Emergency Evacuation Plan Internationally Recognised Codes Site Plan Wet Weather & Thunderstorm policy 9.1-9.2 9.3-9.4 9.5 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED CODES CODE RED: FIRE/SMOKE CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF OR OTHERS IN DANGER KNOW WHERE THE NEAREST FIRE EXITS ARE LOCATED KNOW THE EVACUATION PROCEDURE KNOW THE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER KNOW THE LOCATION OF A FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO USE IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE. CODE PURPLE: BOMB THREAT IF YOU FIND AN UNUSUAL PACKAGE/OBJECT CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR DO NOT TOUCH IT REPORT THE FIND EVACUATE THE AREA KEEP THE AREA CLEAR IF YOU RECEIVE A PHONE CALL OF A BOMB THREAT KEEP THE CALLER TALKING, NOTIFY SOMEONE ELSE ASK SET QUESTIONS WHERE IS IT WHAT IS IT TRY TO ASCERTAIN: AGE, ACCENT, CALM, MALE/FEMALE, USE OF LANGUAGE CODE BLACK: PERSONAL THREAT CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR (IF POSSIBLE) DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF OR OTHERS IN DANGER OBEY OFFENDERS INSTRUCTIONS STAY OUT OF DANGER BE DELIBERATE IN YOUR ACTION, DON’T MOVE SUDDENLY MOVE AWAY IF POSSIBLE OBSERVE DETAILS ABOUT OFFENDER TO REPORT CODE YELLOW: INTERNAL EMERGENCY E.G.: GAS LEAK, CHEMICAL SPILL, OR STRUCTURAL DAMAGE CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF OR OTHERS IN DANGER CALL FOR ASSISTANCE NOTIFY RELEVANT EMERGENCY SERVICE PREPARE FOR EVACUATION CODE BROWN: EXTERNAL EMERGENCY: GAS LEAK, CHEMICAL SPILL, MAJOR STORM WARNING, MAJOR INCIDENT CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF OR OTHERS IN DANGER CALL FOR ASSISTANCE PREPARE FOR EVACUATION CODE ORANGE: EVACUATION CODE BLUE: SUPERVISOR SHOULD NOTIFY OTHER STAFF AND PERSONS EVACUATE STAFF, PATRONS, TO A DESIGNATED EXTERNAL POINT HEAD COUNT (IF YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE INSIDE) GAIN PERMISSION TO RE-ENTER MEDICAL INCIDENT/EMERGENCY CALL FOR HELP/ NOTIFY SUPERVISOR CHECK FOR DANGER RENDER ASSISTANCE – RESPONSE, TOUCH AND TALK AIRWAY BREATHING, STABLE SIDE POSITION CIRCULATION, PULSE IN THE NECK UNCONSCIOUS PERSON: LEAVE ON THEIR SIDE, ENSURE AIRWAY IS CLEAR, AND CALL AN AMBULANCE DISORIENTATED PERSON AFTER A FALL, ASCERTAIN IF THEY ARE IN PAIN. IF THEY ARE NOT MOVING, BUT CONSCIOUS, ASSESS THE SITUATION TO DECIDE IF AN AMBULANCE IS REQUIRED MINOR INJURY, ASSESS AND MANAGE WITHIN LIMITATIONS IF YOU ARE NOT SURE, CALL AN AMBULANCE DOCUMENT ALL INCIDENTS. WHEN CALLING AN AMBULANCE: SA AMBULANCE (000 ) PROVIDE THE DETAILS ABOUT : TIME AND LOCATION OF INCIDENT CONDITION OF PATIENT, WHAT HAPPENED IDENTITY, AGE AND KNOWN MEDICAL CONDITIONS OF PATIENT (IF POSSIBLE) LOCATION OF PATIENT NAME OF SUPERVISOR/ CALLER OTHER INFORMATION AS REQUESTED TIME AMBULANCE CONTACTED IF THE INJURED/ILL PERSON DOES NOT WANT TO TRAVEL IN AN AMBULANCE, THEY CAN EXPRESS THAT TO THE AMBULANCE OFFICERS (WE ARE NOT LIABLE IF WE CALLED THE AMBULANCE AND THE PERSON DOES NOT USE IT) STAY CALM, AND ACT IN AN ORDERLY MANNER NOTIFY SUPERVISOR AND OTHERS IF NECESSARY OF THE EMERGENCY TACKLE THE EMERGENCY APPROPRIATELY WITHOUT CAUSING INJURY TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS IF NECESSARY, FOLLOW EVACUATION PROCEDURE Include Site Plan Example only. AQUATIC CENTRE EVACUATION PLAN Warning: Continued long- blasts of the siren Action: a) In the event of fire / emergency evacuate ground level through either exit, or evacuate the upper level through the outside stairway. b) Assemble at the front lawn assembly area (Emergency Evacuation Point) c) If any students are elsewhere collect them and direct to the same area d) Scat group together c) Instructors are to conduct a head count, and report any missing students / staff to Instructor Charge and visiting teachers. f) Keep groups together and await further instruction CARPARK Military Road LAWN AREA BEACH Lawn Area **EMERGENCY EVACUATION POINT** WLAC OFFICE & STAFF ROOM DISABLED TOILET S T AI R S GIRLS CHANGE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR Fire exit S T AI R S BOYS CHANGE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR Fire exit WLAC STORAG E AREA GOPUND FLOOR Fire exit CAR PARK EXIT/ENTERANCE TO MILITAY ROAD GROUND LEVEL Fire Exit WLAC STORAG E AREA Disa bled Boys change rooms and FIRE Toilets EXIT Girls chan ge room s and toilet s First Level WLAC Office Exit Staff Room Fire Exit Fire Wet Weather and Thunderstorm Policy: (refer S&A Handbook P70) Wet Weather: No more than 20 per cent of any program may be used for "dry" lessons such as showing films, playing games or safety talks. If weather conditions do not improve lessons must be cancelled. Thunderstorms In the event of a thunderstorm the Bureau of Meteorology recommends the following procedure. When the thunder becomes easily audible the storm is within 15 to 28 kilometres. Depending on atmospheric and wind conditions the storm can arrive at your position in as little as 5 minutes. As soon as thunder becomes easily audible, remove students from the water and immediately proceed to DRY GROUND. Seek shelter in a HARD TOP building or vehicle. Avoid small structures such as fabric tents, and single or small group of trees. Do not touch or move close to metal structures such as fences or metal clotheslines. If your hair stands on end or you hear buzzing from nearby rocks and fences, move to a new position immediately. Do not handle long or metallic objects in the open If in the open away from shelter, crouch down, preferably in a hollow with feet together, and remove any metal objects from head and body. Do not lie down but avoid being the highest object in the vicinity. If boating, get ashore as soon as possible. If unsafe to do so. Seek protection beneath a high structure such as a bridge or jetty. Avoid the use of telephones if possible, because the telephone system can become highly charged. If an emergency call is necessary, be brief.