randolph P 1985 Rottnest Island: Investigation of Aboriginal Sites, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1985 Ngarla and Njamal Burial Grounds De Grey Station: Assessment and Malawon: Section 18 investigation to determine extent of proposed drilling by Gemex, March 1989, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Investigation of recent development in Thomson Bay, Rottnest Island, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Statement of knowledge of the finding of cultural items and bones in relation to the 1989 developments on Rottnest Island, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Carnarvon -Skeletal remains near Golf Clubhouse (P3566): Inspection and reburial, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. recommendations for protection, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & R Reynolds 1984 Minilya Station Burial: Report of excavation, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P & I Kirkby Ethnographic and Archaeological investigations of Mineral Claim 80/37, Old Duncan Highway, East Kimberley, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. 1980 Randolph P & I Kirkby 1980 Randolph P & K Akerman 1979 Initial Survey for Ethnographic Aboriginal Sites in the vicinity of Argyle Project Tenements, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1978 Report on enquiry to British Museum, Museum of Mankind: Re -Miles Philpot Rubbings (i.e. Ochre rubbings of mainly Pilbara rock art on rice paper), Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Randolph P 1973 Bates Cave: Hyden - report of graffiti removal, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth. Ethnographic and Archaeological investigations of Waringarri request for land, Kununurra, East Kimberley, Department of Aboriginal Sites, WA Museum, Perth.