UNIVERSITY OF ULSTER [Updated November 2011] CODE OF PRACTICE FOR eLEARNING 1.0 Introduction This Code of Practice provides an overview of the practice, policy and procedure relating to eLearning within the University of Ulster. The term ‘eLearning’ refers to learning conducted via electronic media, especially via the Internet and typically involving some form of interactivity to support teaching, learning and assessment. This Code of Practice for eLearning outlines the expectations regarding good practice, policy and procedures and is a support to: 1.1 The Corporate Plan (2011/12 - 2015/16) which includes as its vision ‘Leading in the provision of Professional Education for Professional Life’ and has a Corporate Goal of ‘Excellent, Accessible Teaching and Learning’. This includes the objective ‘To develop flexible and accessible programmes and learning provision in anticipation of students’ changing needs and study patterns.’; The University of Ulster Teaching and Learning Strategy which has a key aim ‘to enhance the quality of physical and social learning environments for students and staff’ with supporting objectives ‘to increase the use of VLEs and mobile learning technologies’; ‘to progressively embed technology into teaching’ and to ‘support and identify opportunities for greater flexibility in accommodating technologies preferred by learners’; The implementation of the QAA Code of Practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education, Section 2: Collaborative provision and flexible and distributed learning (including e-learning). General This Code of Practice should be applied in combination with the range of policies and guides developed by the University and included, for example, within the: Programme Approval, Management and Review Handbook; External Examiner Handbook; Partnership Handbook; Assessment Handbook; eLearning Charter. The means by which Faculties, Schools and Departments ensure compliance with this Code of Practice will vary depending on the nature and extent of their eLearning provision and development. 2.0 Definitions Fully online There is no face-to-face on-campus component to these programmes. All content, activities and interactions are integrated and delivered online. The assumption is made that the student may never attend a campus throughout the duration of the programme/module. 1 Blended learning Although online participation is required for these programmes, face-to-face interactions remain. In this instance, online participation may include some or all of the following: accessing key course documents; using online course material which contains major educational content; interaction and communication (synchronous and asynchronous) between staff and students or among students; online assessments (formative or summative). 3.0 Responsibilities 3.1 Access and Distributed Learning (ADL) Access and Distributed Learning (ADL) is responsible for the oversight of the University's eLearning programmes using the institutional Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), currently Blackboard Learn. ADL also administers and provides campus wide support for the usage of the institutional VLE and associated tools to enhance all modules offered within the University. Dedicated support for course creation, design and development is available for fully online courses where ADL works in partnership with Faculties. This support for fully online provision is provided subject to an approved eLearning resource agreement. Strategic support is also available for using the VLE and associated tools for blended learning, subject to the availability of resources. ADL works with Faculties to create learning environments that motivate students and provide teaching staff with adequate development and training to facilitate and moderate learning activities that achieve the desired learning outcomes. 3.2 Faculties Where a course has a significant eLearning component, the course team should contact Access and Distributed Learning at the outset to ensure that the appropriate eLearning support can be scheduled into the course planning process. Upon agreement, ADL will allocate an Academic eLearning Consultant to work with the course planning team, providing training and development as required. Course teams embarking on development of a fully online programme will agree a project plan with ADL and must comply with University of Ulster copyright guidance regarding permission for use of materials within the VLE. Faculties should ensure that students are aware of the expectations of them with respect to online learning and the nature and extent of supported, independent and collaborative learning activities. Students should receive full, clear and current information on the University and the support available to them. They should be given access to a full induction that includes appropriate course information and an induction into the online learning environment. 4.0 Information, Support and Guidance ADL offers support, resources and services in a number of areas as follows: Advice for course teams on planning and managing the development of fully online courses; 2 Staff training and development. Staff delivering on fully online programmes for the first time will be required to undertake a 3 week online e-tutor course (offered by ADL) prior to commencement of delivery; Online induction, orientation to Blackboard Learn and study skills information for all students; Course support areas (to host standard documentation and central support resources, academic, technical and pastoral advice/support and information on Library use). General resources and support are available via the Blackboard Learn Helpdesk and on the support wiki provided by ADL. 4.1 Other University of Ulster Support Resources Staff Development offer an Academic Induction Programme and a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice which cover the practical and pedagogic aspects of e-pedagogy and VLE use. Bespoke workshops can be arranged in response to specific requests. ICT Customer Services and the Staff Development Unit in collaboration with ADL host a series of Teaching and Learning Technology Seminars to raise awareness of a range of new technologies and tools. 5.0 Monitoring and Evaluation eLearning programmes are subject to the same standards and quality assurance procedures as all other taught courses. Furthermore, ADL work closely with Faculties to ensure that Ulster eLearning courses take into account and meet the standards listed in the QAA Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education with respect to flexible and distributed learning. 6.0 Course delivery HERA evaluated job descriptions and personnel specifications (available from Human Resources) have been developed for three roles to support eLearning provision at Ulster: e-Academic - responsible for module, curriculum and assessment design as well as providing academic/administrative support to students engaged on eLearning programmes. (Grade 7) e-Tutor - responsible for providing academic/administrative support to students engaged on eLearning programmes. (Grade 6) e-Mentor - responsible for providing academic guidance, student, technical and administrative support to students engaged on eLearning programmes. (Grade 4) 7.0 Virtual Learning Environment The institutional VLE provides a core range of communication, content and assessment tools. Other tools are fully integrated within the VLE allowing seamless access for staff and students, to include Library integration, plagiarism detection, voice tools etc. ADL have provided a range of good practice guidelines in respect of: Socialisation and Cohort Building; Library Services: Guide for Online Course Teams; Library Resources for Distance Learners; External Examiners; Staff Student Consultation Procedures. 3 Useful Links and References University of Ulster Corporate Plan University of Ulster Teaching and Learning Strategy QAA Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education. Section 2: Collaborative provision and flexible and distributed learning (including e-learning): Assessment Handbook df The Programme Approval, Management and Review Handbook External Examiner Handbook Partnership Handbook Access & Distributed Learning Website: eLearning Resource Agreement: Blackboard Learn Support Wiki: eLearning Charter 4