RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UNIT OVERVIEW Unit Title: GOD PROVIDES FOR ALL – Eucharist Term: Three Class: Year Six Teacher: …………………………………………………………………….. Outcome Statements Outcome 1 – Discovering God: Students understand that people come to discover God through experiences in creation. Outcome 2 – Drawing On Human Experience: Students understand the content of the Christian message and its significance by relating it to examples drawn from human experience. Outcome 3 – Knowing Jesus: Students know the person of Jesus, the model for living out the Christian mission in the world. Outcome 4 – Living Like Jesus: Students understand that Catholics are empowered to live like Jesus the Saviour, as they draw on the power of God’s Spirit Outcome 5 – Catholic Practices: Students demonstrate the skills necessary in order to read and apply Scripture to life and to participate in Catholic ritual and prayer Week 1 2 NB. The highlighted lessons starting on Wednesday Week 2 specifically prepare the students for the assessment to be attempted in Week 4 Monday A WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY A1 WONDERING AT THE SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL IN CREATION A1.1 Expresses wonder at the spectacularly beautiful in creation Tuesday A WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY A1 WONDERING AT THE SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL IN CREATION A1.2 Identifies that many people lack the resources they need for life. Wednesday A WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY A1 WONDERING AT THE SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL IN CREATION A1.3 Depicts ways in which the resources of the earth are not shared fairly. In pairs or groups, design travel brochures that highlight what is spectacularly beautiful in their local community. Students brainstorm examples of resources people need for life (see TBM, pp. 9-11). B THE PROMISE OF CHRISTIAN SALVATION B1 JESUS TAUGHT CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED B1.1 Interprets from a parable, ways people should treat others in need. B THE PROMISE OF CHRISTIAN SALVATION B1 JESUS TAUGHT CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED B1.1 Interprets from a parable, ways people should treat others in need. Students use ‘Last Judgement Interview’, to present Matthew 25:34-46. Use liquid pictures to explore the ‘Parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar’ (Luke 16:19-31). Discuss unfair distribution of the earth resources. In small groups mime a two-act scene, contrasting those who have plenty, with those who do not. Write prayer of thanks for the spectacularly beautiful parts of creation. B THE PROMISE OF CHRISTIAN SALVATION B2 JESUS GAVE THE EUCHARIST TO HELP HIS FOLLOWERS DEVELOP GREATER CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED B2.1 States ways in which people find it difficult to care for those in need. Continue to share prayers of thanks for the spectacularly beautiful. The Students read ‘Words from Mother Teresa’ (R8). Discuss the difficulty of seeing Jesus in the poor and needy – hence, he gave us the Eucharist to help us love the poor and needy. Thursday A WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY A2 WONDERING AT GOD WHO CREATED THE EARTH A2.1 Expresses wonder at God who created the earth. Friday A WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY A.3 ATTRIBUTE: GOD INTENDS TO PROVIDE FOR ALL PEOPLE A3.1 Celebrates the God who provides for all people. Allow time for reflection, and then write upon, their understanding of the word, ‘wonder’. Discuss with a partner and in small groups answers questions of what God must be like. Create an acrostic poem using the word ‘wonder’. B THE PROMISE OF CHRISTIAN SALVATION B2 JESUS GAVE THE EUCHARIST TO HELP HIS FOLLOWERS DEVELOP GREATER CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED B2.2 Predicts how the world would be different if people received Jesus regularly in Holy Communion. Using Australian art or poetry, identify the spectacularly beautiful. Present God as the artist of all creation. Share prayers from Wednesday. B THE PROMISE OF CHRISTIAN SALVATION B2 JESUS GAVE THE EUCHARIST TO HELP HIS FOLLOWERS DEVELOP GREATER CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED B2.2 Predicts how the world would be different if people received Jesus regularly in Holy Communion. B2.2 Poster highlighting differences situations of need and how things could be if people acted out of greater love with the help of the Eucharist. Create a poster illustrating differences between people in need (from news reports) and how things could be if people developed greater love for those in need. Read ‘St Theresa’s Prayer’ (R9). Sing the song. B2.2 Prayer of petition for those in need. Write a prayer of petition Assessment A1.1 Travel brochure highlighting the spectacularly beautiful in their local area. A1.3 Prayer of thanks for the spectacularly beautiful Link to English: Writing 9 ~ write for a range of purposes etc. 3 4 5 C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.1 States the key elements of the Last Supper. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.1 States the key elements of the Last Supper. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.1 States the key elements of the Last Supper. Use ‘The Passover’ to explain to the students why Jesus and his Apostles were celebrating the Last Supper. (R10) Read ‘Jesus Shares the Last Supper with his Friends’. (R11) – compare rituals C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.3 Explain the meaning of the new covenant made by Jesus at the Last Supper. Students re-enact the sequence of the Last Supper (R11) Create an 8-frame comic strip to record the Last Supper. Create symbols for the eight components of the Last Supper. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.3 Explain the meaning of the new covenant made by Jesus at the Last Supper. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C2 HOW CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST C2.1 Memorises prayers, responses and gestures used during the Mass. The students brainstorm and make posters that explain the meaning of ‘new covenant’, for example: • Eucharist … New Covenant that marks the beginning of a new and closer relationship with God. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C3 GOD CALLS ALL TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE IN NEED C3.1 Suggest ways to live out the Seventh Commandment. The students write a postcard reporting on the Last Supper and give some explanation of its meaning and how Jesus is to be remembered Use cloze activities and jumbled phrases to help students memorise prayers and responses used at Mass. Students mime appropriate gestures – other students guess from which part of the Mass each gesture comes. Discuss the significance of each gesture. As a class, take part in a celebration of the Mass. (9:00am Parish Mass) C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C3 GOD CALLS ALL TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE IN NEED C3.1 Suggest ways to live out the Seventh Commandment. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C3 GOD CALLS ALL TO PROVIDE FOR THOSE IN NEED C3.2 Proposes ways people do wrong by breaking the Seventh Commandment. Students complete reminders and act out their advertisement. Students complete a T chart that shows how people do / do not live out the 7th Comm. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C4 CONTINUING TO WONDER AT THE RESOURCES OF CREATION AND BEING STRENGTHENED THROUGH THE EUCHARIST C4.1 Reviews and expresses the main ideas presented in this unit. C3.1 Acting out Advertisements In groups, compose reminders of how to live out the 7th Commandment. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C4 CONTINUING TO WONDER AT THE RESOURCES OF CREATION AND BEING STRENGTHENED THROUGH THE EUCHARIST C4.1 Reviews and expresses the main ideas presented in this unit. Students complete ‘Time to Look Back!’ (Anonymous Self Assessment). Activity Sheet 5 Create a class banner to summarise the concepts covered in the unit. C4.1 Class banner Invite students to pray the ‘Canticle of the Sun.’ Each group could be given a verse to learn. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.2 Explains the meaning of the covenant sacrifice. Locate the meaning of sacrifice, covenant and offering. Discuss findings. Locate and read Ex 24:3-11 and Lev 1:1-9. Write a postcard to a friend as though you were there, what and why happened. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C2 HOW CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST C2.1 Memorises prayers, responses and gestures used during the Mass. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C1 CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE C1.3 Explain the meaning of the new covenant made by Jesus at the Last Supper. Recall the meaning of covenant sacrifice before reading Luke 22;20. C1.1 Create an 8-frame comic strip of Last Supper C1.2 Postcard from covenant sacrifice ‘Take and Eat’ from ‘Renew and Rejoice’ M. Mangan & P Hehir. C CHRISTIAN RESPONSE C2 HOW CATHOLICS CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST C2.1 Memorises prayers, responses and gestures used during the Mass. C1.3 Poster of covenant and new covenant C1.3 Postcard of Last Supper C2.1 cloze activity on responses to Mass C3.2 T-chart showing how people do / do not live out the 7th Command. C4.1 Anonymous self assessment