Multidisciplinary Simulation Appendix : Checklists of critical elements ED Physicians Time Critical Elements Completed? Yes No Identify team leader and reporting structure Demonstrate effective resuscitation of trauma victim Perform effective maternal and fetal resuscitation Recognize need to activate Trauma Team and Code OB Demonstrate efficient management of a traumatic cardiac arrest Communicate effectively with team members Discuss patient condition with family ED Nursing Time Critical Elements Identify team leader and reporting structure Perform assessment of patient using the TNCC trauma nursing process sequence Recognize need to activate Trauma Team and Code OB Tilt backboard left lateral Setup rapid transfuser and 2 large bore intravenous catheters, obtain O negative blood and transfuse as needed Place tocometer on patient and obtain fetal heart rate Set up chest drainage unit and chest tube equipment and assist with connections Recognize signs of traumatic cardiac arrest and initiate ACLS resuscitation, compressions, and assist with intubation Set up OB cart 1 Completed? Yes No 1 Multidisciplinary Simulation Set up infant warmer with connections to oxygen, outlet, and heat. Set up Kangaroo Board**. Give report to OB, NICU, and OR nurses upon transfer of care Document assessment and interventions of resuscitation Trauma Time Critical Elements Completed? Yes No Responds to trauma activation page Locates patient Obtains report on patient Recognize the severity of patient scenario based on presentation & vital signs Performs thoracotomy with cross clamp and open cardiac massage Contacts OR to prepare for surgery Obstetrics-Gynecology/Labor & Delivery Time Critical Elements Responds to Code OB page Obtains report on patient Recognize the severity of patient scenario based on presentation & vital signs Establish gestational age based on bi-parietal diameter (physicians) Confirms fetal heart rate using ultrasound Assesses for vaginal bleeding Initiate fetal resuscitative measures (left lateral tilt) Obtains OB cart (if not already done by ED) 2 Completed? Yes No 2 Multidisciplinary Simulation Obtains infant warmer (if not already done by ED) Recognize need to implement surgical techniques for emergency surgeries (physicians) Perform appropriate surgical techniques for emergency surgeries (physicians) Perform medical interventions for maternal hemorrhage Prepares patient for surgery (nursing) Sponge and needle count (nursing) Calls 3B to admit baby (nursing) Assists NICU if possible/as needed (nursing) NICU Team Time Critical Elements Completed? Yes No Fellow, RN, and RCP gather kits and code beeper NICU team arrives in ED and obtains report on patient Troubleshoots infant warmer for connections (gas sources, electric) and heat Place neonate in plastic bag on warmer, attach pulse ox, place knit hat Initiate effective ventilation with NeoPuff on warmer and facemask while set up for intubation and emergent central venous line Perform orderly sequence of resuscitation interventions Select correct endotracheal tube size, correct distance for UVL placement, correct drug dosing and frequency Demonstrate competent use of bag/T-piece resuscitator, mask, laryngoscope, stethoscope, transilluminator, and line tray Legend: ED – emergency department; OB – obstetrics; NICU – neonatal intensive care; OR – operating room; ACLS – Advanced Cardiac Life Support; RCP – respiratory care practitioner; TNCC – Trauma Nursing Core Course; UVL – umbilical vein line 3 3 Multidisciplinary Simulation **- manufactured by Kangaroo Board, Chicago, IL 4 4