Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 PREDICTION OF CAVERN CONFIGURATIONS FROM 2 SUBSIDENCE DATA 3 Running head: Prediction Cavern Configurations from Subsidence 4 5 Kittitep Fuenkajorn* and Sarayuth Archeeploha 6 7 8 Geomechanics Research Unit, Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University 9 of Technology, Muang Distict, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000 Thailand. Tel.: 66- 10 44-224-443, Fax.: 66-44-224-448, E-mail: 11 12 Abstract 13 An analytical method has been developed to predict the location, 14 depth and size of caverns created at the interface between salt and 15 overlying formations. A governing hyperbolic equation is used in a 16 statistical analysis of the ground survey data to determine the cavern 17 location, maximum subsidence, maximum surface slope and surface 18 curvature under the sub-critical and critical conditions. The regression 19 produces a set of subsidence components and a representative profile of 20 the surface subsidence under sub-critical and critical conditions. Finite 21 difference 22 components with the cavern size and depth under a variety of strengths 23 and deformation moduli of the overburden. Set of empirical equations analyses using FLAC 1 code correlate the subsidence Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 correlates these subsidence components with the cavern configurations 2 and overburden properties, and hence allows prediction of cavern 3 configurations from the subsidence components. 4 5 Keywords: Subsidence, brine, salt rock, cavern, sinkhole 6 7 Introduction 8 Salt and associated minerals in the Khorat and Sakon Nakhon basins, 9 northeast of Thailand have become important resources for mineral exploitation 10 and for use as host rock for product storage. For over four decades, local people 11 have extracted the salt by using an old fashioned technique, called here the ‘brine- 12 pumping’ method. A shallow borehole is drilled into the rock unit directly above 13 the salt. Brine (saline groundwater) is pumped through the borehole and left to 14 evaporate on the ground surface. Relatively pure halite with slight amounts of 15 associated soluble minerals is then obtained. This simple and low-cost method 16 can, however, cause an environmental impact in the form of unpredictable ground 17 subsidence, sinkholes and surface contamination (Fuenkajorn, 2002). Even 18 though the brine pumping industry has been limited to strictly controlled areas, 19 isolated from agricultural areas and farmlands, severe surface subsidence and 20 sinkholes have commonly been found outside the controlled areas, particularly on 21 the upstream side of the groundwater flow (Figure 1). 22 The subsidence is caused by deformation or collapse of the cavern roof 23 at the interface between the salt and overburden. Precise locations of the 24 dissolved caverns are difficult to determine due to the complexity of groundwater 2 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 circulation, infiltration of fresh surface water, brine pumping rates, and number 2 and intensity of the pumping wells. As a result, location and magnitude of the 3 subsidence are very unpredictable. Exploratory drilling and geophysical 4 methods (e.g., resistivity and seismic surveys) have normally been employed to 5 determine the size, depth and location of the underground cavities in the 6 problem areas in an attempt to backfill the underground voids, and hence 7 minimizing the damage of the engineering structures and farmland on the 8 surface (Jenkunawat, 2005, 2007; Wannakao et al., 2004, 2005). The 9 geophysical and drilling investigations for such a widespread area are costly and 10 time-consuming. This calls for a quick and low cost method to determine the 11 size, depth and location of the solution caverns. The method should be used as an 12 early warning tool so that mitigation can be implemented before the 13 uncontrollable and severe subsiding of the ground surface occurs. 14 The objective of this research is to develop a method to predict the 15 location, depth and size of solution caverns created at the interface between the 16 salt and the overlying formation. The effort includes statistical analysis of the 17 ground survey data in the subsiding areas, numerical simulations to correlate 18 subsidence components with the overburden properties, cavern diameter and 19 depth, and formulation of empirical relations between the cavern configurations 20 and the subsidence components. 21 22 Site Conditions 23 Rock salt in the Maha Sarakham formation, northeast of Thailand is 24 separated into 2 basins: the Sakon Nakhon basin and the Khorat basin. Both 3 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 basins contain three distinct salt units: Upper, Middle and Lower members. 2 Figure 2 shows a typical stratigraphic section of the Maha Sarakham formation. 3 The Sakon Nakhon basin in the north covers an area of approximately 17,000 4 square kilometers. The Khorat basin in the south covers more than 30,000 5 square kilometers (Figure 3). Warren (1999) gives a detailed description of the 6 salt and geology of the basins. From over 300 exploratory boreholes drilled 7 primarily for mineral exploration, Suwanich (1978) estimates the geologic reserve 8 of the three salt members from both basins as 18 MM tons. Vattanasak (2006) has 9 re-compiled the borehole data and proposes a preliminary design for salt solution 10 mining caverns based on a series of finite element analyses, and suggests that the 11 inferred reserve for solution mining of the Lower Salt member of the Khorat 12 basin is about 20 billion tons. This estimate excludes residential and national 13 forest areas. 14 Figure 3 also shows the areas where the brine pumping have been 15 practiced. Depths of the shallowest salt in those areas vary from 40 m to 200 16 m. It belongs to the Middle or Lower member, depending on locations. Most 17 of the brine pumping practices are, however, in the areas where the 18 topography is flat, groundwater table is near the surface, and the salt depth is 19 less than 50 m in the Sakon Nakhon basin, and about 100 m in the Khorat 20 basin (Jenkunawat, 2005; Wannakao et al., 2005). 21 investigation, Jenkunawat (2007) states that the surface subsidence normally 22 occurs in the areas where depth of the shallowest salt is less than 50 m. The 23 overburden consists mainly of mudstone siltstone and sandstone of the Middle 24 Clastic, and claystone and mudstone of the Lower Clastic, with fractures 4 Based on field Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 typically dipping less than 30 degrees, and rarely at 70 degrees (Crosby, 2007). 2 The members are characterized by abundant halite and anhydrite-filled 3 fractures and bands with typical thickness of 2 cm to 5 cm. 4 Direct shear tests performed in this research yield the cohesion and 5 friction angle of 0.30 MPa and 27° for the smooth saw-cut surfaces prepared 6 from the Middle Clastic siltstone. More mechanical properties for these clastic 7 members are summarized by Wannakao et al. (2004) and Crosby (2007). 8 9 Statistical Analysis of Ground Survey Data 10 A statistical method is developed to determine the maximum 11 subsidence magnitude, maximum slope profile, curvature of the ground 12 surface, and the cavern location. The regression is performed on the ground 13 survey data obtained from subsiding areas. It is assumed here that the cavern 14 model is a half-oval shaped with the maximum diameter, w, located at the 15 contact between the salt and the overburden. The ground surface, overburden 16 and salt are horizontal. Figure 4 identifies the variables used in this study. The 17 radius of influence (B/2) represents the radius of the subsiding area where the 18 vertical downward movement of the ground equals 1 cm or greater. 19 The survey data referred to here are the vertical displacements of the 20 ground surface (z) measured at various points respected to a global x-y 21 coordinate (Figure 5). A hyperbolic function modified from Singh (1992) is 22 proposed to govern the characteristics of surface subsidence profile. It 23 expresses the subsidence function, S(ri) (subsidence magnitude at point ‘i’, 24 where i varied from 1 to the total number of measurements, n) as: 5 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 S(ri ) a 0 tanh( 10a1ri a 2 ) a 3 (i = 1, 2, 3…….n) (1) 2 3 where ri (x i a 4 )2 ( yi a 5 )2 (2) 4 5 ri = distance from data point ‘i’ to the center of the group of data, 6 xi, yi = coordinates of subsidence measured at point ‘i’ 7 a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5 are constants related to the subsidence 8 components and coordinates of the maximum subsidence location, 9 which can be defined as: 10 a0 = half of the maximum subsidence (Smax), 11 a1 = scaling factor, 12 a2 = planar offset, 13 a3 = vertical offset, 14 a4 = xi/n, and 15 a5 = yi/n. 16 The above equation is modified from the hyperbolic function of Singh 17 (1992) to allow a statistical analysis of field measurement data, and 18 subsequently provides a smooth three-dimensional profile of surface 19 subsidence for further analysis. 20 21 Similarly, the maximum slope (G) of the surface subsidence induced at the inflection point can be determined as: 22 23 G S(ri ) 10a 0 a1 sec h 2 (10a1ri a 2 ) (3) 6 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 The maximum curvature (ρ) of the ground surface is calculated as: 2 3 S(ri ) 200a 0a1 sec h 2 (10a1ri a 2 ) tanh( 10a1ri a 2 ) 2 (4) 4 5 Regression analysis of the survey data using equation (1) will provide 6 the three subsidence components and cavern location. These components will 7 be correlated with the cavern depth and diameter in the following section. The 8 regression also provides a smooth profile of the subsidence in three-dimension, 9 as shown in Figure 5. Accuracy of the results depends on the number of the 10 field measurements. 11 It is recognized that several theoretical models and governing 12 equations have been developed to predict the subsiding characteristics of the 13 ground surface induced by underground openings (e.g., Nieland, 1991; Shu 14 and Bhattacharyya, 1993; Cui et al., 2000; Asadi et al., 2005). Singh (1992) 15 also proposes several profile functions to represent the subsidence 16 characteristics above mine openings. Singh’s hyperbolic function is used here 17 because it is simple and can provide results close to those obtained from 18 numerical simulations (discussed in the next section). 19 20 21 Finite Difference Simulations Finite difference analyses are performed to correlate the surface 22 components with the cavern depth and diameter. The FLAC code (Itasca, 1992) 23 is used here to simulate the subsidence magnitude, surface slope, cavern roof 24 deformation and radius of influence on the surface. The variables include 7 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 cavern diameter, cavern depth, and overburden mechanical properties. To 2 cover the entire range of the cavern ground conditions, over 400 finite 3 difference meshes have been constructed to represent cavern diameters (w) 4 varying from 20 m to 100 m with an interval of 10 m, and the cavern depths (d) 5 from 40, 60 to 80 m. Figure 6 gives an example of the computer model. The 6 analysis is made in axial symmetry and under a hydrostatic stress field. The 7 cavern is assumed to be half-oval shaped, and is under hydrostatic pressure of 8 saturated brine. The groundwater table is assumed to be at the ground surface. 9 The cavern is assumed under drained condition. The overburden is 10 represented by a single unit of clastic rock with deformation moduli varying 11 from 20, 40, 60, to 80 MPa, and internal friction angles from 20, 40, to 60 12 degrees. The cohesion is assumed to be zero in all cases. This assumption is 13 supported by the experimental results of Barton (1974) and Grøneng et al. 14 (2009) who found that the cohesion of rock mass comprising claystone, 15 mudstone and siltstone were zero or negligible. The overburden is assumed to 16 behave as an elastic – plastic material. The overburden behaves as linear 17 elastic material when the shear stress is less than the shear strength defined by 18 the friction angle. When the shear stress exceeds the strength the overburden 19 behaves as perfectly plastic material. 20 derivation of yield and potential functions for this elastic – plastic material are 21 given in detail by Itasca (1992). The mechanical properties of the clastic rock 22 used here are within the range of those compiled by Thiel and Zabuski (1993). 23 After several trials, the critical cavern diameters (the maximum 24 diameter before failure occurs) can be determined along with their 8 The constitutive equations and Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 corresponding cavern depths, roof deformations, and mechanical properties of 2 the overburden. This, therefore, represents the critical condition as defined by 3 Singh (1992). 4 Figure 7 plots the maximum surface slope (G) normalized by the 5 critical diameter (wcri) as a function of the overburden friction angles () for 6 various deformation moduli (Em). For each deformation modulus, the 7 normalized maximum slope (G/wcri) increases with the friction angle, which 8 can be represented by an exponential equation. Their empirical constants A0 9 and B0 depend on the deformation modulus. A power equation can be used to 10 correlate A0 and B0 with the deformation modulus Em, as shown in Figure 7. 11 The normalized maximum slope can be expressed as: 12 13 G / w cri 0.0012E m 0.849 exp( 0.0103E0m.27 ) [m-1] (5) 14 15 The cavern depth at the critical condition decreases with increasing 16 deformation modulus (Figure 8). The depth normalized by the critical 17 diameter (d/wcri), can be expressed as a function of Em as: 18 19 d / w cri (0.02130.636)Em 1.55 exp( 0.0163) (6) 20 21 Similar to the derivation above, the relationships for the vertical 22 deformation of the cavern roof (RS) and the radius of influence on the surface 23 (B/2) can also be developed (Figures 9 and 10). 24 9 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 R s / Smax,cri (105 0.0058)E m 0.0519 4.393 (7) B / w cri 0.109 exp( 0.0576)Em 2.844 exp( 0.0094) (8) 2 3 4 5 The same procedure is used for the sub-critical condition. The 6 correlation results are shown in Figures 11 through 13, and can be expressed 7 by the following equations: 8 9 G/w 0.12 0.36E m 0.412 0.0012E m (Smax [m-1] ) (9) 10 11 0.1743) d / w (0.0002Em 0.132)G(0.7 E m (10) 12 13 0.386) 0.0432E m R s / w (0.205E m0.701) S(max (11) 14 15 The computer simulations are compared with those calculated by 16 Singh’s hyperbolic function for some cases in Figure 14. FLAC simulation 17 gives the subsidence magnitudes about 10% greater than those from the 18 hyperbolic function. The maximum surface slopes calculated from both 19 methods are similar. 20 21 Example of Calculation 22 This section shows how to determine the cavern depth and diameter 23 from an example set of survey data, as given in Table 1. The variables xi, yi 10 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 are the local coordinates of point i, and zi (equivalent to S(ri) in equation 1) is 2 the vertical displacement at point i. Regression of these data using equation (1) 3 results in a maximum subsidence at the center of the cavern equal to 0.46 m. 4 Equation (3) determines the maximum slope at the inflection point as 0.013. 5 This example assumes that the deformation modulus of the overburden is 6 known and equal to 20 MPa, with a friction angle equal to 40°. This example 7 assumes that the groundwater table is at the ground surface. 8 Under critical condition, the cavern diameter and depth can be 9 estimated from equations (5) through (7), as 54.6 m and 41.9 m. The roof 10 deformation and radius of influence are 1.02 m and 59 m. If the ground is 11 under sub-critical condition, the cavern diameter and depth are predicted as 12 55.6 m and 43.2 m, with the roof deformation and radius of influence equal to 13 1.25 m and 60.6 m. It can be seen that the solutions are not unique depending 14 on whether the cavern is under sub-critical or critical condition. The cavern 15 diameter, roof deformation and radius of influence can, however, be calculated 16 if the cavern depth can be pre-defined. Within the brine pumping areas, the 17 depth of the cavern roof or of the overburden-salt interface can often be 18 determined from interpolating or extrapolating from the existing drill holes or 19 brine pumping wells. 20 21 Super-Critical Condition 22 Two scenarios can occur when the subsidence reaches its super-critical 23 condition (collapse of cavern roof and overburden), which is dictated by the 24 cavern height. If the cavern height is equal to or less than the roof deformation, 11 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 the immediate roof rock will touch the cavern floor. Vertical movement of the 2 ground may or may not continue, depending on whether the salt floor 3 dissolution is continued. In this case, the subsidence is likely to be small, the 4 subsiding area is relatively flat, and development of a sinkhole is unlikely. 5 If the cavern height is, however, significantly greater than the critical 6 roof deformation, failure of the cavern roof can occur under the super-critical 7 condition. The failure can progress upward and may lead to a sinkhole 8 development. In this case, the cavern location can be evidently defined, but 9 accurate prediction of the cavern diameter and depth is virtually impossible. 10 Subsurface investigations by Jenkunawat (2005) and Wannakao and Walsri 11 (2007) reveals that collapsing of the roof rock above some caverns in a brine 12 pumping area has also resulted in a large void remaining in the overburden. 13 The difficulty in predicting the cavern configurations under super-critical 14 condition is due to the complexity of the post failure behavior of the rock mass 15 and movement of the joint system. 16 17 Discussions and Conclusions 18 Regression analysis of the ground survey data can provide a smooth 19 and representative profile of the surface subsidence which agrees reasonably 20 well with the hyperbolic function proposed by Singh (1992). An analytical 21 method developed from the results of finite difference analyses can be used to 22 determine the cavern depth and diameter under sub-critical and critical 23 conditions. The two conditions can be distinguished if the cavern depth is 24 known, in most cases probably by interpolating between nearby boreholes or 12 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 wells exploratory. Accuracy of the prediction depends on the number of the 2 field measurements used in the regression analyses, the uniformity properties 3 of the overburden areas, and the configurations of the caverns. 4 correlations of the subsidence components with the overburden mechanical 5 properties and cavern geometry are applicable to the range of site conditions 6 specifically imposed here (e.g., half oval-shaped cavern created at the 7 overburden-salt interface, horizontal rock units, flat ground surface, and 8 saturated condition). These relations may not be applicable to other subsidence 9 induced under different rock characteristics or different configurations of the 10 caverns. The proposed method is not applicable under super-critical conditions 11 where post-failure behavior of the overburden rock mass is not only 12 unpredictable but also complicated by the system of joints. The proposed 13 method is useful as a predictive tool to identify the configurations of a solution 14 cavern and the corresponding subsidence components induced by the brine 15 pumping practices. Subsequently, remedial measure can be implemented to 16 minimize the impact from the cavern development before severe subsidence or 17 sinkhole occurs. 18 13 The Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 Acknowledgements 2 The research is funded by Suranaree University of Technology. Permission to 3 publish this paper is gratefully acknowledged. 4 5 References 6 Asadi, A., Shahriar, K., Goshtasbi, K., and Najm, K. (2005). 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(2007). Results of drilling to study occurrence of salt cavities 13 and surface subsidence Ban Non Sabaeng and Ban Nong Kwang, Sakon 14 Nakhon. Proceedings of the 1st Thailand Symposium on Rock 15 Mechanics; 13-14 september 2007; Suranaree University of Technology, 16 Nakhon Ratchasima, p. 257-274. 17 Nieland, J.D. (1991). SALT_SUBSID: A PC-Based Subsidence Model, 18 Research project report No.1991-2-SMRI, Solution Mining Research 19 Institute, 67p. 20 Shu, D.M. and Bhattacharyya, A.K. (1993). Prediction of sub-surface 21 subsidence movements due to underground coal mining. Geotechnical 22 and Geological Engineering, Springer Netherlands. 11(4):221-234. 15 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 Singh, M.M. (1992). Mine subsidence. In: SME Mining Engineering 2 Handbook. Hartman, H.L. (ed). Society for Mining Metallurgy and 3 Exploration, Inc., Littleton, Colorado, p. 938-971. 4 Suwanich, P. (1978). Potash in northeastern of Thailand. Economic Geology 5 Document No. 22. Bangkok: Economic Geology, Division, Department 6 of Mineral Resources, 302p. 7 Thiel, K. and Zabuski, L. (1993). Rock mass investigations in hydroengineering. 8 In: Comprehensive Rock Engineering. Hudson, J.A. (ed). Pergamon Press, 9 London, 3:839-861. 10 Vattanasak, H. (2006). Salt reserve estimation for solution mining in the Khorat 11 basin, [M.Eng. thesis]. School of Geoteechnology, Institute of Engineering, 12 Suranaree University of Technology. Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 190p. 13 Wannakao, L. and Walsri, C. (2007). Subsidence models in salt production 14 area. Proceedings of the 1st Thailand Symposium on Rock Mechanics; 15 13-14 september 2007; Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon 16 Ratchasima, p. 311-321. 17 Wannakao, L., Janyakorn, S., Munjai, D., and Vorarat, A. (2004). Geological 18 and geotechnical properties analysis of overburden and salt formations 19 in the northeast for surface subsidence model. Final Research Report, 20 Department of Geotechnology, Khon Kaen University, 70p. 21 Wannakao, L., Munjai, D., and Janyakorn, S. (2005). Geotechnical 22 investigation of surface subsidence at Ban Non Sabaeng salt production 23 area, Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. International Conference on Geology, 16 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 1 Geotechnical and Mineral Resources of Indochina (GEOINDO 2005).; 2 28-30 November 2005; Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, p. 282. 3 Warren, J. (1999). Evaporites: Their Evolution and Economics. Fourth edition. 4 Oxford: Blackwell Science,438p. 17 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Table 1. Example of ground survey data measured in subsiding area i xi (m) yi (m) zi (m) i xi (m) yi (m) zi (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2.5 -2.5 5.0 3.0 -5.0 10.0 6.0 -10.0 -6.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 -12.0 20.0 12.0 -12.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 9.0 0.0 16.0 16.0 -0.400 -0.400 -0.400 -0.450 -0.450 -0.450 -0.470 -0.470 -0.390 -0.390 -0.390 -0.390 -0.390 -0.420 -0.420 -0.270 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0.0 25.0 15.0 -25.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 40.0 45.0 0.0 -30.0 -54.7 0.0 48.0 0.0 -48.0 20.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 40.0 0.0 54.7 64.0 80.0 64.0 -0.270 -0.270 -0.270 -0.270 -0.270 -0.250 -0.250 -0.250 -0.150 -0.150 -0.150 -0.050 -0.050 -0.015 -0.015 -0.015 18 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Figure 1. Some sinkholes caused by brine pumping at Nonsabaeng village, Nongkwang, Banmuang district, Sakon Nakhon (Wannakao et al., 2004) 19 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Figure 2. Stratigraphic units from some boreholes drilled outside the brine pumping areas in Sakon Nakhon basin (top row - modified from Jenkunawat, 2005) and in Khorat basin (bottom row - modified from Vattanasak, 2006) 20 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Sakon Nakhon basin Khorat basin LEGEND Brine pumping area Figure 3. Brine pumping areas in Khorat and Sakon Nakhon salt basins . 21 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Figure 4. Variables used in this study 22 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Z Y X Z Y X Figure 5. Regression of ground survey data (top) to obtain a representative hyperbolic profile of ground surface (bottom). Vertical scale is greatly exaggerated. 23 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Overburden Salt Figure 6. Example of finite difference mesh used in FLAC simulation. Analysis is made in axial symmetry. H = 5 m, d = 60 m, w = 60 m, B = 172 m, E m = 40 MPa, and = 20º 24 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 G/wcri = A0·exp(B0), where; A0 = αA0·Em βA0; B0 = αB0·Em βB0 Em (MPa) 20 40 60 80 A0 10-4 5×10-5 4×10-5 3×10-5 αA0 βA0 0.0012 -0.849 B0 0.0222 0.0294 0.0302 0.0324 αB0 βB0 0.0103 0.27 Figure 7. Maximum slope to critical cavern width ratio (G/wcri) as a function of friction angle () for various deformation moduli (Em). A0, B0, αA0, βA0, αB0 and βB0 are empirical constants. 25 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 d/wcri = -A1·Em + B1, where; A1 = αA1· βA1; B1 = αB1· exp(βB1·) A1 αA1 βA1 B1 αB1 βB1 (Degrees) 20 0.0032 1.126 40 0.0020 0.0213 -0.636 0.797 1.55 -0.0163 60 0.0016 0.586 Figure 8. Cavern depth to critical cavern width ratio (d/wcri) as a function of deformation modulus (Em) for various friction angles (). A1, B1, αA1, βA1, αB1 and βB1 are empirical constants. 26 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Rs/Smax,cri = -A2·Em + B2, where; A2 = αA2· + βA2; B2 = αB2· + βB2 (Degrees) 20 40 60 A2 0.0055 0.0053 0.0050 αA2 βA2 -10-5 0.0058 B2 3.30 2.44 1.22 αB2 βB2 -0.0519 4.393 Figure 9. Roof deformation to maximum subsidence ratio at critical condition (Rs/Smax, cri) as a function of deformation modulus (Em) for various friction angles. A2, B2, αA2, βA2, αB2 and βB2 are empirical constants. 27 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 B/wcri = A3·Em + B3, where; A3 = αA3· exp(βA3·); B3 = αB3· exp(βB3·) (Degrees) 20 40 60 Figure 10. A3 0.0340 0.0114 0.0034 αA3 βA3 0.11 -0.058 B3 2.379 1.909 1.631 αB3 βB3 2.844 -0.0094 Diameter of influence to critical cavern width ratio (B/wcri) as a function of deformation modulus (Em) for various friction angles. A3, B3, αA3, βA3, αB3 and βB3 are empirical constants. 28 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 G/w = A4·SmaxB4, where; A4 = αA4·Em βA4; B4 = αB4·Em βB4 Em (MPa) 20 40 60 80 Figure 11. A4 3.63×10-4 2.59×10-4 2.32×10-4 2.03×10-4 αA4 βA4 0.0012 -0.412 B4 0.504 0.560 0.593 0.587 αB4 βB4 0.36 0.12 Maximum slope to cavern width ratio (G/w) as a function of maximum subsidence (Smax) for various defromation moduli (Em). A4, B4, αA4, βA4, αB4 and βB4 are empirical constants. 29 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 d/w = A5·G-B5, where; A5 = αA5·Em + βA5; B5 = αB5·EmβB5 Em (MPa) A5 αA5 βA5 B5 20 0.1294 0.422 40 0.1305 0.353 -0.0002 0.132 60 0.1204 0.348 80 0.1196 0.329 Figure 12. αB5 βB5 0.7 -1.743 Cavern depth to cavern width ratio (d/w) as a function of maximum slope (G) for various deformation moduli (Em). A5, B5, αA5, βA5, αB5 and βB5 are empirical constants. 30 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Rs/w = A6·SmaxB6, where; A6 = αA6·EmβA6; B6 = αB6·EmβB6 Em (MPa) 20 40 60 80 A6 0.0246 0.0161 0.0114 0.0094 αA6 βA6 0.205 -0.701 B6 0.132 0.193 0.209 0.226 αB6 βB6 0.0432 0.386 Figure 13. Ratio of roof deformation to cavern width ratio (Rs/w) as a function of maximum subsidence (Smax) for various deformation moduli (Em). A6, B6, αA6, βA6, αB6 and βB6 are empirical constants. 31 Received: 23 Jan, 2009 Figure 14. FLAC simulations compared with hyperbolic function calculations for = 20, Em = 20 MPa, d = 40 m and w = 40 m 32