Southern Transfer and Hybridization Gel Electrophoresis and Southern Transfer to Nitrocellulose (Part 2) Molecular Biology Lab #8 Background: Southern transfer and hybridization is a method for detection and analysis of single genes in a complex mixture of high molecular weight DNA. There are many applications of this method such as molecular diagnostics in medicine or forensic science. DNA finger printing is a form of Southern hybridization. For example, an individual might inherit one copy of a disease susceptibility gene from one parent and this might predispose to the disease in later life. To determine whether the individual is at risk or not, a sample of DNA from both parents and offspring could be digested with a restriction endonuclease and the resulting fragments separated by gel electrophoresis. The gene could be probed, after Southern transfer to a membrane, in order to examine its restriction pattern. If the pattern matched the affected parent, the individual has the susceptibility gene. A similar scenario is used in forensic science to match a suspect’s blood to any body tissue or contaminating cells left at the crime scene. In Southern transfer, the agarose gel containing thousands of restriction fragments is blotted onto a nylon or nitrocellulose membrane. Usually, this is done in several steps. First, the DNA within the gel is denatured by placing the gel in alkali with 1.5 M NaCl. The alkali causes the DNA strands to denature and the salt allows the DNA to become mobile. After denaturation, the pH is neutralized and the gel is placed on a solid support. The high salt solution is drawn through the gel from below by capillary action and it carries the DNA with it to deposit it on the overlying membrane. This creates an exact replica of the DNA within the gel on a solid support. One specific gene can be detected from all the others by hybridization of a denatured probe DNA to the denatured DNA on the filter. Objectives: The objectives of this lab are to perform gel electrophoresis to separate restriction fragments of high molecular weight DNA, and then to use capillary blotting (Southern transfer) to transfer the restriction fragments to a nitrocellulose membrane. Materials: Ethidium bromide staining solution (0.5% ethidium) 1 liter UV illuminator Denaturation solution (1.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M NaOH, 2 liters) Neutralization solution (1 M Tris and 1.5 M NaCl, 3 liters) 4 packs of paper towels 4 large glass baking dishes Parafilm 4 scalpels or razor blades Blunt end forceps Whatman 3M chromatography paper 20X SSC (8 liters) 6X SSC (1 liter) Nylon membranes 500 g weight for transfer UV cross linker 1X TAE gel running buffer Agarose Micropipetters, yellow tips Plastic burger flipper Large agarose gel electrophoresis box Power packs Gel loading buffer (6X) Restriction digested DNA samples 1 kb molecular weight markers Methods: 1. Load samples from the restriction digest into wells of a large 0.8% agarose gel. If you precipitate your restriction digest with salt and ethanol, be sure to remove all traces of ethanol from your eppendorf tube. Place the tubes containing resuspended DNA at 60ºC for 10 min to evaporate any residual ethanol. Ethanol can cause problems when you load your samples into the wells. 2. Run the gel briefly at 90V to drive DNA samples into the agarose. Turn down the voltage to 20 V overnight and allow to run. 3. Stop the gel after 12 hours. The blue front of bromophenol blue dye should have migrated about 70-80% of the length of the gel. 4. Place the gel in an aqueous solution of ethidium bromide (0.5%) and rock gently on a shaker platform for 15 minutes to stain the DNA. 5. Remove the ethidium bromide and replace with water to destain the gel for 10 min. The gel should have a smear of DNA corresponding to thousands of restriction fragments of different sizes. Photograph the gel for your record. 6. Cut off any portion of the gel that is not being used. Trim the top of the gel away, leaving a little of the wells so that you can orient the gel. Trim one or more corners of the gel so that you can distinguish it from the gels of other groups. 7. If you are interested in examining large DNA fragments, you should treat the gel with 0.2 N HCL to depurinate the DNA and facilitate movement of the DNA from gel to nitrocellose. In this experiment, the DNA is smaller and depurination is not necessary. 2 8. Transfer the gel to denaturation solution for 45 min using constant agitation on a slowly rocking platform. Use at least 10 gel volumes of denaturation solution to rinse. 9. Rinse the gel briefly in deionized water to remove surface alkali. Place the gel in neutralization buffer for 30 min with gentle rocking. After 30 min, transfer to fresh neutralization buffer for 15 min. 10. Prepare the nylon membrane for transfer. Measure the length and width of your gel. Cut a piece of nylon using a ruler and scalpel or sharp razor. The size of the nylon filter should be about 1-2mm larger than the underlying gel. Do not touch the nylon with your bare fingers because you will transfer oil from your skin. Wear gloves. Handle the membrane by its edges using forceps. 11. Place the membrane into distilled or deionized water to rehydrate (it should quickly turn darker gray). If the membranes fail to wet completely after several minutes, discard. Allow to wet for 5 min. 12. Place 1 liter of 10X SSC in a large glass baking dish. Place a solid support (such as an inverted gel form in the bottom of the dish to support the gel. 13. Cut pieces of 3M chromatography paper about 8 inches wide and 10 inches long. Lay the stack of 3 to 4 chromatography paper towels directly over the plastic gel form. Allow the ends to be submerged in the 10X SSC. Using a glass pipette, gently roll out any air bubbles that are present under the 3M papers. The 3M paper forms a wick that carries 10x SSC up to the gel. 14. Place the gel directly on top of the wet 3M filter paper. Gently add some 10X SSC to the top of the gel and roll out any air bubbles between the gel and the underlying paper using a glass pipette. Air bubbles will completely block transfer of DNA and will make spots on your final hybridization experiment. 15. Place the nylon membrane over the top of the gel. Add some 10X SSC and use a pipette to gently smooth out any air bubbles. Once the nylon has been positioned, do not to move it again. 16. Place pieces of parafilm tightly around the edges of the gel. This serves to prevent the paper towels from sagging and touching the wick. This would be a problem because it would short circuit the fluid flow around the gel rather than through it. It would cause poor transfer. 17. Place several pieces of 3M paper or thicker blot paper over the nylon. Wet the layers with 10X SSC and then roll out air bubbles with a glass pipette. 18. Stack paper towels on top of the gel to about 4 inches in height. Place a weight of approximately 500 grams on top of the paper towels. 3 19. Allow the capillary transfer to run overnight. The salt solution should carry all of the DNA from the gel to the underside of the filter. The next day, the paper towels should be wet from the fluid sucked out of the baking dish. Place enough 10X SSC in the baking dish (1 liter) so that it is not totally depleted. 20. After the transfer is complete, remove the paper towels down to the level of the membrane. Carefully remove the membrane with forceps and place in 6X SSC on a shaker for 5 minutes. This washes away any agarose that might stick to the membrane. 21. After washing, place the membrane on paper towels and allow to become semi dry (5-10 min). Place the membrane in a UV cross linker and irradiate with 1.5 J/cm2 to cross link DNA to the membrane. 22. Store the membrane at 4ºC until you are ready to make probe and hybridize. 23. Clean up your work area and wipe up any spills! 4