Reading Comprehension, Read the Texts, Sentence Scramble

Dates: October 15-19
Magazine Lessons: School Days/ I’m Going on a Tour!/ Luxury Tours
Activity Focus: Reading Comprehension, Read the Texts, Sentence Scramble,
Partner Interview
Learning and Traveling
Part 1: Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer for each question. Use the information from the
conversations in your magazine.
October 15
1. What is Lily’s sister’s name?
A. Ashley
B. Amanda
C. Alisha
D. Annie
2. Why is Lily’s sister staying after school?
A. She is studying with some classmates.
B. She is practicing with the
C. She is meeting with her teacher.
D. She is talking with some friends.
3. How many classes does Lily’s sister have
each day?
A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine
October 16
4. What club does Lily’s sister belong to?
A. the game club
B. the cooking club
C. the international club
D. the foreign language club
5. Who played the flute in junior high school?
A. Amber
B. Susie
C. Lily
D. Carol
6. Lily had about _________ of homework
every night in junior high.
A. five hours
B. four hours
C. three hours
D. two hours
October 17
7. Who is Carol planning a trip with?
A. her husband
B. her mother
C. her son
D. her cousin
8. What can Carol see in Egypt?
A. the Nile River B. the Pyramids
C. museums
D. all of the above
9. How long is the “Exciting Egypt” tour?
A. 21 days
B. 14 days
C. eight days
D. three days
October 18
10. What is Carol doing online?
A. shopping for clothes
B. chatting with friends
C. buying plane tickets
D. searching for a tour
11. What does Carol want to do in Egypt?
A. see the Pyramids
B. visit the Egyptian Museum
C. take a cruise on the Nile River
D. all of the above
12. What do visitors get during the “Best of
Egypt” tour?
A. one day on the Nile River
B. 15 minutes at the Pyramids
C. half a day at the Egyptian Museum
D. three hours at an Egyptian restaurant
October 19
13. Tanya Tour works for a(n) _________ tour
A. luxury
B. Egypt
C. online
D. Italy
14. What is true about Tanya’s company’s tours?
A. People stay in cheap hotels.
B. The tour groups are very big.
C. The tour guides only speak Italian.
D. Customers enjoy the best local food.
15. What do Tanya’s customers learn to make in
A. spaghetti
B. gelato
C. dumplings
D. hamburgers
Part 2: Read the Texts. Read the texts. Then choose the correct words and write them in the
experiencing chance vacation sights
lucky tour wait
Hey! How was your trip? Did you
have a good 1. _____________?
What was the best 2. _____________?
Yes! We enjoyed it a lot!
I loved 3._____________ the
local culture.
Really? Like what?
That’s great! Did you see any
5. ______________?
You’re so 7. ______________! I
can’t 8. ______________ for my
9. ______________ to travel.
The local people really love music. There
are 4. ______________ playing on the
streets everywhere you go.
Yes. We went on a 6. ______________.
We saw a lot of unique places.
I’m sure you’ll have a great
Part 3: Sentence Scramble. Write the words of the following sentences in the right order.
1. get out does What time work Tina of
2. this Does you card to belong
3. favorite for The player cheered fans their
4. information I’m online for searching
5. a lot our We for payed vacation
6. bus Alison after to school get on the rushed
7. been you to River Have Nile the ever
8. school plays his the in flute band Ian
9. read Let’s Talk in English Did get a to yet you chance _______________________________
10. around go block for walk a short the Let’s
Part 4: Partner Interview. Interview a partner by asking him or her these questions.
Would you want to be in a band? Why or why not?
What time do you get out of work or school?
Where would you like to go on vacation? Why?
Do you like to be in big groups? Why or why not?
What clubs or groups do you belong to? Why did you join?
What kinds of things do you search for online? Why?