Situation Manual Time Allotted Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Exercise Play No Image During the exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements: For the purpose of this exercise the designers have developed information and materials on a simulated shelter activated due to an approaching category two hurricane. This exercise is designed to assist nursing students and others to assess the various capabilities of providing Disaster Health Services in a shelter environment. It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions. Thoroughly review all scenarios and injects as they are presented during the exercise. Identify one individual to be responsible for inputting responses to the exercise injects. After the exercise each team member that participated in the exercise will need to log into the ONX System to complete their individual Hotwash to receive their Certificate of Participation. If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at: Phone Number - 724-444-7444 Account Number - 79799 # Identification Number - 1 # Time Allotted 20 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 2 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Scenario – # 001 Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag It is late July and local citizens have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making their last minute plans for their summer vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks. By early August individuals, families, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of the season’s first tropical storm. National Hurricane Center - Tropical Storm Adam Advisory # 5 - Monday - 8/2/2011 - 11:00AM EDT The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Adam. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 24 to 48 hours. Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement Category 37 MPH 7 MPH Tropical Storm Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 3 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 002 Image of Hurricane Preparedness Activities You have been trained and are ready to assist hurricane evacuees in a local shelter as an American Red Cross Disaster Health Services volunteer. Yes No Have you taken the time to prepare yourself, your family and your pets for the approaching hurricane or other disasters? If the above answer is yes. – List in detail three disaster preparedness activities that you have personally implemented. Activity # 1: Activity # 2: Activity # 3: If the above answer is no. – Explain why you have not taken actions to prepare a personal / family disaster plan. Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 4 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Scenario – # 003 Image of National Hurricane Center National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam Advisory # 12 - Wednesday - 8/4/2011 - 5:00AM EDT The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Adam to Hurricane Adam. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to intensify over the next 48 hours. Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement Category 76 MPH 4 MPH One Time Allotted 10 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 5 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 004 Image of Notification As Hurricane Adam approaches the region would you wait for the American Red Cross to contact you or would you make contact with the American Red Cross offering your assistance? Wait To Be Contacted Contact the American Red Cross Identify the contact information for your local American Red Cross chapter (phone number, address, e-mail, web site). Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 6 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Scenario – # 005 Image of Hurricane Warning National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam Advisory # 21 - Friday - 8/6/2011 - 11:00AM EDT The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Hurricane Adam to a category two storm. The storm continues its forward movement along its projected path. The Hurricane Watch for the region has been up-graded to a Hurricane Warning indicating that the storm should arrive in the region within the next 24 to 36 hours. Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement Category 98 MPH 6 MPH Two Time Allotted 10 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 7 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Scenario – # 006 No Image The local chapter of the American Red Cross has begun to gear up its disaster relief operations in preparation for Hurricane Adam making landfall in the region. While the storm is still a day or so away the chapter has activated its agreement with the local school district to utilize the district’s high school as a shelter. Within several hours the shelter management team has opened the high school as a shelter and is greeting individuals and families that have evacuated their homes prior to the storm’s arrival. CLICK ON VIDEO TO PLAY Hurricane - Video # 1 – Shelter Activation The high school does not have a generator so when the electricity is lost the only available lighting will be via flashlights and battery powered lanterns. Access the list of Health Services supplies available at the shelter. Upon arriving at the shelter you are quickly assigned to assisting other volunteers with registering evacuees as they arrive. Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 8 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 007 Image of Senior Citizen Tom Hartwell the neighbor of Shirley Jones, an 87 year old widow, has just dropped her off at the shelter because her home is subject to flooding during heavy rain events like a hurricane. The current medical conditions of Mrs Jones are: Uses a walker for mobility. On Oxygen 24 hours a day. Has congestive heart failure and takes numerous medications. During the registration process it is learned that Mrs Jones does not have any relatives that live in the area. Mrs Jones brought a walker, ten days of medications and a single portable tank (24 hours) of Oxygen with her to the shelter. Upon completing the Shelter Registration Form and questions one through nine of the Initial Intake / Assessment Tool (Instructions for completing Initial Intake / Assessment Tool) Mrs Jones is directed to you to complete the health screening portion of shelter intake. Upon completing the health screening will Mrs Jones be admitted to the shelter? Yes No If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the accommodations that will need to be made for her. If the above answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told? Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 9 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 008 Image of Disaster Health Shelter In addition to screening health related issues of individuals as they register to stay at the shelter identify and briefly describe three other roles that Disaster Health Services would support as part of shelter operations. Role # 1: Role # 2: Role # 3: Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 10 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Scenario – # 009 Image of Emergency Responders As the storm begins to move through the region wind and rain begins to pound the community. Emergency agencies (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the increasing wind speed associated with the hurricane. As the wind begins to up-root trees, destroy utility distribution systems and damage homes and businesses, residents who have evacuated the area continue to monitor the conditions on CNN and the Weather Channel wondering if they will have a home to which they can return. National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Adam Advisory # 25 - Saturday - 8/7/2010 - 11:00AM EDT Hurricane Adam continues to move through the region. Wind Speed Forward Movement Category 107 MPH 5 MPH Two CLICK ON VIDEO TO PLAY Hurricane - Video # 1 – Hurricane Winds The winds from Hurricane Adam begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area. Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 11 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 010 Image of Stress While Hurricane Adam has moved out the region the effects of the category two storm are wide spread. Several of the shelter residents have portable radios with them and have been monitoring local radio stations that remained on the air during the storm. News reports indicate that roads have been washed out or are blocked with storm debris, homes throughout the area have been adversely affected with many sustaining moderate to heavy damage and electrical utilities are down throughout the region. Upon hearing this news Bob Highsmith, a shelter resident begins to worry about his parents, who are in their early 80s, because they decided to ride the storm out at home. When Mr Highsmith checked-in to the shelter he indicated that he was on several psychotropic medications due to his severe depression. June Lockhardt, a fellow shelter resident, has noticed that Mr Highsmith is extremely agitated. He has told Ms Lockhardt that he is concerned that his parents may have been injured during the storm and need help. She has approached the Disaster Health Services team to see if someone could assist Mr Highsmith. Will you be able to assist Mr Highsmith? Yes No If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe what assistance can be provided to Mr Highsmith. Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 12 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Operation Shelter Care – Inject – # 011 Image of Public Health Assisting shelter residents with their health and mental health needs will be a large undertaking and involve many government agencies and departments as well as community and faith based organizations. Identify three agencies, departments and / or organizations (Community Partners) as well as their available resources / services to which you can turn for assistance in meeting the health and medical needs of individuals and families residing at the shelter. Community Partner – Resources / Services # 1: Community Partner – Resources / Services # 2: Community Partner – Resources / Services # 3: Time Allotted 15 Minutes Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 13 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –