

Shyam Haridas Kadungorth,

F-3/9, Musco Colony,

Jagdishnagar (P.O) – 410216,

Khopoli, Raigad (Dist),

Maharashtra, INDIA


The Officer-in-charge,

The Esteemed Organisation.

SUBJECT: To Help me financially, for my Bone Marrow Transplantation Operation

Costing 50 lakhs INR, is scheduled for 20th July 2009.

Respected Sir / Madam,

I am a third year MCA student of VJTI (Veermata Jijabai

Technological Institute) College, Matunga, Mumbai-19. I have being diagnosed for a severe blood Disease (MyeloDysplastic Syndrome) MDS, of type: MDS–“RARS,

RCMD” from October 2006 at Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai.

The only Cure for this is a Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT)

Operation with a Matching Unrelated Donor. I have now got a matched donor searched worldwide from NMDP registry, USA through Christian Medical College (CMC) & hospital, Vellore, Tamilnadu-632004, India. The operation is to be done at CMC Vellore on 20 th

July. The Total Cost of the Operation is 50 lakhs Rupees INR or 100,000 $ USD.

Presently I am undergoing Regular Blood Transfusions every 25

Days from Oct 2006.Also at Tata Hospital; I didn’t get a matching Donor. My family comprises my parents & my studying younger brother. My father is an accountant at

Mahindra Steel Co, Khopoli & my mother a homemaker. So it’s out of reach we can make operation costs from our limited resources.

I request you on behalf of my family to help us financially so that my BMT operation takes place as scheduled & return to normalcy soon.

Yours Faithfully,

Shyam Haridas kadungorth


1) Dr.Mammen Chandy, CMC Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

2) Dr K.G.Naryankhedkar, Director VJTI College, Mumbai.

3) Dr S.S.Sane, HOD, Computer Technology Dept, VJTI College.

4) Dr M.D Agarwal, Bombay, Leelavati & Breach Candy Hospital.

5) Dr Sunil Parekh, Bombay hospital.

6) Dr Sudeep Gupta, Tata Hospital, Mumbai

7) Mr. Vinay Shetty, NGO Think Foundation, Mumbai.



Age (Date of birth)



Treatment Undergoing Presently

Remedy (Complete Cure)


Hospital (Operation to be done)

Hospital Address

Contact No Hospital


Patient Hospital Id No

Operation Date

Contact No

Disease Diagnosed

Hospital Treatment taken till Now

Doctors Treatment taken

Shyam Haridas Kadungorth

25 (19-06-1983)

MDS (MyeloDysplastic Syndrome)


Monthly Blood Transfusion

( Every 25 Days, 2 units of blood)




Dr. Mammen Chandy

CMC (Christian Medical College) Hospital

Dept of Haematology, CMC Hospital,

Vellore, Tamil Nadu-632004

Tel: 0416-2222102/5200000 extn:2352

Fax: 0416-2226449.

9/10 matching unrelated donor from UK through NMDP registry, USA


20 th July 2009

09819006708 , 09833070855

October 2006

Tata Cancer Hospital , Parel, Mumbai

Dr.M.B.Agarwal (Bombay Hospital)

Dr.Sudeep Gupta (Tata Hospital)

Dr.Sunil Parekh (Bombay Hospital)

50 lakhs INR

( 30 lakhs Donor Charges + 20 lakhs hospital Charges for 6 months all included)


Hi Friends, (MCA & VJTI)

My BMT (Bone Marrow Transplantation Operation) scheduled for 20 th

July 2009 at

CMC (Christian Medical College &) Hospital, Vellore, TamilNadu-632004.

Dr Mammen Chandy, Leading Hematologist of India, from CMC Hospital, Vellore will perform the operation. The Matching Unrelated Donor required for the BMT operation was undertaken by Dr.Mammen Chandy through a worldwide Bone Marrow search from

NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) Registry, Minneapolis, USA. The Donor is

Anthony Nolan from England.

The Disease--MyeloDysplastic Syndrome (MDS-Type RCMD/RARS), a Severe Blood

Disease was diagnosed on September 2006, During My SEM 3 rd MCA, by Dr Sunil

Parekh of Bombay hospital, Mumbai. Then later at TATA hospital, Parel, Mumbai for

BMT operation, but the donor was not found. Then was under Dr.M.B.Agarwal,

Bombay, Leelavati, Breach Candy Hospitals, and Hematology Center Clinic, Dadar TT,


I have to undergo regular Blood transfusion (extra blood intake to maintain / sustain my

Hemoglobin level) of 2 units every 20-25 days from Oct 2006 till now. The permanent & only Solution is BMT operation.


I request you on my behalf to mobilize the funds for My BMT (Bone Marrow

Transplantation Operation) scheduled for 20 th

July 2009 at CMC (Christian Medical

College &) Hospital, Vellore, TamilNadu-632004.

Total Cost is 50 lakhs INR (50, 00,000 Indian National Rupees) including all costs

As 30 + 20 =50 lakhs INR

Donor cost = US$ 50,000 (approx 30 lakhs INR)

[Bone Marrow from donor, UK + NMDP registry, USA+ Transportation Charges]

+ Hospital (approx 20 lakhs INR) [all charges for 6 months Operation & Recuperation]

So I request you all through your contacts, spread the Message urgently

IMPORTANT: Please Try to see that No Media Interferes or Contacts through

Visual, Print, T.V, Internet etc, as The Mental Stress will be Unable to handle by the family. The Stress was a lot for past 3 years now.

From all MCA batchmates + (their Contacts)

Organisation Heads + (their Contacts)

Colleagues + (their Contacts)

Family + (their Contacts)

Friends + (their Contacts)

Organisation of their parents, family , friends + (their Contacts)

From all VJTI people + (their Contacts)

Trusts, NGO’s + (their Contacts)

Film, Theatre persons + Business person + (their Contacts)

Politician viz Ministers, MP’s, MLA’s etc.

IMPORTANT: Please Try to see that No Media Interferes or Contacts through

Visual, Print, T.V, Internet etc, as The Mental Stress will be Unable to handle by the family. The Stress was a lot for past 3 years now.

The Hospital details are also provided.

All The documents required will be send as & when needed & a copy will be send to the groups of each Batch

The Payment can be done to either

1) Me

(SBI A/c- 10716988301, khopoli Branch) & {HDFC A/c to be provided on 10 th

June 09}

Or cheques, DD send to my Home Address.

2) Hospital A/c (with my name & patient No).

( Problem: I cannot check the amount Contributed as It is CMC Hospital Account, not mine & so problems can arise)

I am trying to join any Blood Disease NGO association so that section 80 G tax rebate will be got to all people who help me financially; it will take few days so till then you can send to above my accounts

The Section 80 G benefit will not be got from above accounts

Home Address:

F-3, Room no-9,

Musco Colony, Jagdishnagar (P.O),


Khalapur (Tal), Raigad (District),

Maharashtra State.

Contact No: 9819006708 , 02192265033

Email id: shyam.hk@gmail.com

, shyamharidask@yahoo.co.in

Please See people of a batch 60 people, eg of MCA 05-08 coordinate to 5-6 people & a single person among them, so it will be easy to communicate anything.

So I request 6 people of each MCA batch viz MCA 03-06, 04-07, 05-08, 06-09, 07-10,

08-11, to come and coordinate all things.

For Time being

MCA Batches Do Contact

MCA 03-06, Contact: Atul Phalke, Rajesh Argade, Rohit Pehsin

MCA 04-07, Contact: Prasad Mohire, Vijay Saravate, Akshay Kulkarni

MCA 05-08, Contact: Rituraj Sethia, Sushant Karande, Nisha kollat,

Chandra Shekhar Holikar, Harshad Wankhade

MCA 06-09, Contact: Vishal Prasad, Hormuz Mehta, Rakesh Sahu, Walter D’souza

Padmasri Iyer, Hemant Mandle

MCA 07-10, Contact: Girish Nayak, Ashwin Iyer, Pradnya Ingle,

MCA 08-11, Contact: Darpan Thanawala,

I request others of respective batches to come forward & coordinate all things.

Expecting a early response from all
