Landscape influences on brown trout (Salmo trutta) density in the Upper Clark Fork River Superfund site, Montana Mariah P. Mayfield Department of Ecology Montana State University 310 Lewis Hall Bozeman, MT 59717 Landscape Ecology Final Project December 9, 2009 Word Count: 3492 Abstract: In the upper Clark Fork River Basin, the largest Superfund site in the United States, heavy metal contamination in the early 1900’s decimated the fish populations in the river and changed the landscape forever. Now fish populations are returning to the river, although in much lower numbers than before and there is a wide range of the densities of trout populations currently found in the river. Brown trout (Salmo trutta), the most prevalent salmonid species in the system, densities range from 25 to 447 fish greater than 150 mm per mile. The primary sources of pollution in the system; streamside contaminated sediment deposits and exposed bank contaminants, were shown to have no relationship with the densities of brown trout. Another landscape characteristic analyzed in this study, the percent forested land cover type in a 200 m riparian buffer, was also found to have little effect on the density of brown trout. Further analysis needs to be completed to determine if and how landscape attributes are driving the trout populations in the basin. Keywords: trout density, riparian buffer land cover, mining contamination Introduction: Since the beginning of human civilization, societies have exploited the environment to better serve their goals. Some ecologists estimate that close to 50% of the ice-free land surfaces in the world have been modified by human activity (Mustard et al 2004). Much of that modification and exploitation of natural resources has occurred in the form of mining. In the United States alone, over 240,000 km2 of land has been or is currently being mined, an area similar in size to the state of Oregon (Luoma et al 2008). In the Clark Fork River basin, located in southwestern Montana, mining has dramatically changed the environment permanently, with the deposition of hazardous contaminated sediments, large scale fish kills, and reduced ground water quality. Mining began in Butte, Montana in 1864, and increased dramatically in the area until 1955 when large open-pit mines replaced most of the small scale mining operations (Luoma et al 2008). As was typical with mining operations in the late 1880's, the “tailings” (contaminated sediment leftover from the mining process) were allowed to flow directly into local watersheds. These tailings contained high levels of metals, such as copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, and zinc. Settling ponds were completed in 1959, near the town of Warm Springs, as a way to collect contaminated tailings and settle them out of Silver Bow Creek, before entering the Clark Fork River. Although these ponds greatly improved water quality and contaminated sediment deposition downstream of the ponds, the damage had already been done. Prior to the completion of the settling ponds, it is estimated that 99.8 billion kilograms of contaminated mining waste had already been washed into the Clark Fork River basin (Luoma et al 2008). The deposition of mining waste came at a great cost to the environmental quality of the Clark Fork River. In 1950, the state of Montana conducted electrofishing surveys on the river near the town of Garrison and concluded that there were no fish in the river (Phillips and Lipton 1995). Improvements to the Butte waste water treatment facility occurred in the early 1970s, which helped bring back fish populations, although fish kills were still observed even into the 1990s (Philips and Lipton 1995). These fish kills have been associated with high flow events, such as summer thunderstorms, where stream banks containing high levels of contaminated soils wash into the river. Currently, the salmonid species present in the upper Clark Fork River include brown trout (Salmo trutta), westslope cutthroat trout (Oncoryhnchus clarki lewisi), rainbow trout (O. mykiss), westslope cutthroat/rainbow trout hybrids (O. spp.), and bull trout (Savelinus confluentus). Now that restoration is to take place on a large scale in the upper Clark Fork Basin, fisheries managers are investigating how fish are reacting to the contaminated environment of the Clark Fork. Laboratory studies have shown that brown trout will avoid water with concentrations of copper as low as 2.3 μg/L, which would mean that, in the wild, brown trout would avoid all areas in the Clark Fork (Woodward et al 1995). One of the biggest factors contributing to the elevated levels of copper in the water column is the amount of streamside tailing deposits and, more importantly, the amount of exposed bank tailings, due to the fact that the exposed bank tailings are continually being washed into the river, especially during high flow events. Streamside tailings have also been though to have a large impact on the stream water quality, based on the leeching process that occurs when surface water seeps through the tailing deposits. Several studies in the Coeur d’Alene River basin, a river with similar mining contamination issues, have shown that, when given a choice, trout species will avoid more contaminated reaches of stream (Woodward et al 1997). Another study in the Coeur d’Alene determined that the distribution and density of coldwater fish species (such as salmonids and cottids) were negatively correlated with landscape characteristics such as mine location density and metals concentrations in streambed sediment, and the distribution was found to be independent of habitat quality (Maret and MacCoy 2002). Based on these laboratory and field findings, in the upper Clark Fork River it would be reasonable to assume that the presence of streamside and exposed bank tailings is directly affecting the trout density and distribution in the river, with exposed bank tailings providing a greater contribution, due to the direct pathway for contaminates to enter the water column. Mining is not the only human activity that has changed the Clark Fork River landscape. Agriculture and ranching is a large part of life in rural Montana, and the Clark Fork basin is no exception. The upper section of river is characterized by a wide flood valley, used primarily for ranching and agriculture use. This could also be affecting the trout density in the river, due to the increased sedimentation, erosion, and homogeneous habitat types present in agricultural streams (Heitke et al 2006). When looking at the land use in a riparian buffer zone, agricultural land presence within the riparian buffer has been found to have a significantly negative affect on instream biotic integrity measures (Heitke et al 2006; Lammert and Allen 1999). When forest land cover types are present in the riparian buffer zone, even if the primary land cover is agriculture, there is an increase in habitat diversity, fish refuge habitat, large woody debris, and dissolved oxygen levels. Forested buffer zones also help reduce erosion, water temperatures, turbidity, and specific conductivity in streams (Heitke et al 2006; Lammert and Allen 1999; Moerke and Lamberti 2006). Forested buffers have been linked to an increase in the index of biotic integrity in streams, even when forested zones are as small as 25 m on each side of the stream (Moerke and Lamberti 2006). While there is some debate about whether looking at landscape characteristics at the stream buffer scale is as telling as looking at land use through the entire watershed, several studies have shown that salmonid density can best be described by landscape characteristics at the buffer scale (Lammert and Allen 1999; Stanfield et al 2006). Based on the literature and current knowledge of the Clark Fork River, it is reasonable to infer that landscape level characteristics, such as contaminated soil deposition and presence of forested land cover in the riparian zone, are affecting fish densities, but the question is what landscape attributes are contributing the most to the range of brown trout densities throughout the study area? The presence of hazardous tailing deposits could be driving fish assemblages based on the poor water quality and difficult living conditions that the tailings contribute to. Additionally, in this agriculture-heavy environment, forested buffer zones could be creating diverse habitat that is providing refuge from hazardous metals for trout species and could be increasing the trout densities. It is these questions that I aim to answer in this study. Study Area: The Clark Fork River begins at the outlet of the Warm Springs Settling Ponds, near Warm Springs, Montana, in the southwestern part of the state. For this study, the upper Clark Fork River study area is defined as the length of river from the pond outlet to the confluence of Rock Creek with the Clark Fork, near the town of Clinton, Montana. See Figure 1. Methods: Fish Density Sampling: In April 2009, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks fisheries biologists conducted electrofishing surveys of the upper Clark Fork River, using a boat mounted electrofishing unit. The river was dived into 16 reaches, based on accessibility to boat ramps and fishing access sites. During the first pass, trout were marked using fin clips unique to the reach that they were captured in. One week later, an additional electrofishing pass was conducted over the reach and all fish were recorded, taking note of recaptured fish. Using the proportion of recaptured fish, a total population estimate was calculated. The total trout population was then divided by the length of the reach (in miles) to get the density of trout per mile (a common unit of measure for management biologists). Trout smaller than 150 mm were disregarded in the population estimates based on the low capture rate of fish this size when electrofishing in a large river. Reach fish densities were divided by trout species when possible, although the low numbers of other trout species made mark-recapture estimates ineffective for all species other than brown trout, which I focus on in this study. Since the electrofishing reaches were not even in length, I also determined the river mile measurement at the start of each reach, as measured from the Warm Springs Ponds outlet, to aid in analysis of density patterns (Table 1). Land Cover: GIS layers of the locations of upper Clark Fork streamside contaminated tailings and exposed streambank tailings, all mapped by the University of Montana Riparian and Wetlands Research Program, were obtained from the State of Montana’s Natural Resource Information System website (available from: Each of these shapefiles were converted to raster images (10m cells) and imported into ArcInfo GIS program (version 9.3; ESRI, Redlands, California, USA). To analyze land cover influence on fish density, the Upper Clark Fork Classified LANDSAT Image (University of North Texas 1992, Montana State Library, Helena, Montana) was also obtained from the Natural Resource Information System website (website address above). The LANDSAT image has a resolution of 30m, and has ten classifications for land cover variety. For this study, I was only interested in riparian buffer forestation, so I combined land cover types ‘shrub/mixed’, ‘conifers’, and ‘other trees’, to create a simple raster of forested areas and non-forested areas. Using a Montana streams shapefile, obtained from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (available from:, a 200 m (100 m on each side) buffer was placed around the mainstem of the Clark Fork River. The stream and associated buffer was then split according to the electrofishing reaches established by the fish sampling reaches in April 2009, and the area of each stream reach buffer was calculated. Using the buffers as zones, zonal statistics were run on each raster file and a count for each landscape attribute per zone was determined. By multiplying the count by the area of the raster cells, the area of each attribute per reach buffer zone was calculated. Using the total area of the reach buffer and the areas of each attribute, the percent of each landscape attribute type was calculated. An additional land use category, ‘Total % Tailings’, was also calculated, and was simply an addition of the percent of streamside tailings and the percent of exposed bank tailings for each reach. All of the landscape attributes are displayed in Table 1. Single variable and multi-variable linear regression models were run using Microsoft Excel and Program R, in an effort to establish the best-fit model for explaining brown trout density throughout the study area. Results: Brown trout density is not even throughout the study area; rather, the highest densities of fish are found in the middle sections of stream and taper off at the uppermost and lower stream reaches, as shown in Figure 2. When brown trout densities are compared to the river mile measure, the relationship is best described with a negative 2nd order polynomial relationship (R2= 0.582). This relationship implies favorable conditions for fish in the middle sections of stream, with less favorable conditions surrounding it. To determine what these unfavorable conditions might be, I examined models based in the landscape attributes of the buffer zones. Single variable linear regression models were calculated, with brown trout density as the dependent variable and the various landscape attributes as the independent variables. Results from the models are shown in Table 2. Figure 3 visually displays brown trout density and the tailings present in each reach. None of the single variable landscape models were good fits to explain brown trout density in the study area. The best fit model came from the percent of exposed bank tailings (R2= 0.180), but, in addition to not being a very good fit, the relationship between the two variables is a positive relationship, which is not what was expected. The amount of exposed bank tailings are directly negatively affecting the water quality and it was assumed that the exposed bank tailings would have a noticeably negative affect on trout densities. Since the single variable linear models proved to have little connection, I used multi-variable linear regression as a way to look at potential interactions between all of the landscape attributes and the density of brown trout. I ran two models; the first took into account percent forested, percent streamside tailings, percent exposed bank tailings, and the location in the river. Based on the probability value (‘P Values’) and R-squared value for the model, this was determined to be a very poor model (see Table 2). Taking the position in the river out of the equation and just focusing on landscape attributes, the model becomes slightly better, but is still considered a poor model based on the high probability value. These statistical results show that there is very little correlation between the landscape attribute types that I examined and the brown trout densities throughout the upper Clark Fork River. There are, however, patterns in the landscape attributes along the length of the study area. Using simple single variable linear regression models, I looked at the percent forested and total percent tailings as compared to the river mile. While there was little correlation between the percent forested and the location along the river, there is a moderately strong negative relationship between the total percent tailings and the position along the river; that is, the further downstream one travels along the river, less tailings will be present (Table 2). This could have to do with a variety of landscape features, such as the large flood plain present in the upper reaches of stream, the narrowing of the river channel as it nears Rock Creek, allowing for less surface area where contaminated sediment could be deposited by high flows, or the increased river discharge as major tributaries enter the river. Based on my hypothesis, the reduction of tailings in the lower reaches of the study area should allow for an increase in brown trout density, although this is not the case. Other factors that were not examined in this study might be accounting for the reduction of brown trout density in the lower and upper reaches, such as poor water quality and lack of suitable habitat. Discussion: Although analysis of the various landscape attributes in this study did not offer an explanation of the variation of brown trout density in the upper Clark Fork River, it did tell us some important information about the restoration potential of the area. If the presence of tailings is having little affect on brown trout, then perhaps restoration efforts should be less focused on removal of tailings and more focused on other factors, such as habitat diversity. Even though the presence of tailings did not explain fish density, the presence of tailings might be contributing to other factors not discussed in this paper, such as water quality. Poor water quality is often a cumulative effect: sources of pollution and other poor water quality events upstream will affect the areas downstream and, without the inputs of any sources of non-polluted water (example: tributaries without mining contamination), the pollutants compound and can accumulate in the stream. Water quality is currently being monitored in the study area, although currently no work has been done to analyze the data. Another explanation for the density of brown trout in the study area might be due to geomorphologic land features. The river follows a gradient of agriculture land with a large percentage of tailings and wide flood plain near the headwaters, into more ‘natural’ setting with less agriculture, split channels and more habitat diversity, and followed by the lower section, which has a very narrow flood plain and many areas of rip-rap with less suitable habitat. The middle section has some of the highest brown trout densities and it could be due to the habitat present in that stretch of river. Looking at measures of habitat suitability, stream sinuosity, geologic composition, and other factors might provide managers with a model of brown trout density and habitat selection in the study area. While looking at landscape attributes within a stream buffer has shown to be demonstrative of fish assemblages in other study areas (Lammert and Allen 1999; Moerke and Lamberti 2006), other studies have shown that looking at landscape features on the watershed and/or sub-watershed scale are most appropriate for describing patterns between fish assemblages and landscape patterns (Wang et al 2003). For future studies, it would be useful to break the river into reaches based on geomorphology and analyze the sub-watersheds of those reaches for attributes such as land cover, gradient, and stream sinuosity. At this larger scale, it might be more likely to observe factors that are driving brown trout densities. With so little work currently being conducted in mining contaminated aquatic systems, very little is known about how fish are reacting to this human caused disturbance. Hopefully, with studies like this, we can begin to understand the factors driving fish density, distribution, and survival, and plan restoration efforts accordingly. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Jason Lindstrom and Brad Leirmann, fisheries biologists with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, for providing the data on brown trout density. I would also like to acknowledge Linda Phillips, for assisting with aspects of the GIS process, and Anne Marie Reinhold for assistance with statistical analysis. References: Heitke JD, Pierce CL, Gelwicks GT et al (2006) Habitat, land use, and fish assemblage relationships in Iowa streams: Preliminary assessment in an agricultural landscape. In: Hughes RM, Wang W, Seelbach PW (eds) Landscape influences on stream habitats and biological assemblages, American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, pp 287-303. Lammert M, Allen JD (1999) Assessing biotic integrity of streams: Effects of scale in measuring the influence on land use/cover and habitat structure on fish and macroinvertebrates. Environmental Management 23(2):257-270. Luoma SN, JN Moore, AM Farag et al (2008) Mining impacts on fish in the Clark Fork River, Montana: A field ecotoxicology case study. In: DiGuilio RT and Hinton DE (eds) The toxicology of fishes, 1st edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 779-804. Maret TR, MacCoy DE (2002) Fish assemblages and environmental variables associated with hard-rock mining in the Coeur d’Alene River Basin, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:865-884. Moerke AH, Lamberti GA (2006) Relationships between land use and stream ecosystems: A multistream assessment in Southwestern Michigan. In: Hughes RM, Wang W, Seelbach PW (eds) Landscape influences on stream habitats and biological assemblages, American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, pp 323-338. Mustard JF, Defries RS, Fisher T et al (2004) Land-use and land-cover change pathways and impacts. In: Gutman G et al (eds) Land Change Science, 1st edn. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Phillips G, Lipton J (1995) Injury to aquatic resources caused by metals in Montana's Clark Fork River basin: Historic perspective and overview. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 52:1990-1993. Stanfield LW, Gibson SF, Borwick JA (2006) Using a landscape approach to identify the distribution and density patterns of salmonids in Lake Ontario tributaties. In: Hughes RM, Wang W, Seelbach PW (eds) Landscape influences on stream habitats and biological assemblages, American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, pp 601621. Wang L, Lyons J, Rasmussen P et al (2003) Watershed, reach, and riparian influences on stream fish assemblages in the Northern Lakes and Forest ecoregion, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:491-505. Woodward DF, Goldstein JN, Farag AM et al (1997) Cutthroat trout avoidance of metals and conditions characteristic of a mining waste site: Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:699-706 Table 1: Brown trout density, buffer area, and percent of landscape attributes of interest, by reach number and location. Reach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BNT Density 185 68 113 222 235 237 447 291 207 286 323 180 67 63 34 25 Reach River Mile Start 0 1.6 3.1 7.5 11.7 15 18.7 28.2 35.2 38.9 49.7 59 72.6 81.4 92.1 100.8 200m Buffer Area (m2) % Forested % Streamsi de Tailings 323507 399860 968357 1088517 944172 828097 2036792 2208185 1262524 3179653 3012494 3755823 3089094 3277903 2781151 1906516 77.06 49.52 72.68 71.68 69.97 62.28 61.07 69.37 77.84 70.17 76.60 75.36 68.20 63.70 75.11 67.46 0.00 0.63 14.18 7.10 2.90 3.19 6.52 3.71 0.01 0.42 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % Exposed Bank Tailings Total % Tailings 3.12 2.25 5.82 5.44 2.46 3.71 3.93 2.61 2.06 1.49 1.06 1.26 0.08 0.03 0.00 0.07 3.12 2.88 20.00 12.54 5.36 6.90 10.45 6.32 2.07 1.91 1.06 1.36 0.08 0.03 0.00 0.07 Table 2: Statistical models run comparing landscape attributes, brown trout density, and river mile location, with probability values listed for those models run using Program R, and rsquared values for all models. Dependent Variable BNT Density BNT Density BNT Density BNT Density BNT Density BNT Density Total % Tailings %Forest BNT Density Independent Variables % Forested % Streamside Tailings % Exposed Bank Tailings Total % Tailings % Forested % Streamside Tailings % Exposed Bank Tailings Reach River Mile Start % Forested % Streamside Tailings % Exposed Bank Tailings Reach River Mile Start Reach River Mile Start Reach River Mile Start P values n/a n/a n/a n/a R-squared Value 0.007000 0.049000 0.180000 0.088000 0.4372 0.006285 0.3029 0.066480 n/a n/a n/a 0.429000 0.055000 0.582000 Relationship positive positive positive positive negative positive 2nd order polynomial model Brown Trout Density (fish per mile) by River Mile 600 River Mile vs. BNT Density 500 BNT/mile 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 River Mile (mile 0 is at headwaters) Figure 2: Brown trout density (fish greater than 150 mm per mile) as compared to river mile, measured from the Warm Springs Ponds Outlet. Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval.