Purpose of my session: Building organisational momentum to create

Purpose of my session: Building organizational momentum to create and sustain a
movement to change mindsets and to innovate and be proactive
To bring in a mindset and thought process of Speed + Innovation,
without compromising basic banking fundamentals
The areas of development for the team:
Speed of Response
Decision-making, rather than risk aversion
Pro-activity and
Innovation based on Market intelligence
Learning intervention should build post-training transfer of learning to workplace and
effectiveness measurement
This module will develop the participants’ capability to:
Identify strategic projects that would produce results for the company and for
Unleash their leadership by first discovering limiting assumptions, models and
mindsets and learn to inspire leadership in others
Ignite passion and commitment for the projects and others on the team
Create an organizational climate that fosters risk-taking and innovation
Produce outstanding results while developing superior leadership characteristics
Day 3 Morning
Transfer of learning
Theme: Transfer of learning from Prof. Soman’s session and identifying strategic
projects that produce results for them and the Indian Bank
Approach: Participant presentations and discussion
Continuity: Maybe Prof. Soman can include some of these questions in his final session
for participants to develop for themselves and for the bank. It could be evening work to
be done before they come to Day 3 morning session.
Participants are expected to make a 3 minute presentation (also introduce
Inquiry: What is one key learning from Prof. Soman’s session that is actionable for you?
What strategic projects, actions and next steps are you taking on based on learning
from Prof. Soman’s session?
How do you measure success in your project? What measurable results do you see
producing in 30, 60 and 90 days? In next one year?
What support and resources do you need from others in the bank (bosses, peers
and subordinates) to make your projects successful?
What changes do you need to bring forth in others in the bank, customers and
finally, yourself?
What is your communication plan to your bosses and subordinates?
Do you have a partner/buddy who can coach you while you are working on your
project? If not, pick a person from this group and two of you coach each other.
What obstructions, issues and problems do you foresee in implementing your
plans and in producing results?
Day 3 afternoon
Transformational Leadership
Theme: How does leadership differ from organizational roles? Helping participants to
discover their own leadership models, mindsets, role models. How do you inspire
leadership in the Indian Bank
Approach: Presentation and inquiry. Reflective work and group discussions.
Are you a leader? If so, how? If not, why not?
What differentiates you from others? How are you unique in your leadership?
What is leadership in the context of Indian Bank and the participants?
Can you recognize leaders in your own circle, branch or division? By what
characteristics, competencies and attributes?
Based on the characteristics that you described, are you possessing those characteristics
in you? Will others agree? Have you demonstrated that in this group?
How do you discover your own leadership? What does it take to become one?
Day 3 evening
Day 4 morning
Movie on Transformation of a Leader
Taking Risks and thinking outside the box
Approach: Reflection, inquiry, Story telling, interactive discussion
Reflections on the movie and lessons you are taking away back to your work and life
What notions did you change about leadership?
What did you discover that is different about the hero?
What made him a leader? What was the role of others in shaping that leader?
What kind of risks did the hero take? What rewards and recognition did he get?
What decisions did he make proactively? What worked and what did not work?
How about you? What does it take for you to become a leader like the one you
saw yesterday?
What is stopping you from being the leader now? What are you waiting for?
How will your leadership show up in the bank when you return? How will you
discover other leaders and how will you inspire them to reach their full potential?
What results will show up for Indian Bank?
What will prevent you from applying these lessons in your work and life?
What support do you need? What fears do you have?
Examples of actions you will take when you return (make adjustments to your
action plans based on where you are now)?
How will your actions support the vision of Indian Bank becoming #1 by 2006?
Day 4 afternoon
Effective Communication and Reinvention of Self as a Leader
Approach: Exercises, interactive dialogue, Deep questioning and group discussions
How effective are you in communication? With bosses, subordinates, peers,
customers, family and friends? Give yourself a rating from 1-10.
How effective are you in communicating to next generation?
What works in communication and what doesn’t?
What role judgments, mindsets work in opening up others?
Difference between Efficiency and Effectiveness
What is purposeful communication that is authentic?
Day 4 evening
movie on authentic communication and discovering self as a
Day 5 morning
What is your Core Incompetence? What is Your North Star?
Approach: Exercises, journaling, inquiry, interactive discussions
What prevents you from being effective?
What is your fatal flaw? Where is your foot nailed to the floor?
How is it stopping from being an effective leader and authentic communicator?
What blocks your passion and creativity?
If you were to not have your core incompetence, what would you do differently at
work and in life outside of work? (exercise followed by sharing)
What is your noble purpose?
Where do you want to end up in Indian Bank and in your life?
What legacy do you want to leave? Why? Also why not?
What would you like your colleagues, customers and family remember you as?
Exercise on finding your deeper goals
Day 5 afternoon
Passion, innovation and Integration
Approach: Inquiry, exercises, interactive discussions
Invitation poem
Distinctions to be reemphasized
Inspire vs. impress
I am the one – lesson from the Matrix
Master practicing vs. practicing to be a master
Firefighters story – facilitating others to be leaders
Hearing the unheard – Korean story
Empty Cup
Change formula D X V X F > R
Risk taking and innovation keys to success
Best Practices vs. Next practices in organizations
Org. transformation begins with self transformation or personal leadership.
Day 5 evening: Gala Dinner – Preparations for presentations
Day 6: Action Plans and Presentations
What are you taking away from this course?
What specific steps are going to take at work when you return?
What is your project at work? What is your project in life?
How does my project connect with the vision of Indian Bank becoming #1 by 2010?
What results are you committed to producing in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 1 year?
How do you measure and report results?
Who do you want to partner with to support you during the next 90 days?
How will you handle breakdowns and deal with set backs?
What support do you need from others?
Certificate distribution
Visitors might be present from your bank to listen to your presentations