Title: {Shell HSSE movie «Shell office in Russia Safety Rules»} Duration: {07:21} minutes Description: {Safety Rules in Shell office in Russia} {Introduction for visitors of Shell office in Russia} {iShell_1080_25fps_eng_20150519_preview_v2.mp4 sert title of video} Transcript [Background music plays] {The dynamic instrumental music} [Animated sequence] {Shell office in Russia interior. Olivier Lazare speaks introduction to the movie.} [Text displays] {Welcome to the Shell office in Russia. We want to make your visit to our office safe and comfortable. It is a priority for me and for all of us, because we care about you. And while you can expect and demand the higher standards from us, I would also like to ask you to join us in making this office the safe and caring place. You see, we want all Shell locations to be the safest places on the earth. At the start, we need you to you know and to observe our safety rules and procedures. Here they are.} [Animated sequence] CAPTION: All visitors must register at the reception desk. All visitors must wear their visitor’s passes visibly while on the premises. A Shell employee should always accompany visitors. INTERIOR: RECEPTION DESK A Visitor comes to the reception desk. Upon registration he goes away. The same Visitor returns to the reception desk. The guard (receptionist) looks somewhat confused and bewildered but registers the Visitor nevertheless. The Visitor goes away. The same Visitor comes to the reception desk for the third time. Upon registration he leaves but the guard appears genuinely intrigued this time and looks into the corridor. There he sees three absolutely identical Visitors. CAPTION: Beware when you see the “CAUTION: WET FLOOR” sign. INTERIOR: OFFICE Three of office workers passing along, seeing the sign “CAUTION: WET FLOOR” sign, stand on tiptoe and slinking through the wet zone. CAPTION: There are glass partitions in our office. Be careful, they are not always visible. INTERIOR: OFFICE We see a MIME wearing a business suit. He portrays a “glass wall” (a classic pantomime when the actor moves his palms as if he is touch the glass). An EMPLOYEE approaches to the MIME and opens an invisible door. The MIME goes through the “door” and thanks the EMPLOYEE. CAPTION: Be careful with a kettle. It may be hot. INTERIOR: OFFICE KITCHENETTE A big ruby-cheeked COOK carries a kettle on a wooden pizza paddle. The COOK puts the kettle on a table rest. CAPTION: Don’t try to type SMS while walking. INTERIOR: OFFICE Two ‘SMS addicts’ busy typing walk along the corridor and inevitably end up in a head-on collision. They don’t feel confused or embarrassed at all and keep typing SMS, pressing their heads against each other. An EMPLOYEE comes up and taps both of them on the shoulders. Only then the SMS ADDICTS pocket their smartphones and walk away. CAPTION: NO SMOKING IN THE OFFICE. SMOKING IS PERMITTED IN DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY. INTERIOR: OFFICE A pretentious SMKOER in a corduroy suit appears in the frame. He is about to lit his pipe but a company EMPLOYEE comes up, shaking his head to disapprove and points to the NO SMOKING sign. A special piquancy to the situation is added by the fact that the EMPLOYEE has something in his hand that looks as a cigarette. The SMOKER looks at the EMPLOYEE in disbelief, and the EMPLOYEE produces a notebook and draws something in it with the “cigarette” that turns out to be an ordinary ballpoint pen. He draws on a piece of paper a way to the smoking area. The SMOKER has nothing to say but to thank the EMPLOYEE and follow the advised route. Finally freezing smoker smokes outside the building. CAPTION: CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE OFFICE. IF YOU WERE OFFERED ALCOHOL AT A MEETING, DO NOT COME BACK TO THE OFFICE THIS DAY. INTERIOR: OFFICE KITCHENETTE Wine is pouring into a glass. The next frame shows an EMPLOYEE who is re tasting the full glass. The camera moves left and focuses in cherry juice pack. CAPTION: IF YOU SEE OPEN FIRE, TURN ON THE NEAREST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. INTERIOR: OFFICE The frame shows a hard-thinking man. AN EMPLOYEE notices that smoke comes from his head. Literally! At this moment the COOK, who we met already, steps from the behind of the THINKER, carrying a boiling kettle. As he goes away, the ‘smoke’ disappears as well. The EMPLOYEE sighs with relief. CAPTION: FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS OF SHELL EMPLOYEES. Employees follow FIRE WARDEN in red jacket. CAPTION: Don’t try to fight the fire all by yourself. It may be dangerous. INTERIOR: OFFICE There is a sign on the wall: ‘a knight fighting a fire-breathing dragon’. The sign is crossed to indicate prohibition. The next frame shows a KNIGHT attentively looking at the sign. The KNIGHT nods approvingly to indicate he understand the meaning. CAPTION: WHEN EVACUATION OF THE BUILDING WAS ANNOUNCED, DON’T RETURN TO YOU DESK BUT TRY TO PICK UP YOUR COAT IF IT IS COLD OUTSIDE. INTERIOR: CLOAKROOM A VISITO IN A HAWAIIAN SHIRT walks by the cloakroom. He stops for a second, thinking. An unthinkable picture takes shape before his mind’s eye. OUTSIDE: NEAR BUSINESS CENTRE A man in a Hawaiian shirt stands at the entrance. Nearby are other people, all wearing winter coats. They exchange glances, trying to conceal their smiles. INTERIOR: CLOAK ROOM The man in a Hawaiian shirt enters the cloakroom and picks up his coat. He steps out a colorful topcoat – a good match to his Hawaiian shirt, a Hawaiian topcoat, as it were CAPTION: DON’T USE AN ELEVATOR IN CASE OF FIRE ALARM INTERIOR: ELEVATOR HALL The KNIGHT tries to use elevator and Shell employee stops him. CAPTION: USE THE HAND-RAILS WHEN WALKING THE STAIRS. THAT WILL PROTECT YOUR WHEN YOUR STUMBLE OR FALL. INTERIOR: STAIRS Four ballet dancers appear at the stairs. They gracefully touch the hand-rails in a synchronized movement as if the rails were a ballet barre and begin descending the stairs carefully. The group of employees follow them. CAPTION: THE MEETING POINT IN CASE OF EVACUATION IS THE FOUNTAIN PLACE OPPOSITE THE HIGH-RISING BUILDING. PICTURE: Several photos of our characters, which were taken on the way to and by the fountain. [Animated sequence] {Shell office in Russia interior. Olivier Lazare speaks final words.} [Text displays] {So you see, we take safety very seriously and we also enjoy it! Actually it is fun to be safe and to look after each other. So please follow these rules, and help us make this office one of the safest place on the earth! Welcome to Shell!}