Week of:

Name: ___________________________________________________
Week of: December 8th
Third graders should read at least 80 minutes a week. Please complete one section of this reading
log daily. We understand that the assignments below may not take the entire 20 minutes, so
please be sure your child is reading something else to meet the required 20 minutes a night.
Thank you for your support. -Third Grade Teachers
Date __________
I read with ____________
 I read by myself
Minutes Read:
In your Science book, read pages 114-115. Answer the following:
trace fossils: _________________________________________________
Why are plant fossils not as common as animal fossils? ______________________________
What are the three kinds of fossils? ___________________________________________
Date __________
I read with ____________
 I read by myself
Minutes Read:
In your Science book, read page 116-117.
What type of rock do fossils form best in? ________________________________
Why are fossils not commonly found in metamorphic and igneous
Minutes Read:
 I read by myself
Minutes Read:
Date __________
I read with ____________
I read by myself
In your Science book, read pages 118-119. Answer the following questions:
What do fossils of teeth tell scientists? ________________________
How do scientists tell how old a fossil is? ______________________________
What region of Georgia has the oldest fossils? __________________________
Date __________
I read with ____________
In your Science book, read pages 128-131. Answer the following questions.
How did the text on pg. 128 describe the Tyrannosaurus rex?
How are footprint fossils different from bone fossils? _____________________________
Why are plant fossils not as common as animal fossils?
How are fossil plants like fossil animals?
Total Minutes:
Parent Signature ____________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________________