Fri, Apr 10, 2015 2:17 PM


NMPED 04/13-17/15

Theme: Classifying and Exploring Life Science



7 th Grade Integrated Science

Unit Standards: Scientific Thinking and practice; Physical Science.

Science Standards: New Mexico Standards:


Standard II (Life Science): Understand the properties, structures, and processes of living things and the interdependence of living things and their environments.


A. Explain the diverse structures and functions of living things and the complex relationships between living things and their environment. B. Understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next and how species evolve. C. Understand the structure of organisms and the function of cells in living systems.

Populations and Ecosystems

1. Identify the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem and describe the relationships among these components.

2. Explain biomes (i.e., aquatic, desert, rainforest, grasslands, tundra) and describe the New Mexico biome.

3. Explain how individuals of species that exist together interact with their environment to create an ecosystem (e.g., populations, communities, niches, habitats, food webs).

4. Explain the conditions and resources needed to sustain life in specific ecosystems.

5. Describe how the availability of resources and physical factors limit growth (e.g., quantity of light and water, range of temperature, composition of soil) and how the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles contribute to the availability of those resources to support living systems.


6. Understand how diverse species fill all niches in an ecosystem.

7. Know how to classify organisms: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Reproduction

1. Know that reproduction is a characteristic of all living things and is essential to the continuation of a species.

2. Identify the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction.

3. Know that, in sexual reproduction, an egg and sperm unite to begin the development of a new individual.

4. Know that organisms that sexually reproduce fertile offspring are members of the same species.


5. Understand that some characteristics are passed from parent to offspring as inherited traits and others are acquired from interactions with the environment.

6. Know that hereditary information is contained in genes that are located in chromosomes, including:

• determination of traits by genes

• traits determined by one or many genes

• more than one trait sometimes influenced by a single gene.

Biological Evolution

7. Describe how typical traits may change from generation to generation due to environmental influences (e.g., color of skin,


Designer: Rudy John

Duran Jr.

Length of Unit: Biomes

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NMPED shape of eyes, camouflage, shape of beak).


8. Explain that diversity within a species is developed by gradual changes over many generations.

9. Know that organisms can acquire unique characteristics through naturally occurring genetic variations.

10. Identify adaptations that favor the survival of organisms in their environments (e.g., camouflage, shape of beak).

11. Understand the process of natural selection.

12. Explain how species adapt to changes in the environment or become extinct and that extinction of species is common in the history of living things.

13. Know that fossil record documents the appearance, diversification, and extinction of many life forms.


Structure of

1. Understand that organisms are composed of cells and identify unicellular and multicellular organisms.

2. Explain how organs are composed of tissues of different types of cells (e.g., skin, bone, muscle, heart, intestines).

Function of Cells

3. Understand that many basic functions of organisms are carried out in cells, including:

• growth and division to produce more cells (mitosis)

• specialized functions of cells (e.g., reproduction, nerve-signal transmission, digestion, excretion, movement, transport of oxygen).

4. Compare the structure and processes of plant cells and animal cells.

5. Describe how some cells respond to stimuli (e.g., light, heat, pressure, gravity).

6. Describe how factors (radiation, UV light, drugs) can damage cellular structure or function.

CCSS Reading for Informational Text


RL7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

RL7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings, analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g. alliteration) on a specific verse of stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.

RL7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings, analyze the impact of a specific word choice on

CCSS Writing and Language


WL7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

WL7.2 Write informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. a.

Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison, contrast, and cause/effect; including formatting (e.g. headings) graphics (e.g. charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

CCSS Other (Math, Listening and Speaking)


LS7.1. Engage effectively in a range of collective discussions

(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics. Texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.

LS7.5. Include multi-media components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.

WIDA/ELD Standards 2012

Standard I: Social & Instructional

Standard 3: The Language of Math.

Data sets & plots.

Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, range).

Standard 4: The Language of Science.

Forms of energy


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NMPED meaning and tone.

Essential Questions:

(meant to be explored, revised, meant to provoke thought in students, genuine questions, various possible answers)


Students will keep considering…


What do you think of biomes?


What is an biome?


What knowledge about ecosystem?

Students will know…

What facts and basic concepts should students know and be able to recall?

Define biomes.

Students will identify characteristics of biomes.



Students will be skilled at…

What discrete skills and processes should students be able to use?

• Students will be able to distinguish, biomes.

Students will be able to build their own biome.

Students will be skilled using a variety of print and web resources to collect information, inform investigations, and answer scientific questions or hypothesis.

Students will be skilled at knowing biomes.

Students will be skilled at identifying characteristics of biome.

Academic Language (Tier 1, 2, 3 vocabulary):


Other vocabulary


Connect Ed

McGraw-Hill Teacher’s Edition

Online Resources

Equipment, lab equipment


Learning Target Statements: (Student-Friendly)

Level 1 Knowledge

Learning Targets


Text Connections:

Reading Chapter 5, in the McGraw-Hill Science book.

Internet resources to connect to texts. Pgs. 150-287.

Daily Content Objectives (in student friendly “I will” statements)

Daily Language Objectives (in student friendly “I will” statements)


1. Distinguish between a biome and a ecosystem.

Assessments: Formative (F) and Summative (S)

Formative Assessment:


1) Mid Term Exam


2) Chapter Tests


3) Lab or Project based Assessment.

Summative Assessment:


Do Nows:




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Level 2 Knowledge

Learning Targets



Give examples of biomes.

Level 3 Knowledge

Learning Targets


Thinking/Complex reasoning

Level 4 Knowledge

Learning Targets



List all parts of an biome.


Students will learn about biomes.


Ideas for Differentiating

Small group: Read the tests to SPED/ELL students.

Think Pair Share.

Partner Projects/Labs.



Socratic Questioning, Exit Tickets


Cooperative grouping: big sheet of paper groups of 4.

Brainstorm. Group Presentation.


Class discussion and corrections/clarify, inquiry based learning.


Quarter Exam


Connect Ed online quiz.


Written and Verbal quizzes.


Quarter Exam


Connect Ed online quiz.


Direct Observation.


Daily Practice.


Scientific method of problems solving: long term observation.


Connect Ed online quiz.

Have students teach other students in small groups.


(Must include a

Hook, Closure, and


M Do Now: What is the cell cycle? What is Interphase?

Emotional Hook:

-Lesson: Plan: Student will present their biome projects.

Objective: Student will present their biome projects.

Closure: Check Out ticket: Biome.


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Do Now: What is sister chromatid? What is a centromere?

Emotional Hook:

-Lesson: Students will work on Science vocabulary Chapter 5, 6,7. Read.

Objective: Students will work on Science vocabulary Chapter 5, 6,7. Read.

Closure: Check Out ticket: Definitions.

½ day Schedule

Do Now: What is a daughter cell? What is cytokinesis?

Emotional Hook:

-Lesson: Students will work on their Mastery Connect Test: Pg. 148.

Objective: Closure: Check Out ticket: Biome.

Do Now: What is Facilitated Diffusion? What is Active Transport used for?

Emotional Hook: NONE

-Lesson: Students will work on Science vocabulary Chapter 5, 6,7. Read.

Objective: Students will work on Science vocabulary Chapter 5, 6,7. Read.

Closure: Check Out ticket: Definitions.

Train Trip


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