Newspaper creations - London Grid for Learning

Let’s E-Mail
Sending, receiving and replying to e–mails using the LGfL
Year Group: 3
Software/Resources: London Grid for Learning E mail function; Name of the
Gods resource sheet; Greek Gods resource sheet.
Cyber café website located at ‘SMART’ rules
QCA Unit reference: 3E – Can send, receive and reply to e-mails.
Integrated subject: Literacy – composing messages that demonstrate
awareness of asking relevant questions to suit the audience. History – Using
research skills to find out who did the ancient Greeks worship and why? Unit 14
section 5 QCA.
Approximate timings:
Lesson 1 – Preparatory lesson to research Greek Gods – 40 minutes
Lesson 2 – Understanding how to be safe when using e mailing – 40 minutes
Lesson 3 – Using LGfL to write an email– 40 minutes
Lesson 4 – Replying to an e mail using LGfL – 40 minutes
Lesson 5 – Sending an attachment – 40 minutes (optional, if class would benefit)
Some children will simply be able to receive and reply to e-mails and understand
the safety issues concerning using e mail
Most children will be able to send, receive and reply to e-mails; develop and
refine text messages and understand the safety issues concerning using e mail
Some children will have progressed further and will be able to send, receive and
reply to e-mails; develop and refine text messages; send text and images as
attachments and understand the safety issues concerning using e mail
ICT and Learning Objectives:
To understand that messages can be sent over distances.
To read and respond to e-mails.
To understand the safety aspects of safe e mailing.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
For information on the technical aspects of this programme see:
Appendix 1 - Opening up the e mail function using the LGfL.
Appendix 2 –Writing an e mail
Appendix 3 - Adding an attachment
Appendix 4 –Safe mail
Lesson 1 – Researching Greek God information
Using the Name of the Gods scaffold resource, organise the pupils to work in
pairs to find information about 2 different Gods. They can find the information
using the web site
NB this will be a good opportunity to discuss safety issues regarding the
safe use of the Internet.
Explain that you are using this pre selected sites to ensure that it is fit
for purpose and it is safe. Explain that this site is a school created site
and therefore we know that it will be reliable and safe for use by other
There is an extra resource sheet Greek Gods if needed as an extra resource.
They must fill in the sheet using the computer and so the resource will need to be
copied into a shared area so the class can access the document, copy it and fill in
the boxes by inserting text.
Explain that two of the boxes are to be left blank, as these will be filled with
information sent via the e-mail.
Ask the pupils to complete the task funding out the information about the 2 Greek
gods. Remind the class to save their completed task into their own ‘my
documents’ area as they will need it for a further task.
Select some examples of completed sheets and consolidate some of the
information found out about the gods.
Lesson 2 – Understanding how to be safe when using e mailing
Ask the pupils if any of them have used e mailing before as a way of
Ask them to explain what ‘e mailing’ is.
Explain that we have to be safe at all times and especially safe when using e
mails and the Internet. Tell the class that they are going to use a specially
constructed site that helps us understand safe e mailing and safe practices.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
Open up the Cyber café website, located at and navigate to
the e mail section.
Explain that in this activity, Sunil, the character, has come to the café to check
his mail and explain that in pairs they are going to read his messages and decide
what to do with each one. NB – reinforce the message that we would never
open up and read another person’s e mail in a real life situation.
Demonstrate one activity by opening up a message, reading it and as a class
deciding what to do – delete it, reply or open the attachment that might have
been sent with it.
Pupils use site and decide what to do with the messages.
Use the ‘SMART’ rules resource to reinforce the important safety message.
Lesson 3 – Using LGfL to write an e-mail
Explain to the class that they are going to share with somebody else in the class
the information found out about the Greek Gods by using e mailing.
Show them how to log into the LGfL site and access their e-mail, (see Appendix
1- opening up the e mail function using the LGfL).
Explain the format of the e mail addresses and that everyone in the class will
have the same format e.g. and so if they look at their
own address, the address of who they are sending a message to will be nearly
the same with a different name first.
Explain the use of the subject box and how it is important to give the mail a
subject so that the person receiving the mail has an idea of what the message is
about and can also find messages easily at a later date, by the subject. Discuss a
suitable subject title for the Greek God messages.
Discuss how when we compose e mails, we are polite and use appropriate
language – reminding them to write the type of message that they would be
happy to open and respond to themselves.
Demonstrate how to write a message in the message box and explain that as well
as giving information perhaps the messages should include some questions so
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
that the messages become a dialogue. Brainstorm some questions that might be
included in the e-mail message.
Now each child can compose an e-mail to another child in the class giving some
information about the Greek gods that they researched and asking questions.
Make sure that all the class send the e-mail by clicking on send
are happy with the message.
when they
Discuss any issues or problems that occurred when the pupils were sending and
replying to messages.
Discuss with the class the benefits of sending an email as opposed to a normal
letter and also the disadvantages.
Lesson 4 – Replying to an e mail using the LGfL
Revise how to access e-mail accounts once more and explain that this time we
will be replying to an e-mail that has been sent.
Click on the Check Mail icon.
The child’s in-box will show any received messages.
Demonstrate how, when replying to a written mail, they click on the unopened
mail icon
And click on reply
When replying to a sent mail message, the original message will remain in the
message box. The address will automatically be put into the ‘To’ space.
Spend a session replying to messages and answering any questions that were
asked. The class can use the information through these e mails they have
received to complete the Name of the God resource sheet. If a pupil doesn’t get
an e-mail that gives them information they need about a different God, then they
can e-mail a child saying which Gods they have information about and whether
that pupil has any different information to pass on.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
Discuss what to do if the pupil receives an e mail that is inappropriate or
threatening. Reinforce that pupils must tell a known and trusted adult if they do
receive something that does make them feel uncomfortable.
Lesson 5 – Sending an attachment
Remind the pupils of the safety message we learnt from Lesson 2 about
Demonstrate how to add an attachment to a mail message (Appendix 3 –
adding an attachment). Explain that adding an attachment is easy and that
the attachment will appear to the receiver as an icon in the attachment box.
Give the class your teacher e mail address and explain that they are going to
send it to that address as you want to see their Greek God information.
The children can e-mail you with a message about what they have found out
about Greek Gods and attach their completed Name of the Gods sheet like they
are handing in a piece of work to be marked.
Then read each message and reply with a comment on the e mail like they are
marking and commenting on a piece of work.
Reinforce the SMART rules and ensure that pupils are confident about applying
these when e mailing and other computer activities.
Homework or computer club extensions
The class can send an e-mail to their address with an attachment and then reply
from home or from school.
Assessment Opportunity:
Can understand that messages can be sent over distances?
Can they read and respond to e-mails?
Are they successful at sending e-mails with attachments?
Are pupils aware of the SMART rules and know how to keep themselves
UNIT 3E assessments from year 3 assessment sheet –
3C – Can create and respond to e-mails to gather information and communicate
with others - with the additional skill of adding an attachment.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
Appendix 1 - Opening up the e-mail function using the LGfL.
In order for the class to be able to use the e-mail functionality they must have an
LGfL account and enter the site logging in with their username and password. If
there is no account for your class contact your ICT Coordinator or the ICT support
team on
To log in to the site the class need to access the LGfL site located at
Click on the log in icon.
Select the middle option
Then type the username and password in the dialogue box after clicking on the
green ‘go’ in the first dialogue box.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
To locate the e mail function click on tools option on the top blue tool bar
and click on Email,
or click the envelope icon on the top right tool bar.
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
Appendix 2 – Writing an e mail
Click on ‘Write Mail’
A handy aspect of using LGfL e-mailing is that in the message page the sender’s
e-mail address is already set for you. This means that the sender can’t forget
their own address because they can find it simply, and it reminds the sender of
the format of the other children in the class because apart from the name at the
beginning the e-mail address structure will be the same in each school.
The terms C.C. means the e-mail has been copied to
B.C.C means a copy has been sent to that person without the other person
knowing it has been sent (blind copy).
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team
Appendix 3 – Adding an attachment
In order to add an attachment they click on the attachments icon
the attachment dialogue box will open up.
Browse for the piece of work by clicking on
work to be attached and click
and search for the piece of
. Check in the
correct file has been attached and click
message and the attachment.
. Click on send
that the
to send the
Appendix 4 – Safe mail
By default ALL pupil LGfL e mail accounts are set up in ‘safe mail’. This means
that they are only able to e mails to others in the class or the school and not to
an outside e mail. If there is a need to e mail ‘outside’ of the school environs then
contact the ICT support on
Lesson produced by RBKC ICT team