Disaster Management and Spatial information systems

Landslide Risk Mitigation in Georgia
George Gotsiridze
10 bulachauri, str. 380113, Tbilisi, Georgia
GIS and RS Consulting Center “Geographic”
e.mail: gotsa@geographic.ge
web: www.geographic.ge
Georgia is a high mountainous country where the natural and anthropogenic processes are
too complicated and interrelated. Moreover, these processes are presented by wide spectrum of
especially dangerous phenomena. Landslide appears to be one of such phenomena that together with
the earthquakes, mudflows, collapses and avalanches make united front of catastrophic events
bearing material losses to the country and causing casualties.
The modern statistics show catastrophic growth of the number of landslide bodies during the
last 20 years on the entire territory of Georgia. However, it does not mean real appearance of new
objects in their enormous number (unlike the interpretation of some scientists). The statistics just say
about the lack of investigation and inventory of landslides and related processes. Consequently, the
issue of application of new technologies for data collection and process is still critical.
1. Problem analysis
Data collection and Processing
Old maps; Old technology and methodology; No new field data; No staff and no
Poor and Old methods of analysis; No experience in complex analysis; Ignoring of
social factors (including mentality and public awareness)
Decision making
No rules and not defined workflows and fixed scope of works of decision making
persons and governmental bodies
Concepts of mitigation and response
Still is not exist Policy and its implementation guidelines
Disaster management Infrastructure
Infrastructure is not exist; exist just responsible governmental agency on the central
level with not enough budget.
2. Geodynamic processes
Landslides are not isolated bodies and their appearance and development are sensitively
related to natural and anthropogenic processes. We must investigate and assess the
situations in integral way and do not ignore any social and economic issues. GIS and
Remote sensing technologies are tools for understanding spatial relationships and create
methods for risk mitigation. Main risk-factors are: a) crust, its movements and geological
condition; b) ground masse movements and erosion; c) Landscape changes; and d) human
- Geo-tectonic processes
tectonic faults, lineaments, tectonic blocks and its mosaic, earthquakes.
- Slope processes
tecto-seismogenic landslides, mud-flows, collapses, avalanches, solifluction.
- Natural and Cultural Landscapes
desertification, deforestation, land degradation, agriculture and urbane development
3. Anthropogenic impacts
- Constructions and Management
Road and building construction, pipe-lines.
- Agriculture activities
переувлажение грунта
- Deforestation
вырубка леса
4. GIS and RS means of data processing
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies (aerial photos,
satellite images, radar data. digital orthophotos, photogrammetry, Ditilal Elevation Models
(DEM), Digital Terrain Model (DTM,) Image classification, raster data, vector data, GIS layers,
Geo Data Base, GIS analysis, Spatial analysis, topographic maps, graphical data, alphanumeric
data, electronic data, analog data.)
- Data collection and processing
GPS (Ground Positioning System), scanning, geo-referencing, geo-coding, data base
creation, Data base management system (DBMS), Software application, GIS software,
RS software.
- Integrated Analysis
data integration, mapping, analytical maps.
- Disaster Management Spatial Information System
expertise system, integrated, open, accessible, programming languages, customeroriented system, IT technologies.
- Decision Making support
training, preparation, GIS groups and units, GIS solutions, GIS applications, corporative
5. Disaster Management Information system as a General master Plan
6. Virtual flights over Georgia
Using Digital elevation models and multi-spectral or panchromatic satellite or aerial images
and Virtual GIS software we can imitate virtual flight over sensitive areas of Georgia.
Finally, it could be said that well thought strategy at the local and regional levels and accordingly
organized information-notification system (where GIS will be presented as basic component) in
Georgia will rise (and will appear in those places where they have not been yet presented) quantity
of adopted decisions and the fight against the consequences will be more distinct and effective.