Questionnaire Ethics Review Board Institute of Education and Child

Ethics Review Board
Institute of Education and Child Studies
Questionnaire Ethics Review Board
Institute of Education and Child Studies
- Regular meetings are planned ten times a year. Please submit your application on time. See the
website for the deadlines for submission..
- Please e-mail your application in a PDF version to
- Please also hand in 7 hard copies at the “Instituutsdienst Pedagogische Wetenschappen, t.a.v.
Ethiek Commissie” (room 4B01).
- The Ethics Review Board will only review applications that have been submitted using the most
recent version of questionnaire (available on the website), and that have been completely filled in.
The most recent version of the ethics questionnaire is dated September 2015.
Title Research Proposal:
Name Applicants(s): (name and affiliation)
E-mail contact:
The reaction of the Ethics Review Board is based on the following ethical codes and sources:
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (2012). Zorgvuldig en integer omgaan met
wetenschappelijke onderzoeksgegevens. Advies. Den Haag: KNAW.
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (2013). Responsible research Data Management.
Advisory Report. Den Haag: KNAW.
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (2013). Vertrouwen in wetenschap. Den Haag: KNAW.
- Vereniging van Universiteiten VSNU (2004, herziening 2012). De Nederlandse Gedragscode
Wetenschapsbeoefening. Principes van goed wetenschappelijk onderwijs en onderzoek. Amsterdam: VSNU
- College Bescherming persoonsgegevens ( 2010). Gedragscode voor Onderzoek & Statistiek. Gedragscode op
basis van artikel 25 Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens.
Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen (1998). Protocol. Ethiek voor wetenschappelijk onderzoeken en
richtlijnen voor het handelen bij (vermeend) wetenschappelijk wangedrag. Leiden: FSW.
Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Academic Integrity in the Institute of Education and Child Studies (2014)
- NVO beroepscode
- Gedragscode van de APA Ethics Code , aangenomen door the American Psychological Association's Council of
Representatives during its meeting, August 21, 2002, van kracht sinds 1 Juni 2003, amendementen 2010.
WMO. De Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen
- Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (2002). WMO. De Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek
met mensen. Den Haag: VWS.
Note: Proposals for medical-human research should be submitted to a special board: CCMO (Medical Research
Involving Human Subjects); see:
Ethics Review Board
Institute of Education and Child Studies
Questionnaire for Ethical Assessment
Question 1
Research Context
a) What is the main financial source of this research? (1st, 2nd of 3d Stream)
b) Are persons or organizations not belonging to Leiden University functionally involved in this
research? If so, what kind of arrangement or contract has been made regarding cooperation,
tasks, and responsibilities among all participants?
c) How is scientific autonomy guaranteed for your research team within the Institute of Education
and Child Studies, such that publication of research findings remains possible, even in cases of
negative or disappointing results?
Question 2
Research question
a) Can you describe the general research question (and sub-questions)?
b) What do you see as the main scientific relevance?
c) What do you see as the main social and practical relevance?
Question 3
Which research instruments (and other media) will be used in this research?
Please fill in the following overview of research instruments. Include comments and explanations as
Please also provide the total (maximum) amount of time required for each group of participants per
instrument / measurement task.
Overview of Research Instruments
What is
Number of
number number
Question 4
What kind of physical and mental challenges are demanded of the participants, and what efforts
will be undertaken to reduce those challenges?
Ethics Review Board
Institute of Education and Child Studies
Question 5
Number of participants/subjects
a) Please explain how you have estimated the minimum/maximum number of participants needed
for this research
b) If an experimental design is used, describe how the experimental and control groups will differ
(e.g., either characteristics of the group or the treatments received by the groups)?
c) Please explain which criteria are used to determine inclusion in or exclusion from the study.
d) What degree of participant dropout do you expect? What steps will be taken to reduce likely
Note: The Ethics Review Board seeks to assess whether participants will be challenged unnecessarily.
This might be the case when too many participants are included, but also when the number of
participants is too small to be able to achieve a useful research result.
Question 6
a) In what ways are participants recruited?
b) Will participants be rewarded for participation?
Question 7
Informed consent
a) How is informed consent obtained from the participants and/or representatives??
b) Will permission be obtained to make audio/visual recordings (if applicable)?
Models for Informed Consent can be obtained via the website of the Board. Please customize these
forms for your research project and attach to this questionnaire.
Question 8
In what ways are participants/parents informed about the research?
a) Prior to the research
b) During the research:
c) After completion of the research (debriefing etc.)
d) Who will act as an independent, qualified contact for participants and/or parents in case of
questions or complaints about the research? How will you inform participants about this
Question 9
Research team
a) Who (individuals/groups) are involved in the research?
Ethics Review Board
Institute of Education and Child Studies
What will be done to ensure that all members of the research team are adequately informed
and instructed about their responsibilities and task performance (accessibility to and sharing of
research data, privacy, secrecy, debriefing etc.)
Note: Students involved in this research should sign a written form concerning secrecy, privacy, NVOcode and integrity in data gathering and data analysis, including ownership of data. A copy of this
form can be obtained via the website of the Board. Please do not attach this form.
Question 10
Provisions for careful data collection, data storage, and protection of research data
a) Who (name and function) will supervise the data collection and data management?
b) How are the privacy rights of participants taken into account? Who has access to the data?
Where will the data be stored?
c) Who (name and function) will take responsibility for safe storage of data and the retention of
the dataset and who will supervise the destruction of data and other research materials?
Note: Generally data will be destroyed 15 years after the last measurement, unless the research is
longitudinal. Data can only be used for educational purposes for up to 5 years after the last data
Question 11
In what way will research results be made public (i.e. publications, presentations and feedback to
Question 12
If applicant(s) wish to make additional comments to the Board regarding special issues not
addressed in the questionnaire, please pose your questions or attach additional information as
If you feel this questionnaire is not sufficient for the Ethics Review Board to form a balanced opinion,
please attach relevant information. For example, you might include a Memorandum of
Understanding in the case of collaboration with other institutes, information items for (prospective)
participants, informed consent etc.
Please do NOT include
- Copies of published scientific articles;
- Grant proposals; copy relevant information into this questionnaire
- Well-known instruments;
- The Student declaration research ethics of the Institute of Education and Child Studies
Please draw up a numbered list of attachments here
NB Write on each hard copy which attachment it is and who is the target audience (parents, school