Considered At the methodical meeting of Department of Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics «30» August 2013 THEMATIC AND CALENDAR SCHEDULE OF MEDICAL BIOLOGY COURSE LECTURES, PRACTICES, INDEPENDENT WORKS IN THE 2013-2014 ACADEMIC YEAR FOR STUDENTS OF MEDICAL FACULTY (ENGLISH MEDIUM) MODULE 1. BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF HUMAN VITAL ACTIVITY Content module 1. “Molecular-cellular level of life organization” № 1. 2. 3. The themes of lectures Topic Hours Introduction to Medical Biology. A cell as 2 elementary morpho-functional biological unit. Molecular bases of heredity. Realization of 2 hereditary information. Cells level of reproduction. 2 Total № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 № 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 Date 2.09-13.09 16.09-27.09 30.09-11.10 6 The themes of practical classes Topic Hours Levels of living matter organization. Optical systems in 2 biological investigations. Cell membranes. Transport across the cell surface 2 membrane (plasma lemma). Cell morphology. Structural components of cytoplasm. 2 Chromosomes morphology. Human karyotype. 2 Characteristic of nucleic acids. The organization of the 2 information flow in cell. Genes structure in pro- and eukaryotes. Structural and 2 regulatory genes. Processes of genetic information realization. Cell cycle. Mitosis. 2 Reproduction – the basic property of living matter. 2 Meiosis. 2 Control of the module 1 Total 18 The themes for independent work Topic Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical experience. Topics, which are not included to the plan of academic practical classes. The organization of the way of biological things and energy in cell. Life of the cell outside the organism. Cell cloning. Preparing of the control of the learning module 1 Total Date 2.09-6.09 2.09-6.09 9.09-13.09 16.09-20.09 23.09-27.09 30.09-4.10 7.10 -11.10 14.10-18.10 21.10-25.10 Hours 2 1 1 2 6 MODULE 2. ORGANISM LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION OF THE ALIVE. BASIS OF HUMAN GENETICS Content module 2. “Basic principles of heredity and variability” № з/п 4. The themes of lectures Topic Hours Organism level of the genetic information organization. 2 Gene’s interaction. 5. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Sex genetics. 2 6. Variation in human as life property and genetic 2 phenomenon. Total 6 № 10 11 12 13 The themes of practical classes Topic Human Genetics peculiarity. Heredity laws and traits expression in Human organism (monohybrid and polyhybrid inheritance). Allelic and non-allelic gene’s interactions. Phenomena of pleiotropy. Linkage inheritance. Sex genetics. Sex-linked inheritance. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Linkage of gene’s. Crossing-over. Total Date 14.10-25.10 28.10-8.11 11.11-22.11 Hours 2 Date 28.10-1.11 2 4.11-8.11 2 2 11.11-15.11 18.11-22.11 8 The themes for independent work № Topic 1 Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical 2 experience. 2 Topics, which are not included to the plan of academic practical classes. 2.1 Genetic maps. Methods of the human chromosomes mapping. Current 1 state of human genome investigation. 2.2 Genetic dangerous of environment contamination. Conceptions about 2 antimutagenes and comutagens. Total 5 Hours Content module 3. “Methods of the human inheritance investigation. Hereditary diseases” The themes of lectures № Topic 7. The basic principles of human genetics. Methods of the 2 human inheritance investigation. 8. Genetic disorders of human. 2 Total 4 № з/п 14 15 The themes of practical classes Topic Variability of the organisms, its forms. Phenotypic and 2 genotypic variation. The basic principles of medical genetics. Gene’s and 2 Hours Date 25.11-6.12 9.12-20.12 Hours Date 25.11-29.11 2.12-6.12 chromosomal diseases. Cytogenetics and biochemical analysis of the human being. 16 Study of twins. Genealogy of human as the method of 2 human inheritance investigation. 17 Dermatoglyphics as the method of human inheritance 2 investigation. Genetic characters of human populations (Hardy-Weinberg law). 18 Practical skills of content modules 2 and 3. 2 Total 10 № 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 9.12-13.12 16.12-20.12 23.12-27.12 The themes for the independent work Topic Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical experience. Topics, which are not included to the plan of academic practical classes. Gene engineering. Biotechnology. Gene therapy. Methods of human genetics: dermatogliphics, immunologic, somatic cells hybridization. Practical skills of content modules 2 and 3. Total Hours 3 1 1 3 8 Content module 4. “Biology of individual development” № 9. 10. The themes of lectures Topic Molecular and genetic mechanisms of ontogenesis. Breaks of the ontogeny and their place in human pathology. Modern aspects of regeneration and transplantation. Biological mechanisms of homeostasis of the organism. Total № 19 20 21 22 Total № 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 Hours 2 Date 23.12-10.01 2 13.01-24.01 4 The themes of practical classes Topic Peculiarities of prenatal period of human development. Postnatal period of human development Aging as the finishing stage of human ontogeny. Theories of ageing. Control of the module 2 Hours 2 2 2 2 8 Date 30.12-10.01 13.01-17.01 13.01-17.01 20.01-24.01 The themes for the independent work Topic Hours Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical 2 experience. Topics, which are not included to the plan of academic practical classes. The notion about aura, biological rhythms and their medical importance. 1 Regeneration and its types: physiological and reparative. Levels and 2 ways of regeneration. Preparing of the control of the learning module 2 2 Total 7 II semester MODULE 3 "POPULATION-SPECIES, LEVELS OF LIFE ORGANIZATION" BIOGEOCENOTIC AND BIOSPHERIC Content module 5. “Medical and Biological Basis of Parasitism. Medical Protozoology” The themes of lectures № Topic Hours Date 11 The medical biological bases of parasitism. Protozoa are human parasites. Total № 23 24 25 Total № 1 2 11 № 12 Total № 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 2 The themes of practical classes Topic Hours Date Medical Protozoology. Phylum Sarcomastigophora, Classis 2 Lobozea. Phylon Ciliophora. Classis Rimostomatea. Representatives of the Classis Zoomastigophora – human 2 parasites. Phylum Apicomplexa. Representatives of the Classis 2 Sporozoa – human parasites. 6 The themes for the independent work Topic Hours Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical 2 experience. Preparing of themes, which don’t in plan of auditory classes. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by protozoa parasites. 1 Total 3 Content module 6. “Medical Helminthology” The themes of lectures Topic Hours Medical Helminthology. Flat and nematode worms are human 2 parasites. 2 The themes of practical classes Topic Phylum Plathelmintes. Classis Trematoda: Trematodes of the liver and lancet-like. Classis Trematoda: Intestinal Trematodes, Trematodes of the lungs, Trematodes of the blood. Classis Cestoidea: beef tapeworm, pork tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm. Classis Cestoidea: Echinococcus, Alveococcus, broad tapeworm (fish tapeworm). Phylum Nemathelminthes. Classis Nematoda: large intestinal roundworm, pinworm (seatworm), whipworm. Phylum Nemathelminthes. Classis Nematoda: Ancylostoma duodenale, Strongiloides stercoralis, Trichinella spiralis. Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 Date Date 32 Total № 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 Practical skills of content modules 5 and 6 “Medical 2 Protozoology’’ and “Medical Helminthology” 14 The themes for the independent work Topic Hours Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical experience. Preparing of themes, which don’t in plan of auditory classes. Blood flukes. Agents of metagonimosis and nanophoetosis. Guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis) and Filaria – agents of diseases. Practical skills of content modules 5 and 6 Total 4 1 1 3 9 Content module 7. “Medical Arachnoentomology” № 13 The themes of lectures Topic Medical Arachnoentomology. Arthopods as the carriers of human infections and invasions. Total № 33 34 35 Total № з/п 1 2 2.1 2.2 Hours Date 2 2 The themes of practical classes Topic Hours Phylum Arthropoda. Classis Arachnoidea. Ticks (Acarina) – 2 the carriers of human infections and invasions Classis Insecta: Diptera – the carriers of human infections and 2 invasions Classis Insecta: lise and fleas – the carriers of human 2 infections and invasions. 6 The themes for independent work Topic Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical 3 experience. Preparing of themes, which don’t in plan of auditory classes. Ticks and mites of human home or apartment and their medical 0,5 importance. Medical importance of blood sucking insects: characters, importance as 0,5 the intermediate hosts of helminthes and carriers of human infections. Total 4 Date Hours Content module 8. “Correlation between individual and historical development of the organism. Biosphere and human population” The themes of lectures № Topic Hours Date 14 Phylogenesis of main organ systems of Vertebrates. 2 Ontophylogenetic reasons for developmental defects. 15 Synthetic theory of evolution. Peculiarities of evolutionary factors 2 action in human population. Biosphere as a system supporting human being. Total 4 The themes of practical classes № Topic 36 Phylogenesis of main organ systems of Vertebrates (the cardiovascular systems system). Ontophylogenetic reasons for developmental defects. 37 Phylogenesis of main organ systems of Vertebrates (the excretory system). Ontophylogenetic reasons for developmental defects. 38 Biosphere as a system which keeps up global existence of mankind. Human ecology. 39 Synthetic theory of evolution. Population structure of mankind. 40 The control of the learning of the module 3 Total № 1 2 2.1 22 3 Total Hours 2 Date 2 2 2 2 10 The themes for the independent work Topic Preparing for practical classes – theoretical preparing and practical experience. Preparing of themes, which don’t in plan of auditory classes. Origin of human. Human races as the reflects of developmental adaptation. Poisonous plants and animals Practical skills of content module 3 Hours 3 2 2 3 10 Total hours/credit 165/5,5 Lectures 30 hours Practices 80 hours; Independent work 55 hours. Head teacher of the Department Of Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics Associate Professor Chupashko О.Ya.