Use fraction notation to describe parts of shapes

Lesson title
1.1 - Sequences
1.3 - Investigating
1.4 - Function machines
2.1 - Understanding
2.4 - Order of operations
3.2 - Areas of rectangles
4.1 - Fractions
4.6 - Percentages
5.1 - The mode, median
and range
5.3 - Frequency tables
Generate and describe simple integer sequences
Explore and predict terms in sequences generated by counting in
regular steps
Generate a sequence given a rule for finding each term from its
position in the sequence
Generate sequences from practical contexts
Begin to explore term-to-term and position-to-term relationships
Suggest extensions to problems by asking ‘What if...?’
Use function machines to explore mappings and to calculate input,
output and missing operations
Understand and use decimal notation and place value
Read and write any number for 0.001 to 1 000 000, knowing what
each digit represents
Add and subtract 0.1 and 0.001 to or from any number
Know and use the order of operations
Understand the commutative law
Know and use the names and abbreviations for units of area
Use appropriate methods to measure and estimate area
Deduce and use the formula for the area of a rectangle and a rightangled triangle
Calculate the areas of shapes made from rectangles
Solve problems in everyday contexts involving length and area
Use fraction notation to describe parts of a shape
Express a smaller whole number as a fraction of a larger one
Change and improper fraction to a mixed number, and vice versa
Understand percentage as the ‘number of parts per 100’
Convert a percentage to a decimal
Convert a percentage to a fraction
Recognise the equivalence of percentages, fractions and decimals
Break up a complex calculation into simple steps
Find the mode, median and range for a small set of data
Record non-grouped data in frequency tables
Calculate the mean for a frequency table of non-grouped data
5.6 - Probabilities from 0 to Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1
Find and justify probabilities of equally likely outcomes in simple
Identify all the mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event
7.1 - Lines, angles and
Use correctly the vocabulary, notation and labelling convention for
lines, angles and shapes
Distinguish between acute, obtuse and reflex angles
Identify and draw parallel and perpendicular lines
7.3 - Coordinates in all four Use conventions and notation for 2-D coordinates in all four
Find coordinates of points determined by geometric information
9.1 - Rounding
Round positive whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number or one
decimal place
9.2- Positive and negative Understand negatives numbers as positions on a number line
Order positive and negative integers
Add integers
9.6 - Reading scales
Read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments
10.1 - Special numbers
Find the factors of a number
Recognise and use multiples and factors
Recognise the first few triangular numbers
10.4 - Graphs
Generate pairs and plot coordinates that satisfy a simple linear
Plot the graphs of simple linear functions
Use letter symbols to represent variables
Represent problems mathematically making correct use of
symbols, words and graphs
10.5 - Properties of graphs Plot the graphs of simple linear functions, where y is given in terms
of x
Recognise that equations of the form y = mx correspond to
straight line graphs through the origin
Begin to consider the features of graphs of simple linear functions
12.3 - Proportion
Understand the concept of proportion
Use direct proportion in simple contexts
Lesson title
1.3 – The general term Explore term-to-term and position-to-term relationships
Generate sequences from practical contexts and describe the general
term in simple cases
1.4 - Function
Using function machines to explore mappings and to calculate input,
output and missing operations
Understand and use inverse operations
1.6 - Using letters
Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers
symbols to stand in for Use letter symbols to write expressions and to construct equations
unknown numbers
Recognise algebraic conventions and use the equals sign appropriately
2.1 - Understanding
Understand and use decimal notation and place value
Read and write any number for 0.001 to 1 000 000, knowing what each
digit represents
Add and subtract 0.1 and 0.01 to or from a decimal number
3.2 - Area of composite Deduce and use the formulae for the area of a triangle, parallelogram
and trapezium
4.1 - Fractions
Use fraction notation to describe parts of a shape
Express a smaller whole number as a fraction of a larger one
Change an improper fraction to a mixed number, and vice versa
4.6 - Percentages
Understand percentage as the ‘number of parts per 100’
Convert a percentage to a decimal
Convert a percentage to a fraction
Recognise the equivalence of percentages, fractions and decimals
Calculate a number or amount as a percentage of another
5.1 - The mode,
Find the mode, median and range of a small set of discrete data
median and range
Recognise when it is appropriate to use the median or the mode
5.6 - Probabilities of
Find and justify probabilities of equally likely outcomes in simple
Identify all the mutually exclusive possible outcomes of a single event
Find and record all possible mutually exclusive outcomes for two
successive events in a systematic way, using tables
6.2 – Using algebra
Recognise that algebra follows the same conventions and order as
arithmetic operations
7.1 - Angles
Use correctly the vocabulary, notation and labelling convention for lines,
angles and shapes
Distinguish between, and estimate acute, obtuse and reflex angles
7.3 - Recognising
Know the sum of angles on a straight line, at a point and in a triangle
equal angles
Understand a proof that the sum of angles on a straight line and in a
triangle is 180˚
Understand a proof that the angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360˚
Understand that the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of
the two interior opposite angles
8.1 - Grouping data
Categorise data into discrete or continuous types
Construct frequency tables for discrete data, grouped where
appropriate in equal class intervals
Find the modal class for grouped data
8.5 - Time series
Construct simple line graphs for time series
9.1 - Rounding
Round a whole number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number or one or two
decimal places
9.2 - Adding and
Understand negative numbers as positions on a number line
subtracting integers
Order positive and negative integers
Add and subtract positive and negative integers
Begin to find a rule for the nth term of some simple sequences
10.1 - Finding the
general term
10.2 - Sequences from Generate sequences from practical contexts and describe the general
term using words and symbols
Justify the generalisation by referring to the context
11.1 - Triangles and
Review, identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of
triangles and quadrilaterals
12.1 – Percentages
Describe a proportion as either a percentage, a fraction or a decimal
and proportion
Convert a fraction to an equivalent percentage and vice versa
Convert a decimal to an equivalent percentage and vice versa
12.5 - More ratio
Divide a quantity into two or more parts in a given ratio
Check a result by considering whether it is of the right order of
magnitude and by working the problem backwards
13.4 - Using equations Derive simple algebraic expressions and formulae
Explore ways of constructing simple equations to express relationships
14.1 - Reflection and Understand and use the language and notation associated with
reflection and rotation
Lesson title
1.1 - Multiples
1.3 - Sequences
Understand the definition of a multiple and generate multiples of whole numbers
Recognise and extend number sequences from any number in steps of constant size
Generate and describe simple integer sequences
Express simple functions in words, then using symbols
Read and write whole numbers in figures and words
Use decimal notation for tenths
1.4 - Function machines
2.1 - Place value
2.2 - Tenths
2.5 - Positive and negative
Understand negative numbers as positions on a number line
Order positive and negative integers
Calculate a temperature rise and fall across 0C
3.2 – Area
Understand that area is measured in square units
Use appropriate methods to measure and estimate area
Understand, count and calculate the area of a rectangle
4.1 - Fractions
Use fraction notation to describe parts of shapes
4.3 - Mixed numbers
Use fraction notation to describe parts of shapes
Change an improper fraction to a mixed number, and vice versa
Use tally charts and frequency tables to record non-grouped data
5.4 - Tallies and
5.5 - Describing probability Use vocabulary and ideas of probability, drawing on experience
5.6 - Probabilities from 0 to Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1
6.4 – Finding unknown
Use letters and symbols to represent unknown numbers
7.2 –Triangles
Classify triangles (isosceles, equilateral, right-angled, scalene), using criteria such as e
equal angles or lines of symmetry
7.3 – Quadrilaterals
Identify parallel and perpendicular lines
Classify quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, kite, trapezium), usi
such as equal sides, parallel sides, equal angles or lines of symmetry
8.2 - Collecting data
Decide how to collect and organise data
Design a data collection sheet
Construct frequency tables
Collect and record a small set of data from an experiment
9.1 - Rounding
Round positive whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
9.5 - Reading scales
Read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments
10.5 - Coordinates
Read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant
10.6 - Graphs
Generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a simple linear rule
Begin to plot the graphs of simple linear functions
11.2 - Drawing angles
Use a protractor to draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree
12.1 - Percentages
Express a fraction as a percentage
Express a decimal as a percentage
13.1 – Algebraic
Understand that algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithme
13.3 – Solving equations Solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients using inverse operations
14.4 – Rotation symmetry
Explore the rotation symmetry properties of 2-D shapes
14.5 - Translation
Use accurately the language and notation associated with translation of 2-D shapes
Recognise and visualise translation of a 2-D shape
15.8 - Fair or unfair?
Decide if an experiment or game is fair or unfair
16.1 – Rounding decimals Round numbers with two decimals places to the nearest whole number or to one decim
17.7 – Coordinates in all
four quadrants
Read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants
18.2 – Shapes on
coordinate grids
Use conventions and notation for 2-D coordinates in all four quadrants
Find coordinates of points determined by geometric information
MCiP Tools
Area grid
Coordinate grid
Dice and coins tool
Fraction and proportion grid
Function machine
Multiplication facts
Number grid
Number line
Operation grid
Place value grid
Spinner tool