LEXINGTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES & NURSING Summer I 2005 BSL 111 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II LABORATORY SYLLABUS 0 CREDIT HOURS 2 CONTACT HOURS PREREQUISITE: BSL 110 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The laboratory portion of BSL 111 is designed as a “hands on” experience that corresponds to the lecture portion of the course. Anatomical models, computer programs, charts, slides of microscopic tissue sections, physiological experiments and preserved specimens for dissection will be used to reemphasize principles and structures discussed in lecture. PERSONNEL: Summer Chair: Dr. David Wachtel RM 230 MB 257-4872 ext. 4158 Program Coordinator: Marian Cothran RM 303C OB 257-4872 ext. 4030 Course Coordinator: Dr. Molly Frisbie RM 306C OB 257-4872 ext. 4031 Division Secretary: Phyllis Mulcahy RM 303 OB 257-4872 ext. 4001 Instructor: Name: Office: Office Hours: Phone: rev 8/00 ts sw01bsl.f95 Dr. Jessica Hoane 333 Gluck Equine Research Center by appointment only 257-4757 ext. 81213 or 81167 email: jshoan2@uky.edu 1 General Education Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives/Instructional Objectives: COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY Learning Outcome: Students will be able to listen with comprehension Course Objective: Use anatomical and physiological terminology to comprehend and communicate information on body structure and function. Instructional Objective: Students will complete practical exams based upon their study of models, specimens, micrographs and CD Rom assignments for all body systems covered. THINK CRITICALLY Learning Outcome: Students will be able to integrate knowledge Course Objective: Explain the interrelationships between organ systems and physiological processes. Instructional Objective: Students will utilize data from experimental studies to explain the physiological principles of body systems. Course Objective: Recognize the complimentary relationship of structure and function and describe the basic metabolic processes of the organ systems Instructional Objective: Students will complete CD Rom assignments and exam questions which test their understanding of structure/function relationships within body systems. LEARN INDEPENDENTLY Learning Outcome: Students will be able to apply learning Course Objective: Explain basic principles of inorganic and organic chemistry as they apply to physiological processes. Instructional Objective: Students will conduct experiments which illustrate chemical concepts including respiratory gas exchange, urinalysis, blood chemistry. Course Objective: Explain the major homeostatic mechanisms utilized by each body system in response to internal and external environmental changes. Instructional Objective: Students will utilize experimental data and information presented via clinical case studies to illustrate and comprehend homeostasis in each body system studied. EXAMINE RELATIONSHIPS IN DIVERSE AND COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS Learning Outcome: Students will be able to define the relationship of self to the biological/physical environment. Course Objective: Explain the physiological and anatomical mechanisms of common dysfunction Instructional Objective: Students will compare normal and abnormal values for a variety of physiological parameters obtained through experiments and clinical case studies and will utilize these to identify common pathologies such as anemia, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, acid base imbalance, endocrine disorders etc. rev 8/00 ts sw01bsl.f95 2 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Required Texts: Laboratory Manual is available at LCC Bookstore. LABORATORY POLICIES FOR ALL BSL 111 LABS: MAKE-UP POLICIES; All excused absences (see below) must have written documentation. 1. Missed Quizzes – If a quiz is missed, written documentation for an excused absence (see below) must be provided. 2. Missed lab - If a student misses a lab there will be no make-ups. It is the student's responsibility to learn the missed information during open lab. *** There are 3 labs that involve data collection and require active participation and presence during the lab. The data and written reports collected from these exercises are due at the end of the lab and are worth significant points. These labs cannot be made up during open lab. The following options exist if one of these labs is missed: a). attend another lab later in the week only by consent of the instructor. b.) provide written documentation of your excused absence. You will not be penalized for the points missed but will be responsible for the information on the lab exam. c.) Receive 0 points for that lab. 3. Missed lab practical exam - Students must complete lab exams during their scheduled lab period – no exceptions!! If a student misses a lab practical exam for a legitimate reason (see "excused absences" for LCC Rules), a student may receive permission to attend another lab exam that same week, if written documentation of the excused absence is provided. A student should call the instructor immediately to schedule the exam with another section. After the week of the lab practical, a make-up exam is not feasible. A student must call the instructor within 7 days if he/she misses an exam. Excused Absences include only: - Illness of the student or serious illness or death of a member of the student's immediate family - College sponsored or approved trips - Major religious holidays - instructor must be notified no later than the last day of the drop period. Attendance: There will be no formal attendance policy but students are strongly advised to attend all laboratory sessions. Removal of laboratory equipment, models, supplies, specimens from the laboratory is stealing and will be grounds for dismissal from the course. rev 8/00 ts sw01bsl.f95 3 Grading: Exams = 3 at 100 points each = 300 points Quizzes = 7/8 (drop the lowest quiz) at 13 points each = 91 points Experimental worksheets = 70 points Case Studies = 60 points Total points = 521 Written and Late Work Policy: All case studies and written work must be given to the instructor at the beginning of the lab in which they are due. Some exercises are due at the end of the laboratory. Reports that are late, or in which you are not present to participate will receive a zero unless you have an excused absence . You may want to make copies of assignments before turning them in, so that you can take notes during class discussion. Withdrawal Policy: A student must withdraw from lecture class. Those policies are stated in the lecture syllabus. Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes plagiarism as well as cheating on an exam. Plagiarism involves copying homework exercises, experimental worksheets, and case study reports from fellow students. No eating, drinking, chewing nor smoking in the lab at any time. Failure to abide by this policy is grounds for dismissal from the course. Safety: All LCC or OSHA requirements and safety precautions must be followed in all laboratory sessions especially in those labs involving body fluids Open Lab – open lab hours will be posted on the laboratory door (OB 322). Open lab will close at noon on the Friday preceding a lab test. Children: Children are not permitted in the laboratory during scheduled labs or open lab sessions for safety-related reasons. Any other policies are at the instructor’s discretion. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: If you have a special need that may require an accommodation or assistance, please inform me of that fact as soon as possible and no later than the end of the second class meeting. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT: All rules and regulations set forth in the current edition of the Code of Student Conduct will be followed in this course. It is the student's responsibility to access this on the Web at http://www.kctcs.edu/student/code.htm EOA: The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity Institution. rev 8/00 ts sw01bsl.f95 4 READ YOUR LAB EXERCISES BEFORE YOU COME TO LAB!! LABORATORY SCHEDULE FOR BSL 111 Summer I 2005 Date May June TOPIC 10 No Lab 11/12 Blood Lab Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System QUIZ—Blood Cell Chart (pg. 2), Heart Anatomy (pg. 14-15) 16/17 Human Cardiovascular Physiology QUIZ—Blood Pressure Terms (pg. 25), Label ECG/Describe Waves (pg. 21) 18/19 Cardiovascular Case Study Due Review of Cardiovascular Labs QUIZ—Cardiovascular Mediaphys Exercises (pg. 38-40) 23/24 Lab Exam I (Blood & Cardiovascular) 25/26 Anatomy of Respiratory System Respiratory System Physiology QUIZ-- Label Diagram of Respiratory System and Respiratory Mediaphys Exercise (pg. 60-61) 30/31 No labs Gross Anatomy of Digestive System (on your own) 1/2 Anatomy of Renal System Renal Physiology Lab QUIZ-- Label Diagram of Urinary System (pg. 56-59) and Terms (pg. 74) 6/7 Review of Renal & Respiratory Labs Microscopic Anatomy of Digestive System QUIZ—Label Diagram of Digestive System 8/9 Lab Exam II (Respiratory, Digestive, Renal) 13/14 Endocrine Anatomy Male/Female Reproductive Anatomy QUIZ—Label Diagrams of Male/Female Reproductive Systems (pg. 87-88) 15/16 Endocrine Case Studies due Review of Endocrine and Reproductive Labs QUIZ—Endocrine Chart (pg. 97-100) 20 Lab Exam III (Endocrine, Reproduction) (both sections meet on Monday) rev 8/00 ts sw01bsl.f95 5