foundations multiple choice - Brooklyn Technical High School

Brooklyn Technical H.S.
R. Asher Principal
AP World History
Mr. Stevens
Exam: Foundations
Which of the following best describes the development of agriculture
during the Neolithic?
1) It was a gradual process, developing independently in different
parts of the world.
2) It occurred rapidly, spreading from the Americas to Asia and
3) It was limited to Africa until the 2nd millennium B.C.E.
4) It was only practiced in coastal environments until the
construction of the Roman aqueducts.
5) In most societies, only the wealthiest landowners practiced it.
As human populations progressed from Neolithic farming villages to
civilization, which best describes the role of women in society?
1. helping the men in the fields and herding animals
2. remaining in the home to care for children and perform domestic
3. going to the market to trade the family's surplus farm goods
4. praying in the village's sacred center for a good harvest
5. fishing and making stone tools
What economic effect did the food surpluses have on the early
agricultural societies?
1. People began hunting animals for leisure.
2. The first trade networks between the East and West developed.
3. People abandoned other trades to become farmers.
4. Artisans had time to practice craft specialization.
5. A rigid social structure with farmers on the top evolved.
Which of the following is most directly tied to the of the economic
specialization that occurred during the Neolithic Revolution was
1. a breakdown of interregional trade networks
2. consolidation of matriarchal social structures
3. a rapid increase in population
4. property was held by all members of communities
5. social stratification and the creation of elite classes of rulers
How did the agricultural lifestyle impact villagers' health?
1. Disease rates were dramatically reduced since they had a
vigorous lifestyle.
2. People often suffered from nutritional-deficiency diseases since
their diets were so unvaried.
3. Children had much longer lifespans than their parents because of
more sanitary practices.
4. Rates of parasitic diseases were reduced.
5. More children survived into adulthood because of the food
Which of the following is most correct about the Sumerian cities?
1. The king's palace was always the most prominent building.
2. Writing was inscribed on temple walls for historical records.
3. They each had multiple temples to honor local deities.
4. Kings, priests, and nobles owned much of the land.
5. The institution of slavery was not practiced.
In ancient Mesopotamia, the code of Hammurabi was important for
which of the following?
1. keeping historical records about the ruler's reign
2. serving as a textbook in Sumerian schools
3. recognizing social classes and establishing laws pertaining to
daily life
4. providing a tutorial about military strategy
5. showing how the city-state ruler was given divine status
A notable feature of Han government was the
1. establishment of four capital cities
2. selection of officials on the basis of merit
3. rejection of the provincial government system
4. separation of religion and the state
5. denouncement of Confucian philosophy
The Roman Empire was similar to the Han Dynasty of ancient China in
that both
1. had long periods of isolationism
2. enjoyed long periods of centralized government and a thriving
3. created a government run by elected officials known as Senators
4. rejected a class system in favor of social equality
5. believed that the ruler had divine status
10. Unlike the economies of the other classical civilizations, the Roman
economy was largely driven by
1. its easy access to the Silk Road
2. commerce and manufacturing
3. cereal grain agriculture
4. an abundance of slave labor
5. conquest of foreign lands in pursuit of raw materials
Well, this is the proof of a good servant: he must take care of his master's
business, look after it, arrange it, think about it...I don't mind tongue lashings,
but I do hate real floggings. I'd rather eat meal somebody else grinds, than
eat what I grind myself. So I just obey what my master bids me; and I
execute orders carefully and diligently. My obedience, I think, is such as is
most for the profit of my back. And it surely does pay!...I'll be just where I
ought to be. If I stick to that, I'll avoid blunders --Slavery in the Roman
republic (excerpt from a play)
11. What does the excerpt from the contemporary Roman play suggest
about slave attitudes of the period?
1. Slaves were obedient and accepted their social position to avoid
2. Most slaves attempted to escape at any opportunity they had.
3. Slaves looked to military service as a way of getting out of their
4. Slaves were given the same rights as women in Roman society.
5. Slaves looked to education as the only way of climbing the social
At the city of Ali-san, you travel by river on board ship one day, then make a
round at sea, and after six days' passage on the great sea [the
Mediterranean], arrive in this country...The people are tall, and upright in
their dealings, like the Han [Chinese], but wear foreign dress; they call their
country another "Middle Kingdom" [probably from "Mediterranean" or "Middle
of the Land"]...They can read foreign books. They regulate by law public and
private matters. The palace buildings are held sacred. They hoist flags, beat
drums, use small carriages with white canopies, and have postal stations like
--From the Wei-lio
12. According to the quotation, what similarities does the Chinese explorer
find between the Han Dynasty and Rome?
1. Both have a triumvirate form of government.
2. Both have developed internal institutions that foster unity.
3. Both wear clothing made out of silk robes.
4. Both have a codified legal system.
5. Both enforced a foreign policy of isolationism.
Brooklyn Technical H.S.
R. Asher Principal
AP World History
Mr. Stevens
13. Which of the following is true about the Roman trade routes?
1. The majority of the routes extended north into western Europe.
2. The Silk Road was the chief trade route of Rome.
3. Rome failed to make connections with the Kushite and Han
Empires of Asia.
4. The majority of Roman ships circumnavigated Africa in order to
reach the Indian Ocean.
5. Most of them were based along the Mediterranean Sea.
20. What did all three classical civilizations in India, China, and the
Mediterranean share?
(A) All featured a social hierarchy.
(B) Their agricultural systems depended on monsoon rains.
(C) None of the civilizations used slave labor.
(D) All had highly centralized governments throughout the entire classical
(E) All of the civilizations eliminated patriarchy.
14. Which of the following explains why the Han Dynasty declined by 200
Agricultural shortages led to economic problems.
There was a period of weak leadership.
Rise of Confucian aristocrats.
II and III only.
III only.
I, II, and III
I and III only.
I and II only.
15. Who ruled China immediately following the collapse of the Han
1. the imperial family of the Japanese Yamato state
2. peasant leaders who rose to power
3. Aryan invaders from northern India
4. smaller Chinese dynasties and competing warlords
5. Mongol rulers who invaded mainland China
16. How did the vastness of the Roman Empire contribute to its eventual
1. It was too large to preserve unity among all of the regions.
2. Communication between the different territories was difficult with
the numerous mountain chains in between.
3. It was too small to defend itself against foreign invaders.
4. It extended into the territories of the Eastern Empires leading to
5. It did not have access to major waterways to promote commerce
and trade.
17. All of the following contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire EXCEPT
1. increased infiltration of Germanic Barbarian tribes
2. economic challenges and burdensome government measures in
order to support warfare
3. problems of imperial succession
4. growing tensions between the Christian sects
5. spread of epidemics, which reduced the population
18. The eastern half of the Roman Empire was renamed the
1. Holy Roman Empire
2. Byzantine Empire
3. Visigoth Kingdom
4. Kingdom of the Vandals
5. Gupta Empire
19. One major difference between the fall of Han China and that of the
Roman Empire was
1. China would have a return to prominence in the future
2. the Roman Empire left a relatively small cultural legacy
3. the Roman Empire collapsed due to internal conflicts
4. succession problems had little to do with the decline of Han China
5. the Roman Empire lacked a strong leader to preserve unity
What similarity did early Buddhism and early Christianity share?
supporting the caste system and temple priesthood.
allowing women to be nuns.
prohibiting conversion.
including Greek and Roman gods into their pantheon.
requiring total celibacy for men.
22. Why did the Western portion of the Roman Empire suffer so much more
in the breakdown of Roman imperial unity than the regions of the Eastern
Roman world (Byzantium)?
(A) Urban centers in Byzantium had more active trade links with the East.
(B) The Eastern Orthodox Church attracted more followers than the Roman
(C) The feudal system in the West relied on the Trans-Saharan trade
(D) Germanic peoples migrated to Byzantium as a result of Hun attacks.
(E) Popes of the Roman Catholic Church never vied for power with the
feudal lords.
23. Which statement represents most historians’ explanation for why
humans shifted from foraging to sedentary agriculture?
(A) Agriculture was more reliable in producing food for a growing population.
(B) It was easier for political leaders to control populations that stayed in one
(C) Patriarchal leaders decreed it in order to better control women.
(D) By the time agriculture began, there had been massive extinction of the
(E) The dominant religious beliefs insisted that agriculture was the plan of
the local deity.
24. All of the early belief systems
(A) focused attention on the afterlife
(B) helped justify and preserve social inequality
(C) urged the importance of political activity
(D) stressed the value of warfare
(E) resulted in the building of magnificent temples
25. Women played a major role in the transition to crop cultivation because
(A) only women had the patience to wait for plants to grow and mature.
(B) women were totally unsuited for the more dangerous job of hunting
(C) they were the primary gatherers of wild plant foods.
(D) they raised children to eat domesticated plants.
(E) it was more natural for them to see plants growing in their families’ trash.