Natural Resource Management in Urban Environments Test (Special Topic) Each urban resource subject area is worth 25 points -total of 100 points URBAN AQUATICS 1. (6 points) A Watershed has three primary functions. Describe these functions. 2. (2 points) At the station, you will observe 4 scenarios. These are: a forest condition, asphalt, bare soil from construction, and a grassed area. Understanding what you were taught about impacts to the urbanization of a watershed, please answer the following questions. A. Out of the 4 conditions, which one would you expect to have the most negative impact on water quality and quantity? B. Out of the 4 conditions, which one would you expect have the best impact on water quality and quantity? 3. (2 points) Describe 2 positive impacts of managing an urban watershed. 4. (4 points) Residential problems that degrade water quality in urban areas stem from neighborhoods with single- or multi-family dwellings. List 3 effective control measures you would address in these developed areas to control residential non-point source pollution? 5. (2 points) A healthy urban forest can reduce the amount of runoff and pollutants going into streams in four primary ways. Describe one (1) of these. 6. (2 points) Describe 2 of the strategies used to enhance urban forests to improve control of stormwater runoff. 7. (3 points) Define the term "source water." 8. (4 points) Describe 2 threats to drinking water and their most likely sources. URBAN FORESTRY 1. (4 points) The definition of Urban Forestry includes four concepts for the care of trees and plants in an urban setting, what are they? 1. ____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 2. (1 point) National Arbor Day Foundation establishes Tree City USA guidelines. T F 3. (4 points) Provide two of the four requirements a community must meet to be recognized as a Tree City USA? 1. ____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 4. (3 points) What type of information can a tree inventory provide? 1. ____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 5. (4 points) Name the environmental benefits urban trees provide? 1. ____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ URBAN SOIL 1. An urban environment can have as many or more point sources of pollution than a rural environment. Which of the following during the month of June could be considered as candidates for having point or non-point source pollution either from chemical or organic compounds? (4 points) a. A subdivision is located on a footslope at the base of a residual upland slope and the soil is very deep to bedrock, has a fragipan at a depth of26 inches (65 cm) and has a seasonal high water table at a 20-inch (50-cm) depth. b. A recreation area with ball fields, picnic areas and bathroom facilities with a septic tank filter field is located on a first bottom floodplain where the soils are very deep to bedrock, have loamy textures and have a seasonal high water table at a depth of 20 inches (50 cm). c. A golf course located at the base of a hill partly on the footslope and on the floodplain with the soils being a combination of well drained (seasonal water table at a depth of 40+ inches) (100+ cm) and moderately well drained (seasonal water table at a depth of 18 to 24 inches) (45 to 60 cm)). d. Both a and c. e. All of the above. 2. Which of the following statements, best describes the soils found in an urban environment? (4 points) a. Soils are always natural in an urban environment, just like the soils in a rural environment. b. Soils are generally a combination of natural and disturbed soils in an urban environment. c. The soils are always artificial in an urban environment. d. Urban soils do not have any organic matter in either the topsoil or subsoil. 3. Why do many soils in urban areas have poor aeration? (4 points) a. b. c. d. e. 4. Because the soils are poorly drained Because the soils are highly compacted Because the soils are contaminated by salts and excessive fertilizers All of the above (a, b, & c) None of the above contributes to poor soil aeration Erosion and sedimentation are major problems on construction sites in urban areas. Which of the following soil conditions would tend to have the most severe erosion that would create sediment problems on adjacent properties? (4 points) a. A construction site within a forested area with minimal disturbance leaving most of the trees, gravel is placed on the road to the construction site, a natural buffer area (undisturbed) is located at the edge of the site near the adjoining properties and the only disturbances or excavations are for foundation footers. The soil type is Dekalb with 5 percent rocks or cobbles on the surface and mostly loam and sandy loam textures. b. A construction site within a formerly forested area that has been clear-cut, where the topsoil has been excavated and the land surface has been leveled for easier construction in an Upshur soil that is mostly clay textures. The only erosion protection is a silt fence around the down-slope area on the property line of the adjoining landowner. c. A construction site within a former pasture field, where the topsoil has been excavated and the land surface has been leveled for easier construction in a Duncannon soil that has mostly silt and silt loam textures. The only erosion protection is a silt fence around the down-slope area on the property line of the adjoining landowner. d. A disturbed area where mining for coal has occurred and the top of the mountain has been removed and the overburden or soil and rock materials were placed in the valley in an organized manner. The ridge top is on bedrock and will be used as an area for a business park and all of the excess water form the area will travel down the rocked drainage ways and through the chimney drain of the valley fill. The soils are mostly Janelew soils with channery to extremely channery (15 to 70 percent rock fragments) silty clay loam textures. 5. Of the following choices, which is a major cause of soil compaction in urban areas? (3 pt) .. a. b. c. d. 6. Which one of the following is a problem caused by soil compaction? (3 pt) a. b. c. d. Rain drop impact Foot traffic Lack of vegetation Soil texture Decreases water runoff Decreases total pore space of the soil Decreases sand content Decreases soil organic matter content 7. Which of the following would most likely be found in an urban soil? (3 points) a. b. c. d. Uniform soil chemistry with depth Regular organic carbon distribution with depth Artifacts of concrete, bricks, asphalt, and cinder blocks High earthworm activity URBAN WILDLIFE 1. Place the following actions in the correct order in the process of enhancing wildlife habitat in an urban environment. (Place letters in correct order) 1st ______ , 2nd _____ , 3rd________, 4th _______ (4pts.) a. periodic monitoring of wildlife populations b. checking pitfall trap daily to identify small creatures present c. planting berry-producing shrubs for winter food d. setting a goal to increase the number of cavity-nesting birds by 5 percent 2. If you saw Track A on your property, which “event(s)” would you watch for: (+1 pt. for each correct answer, -1 for each incorrect answer) a. noises in chimney b. dog food eaten c. a tunnel dug under your storage shed d. garbage bags tom up e. your car being stolen v 3. Which problem(s) might result from the situation in the cartoon ____________ (+1 pt for each correct answer, -1 for each incorrect answer) a. ducks become too overweight to fly b. starlings arrive and chase ducks away’ c. rapid spread of disease among ducks d. weakened ducks from poor nutrition 4. Soil in an urban area is often compacted. What is the main effect this has in determining which wildlife species are able to survive in the habitat? (2 pts) __________________________________________________________ 5. Sharp edges created in human-modified urban areas can cause problems for wildlife. Which of the following statements are possible results of sharp habitat edges? (+1 pt. for each correct answer, -1 for each incorrect answer) a. avian brood parasites like cowbirds are more abundant b. wild animals get cut on sharp edges c. wildlife contract more diseases from humans d. nest predation by small mammals increases 6. Wildlife species in which forest tract would be more protected from the negative effects of commercial development outside the buffer zone? (Assume core and buffer areas are equal size in (a) and (b) (2 pts.) 7. Which techniques could be used to enhance wildlife habitat in an urban area? _______ (+1 pt. for each correct answer, -1 pt. for each incorrect answer) a. cutting down snag trees b. creating storm water basin c. planting sod d. plant vegetation along banks of creek e. removing underbrush from forest stands f. planting exotic ornamental shrubs. 8. Listed below are actions you have conducted around your house to discourage a certain wild animal. A. Given the actions listed below, with what animal are you having a problem? (2 pts. each) ______________________________ -caulked around pipes entering the house -kept the grass mowed in yard -set out mouse traps B. Given the actions listed below, with what animal are you having a problem? _____________________________ -installed 2-foot high chicken wire fence with 2 inches buried underground -sprayed garden plants with taste repellent -set a wire live trap -removed brush pile and cleared fence row C. Given the actions listed below, with what animal are you having a problem? _________________________ -placed moth balls in attic -trimmed tree branches near house -set live trap baited with sunflower seeds, com and apple -placed heavy, small wire mesh over house vents 9. The WV DNR offices receive a spike in nuisance bear calls ~ March-April and again in 0July-August. What factors explain these two "blips?" ____________.(2 pts.) a. availability of food in the spring b. availability of water in summer c. abundance of berries in summer d. female displacing yearlings out on own to prepare for reproduction e. both a and d f. both a and c 6. (5 points) The State Urban Forestry Council is an important partner of the State Forestry agency because it ... A. Promotes the value and benefits of Urban Forestry. T F B. Sponsors educational activities and technical support. T F C. Provides money for grant programs. T F D. Advises on direction of the urban forestry program. T F E. Gives grass roots support for urban forestry activities. T F 7. (4 points) Name four of the five growth factors that should be considered when selecting a tree species in an urban environment? 1. ____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________