AP Debate Speech Outline (Must Be Typed)

Debate Speech Outline (Must Be Typed)
 Minimum of five sources – at least one is non-electronic (meaning information source is a book,
magazine, or newspaper that originated in a print format) and one must be a video source.
 Bibliography page in MLA Format
 Follows outline given below
 Correct in-text citations with use of quotes, paraphrase or summary
Points to Remember
 Use MLA parenthetical citations for source information (Alexander 51).
 Use parallel structure in outline.
I. School uniforms create a safe academic environment. (Subject, verb, idea)
A. Increasing gang violence has caused…(participial phrase)
B. Eliminating social distinction…(participial phrase)
II. Mandated apparel eliminates economic status based on clothing (Subject,
verb, …)
A. With the introduction of ______________, (introductory clause)
B. By the year 2008, (introductory clause)
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter (Question, Startling/Interesting Statistic, Startling Statement, Anecdote,
Quotation, etc.)
B. Claim: Your position and reasons (2-3 Main Ideas that support your position)
II. First Main Idea/Point that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and
powerful/appropriate vocabulary.
A. First example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)
B. Second example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)
C. Third example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)
D. Optional Examples
E. Concluding thought for this point. Reconnect to claim.
III. Second Main Idea/Point that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and
powerful/appropriate vocabulary.
A. First example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)
B. Second example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)
C. Third example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)
D. Optional examples
E. Concluding thought for this point. Reconnect to claim.
IV. Third and STRONGEST Main Idea that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and
powerful/appropriate vocabulary.
A. First example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)
B. Second example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)
C. Third example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)
D. Optional examples
E. Concluding thought for this point. Reconnect to claim
4th Main Idea (optional). Follow format listed above.
VI. Counterargument
A. Anticipate objections.
B. Establish common ground but immediately use transition to counter argue
C. Support position with evidence
D. Restate your three strongest points and explain why your argument is correct despite the opposition
(keep appropriate tone!).
Power Conclusion
Restate claim
Impact your reader by asking a question, challenging the reader, adding a powerful summary
statement, restate the importance of the topic, paint a picture of what the world will be like in the
future (in relation to your topic, etc.)
Four Person Team Debate Format
The debate will consist of 2 – 4 student teams, affirmative and negative.
Stance will be decided by a coin toss a beginning of debate
Each team will have 4 debaters.
Two debaters will deliver a prepared constructive speech, two will deliver an extemporaneous rebuttal
speech, and all will assist in answering the cross examination questions from the student audience.
The constructive speech should be 4- 6 minutes long.
There will be 10 minutes cross examination time after the constructive speeches have been given. Questions
will be asked from the student audience.
The rebuttal speech should be between 3 and 5 minutes long. Each team will have five minutes to prepare
the rebuttal speech.
The student audience will write down at least 5 questions for either team, members will be able to ask their
questions during the cross examination period and select an overall winner after the rebuttal speeches have
been given.
Speaking Schedule:
#1 Affirmative Debater's Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)
#1 Negative Debater's Constructive Speech (4-6 minute)
#2 Affirmative Debater's Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)
#2 Negative Debater's Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)
** Audience Questioning ** (10 minutes)
** Brief preparation time for rebuttal speeches ** (5 minutes)
#3 Negative Debater's Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)
#3 Affirmative Debater's Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)
#4 Negative Debater's Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)
#4 Affirmative Debater's Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)